How Waking up at 4AM Every Morning Change your Life. A year’s experiment ! (PART II)

Rizal Muhammad
5 min readSep 1, 2022


Productivity Start From Waking Up Early

Look how much more training I have done by simply starting at 4, and so now you do that as the years go on, the separations that you have with your competitors and your peers just grows larger and larger and larger and larger, they never catch up. So it’s gonna make sense TO GET UP AND START YOUR DAY EARLY cause you get more work Kobe Bryant.

Strong reason I do wake up early is because of what Kobe Bryant said. You can be more productive if you start early. You made extra time to do your task. More time you get, the more tasks you complete.

Don’t forget that the essential thing… Plan your day! How could you close your day perfectly if you are not defining all of your tasks in the beginning. Break down your big dream into little tasks in your daily life, you won’t get lost by confusing what you’re going to do.

Create a to-do list, make a table to describe your whole activity, for example. 4–5 am waking up, drinking water, praying. 5–6 am read a book, 6–7 do some work out, and etc.

Accomplish your little dream every single day and make your big dream come true. Evaluation is the key, analyze everything that you have done either your task or your personality and attitude. Do this every single day. Welcome to the new version of you.

Exercise your Body, Strong All Day Long

To get through a hard day, you need to be strong. Durability is needed to survive your day not too soon to get tired. One of many ways to stay fit is to exercise your body. Get some workout by doing some push up, pull up, sit up plank etc. don’t ever miss your warm up before you get injured. I prefer to do stretching , control my breathing, then I do squat jumps, push ups, sit ups 10 times each of movement.

Do some push up variations like normal push up but with wide shoulders. After you do push ups ,the next is squat jumps. It is good for your leg muscles because you hold your body weight with your leg. Start like a regular squat and then jump right away, do two or three sets of 10 repetition.

Last but not least is plank. It’s kind of basic exercise in every training but considerably impactful to your whole body. The plank affects almost every muscle you have then it will make your entire body stronger. Your posture would improve and also gain a six pack gradually.

If you have any gym equipment like dumble, jumping rope or treadmill that is an advantage for increasing your improvement faster. Finish your workout by just sitting and relaxing your leg.

Drink some water, not cold water because that’s bad for you, and let the sweat get dry before you take a shower. I’m not doing this to shape my body on purpose but it is for my endurance/durability to live a day, but fortunately my body is getting better and staying in shape.

Healthy Inside, Happiness Outside

Freshness is the exact word to describe a condition after you had a quality sleep, no more tired, confused or anxious. When you suddenly wake up you’re gonna run out of water on your body, especially if you’re not hydrated enough before you sleep. There are so many choices of drink like infused water, milk, juice, coffee etc.

Infused water is always an option. Beside the freshness, infused water would help you to stay hydrated after you sleep. I got a special compounding for infused water, it is not that special actually but this is my favorite. Ginger, lemon and honey is a perfect combination.

Slice the ginger first then smash it a bit so the extract is out, put a lemon slice and some honey depending on what taste that you want. It is bitter or sweet. Special thanks to my mama who always made it for me every morning.

There are so many things to do in the morning to increase your health. Good habits before you wake up, drink healthy, eat proper breakfast, work your body out etc. that all impact your mood, mood could bring you joy and happiness. Now you are ready to start the day!

The Whole Mindset has Changed

There is another thing that surprised me. I don’t know where it is coming from, unconsciously my mindset has changed, and not just changed , my mindset starts to grow. Being more effective and efficient spending time, so many creations I’ve made that before I changed my morning habit I can’t work on it at all, and the most important thing is the attitude.

Enjoying life is the most valuable thing I’ve got. I didn’t realize that came from the attitude. Be positive all the time, be kind to anyone, appreciate yourself and others. If you can spread your positive vibes to your surroundings, the world would give you back a positive energy.

That is my experience, what yours?! I recommend you to do it step by step, starting with a small step. You could start waking up at 5 then do it for a week , after that try to wake up earlier start with 4.30 am doing it again for a week until you can wake up at 4.

Consistency is the key and one more thing is to be PATIENT. You can’t do it all at once, there must be a process. Don’t you ever think even just a little bit to quit and believe in yourself.

“Rest at the end, not in the middle. Have a dream , sacrifice for it, and never, ever REST IN THE MIDDLE”. Kobe Bryant.

if you have not read Part I , click the link below

How Waking up at 4AM Every Morning Change your Life. A Year’s Experiment ! (PART I)



Rizal Muhammad

IG : rizalmmm | Software Engineer | English Enthusiast | Storyteller