Your Advocacy Work Might Take Over Your Life

But if you feel it’s your purpose, then it’s worth it.

Roxanna Azimy
6 min readMar 27, 2020
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

So here’s the thing. I have a lot of opinions. Don’t we all? Since I’m personally on the more introverted side, you won’t usually find me at a physical rally or screaming at a protest (power to those who do though!). However, I am admittedly much more vocal behind the armor of my Medium and Twitter profiles. These are the godsend of anyone who finds themselves both introverted and angrily brimming with opinions under their composed exterior.

As such, although I aim not to offend and to be sensitive, articulate, and understanding in my approach to the issues I write about — from gender shaming and inequalities to animal rights — when push comes to shove, I will defend my values. My life and actions are centred around them. And so, I believe, they should be.

Is being an activist a waste of time?

So what’s the problem? I have opinions, I like to write about them, as do many others — who cares?

Well, I was recently told by a well-meaning relative that I spend “too much time and energy” worrying about the problems of the world and should learn to “blank it out.”



Roxanna Azimy

Interested in all things ethics, culture, gender, health & psychology. Asking the hard questions but not claiming to have all the answers.