How Dr. Vyas gets inspirations for his masterpieces from architecture

Hrim creations
5 min readJul 30, 2021


As I already put light in my previous article ”Sources of inspiration of Dr. Ravidarshan Vyas’ astounding art journey”, on the fact that an artist never depends upon one source of inspiration. There can be multiple sources, and today, we’ll cherish one such source of inspiration, which brought a great artist out of Dr. Vyas. Yes, it’s architecture.

There have been many artists in History who exclaimed architecture to be their main source of inspiration. Today, we’ll see how an artist sees architecture, understands its intricacies, and dive into thought — how can something be taken form it, and molded in some other form of art.”

You’re going to get some glimpse of all the major architectures which Dr. Vyas admires, and feels lucky about. Also, we’ll see how he delivered his feelings and amazement into his art.

Truly, his art is jaw-dropping.

Love with architecture: Dr. Vyas’ journey from childhood till date

I’ve been in love with architecture since I was a little innocent kid, says Dr. Vyas. Whether it be medieval or colonial, every form of architecture that’s unique, highly interests and fascinates him. When we asked him about his favourite architecture form, he says Mix cultural architecture beguiles him the most.

He has travelled to several nations, and cherished hundreds of art forms, but he says that when he walks through remote streets, it’s the best experience for him. When we asked the reason, he replied that no corner of the world can equal the beauty of indo-colonial architecture which is found in remote India.

Present Indian heritage is enriched with Magnificent palaces in India designed during the pre-independence era.

Small visits, deep admirations, and big inspirations

Dr. Ravidarshan Vyas has old and deep relations with the royal families, as he belongs to Raj Vaidya’s family (Royal physician).

In his childhood, he enjoyed it the most to pay frequent visits to palaces. The reason behind this love was his interest in history. In such palaces, he cherished various forms of historic arts, and one of them was architecture.

Though he was young, he found it pretty enthralling to deep-dive into what would have been the thoughts of the architects behind materializing those architectures in real life.

These small visits actually gathered a lot of inspirational material in Dr. Vyas’ mind and it all started with a few strokes of brush on canvas, and after years, he painted a few truly appreciable masterpiece paintings.

If you’re thinking that his paintings just included the sculptures, then you’re wrong.

I’ve shared his masterpieces, and also the sculptures from which he got influenced and inspired.

The Connection between the Royal Oasis and “Dawn of the Ram Rajya”

The view of spectaculous splashes of fountains in the 4-story underground palace in Wankaner truly astounded Dr. Vyas. It was 1994 when he visited the Royal palace’s oasis in Wankaner, but he says that he lives the moment when he closes his eyes.

He says, still that Beautiful Italian marble Shiva fountain still strikes his mind, and he shares the experience of viewing that beautiful ountainin the low light descending from the rooftop of the underground step well

Yes, that’s the same view which is illustrated in his painting “Dawn of the Ram Rajya”.

The ruined Porbandar Dariya mahal palace is restored to life in Dr. Vyas’ painting

Many rich heritage of our nation have been ruined with time. There have been several reasons like foreign invasions, natural disasters, or ignorance of government.The Dariya Mahal palace in Porbandar is among such heritage, but most of us can’t do more than admiring the past glory.

However, a true artist like Dr. Vyas has much more to do. He takes the challenge of recreating the past glory of the darbar hall decorated with beautiful stained glass and exotic mirrors in the centre. He imagines, feels, and plans, and after that, delivers a resplendent painting in which he displays Parvatiji (lord Shiva’s wife) as the main character.

Indo-gothic architecture and jharokhas of Zalawar (saurashtra)

Zalawar region of Saurashtra is enriched with mesmerizing Indo-gothic architecture and jharokhas. The beautiful architecture of the British colony can be seen throughout regions of Zalawar like Dhangadhra, Halwad, Sayla and Limbdi.

How can the sight of such beautiful architecture escape the sharp eyes of an artist?

Well, what you see in the “Meghdootam” painting of Dr. Vyas is inspired from these picturesque locations only.

A word about the divine series of paintings by Dr. Vyas

The best thing about Dr. Vyas’ painting series “Journey of life on canvas” is that each of his masterpieces is attached with a story, a pinch of experience, and a great weight of emotions.

These were just the illustrations and examples of a few of his paintings. There’s much to explore, and now I’m sure that you’ll ask where you can see all these paintings.

It’s Dr. Ravidarshan’s art gallery in Gondal. Visiting this art gallery gives a better feeling than most of the time we get from visiting such art galleries or museums.This is so because

