Hello! Glad you could make it here.

Have you ever looked at a problem and thought, there must be something more to this? Or look at tech and thought, there must be a way to use it for making our lives simpler and easier?

Well, welcome to my world! That's all I think about. And write about. Around 110 times, as of today.

I also run a newsletter 🔱Trifecta, a weekly newsletter on Product, Design & Tech. It would be lovely if you could sign up there as well.

Oh, I'm also the Top Writer in Design, here on Medium. But, I try not to think about that too much.

Visit my website: rkakodker.com, where you'll find daily doses of Product Management thoughts (60 days so far!). You can find them on Twitter as well.

Thank you for stopping by... I hope you found what you were looking for... if not, please reach out to me on Linkedin.

Medium member since December 2019
Connect with Rameez Kakodker
Rameez Kakodker

Rameez Kakodker

100+ Articles on Product, Design & Tech | Top Writer in Design | Simplifying complexities at Majid Al Futtaim | mendicantbias.com