Rupaya Community Update — September 11, 2018

4 min readSep 11, 2018


This weekly community update is all about the upcoming hard fork and coinswap. Users are responsible for carefully following this, as well as all other published guides, and for completing the swap within the designated timeframe. All dates are based on the UTC timezone.

Why is Rupaya Doing a Swap?

Our planned upgrade to the Rupaya 5.0 codebase is a significant step forward for our project. The changes to the codebase will enable us to hit key parts of our roadmap in a faster and more efficient manner. Additional information was published in our August 20, 2018 Community Update. These large improvements to our feature-set necessitate that we move to a brand new chain, resulting in a required coinswap for all users.

Rupaya 5.0 Coinswap Timeline and Procedure

Coin Consolidation Deadline — September 30, 2018

Users must combine all RUPX coins in one single desktop wallet address (includes multiple masternodes, staking wallets, Discord TipBot, Discord RaffleBot, and all coins held on any exchanges) before the Snapshot Block on October 1st is taken.

Please be sure to consolidate all coins to a single address on your desktop wallet on or before September 30 to ensure the smoothest transition possible and that all coins are accounted for.

Make sure to allow enough time for all transactions to clear before the deadline. And remember, exchanges occasionally have coin withdrawal delays, so be sure to plan accordingly.

⚠️ If you have minted zerocoins then be sure to convert those back to RUPX before the deadline. DO NOT MINT ANY MORE ZEROCOINS!

Disable All Masternodes

  1. Launch each masternode VPS and stop the Rupaya service using the command rupaya-cli stop
  2. Open your Rupaya masternode.conf file on the machine running your cold wallet
  3. Comment out (or delete) all masternode configuration lines
  4. Save and close your Rupaya masternode.conf file
  5. Close your desktop Rupaya 4 wallet

Consolidate All Your Coins

  1. Open your rupaya.conf file and make sure that this line exists: staking=0
  2. Save and close your rupaya.conf file
  3. Reopen your desktop Rupaya 4 Wallet
  4. Go to Preferences and in the Wallet tab and ensure that ‘Enable coin control features’ is checked (see figure 1 below)
  5. Go to the Receive tab and create a brand new receiving address with a distinguishing label such as RUPXswap
  6. Login to any exchanges where you hold Rupaya and send all those coins to your designated swap address (⚠️ it is recommended that you do this as early as possible since exchanges occasionally have delays processing withdrawals that could prevent the consolidation of all your coins prior to October 1 Snapshot Block deadline)
  7. Login to the Rupaya Discord and send all coins from the Rupaya TipBot and RaffleBot to your designated swap address
  8. Go to the Send tab in your Rupaya 4 wallet and select the Coin Control button
  9. Select All inputs and then send all of the coins in your wallet to your designated swap address to create one transaction output with all of your RUPX holdings

⚠️ Failure to consolidate all your coins prior to the deadline will require users to request a manual swap process. Users requiring a manual swap will be assisted by the team as time permits, and will not be prioritized above other help requests.

Figure 1 — Enable Coin Control Features

Coinswap Begins — October 1, 2018

Prior to October 1, 2018 we will publish the full step-by-step guides for how to download and install the new Rupaya 5.0 wallet (desktop and masternode) and using the Rupaya SwapBot to change out your old coins for the new ones.

Any transactions after the October 1 Snapshot Block (including any and all Rupaya 4 masternode rewards and stakes) will be deemed invalid and will be worthless. Users will have a month to complete the swap from Rupaya 4 to the Rupaya 5 chain. There is a brief two week window where the block rewards are significantly lower to allow users time to complete the swap. Please take this into consideration and complete your swap as soon as possible.

The fastest way to complete your swap is by following the instructions and working with the Rupaya SwapBot. All swaps must be completed by the end date, no exceptions.

Coinswap Ends—October 31, 2018

❗️The Rupaya coinswap ends at 11:59 PM UTC on October 31, 2018. Any coins not swapped by this time will be lost permanently.

About Rupaya

Founded in 2014, Rupaya is the cryptocurrency of South Asia. Built on a mature and growing set of features, our digital crypto asset RUPX is accessible to ordinary users and merchants. Rupaya is governed by a passionate community and a dedicated development team.

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Rupaya is the blockchain payments platform designed for South Asia.