How To Make A Lot Of Money Fast & Finally Enjoy Life Again

Robert Kanaat
9 min readJan 3, 2024


Life can get boring. Especially when you do the same things over and over again. You wake up, go to the same life-sucking job, and repeat the same patterns and routines like clockwork. At night, you get home with barely enough energy left before you fall asleep and have to do it again. It’s like a repetitive never-ending cycle of watching life on rerun.

It’s not fun at all, right? Plus, with all that hard work and all that effort, you should have more to show for it. Shouldn’t you? You should be making more money. Instead, you’re barely scraping by. You’re running from paycheck to paycheck, living on fumes wondering when you’ll ever make enough money to finally enjoy life again.

But you’ve reached this crossroads for a reason. You’re no longer willing to compromise or settle. You’re no longer willing to sit back and watch life pass you by. You’re tired of it. And you’re ready to step into your greatness and take life by the horns. Because never having enough time to spend with the people you love or extra money to do the things you want to do is finally taking its toll on you.

Today, you’re ready for a change. You’re ready to break free and make a lot of money so you can finally enjoy life again. So now what? What’s next? How do you step outside of your comfort zone and do the things you know you need to do but have always been afraid to do? How do you break free of the monotony? And how do you come up with a strategy to make real money without risking your job or your financial safety?

Money Loves Speed

It’s been long enough. You can’t sit around anymore and expect money to just fall in your lap. If you want to make a lot of money fast you must understand that money loves speed. Money is attracted to swift action. And the more you sit around and wait for things to change, the less likely you’ll ever make the money you really want.

Instead, you need to decide right now. You need to decide to take action. Think about all the people counting on you. There are so many hungry mouths to feed and children’s dreams to fulfill. You can’t let them down. And you won’t let them down, right? So instead of wishing to make a lot of money, you have to decide and take action right now.

This isn’t some pep talk. This is real talk. It’s decision time and if you want to do this then there’s no time like the present. You’re reading these words for a very specific reason. Call it intuition, divine intervention, God, or anything else. But you’re here for a reason and that reason has brought you to the letters and words on this page.

Now it’s go-time. Money loves speed. That simply means you need to decide and act immediately. Never leave an opportunity to make progress towards a goal after you set it. If you want to change your life, this is how. Take action. Massive action. And take it constantly. And when you’re rejected or fail, pick yourself right back up and keep going.

I know it’s easy to say but harder to do. I get that. I really do. But understand this—no one is going to help you. There’s no one around to save you and force you to take action. You have to do it on your own. If you want to make a lot of money then this is your wakeup call. This is not rocket science. But it does require some discipline.

I know you’re ready. Otherwise, you wouldn’t still be reading this. The goal? At least six figures. Going from zero to six figures can feel like a hurdle. But if you stick to the outline, you certainly can achieve it. It doesn’t matter where you live. What matters is your willingness to keep going no matter how you feel or what else is happening in your life.

Zero To Six Figures

There’s a road map for zero to six figures. Here’s how it works. You pick one problem you can solve for one person, you create one offer and you promote that on one channel. That’s it. This is your road map from zero to six figures. That’s how you’re going to make a lot of money fast and do it while you still have your regular life-sucking 9-to-5 job.

This is simple to do. The only reason why you haven’t done it is fear. Fear is the only thing that’s holding you back. But once you put yourself out there you’ll realize the only thing that was holding you back was you. When you realize this everything changes and nothing will stand in your way.

The trouble begins when you start to worry about what others think about you. I can assure you that what others think does not matter. Not one bit. Because, at the end of the day, hundreds of years from now none of this will matter. No one will remember any of this. So forget what others think and just go for it.

Define The Problem

Everything starts and ends with the problem. You must be able to identify the problem and describe it in detail. You must know this problem inside and out. And it must be a problem that people struggle with who have money to pay other people like you to solve it. And think about all the other side problems that pop up around this one primary problem.

For example, one big problem that most businesses face is customer acquisition. It’s hard and expensive to get customers. That’s a fact and it’s something that businesses everywhere struggle with. But let’s just say you’re an expert at social media. One way you can solve this problem is by outlining the exact formula for posting on social media to get clients.

The main problem is getting customers or clients. But there are also many secondary problems. Posting on social media is also a big problem. Most people don’t want to show their faces or they don’t like how they sound. Even if you were to give your framework people will still struggle to post. Do you see how many other problems pop up around this problem?

