It’s Time to Stop Eating Animals

The COVID-19 outbreak isn’t the first time humanity’s odd eating habits have gotten us into hot water. Is it finally time to rethink our diet?

Roxanna Azimy
9 min readMar 16, 2020
Photo by Simon Matzinger on Unsplash

The word “vegan” is triggering for many. Those self-assured, shaming, dogmatic cretins, right?

When will they shut up and let me enjoy my bacon?

Somebody not only existing — but thriving — from eating plant-based can be annoying enough for meat-lovers who claim we “need” meat or that it’s “natural” for humans to consume. So once vegans and vegetarians actually dare to mention the reasoning behind the choices they make, and the benefits they reap, an ugly rage bubbles in the heart of every meat-eater in earshot.

The meat-eater often takes this as a personal attack on their lifestyle and capacity for moral judgment. And it can even threaten to make them call these into question themself. After all, how can they continue to tell themselves that eating meat is okay when this person is loud and proud about the evidence stating otherwise?

Just as I explained in my article on balancing health and self-love, our obsession with the food and lifestyle choices of others — especially in a society where most of us profess to be both “animal lovers” and bacon or…



Roxanna Azimy

Interested in all things ethics, culture, gender, health & psychology. Asking the hard questions but not claiming to have all the answers.