What is Light Language?

Riya Loveguard
9 min readAug 30, 2021


Light Language is an umbrella term used to describe various languages of other dimensional Beings such as the Galactic Light Beings, as well as languages of forgotten civilisations that existed here on Earth such as Lemuria and Atlantis. Light Language can also designate the unique sound of your Soul. But most importantly, Light Language is a potent spiritual tool that has long been misunderstood and underused due to lack of insight.

In this article you will learn the following:

  • What is Light Language?
  • How to “learn” Light Language?
  • What is a Light Language activation and what is Light Language transmission?
  • How can you tell if it is genuine Light Language and not gibberish?
  • Can you understand Light Language?
  • Benefits and practical applications of speaking Light Language

Many people who can channel mystical sounds that resemble a language are perplex as they don’t know where it comes from, what it means and how to use it.

My name is Riya Loveguard and I once was one of “those people’’. When I first activated the ability to speak Light Language in 2005, I had no clue what I channelled, where it originated or how powerful it was! Currently, I speak multiple different light languages, including Arcturian, Pleiadian, Sirian, Lyran Avian and Lyran Feline, Lemurian, Atlantean, Mintaka, Blue Avian and the Language of the Akashic Keepers. If you are curious what they sound like, you can hear me speak all these Light Language here. More importantly, I can distinguish between them, understand them and activate the ability to channel Language of Light in other people. My goal is to bring more conscious understanding to the subject of Light Language so more people can use it intentionally for transformation, connection and healing. But first thing first…

What is Light Language?

Light Language is not really one language. This is one of the biggest misconceptions. Light Language is actually an umbrella term that encompasses various languages of so-called Galactic Light Beings such as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Lyrans, the Andromedans. Light Language can also mean languages of forgotten civilizations that existed here on Earth such as Lemuria and Atlantis. And last but not least, people also refer to Light Language when they mean to describe the unique sound of their Soul.

My favourite definition of Light Language is channelling energy in the form of sound. And you can channel any energy in that way: the energy of Galactic Beings, the energy of land and the essence of your Soul. In that way, Light Language is not necessarily just a form of verbal communication — it is also a transfer of energy.

Light Language can be a memory of Language your Soul has spoken in your previous incarnations. But most importantly, Light Language is a potent spiritual modality similar to other forms of sound and energy healing. It can be used to raise your vibration, rid the atmosphere of any negative energies and even to heal.

How can I learn Light Language?

The bad news is that you cannot learn Light Language! But the good news is that you don’t have to. Light Language is an ability that already lies dormant within you, waiting to be activated.

Light Languages can come from three different sources: either from the memory of Languages you spoke in one of your past lifetimes (be it here on Earth or elsewhere in the Galaxy), straight from your soul or from some external energy, such as the energy of the land.

As such, there are three ways of activating Light Language.

Extraterrestrial Light Languages such as Arcturian or Sirian or Pleiadian or languages from Earth’s ancient civilisations of Lemuria and Atlantis get activated when you come into contact with strong spiritual energies of Light Beings and intend to activate them. Then as memories of your previous incarnations awaken, you just need to open your mouth and the language flow.

Whenever these languages activated it in me (and I experienced it about 15 times with various languages), I literally felt an incoming download of information, then opened my mouth and here it was: a new language.

But there is also a second way of activating a Light Language: it’s awakening the Language of your Soul. When I discovered the Language of my Higher Self, it came from within. It’s got a unique sound. It’s different and unlike any of the other languages. It comes with melody and it represents my very essence.

The Soul Language does not need activating or downloading: it is always there. The “only” thing you need to do is to strip all the layers, densities, karma, trauma, perceptions, stories… It is not a clean, quick, beautiful or exciting experience: it can take diligence and dedication and letting go of karmic, past-life and this life and ancestral programmes. The reward is well worth it though and goes beyond just activating the Language of your Soul. You will feel lighter and happier than ever before. But that’s a subject of a whole separate article.

Finally, to channel external energies in the form of Light Language such as the elemental beings or spirit of the land, you just need to connect to it and let it flow. I discovered this actually quite accidentally. First time, when I was meditating in Broome, Western Australia, sat on ancient rocks, marked by dinosaurs footprints. I connected to the Spirit of the Land and tapped into the Song Line. The Language that came out was very similar to the language I often heard on a local Aboriginal Radio Station. The second time it happened when I was coming to land over the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico and started channelling the language on the aircraft (you can read more about this experience here).

What is a Light Language transmission or a Light Language activation?

Light Language Activation can mean one of two things: either activation of your ability to speak Light Language in you or using Light Language to heal or activate certain aspects of your life. When you combine the power of intention with the frequencies of Light Language, true magic happens. In a Light Language transmission, a person uses Light Languages as a tool for reprogramming your energetic field for a specific purpose.

It can be a flow of love, abundance, vitality, healing, creativity — you name it. During transmission Light Language is used as a coding device for energy to work deep beyond the levels of conscious or even subconscious mind and to repair or rewire energetic patterns that may be negatively affecting your day to day life.

How do Light Languages compare to regular human languages?

Each Light Language has a unique sound and energy signature. Some Light Languages sound to regular languages, some sound nothing like human language. But the most important distinction between a normal language and light language is the energy and frequency contained in the languages of light.

