The Relationship between Inspiration and Writing

Overcoming Barriers to Inspired Writing

Robert Wild
5 min readApr 30, 2023
a fantasy image of Shakespeare thinking, waiting for inspiration, quill pen is touching his lips and he is pondering

The Idea of Inspiration Being a Trigger for Writing: Unleashing Your Creativity

Are you struggling with writer’s block or lack of motivation? Do you find yourself staring blankly at a blank page, wondering where to start? If you’re a writer, you’re likely familiar with the challenge of finding inspiration to begin your work. However, the idea of inspiration being a trigger for writing can help you unleash your creativity and get your ideas flowing. In this article, we’ll explore how to find inspiration, harness its power, and use it to fuel your writing process.

Finding Inspiration: Looking for the Spark

The first step in the writing process is often the most challenging: finding inspiration. Here are some techniques you can use to look for the spark that will ignite your creativity:

Reading and Research

Reading can be a great source of inspiration for writers. Whether you’re reading fiction or non-fiction, reading can help you to develop your own writing style and generate ideas for your work. Researching a particular topic can also provide inspiration and help you to develop new perspectives on familiar subjects.

Observing the World

Observing the world around you can also provide inspiration for your writing. Pay attention to the people, places, and things around you, and look for the details that make them unique. Use these observations to create vivid descriptions and develop characters and settings.

Engaging with Art

Art can be a powerful source of inspiration for writers. Whether you’re visiting a museum, attending a performance, or listening to music, engaging with art can help you to access your creativity and generate new ideas.

Engaging with Nature

Nature can be a powerful source of inspiration for writers. Spending time outdoors, whether hiking, camping, or simply going for a walk, can help you to connect with the natural world and access your creativity. Use your observations of the natural world to generate new ideas for your writing.

Using Visuals

Visuals can be a powerful source of inspiration for writers. Whether you’re looking at photographs, paintings, or other visual art forms, use them to generate ideas and explore new possibilities. Use the colors, shapes, and textures in the visuals to develop descriptions and settings for your writing.

Incorporating these techniques into your writing process can help you to find inspiration and unleash your creativity. Remember, inspiration is not a finite resource; it’s something that can be cultivated and nurtured over time. By actively seeking out inspiration and engaging with the world around you, you can tap into your creativity and produce work that is both unique and compelling.

Harnessing Inspiration: Making it Work for You

Inspiration is a muse that whispers in the depths of our minds, urging us to create. It is the catalyst that fuels our imagination and sets the wheels of creativity in motion. It can come in various forms — a fleeting moment, an intriguing conversation, a breathtaking view, or a powerful emotion. Inspiration can strike unexpectedly, like a bolt of lightning, or gently tiptoe into our consciousness. It’s a mysterious force that evokes a sense of wonder and compels us to capture our thoughts and ideas in words.

Once you’ve found inspiration, the next step is to harness its power and use it to fuel your writing process. Here are some strategies for making inspiration work for you:

Setting Goals

Setting goals can help you to focus your writing and use inspiration more effectively. Create a writing schedule, set deadlines, and establish specific goals for each writing session.

Using Prompts

Writing prompts can be a useful tool for generating ideas and using inspiration to fuel your writing. There are many resources available online, including writing prompt generators and writing prompt blogs.

Experimenting with Different Forms

Trying out different writing forms can help you to explore your creativity and use inspiration in new ways. Experiment with different genres, such as poetry, fiction, or creative non-fiction, and see what resonates with you.
Experiment with Different Writing Prompts: Writing prompts can serve as triggers for creativity. Explore various writing prompts, whether they are specific themes, images, or questions. Let the prompt guide your writing and see where it takes you. Sometimes, the most unexpected prompts can lead to the most surprising and inspiring pieces.

Practice mindfulness and self-reflection

Mindfulness and self-reflection can also be powerful tools for finding inspiration. By taking the time to tune into your thoughts and emotions, you can learn to better understand what drives you and what obstacles might be holding you back. This, in turn, can help you identify new sources of inspiration and find creative solutions to problems that might have seemed insurmountable before.

Overcoming Challenges: Dealing with Writer’s Block

Even with inspiration as a trigger for writing, writers may still face challenges such as writer’s block. Here are some strategies for overcoming these challenges:


Freewriting is a technique that can help you to overcome writer’s block and generate new ideas. Set a timer for a specific period, such as ten minutes, and write continuously without stopping or editing.

Taking Breaks

Take Breaks and Seek Balance: Give yourself permission to take breaks from writing. Engage in activities that nourish your mind and body, such as exercise, hobbies, spending time with loved ones, or simply resting. Taking breaks allows your mind to recharge and rejuvenate, making space for fresh ideas to emerge.

Seeking Support

Finally, seeking support from other writers can help you to overcome writer’s block and stay motivated. Join a writing group, attend a writing workshop, or work with a writing coach to get the support you need to keep writing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is writer’s block?

Writer’s block is a condition where a writer experiences a significant decrease in creativity and productivity. This condition can be temporary or long-term and can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, anxiety, and self-doubt.

Can inspiration be forced?

Inspiration cannot be forced, but it can be cultivated. So by engaging in activities that spark creativity, setting goals, and experimenting this can spur on the otherworldly, mystical, ethereal light of inspiration.

Trust the Process: Inspiration may not always come on command. It’s important to trust the creative process and be patient with yourself. Sometimes, inspiration needs time to incubate. Keep writing consistently, even when you don’t feel inspired. The act of writing itself can be a gateway to inspiration, as ideas often reveal themselves during the process.

In conclusion, inspiration is a powerful force that can unleash your creativity and breathe life into your writing. By embracing curiosity, creating rituals, keeping a journal, engaging in freewriting, seeking nature’s inspiration, practicing mindfulness, collaborating with others, and exploring writing prompts, you can cultivate a fertile ground for inspiration to thrive. Remember to trust the creative process and be open to the unexpected. Allow inspiration to guide you on a journey of self-expression and the creation of captivating written works. So, let your pen dance across the page, and may inspiration be the spark that illuminates your path as a writer.

So bottom line, it takes a village!

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Robert Wild

I gravitate towards keeping up to date with all things Health, Technology and Music and feel obligated to share what helps us all. Thank you for stopping by!