Week 2: Vulnerable — Banned Word of the week

Call Artists to Combat the Trump Word Ban

Russell L. Brand
ART + marketing


In Mid December, I began to write about how Trump was trying to prevent the CDC and other government agencies from using particular words that helped explain simple truths. This week I am asking for the help of artists in preserving free thought and free expression.

My thought was to pick one of the seven banned words

  • fetus,
  • vulnerable,
  • entitlement,
  • diversity,
  • transgender,”
  • evidence-based and
  • science-based

and focus attention on it for a (non-consecutive) week. This week the word is vulnerable.

Which public health crises are vulnerable to misunderstandings if we can’t talk about vulnerable populations?

Which vulnerable populations in our country and in the world are most worth attention?

What makes the current administration so vulnerable as to be scared of the world vulnerable?

Artists are especially well equipped to educate us about vulnerability. To help us develop and maintain empathy for them to bring out our better nature.

This week, I am asking artist to show their best works about vulnerability in general and vulnerable populations in particular.

And to think about new pieces.

Please send me links to pieces that we can bring extra to.

Week 1 / Fetus: Day 1 |Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4

Week 2 / Vulnerable: Day 1 | Day 2



Russell L. Brand
ART + marketing

Advancing Knowledge and Truth … … … … … … … Fostering Kindness and Compassion … … … … …Promoting Adoption of Useful Ideas & Technologies. https://goo.gl/v66fCp