Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar

Statistics (DS)

55 stories

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar

Startup ideas

2 stories

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar

Stock market

3 stories

You can now create your own tailor-made bot to do profitable trading for you, in a matter of minutes. (AI image created on MidJourney V6 by Henrique Centieiro and Bee Lee) Golden robot cheering with an investor with glasses and beard.
Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar


113 stories

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar

Plots and Graphs to use

1 story

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar


109 stories

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar


11 stories

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar

Data Pipelines - Begineer Level

6 stories

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar

BASH Shell Scripting

29 stories

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar

Promt Engineering

2 stories

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar


16 stories

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar


2 stories

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar

Time Mgmt

2 stories

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar

ML & Related Science

130 stories

A simple graphic that shows a crystal ball in to hands. A drawing, not a photo.
Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar

EDA-Python and SQL

1 story

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar

Visualization Tools (Data)

16 stories

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar

Git & Github

11 stories

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar


1 story

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar


127 stories

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar

Big Data & Pipelines

96 stories