Part 3: Meme Alternatives on Contraception / Sex Education / Abortion

Russell L. Brand
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2017


In my quest to make Memes less divisive, I have been thinking about the the public discourse on Contraception / Sex Education / Abortion.

I picked this because it is both important and I potentially the most difficult of all such issues.

I got a new insight into just how difficult when I tried to pick a title for this piece, and realized that I don’t really know how to pick a non-divisive title because of the level of fighting to control the vocabulary and framing.

Leaving that aside for the moment, I wanted to make a collection of memes that would

  • be brief, fun, quotable
  • be non-divisive, non-offense
  • be entirely unarguable true
  • not introduce extraneous issues or distractions
  • encourage understanding of one side of the issue and
  • perhaps make it clear which side of the issue I am on.

I started with

I’d rather pay for contraception than abortion

I’d rather pay for abortion than unwanted children

Which seemed pretty good until I realized that it was bringing in a taxation / public spending issue which was not quite central.

Then I came up with

Since abstinence only education consistently fails, our choices are contraception, abortion or unwanted children

Which doesn’t highlight the fact the real sex education reduces pre-marital sex.

Do we get

Abstinence only education reduces Abstinence

Abstinence only education increase premarital sex

Abstinence only education increase abortions

Questions (or should I say pleas for help)

  • How would improve the criteria?
  • Which of these (if any) resonate with you?
  • How can they be improved?
  • What other memes (on either side of the issue) have you seen or can you create that meet?

Part 1: What’s Even Better Than Memes

Part 2: Memes That Change Minds

Part 3: Meme Alternatives on Contraception / Sex Education / Abortion

Part 4: Houston We Have a Memes Problem



Russell L. Brand
Extra Newsfeed

Advancing Knowledge and Truth … … … … … … … Fostering Kindness and Compassion … … … … …Promoting Adoption of Useful Ideas & Technologies.