rituels lunaires
5 min readDec 24, 2023


Feeling a lot right now? Empower your emotional body with my Full Moon in Cancer playlist!

The Full Moon is an intensely influential time that we can use to focus on things in our life that are expiring. This period of the Moon’s lunar cycle provides us with a chance to energetically cleanse. The Full Moon phase is a time of release, surrender, and putting an end to patterns that may have overplayed their part in our development.

During the Full Moon, Divine timing is largely at play, catalyzing events that can push the endings we may be avoiding. Because the Moon cycles into a new Zodiac sign about every two and a half days, the energies of the Moon can build up in our energetic body. Over the course of a year, this energy continues to build in a certain area of our life until the culmination of that energy is released during a Full Moon cycle in that particular sign.

Where a New Moon ushers in a sense of revitalization, a Full Moon offers a time to purge the old, making room for new.

Individually and collectively, the Moon represents our emotional flow and function. The Moon’s natural rhythm routinely introduces different energies into our daily flow. Just like the planets in our charts, the Moon also moves through all 12 houses, activating the magic in different areas of our lives. In this case, the Moon will transit the house(s) Cancer rules over in your Natal Chart.

For example, Lana Del Rey has her Cancer Sun, Mercury, and Mars all in Cancer in the 8th house. 8th house Full Moon energy is all about releasing painful endings and things that are ultimately hindering our growth. This energy can come over with us from past lives, through various karmic contracts, or just experiences we have over the course of our lifetime. It can imply a confrontation (relational, personal, etc.) that can trigger a healing transformation.

Cancer rules over our emotional body, inner world, intuitive nature, motherhood and the emotional and physical comfort we seek. Being a cardinal water sign means Cancer’s natural leading ability comes from their inherent need to nurture the things and people in their lives. Cancer is deeply influenced by their emotional being, which can be molded by the people they choose to surround themselves with. Since they are sensitive, it’s important for a Cancer to keep to their own schedule to avoid being energetically influenced by others. It can be easy for Cancer to connect with their Divine sense of empathy because of their natural connection to the Moon. This means it can be beneficial for them to develop their ability to decipher between their own emotions and those that belong to others.

Since Cancer is the Moon’s domicile, or essential dignity, when the Moon is in Cancer, it’s the most comfortable it can be.

While the Moon is in Cancer, we may find ourselves more emotional, but this time is optimal for expressing how we feel because we tend to be more in touch with our emotional body. This influence can help us utilize our intuitive nature to build towards a more stable emotional foundation, or reinforce one that already exists. The Moon in Cancer may make us feel protective over certain emotions or emotional situations, defending ourselves from our inner world being infiltrated.

Stress during this holiday season may be mitigated through Cancer’s ability to nurture; Cancer’s strong sensitivity can help us view situations and people with a more empathetic perspective. With the Moon in Cancer, we may feel an inclination of nostalgia; familiar foods, smells, or ambiance can bring comfort to a time that feels otherwise energetically unstable. Integrating the parts of your emotional body that are most confident into your future goals can help to shed the old aspects of self that are no longer in alignment with your highest good.

The Full Moon in Cancer on December 26th can help us release our emotional attachments to outdated situations or people that have created a false sense of comfort in our lives. The intense emotional energy of Cancer will be felt in the undercurrents during this Full Moon as we work towards a more evolved sense of intuitive trust in ourselves and the Divine. During this time, there may be a strong urge for emotional comfort and stability, despite the energy of a methodical mindset with the Sun in Capricorn. This with a combination of other energies may cause a sense of mental confusion or doubt when it comes to a person or situation during this lunar cycle, but since we are in the Full Moon phase, it can ultimately lead to a necessary surrender.

Ajna, or third eye, is the chakra located in the middle of our forehead between our eyes. This energy center gives us access to our natural intuitive power, creating a gateway into unseen worlds.

The third eye is represented by the color indigo; this color connects us with time and space itself, making it potent in our connection to Spirit. Ajna activation or balancing can benefit you at this time and help you to understand past or current events in a deeper way. This Full Moon in Cancer asks you to feel for an answer to the question: do I know what my needs are and are they truly being met? Despite feeling comforted by the things that nurture us, it may be worth questioning how they serve us during this lunar cycle to bring a sense of spiritual and intuitive expansion.

The last Full Moon in Gemini on November 27th may have helped us to speak our truth to align with a more authentic version of ourselves and the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12th reinforced our belief to enter or recommit to our spiritual journey. The New Moon in Capricorn that takes place on January 11th of 2024 can empower us to commit to a new overall structure and solidify our newfound sense of self as we continue to align with our desired timeline and Highest Being.

Please also be mindful that we all experience every energy of the 12 zodiac signs. While you may not think something is pertinent to you, this transit can and will manifest differently for everyone.


Working with the Full Moon can be done using a variety of rituals, I encourage personal research to experiment what works best for you.


  • Moonstone — intuition, self-expression, connecting with Spirit & subconscious
  • Selenite — self discovery, protection against negative energy, helps facilitate forgiveness
  • Ruby — passion, love, loyalty, emotional depth


  • Virabhadrasana: warrior III
  • Garudasana: eagle pose
  • Savasana: corpse pose