Understand The Person

Know the person inside and out. Who are they? How old are they? Where do they live and what do they do for a living? The better you understand the person the more you can speak to them in all of your marketing material. Identify this person down to the habits and rituals they have, their hopes, fears, even the places they go and things they do in their spare time.

This is a step most people skip. But if you don’t do this step, it’s likely you won’t make much money at all. Why? Because you need a clear picture of the person you want to help. Right down to their name. Then, it gives you a framework for every piece of marketing material you put out. Because you can close your eyes and see this person in front of you.

When you write a headline, you’ll picture this person and know if it’ll resonate with them. This is one of the pillars for making real money online or offline. The better you know your potential customer the more likely you’ll create offers that he or she will buy.

Construct The Offer

Create an offer that solves this problem. Don’t overcomplicate it. All you need to do is make an irresistible offer. It needs to be packed with so much value that it would be crazy for someone to say no to you. This is not actual value, but rather perceived value. What something is worth is different than what something is worth to someone at a specific time.

There are lots of components to offers so I’m not going to sit here and tell you that building out an offer is easy. Although there are so many frameworks for doing this the most important thing is to understand the problem, agitate it and then present the solution. We call this the Problem Agitation Solution (PAS) framework.

An offer is really a solution to a problem. But it’s constructed in a way that converts browsers into buyers. If you were to sit down and learn only one thing in online marketing, learn how to make great offers. One of my favorite go-to challenges is this challenge that teaches you exactly how to create offers that sell.

Pick The Channel

Pick one channel to promote your offer. And then promote it every single day without fail. Whether it’s social media, a blog, a YouTube channel, a Facebook Group, Google ads, or whatever it is. Find that one channel and go all in. Do not promote on any other channel. In the beginning, you just want to pick one and just hit that with everything you have.

This will feel hard in the beginning. But over time it will get easier and easier. The point is that you need to do this daily every single day without fail. Even when you think that people aren’t paying attention, keep pushing that one channel.

However, please don’t misunderstand me here. This is not about spamming. Don’t push your offer every moment. You should also create content around your offer. Build content that addresses the primary and secondary problems that your audience struggles with. This creates rapport.

Constructing The Lead Magnet

Once you know the problem, the person, and the offer you need to construct a lead magnet. A lead magnet is designed to partially solve the problem by providing the solution. No, this does not defeat the purpose. The lead magnet provides the solution but also builds rapport. Plus, people pay for implementation not for information.

Information is freely available everywhere on the internet. The lead magnet pulls the information together in a coherent way. Plus it enables you to collect a prospect’s contact information and begin communicating with them. The communication needs to be designed in a way that shares stories and builds a bond.

Stories are important because they’re like the glue that holds everything together. Because people buy from others that they know, like and trust. And that’s precisely what a targeted email sequence helps you do. I won’t get into all of the mechanics here but if you want to learn more about this then make sure you read this book.

Constructing The Sales Funnel

You will not make any real money without a sales funnel. If you don’t know what a sales funnel is, make sure you read this. A sales funnel is a predefined customer journey. It helps you build a relationship with the prospect while also taking them across a specific path designed to either generate a lead, make a sale, or ascend a customer to spend more.

Sales funnels are not hard to build but do require you to use sales funnel software. A sales funnel is also where your lead magnet will live, allowing you to generate leads and eventually turn those leads into customers. It’s not difficult and once you zoom out and understand how it all works, it’ll be simple to implement.

Your sales funnel is where you’ll send all the traffic. That link should live on all your social media profiles and about pages everywhere. That’s the link you’ll promote. But not in every post. Remember that it’s about constantly creating great content and every once in a while sending them to your sales funnel where your offer lives.

Six Figures to Seven Figures

Once you get to six figures, going from six to seven figures is all about systems and processes. You need to implement systems to scale your offer out and that’s it. Too many people overcomplicate this. But the truth is if you want to make money fast this is all you need to do once you hit six figures with your offer.

That just means implementing systems and processes in your advertising, marketing, fulfillment, and customer service, just to name a few. This involves connecting people in your business together with processes. It’s important to scale and ensure nothing slips through the cracks. Because as you grow, you’ll have a different set of problems than you do now.

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