For example, the Language of the Akashic Keepers sounds like chants and comes with melody and tonality. Blue Avian Language sounds like bird chirps.

But there are Light Languages that sound very similar to earthly languages. For example, Lemurian Light Language sounds very similar to languages of the Pacific Islands — not surprisingly. I remember a few days after my Lemurian activated, I walked into a local shop and overheard a dialogue between two women who looked like they were of Pacific descent. The similarities nearly brought me to tears.

As for other Languages — Arcturian sounds very Middle-Eastern, a bit like Arabic or Hebrew. But as someone who learnt the basics of Hebrew and Arabic — I know it’s just common sounds, but the actual words are totally different.

Lyran Languages, especially Lyran Feline, remind me of Spanish. Reptilian sounds a bit like Vietnamese.

I am trying to describe it as best as I can but it may be easier if you actually listen to me speaking some of those languages. I’ve made many TikTok and You Tube videos channelling various Light Languages, feel welcome to check them out! Even better, access my free Light Language Library which includes brief samples of 13 different Light Languages channelled by me and my students, with origin description.

How do you tell between Light Language and “gibberish”?

As someone who activates Light Language ability in other people and receives multiple audio samples from different students daily I can tell you, I’ve never heard “gibberish”. Every single Light Language sample I received was real. But it is important to note that not every so-called Light Language is of the Light — some actually belong to negative alien Races such as the Reptilians or the Draconians. But the most important thing is the energy in the transmission — Light Languages carry potent frequencies, able to activate and transform your day to day life.

A few months ago, someone commented on my TikTok video suggesting that “anyone can speak some mumble-jumble” for 60 seconds. I suppose anything is possible but it would take a tremendous amount of effort to keep coming up with unique sounds for a longer period of time. As a response to this, I decide to speak various languages for 20-30 straight with no interruptions or background music during livestreams. You can check the results of my experiment on my You Tube channel (there are 5 separate transmissions of Arcturian, Lemurian, Pleiadian, Sirian and Lyran)

Can you understand Light Language?

Now we have established that Light Language is not some made up gibberish, let’s address another issue: can you actually understand what is being said. The answer is a resounding yes. Just the fact that most people don’t understand as Light Language sounds foreign to them, it does not mean that you cannot get the meaning behind the words.

Light Language is a transfer of both information and energy. And as such it often tells a story. I understand what I channel and I usually translate what I say right after or even during my transmissions as I don’t like keeping the audience in the dark. During my Light Language Course, I train my students in decoding the meaning of Light Languages too. I witnessed time and time the simultaneous consensus in the group and how accurate and detailed their translations are.

Currently, understanding Light Language has more to do with deciphering its energetic signature than with translating word for word. However, as our collective understanding of this powerful modality deepens, understanding word for word will become more and more common. I have already experienced glimpses of word fo word understanding when working with my students.

What are the benefits of speaking and listening to Light Language?

“What is the point of speaking Light Language?” was a question I asked myself over the years until I discovered just how powerful and practical this modality is.

You can use the Light Language for a number of purposes:

  1. You can use Light Language to discover your Soul’s history including your Starseed / Earthseed origins. From my experience activating Light Languages in my students, the Language that activates first is usually the language that your Soul spoke in your last Galactic lifetime before you incarnated here on Earth as who you are today. This is why Light Language can be the answer to a question many lightworkers ask which is “What are my Starseed origins?”. If you activate Artcturian — then you will know that you came here on a mission from Arcturus, if you activate Sirian — you know that your last Galactic lifetime was in the Sirius system, and so on.
  2. You can use Light Language to connect to your Soul Family as Spirit Guides. As mentioned, every Light Language has its own unique energy signature. So when you speak a specific Light Language, your entire body and energy field attunes to this particular frequency. This makes connection with your Galactic Support Team much easier to establish.
  3. You can use Light Language to raise your vibration and cleanse the atmosphere around you. Light Languages contain powerful positive frequencies. You can use them in the same way as a smudge stick or a Tibetan singing bowl. One of the most high vibrational Light Languages is the Pleiadian Light Language. If you want to elevate your mood, check this 60 second video of me speaking Pleiadian. I bet you will feel energised afterwards. One of the people who listened to it claims it has healed her hangover in an instance!
  4. You can use Light language to transfer Consciousness Technology that goes beyond “mindset” and works deep in a person’s energy field. As already mentioned, you can use Light Language to re-code your field for optimum flow of energy. You can also partner up with Beings of Light such as the Arcturians, the Sirians or the Pleiadians to transfer powerful codes from their collective consciousness to help in every aspect of your life. I do this regularly during open trainings. You can find the upcoming classes here.

This list of practical Light Language application is not exhaustive — you can find more ways to utilise Light Language in this article.

Have you got any burning questions about Light Language? Let me know below and I will happily share my perspective with you.

Riya Loveguard is a Light Language & Starseed Activator who activates and equips Starseeds, Healers and Lightworkers to step into their divine mission. She has been nicknamed “Galactic Linguist” due to the fact that she can speak multiple Extraterrestrial and ancient Light Languages. Riya specialises in activating Light Languages and other spiritual abilities in Starseeds & Earthseeds.



Riya Loveguard

Starseed & Light Language Activator. Nicknamed “the Galactic Linguist” she channels multiple Extraterrestrial Languages such as Arcturian, Pleiadian, Sirian.