How Waking up at 4AM Every Morning Change your Life. A Year’s Experiment ! (PART I)

Rizal Muhammad
3 min readAug 25, 2022


Laziness or any other bad habits, has it ever happened in your life? Have you ever found yourself in it? Or do you still get trapped in that situation, where you want to get up but you are too lazy to move on? Your life is getting worse and stuck. No improvements, not even productive. Your body and mind is unhealthy, and a bad mood attacks you the whole day.

A lot of people want to reach their dreams, but not so many people are actually working on it. They find a way to improve themselves in the fastest way, but how can we do that? There is no shortcut to success. I have been doing this for a year. The result surprised me. It’s a little step but can have a huge impact if you do this consistently. Why? Because even though you made a little step but if you do it every day, your improvement starts to increase and get bigger and bigger. This will give you extra time, a really good mood, and also a healthy body and mind.

So, this is what I learned from a year-long experiment by waking up at 4 am every morning. These are some points you could practice on your daily morning routine, hope you can transform yourself to be a better person, reach your dream sooner or later.

Sleep Earlier

Waking up early is not about the time you wake up but it’s about the time you sleep. You have to build a habit that makes you sleep earlier. I suggest that you have to sleep around 9pm to 10pm. If you do your day perfectly, complete a bunch of activities, spend time and energy on your job, and also a hundred percent execution on your task would make you feel tired at night. That is the sign from your body to take a rest. Don’t you ever deny that and force your body to work more. You are going to feel exhausted. Controlling your ego is the best way to defeat bad habits. No matter how long you sleep, if you sleep at the best condition like I told you before, you are going to get some quality sleep.

Good Habit, Good Start

If you watch the Olympic sprint race, you will see a runner prepared really well. Those runners take a deep breath, begin with a crouching start, they place their hands outside of shoulders width behind the line. When the official says set, they raise their hips and they blast and run. Did you realize the way they prepared their race perfectly and winning depends on how they start. It is the same with your day, how you can win a day depends on how you start it.

Getting my eyes open, sitting on a bed for a minute, drinking some water, and taking a shower is the first thing I did when I woke up. You should notice that sitting for a while after you sleep is a little thing but matters a lot. It helps you to stabilize your body, stay conscious after a long sleep and it took about 3 minutes.

Don’t forget to drink water, warm water is the best recommendation for you to drink, it neutralizes a whole digestive tract. It kinda feels satisfying when the water runs down your throat. For sure you should try it ! soon after that, take a shower, your body is ready to get a hundred percent fresh condition. Don’t worry about getting shiver, you are going to get a lot of benefits for your health. At that moment to get your mind clear, you can do some prayer or just meditate your soul.

To continue reading, click the link below

How Waking up at 4AM Every Morning Change your Life. A year’s experiment ! (PART II)



Rizal Muhammad

IG : rizalmmm | Software Engineer | English Enthusiast | Storyteller