Vexation Way: A Sci-Fi Fitness Adventure Series

Roz Ray
6 min readMay 22, 2020


Chapter Three of a nine-part immersive exercise serial. To start at Chapter One, click here. For a primer on what this thing even is, click here.

Instructions: read the story alone or with an exercise partner. Perform exercise interludes as you read. Workout time: approximately 30 minutes. Workout intensity: variable.

Exercises in this chapter:


Single Arm Dumbbell Row

Russian Twists


Shoulder Taps

Bench Dips

Leg Lifts

Recommended equipment for this chapter:

Dumbbells or Improvised Dumbbells

Step or Improvised Step

Recommended Soundtrack for this Series:

Vexation Way Soundtrack

Chapter Three

After your pulse slows and your hands stop shaking, you stand up. The frame around the door is rock, but the door itself is not. It looked like stone from across the chasm, but now that you’re closer you can see flakes of white paint. the door is metal behind the paint, corroded by the Mars atmosphere. How did a metal door get down…



Roz Ray

Writes, teaches writing, and builds houses in Seattle, WA. To see more work, visit