Rover — New features for News Lovers

3 min readFeb 6, 2016


At Rover we are announcing 2 exciting new features that are aimed at keeping you in the know regarding the important and the essential.

One is about adding a dash of serendipity to your day and the other is about making a daily habit more convenient and familiar.

The first is ‘the Ghost Carousel’. This is a special section that will occasionally show up on top of your feed when there is content Rover thinks you must experience. This is content themed around special days on the calendar like Valentine’s or Halloween or it might be a breaking news story of paramount importance that Rover thinks you must know about. Watch out for the appearance of the Ghost Carousel closer to Valentine’s day to experience special content that our editors have hand picked for you to make a special day feel a little extra special. The Ghost Carousel will only appear on important occasions and stay out of your way the rest of the time. When it shows up, you can be sure that it’s something important.

Not everyday is Valentine’s, and certainly not everyday do we have an incident as tragic as the Paris attack last year. Rover explores the vastness of the Internet to scour news stories and only shows the stories of utmost importance in the Ghost Carousel. However, for those users who enjoy reading the top news stories of the day with their morning coffee we wanted to have a special place in the app. We have added a new channel to our discover page, ‘News Stories’. This channel will cover the top news stories of the day, to keep you informed so you’re always on top of the world.

The Rover team thanks you, our users for all the feedback and suggestions and most importantly, love. We are thrilled to be featured on the App Store in the News category alongside some great apps and it was your support that got us here.

We are excited to help you change the world by connecting you with information that fuels your thought, word and action.

The Mars Rover Curiosity was an example of the human race acting as one, to stay curious, to stay bold, to go further, to explore the unknown and expand our understanding of the universe. The Rover team believes that it’s an individual’s inner curiosity and thirst for knowledge that will ultimately take humanity further beyond the known and into the unexplored but worthwhile. And we are building the best tool we can to make this happen.

