Building Blocks for Remote work at RecargaPay. Part 1 Infrastructure (SAAS)I started working remote over 18 years ago with a team of programmers in Ukraine and a larger team in Argentina while I was living in Los…Jun 8, 2020Jun 8, 2020
RecargaPay raises US$ 22 million in Series B investmentWith over 10 million virtual wallets and millions of transactions per month, the company is redefining mobile payments for unbanked &…Feb 23, 2018Feb 23, 2018
What to do in Argentina? Here are some things you might not want to miss.Places to visit, restaurants, bars, hotels, clubbing, estancias, boating and more.Apr 6, 2017Apr 6, 2017
Si Argentina fuera un startup…(Escribí este post el 16 de septiembre del 2016.)Mar 17, 2017Mar 17, 2017
Hoja de ruta para los emprendedores, los 6 pasos para ser un mejor emprendedorLos primeros pasos que recorre un emprendedor son esenciales para cimentar los pilares que harán posible la transformación de una idea en…May 15, 20161May 15, 20161
Macri compitió y ganó. Argentinos, no tengamos miedo a competir nosotros mismos.Nov 22, 20152Nov 22, 20152
The great unbundling of Fnbox, and how it became RecargaPay.There are times when an opportunity is so big that everything else pales by comparison. On rare occasions, purpose, impact, product market…Aug 20, 20151Aug 20, 20151
10 hechos históricos sobre China que no conocías!Muchas cosas que pensas que sabias ya no son ciertas!Nov 25, 2014Nov 25, 2014
10 game changing facts you did not know about China.A lot of “common knowledge” no longer holds true.Nov 20, 2014Nov 20, 2014
En medio de los cortes de luz, se nos prendió la luz virtual.Convertir la preparación en una disciplina, transformar la adversidad en una fortaleza.Dec 30, 2013Dec 30, 2013