Rothanak Chhoun
Rothanak Chhoun

Rothanak Chhoun

Design Leadership

20 stories

A team of four people working on a project using a laptop, phones, and documents
Professional, confident looking woman in a light grey suit smiling and looking into the camera with a big window in an office behind her
Rothanak Chhoun

Rothanak Chhoun


22 stories

Rothanak Chhoun

Rothanak Chhoun


4 stories

Rothanak Chhoun

Rothanak Chhoun

Design Systems

10 stories

Image from Figma showing how to select the mode the frame should be in by selecting the variables icon from the Layer section and clicking from the collection for Breakpoints.
Rothanak Chhoun

Rothanak Chhoun

Design Thinking

2 stories

a model of einstein raising one finger as if having an idea
Rothanak Chhoun

Rothanak Chhoun


6 stories

Rothanak Chhoun

Rothanak Chhoun

Systems Thinking

1 story

Rothanak Chhoun

Rothanak Chhoun


2 stories

A chart outlining humans and their conditions