Oprah & John Of God: An Explosive Hypothetical Theory For Why Oprah Tried To Convince The World To “Let Go” Of Michael Jackson — Part Two

157 min readMar 8, 2019


“Some people have passed away but their character has kept them alive.

Others are alive, but their character has killed them.” — Imam Shafi — (767 AD — 820 AD)

If you have not yet read Part One, please do so at the link below before continuing to Part Two because this is a continuation of Part One.

In short, you will need to read Part One in order to fully understand Part Two or to “get it” in terms of the methodical case that is being laid out in this manifesto.

Most of all it contains important FACTS about this very intentional yet ultimately failed attempt to kill Michael Jackson’s memory and legacy.

Got it? Good.

Link To Part One of This Manifesto

Important: For those saying this is far too long, the totally baseless and unfounded Leaving Neverland was FIVE HOURS when you also include Oprah’s “After Neverland.”

This two part manifesto is shorter, and it is far more interesting, intriguing, informative, and much more potentially explosive than Leaving Neverland could ever dream of being.

Whatever perspective you have heard up to this point for why this attempted hit job on an already dead man with Oprah as one of the gang of charlatans holding the Tommy gun even exists, you have not heard this one.

Most of all, this manifesto is filled with receipts aka TRUTH.

So let us continue.

Here is a highly relevant throwback:

As the mainstream media high-fived each other, salivated and eagerly published and publicized salacious and totally unfounded child abuse allegations against Michael Jackson in 1993, renowned Oscar winning Austrian-born actor Maximilian Schell sent the following letter to The Hollywood Reporter and paid for it to be printed on the back page of every copy of the publication:

*This is the exact way the letter was printed, caps and all. I just copied and pasted it from my source.

“Nov, 19 1993

To: Michael Jackson (Somewhere on this planet)

Dear Michael

I AM DEEPLY ASHAMED — FOR THE PRESS, FOR THE MEDIA, FOR THE WORLD — I don’t know you — we met only once on one of those Award-Dinners (“ENTERTAINER of the DECADE”) — We shook hands — you were kind and polite — I don’t think you knew who I was — HOW SHOULD YOU? OUR WORLDS ARE TOO FAR APART — (I am more, “CLASSICAL” minded), but I looked into your eyes — THEY WERE KIND.

You are a great artist and I admire you — my little daughter (she is 9½) LOVES YOU! DEEPLY — SHE EVEN WANTS TO MARRY YOU! (”BUT HE NEVER CALLS ME!”) She imitates you all the time, and quite well.


I would like her more to listen to MOZART — but she loves YOU and I respect her taste.

That you survive this avalanche of dirt thrown at you — I admire tremendously.



Maximilian Schell

P.S. “One can only see good with the heart. The essential is invisible for the eyes.” “The Little Prince” ~ Letter posted in The Hollywood Reporter from world-renowned Oscar-winning actor Maximilian Schell to Michael Jackson November 1993

Maximilian Schell passed away in February 2014 at age 83.

I’m sure Michael Jackson gained great comfort from that very public letter posted on the back page of The Hollywood Reporter for the world to see from Mr. Schell in 1993.

May God Bless his eternally good heart and may he always rest in peace.

RIP Maximilian Schell — (1930 to 2014)

“Everything you do has certain significance, a certain weight. I think there is a film in everyone.” — Maximilian Schell

Michael Jackson was maliciously defamed and slandered by the Western media, Hollywood and others throughout his life, and the reason is because Michael Jackson was #1 in life…

…and the reason for this Leaving Neverland farce which both Hollywood and the Western Media is maliciously promoting and trying so hard to slime Michael’s memory and legacy with is because as I conclusively proved in Part One of this manifesto…

Michael Jackson remains #1 in death.

Actually the fact that Michael Jackson remains #1 is one of multiple reasons why his mediocre and bitter haters in Hollywood and the Western Media are continuously coming for him even in death.

They stay mad at Michael.

The fact that Michael Jackson is continuously still #1 after being a decade dead this year is unprecedented and not a mere fluke.

WHY is Michael still #1?

Its because in addition to being an amazing singer, dancer, entertainer and humanitarian…

Michael Jackson was also an extremely smart and savvy businessman.

“Once every few months during the mid-1980s, a handful of America’s savviest businessmen gathered to plot financial strategy for a billion-dollar entertainment conglomerate. This informal investment committee included David Geffen, who’d launched multiple record labels and would go on to become one of Hollywood’s richest men after founding DreamWorks Studios; John Johnson, who started Ebony magazine and would become the first black man to appear in the Forbes 400 list of wealthiest Americans; John Branca, who has since handled finances for dozens of Rock and Roll Hall of Famers including the Beach Boys and the Rolling Stones; and Michael Jackson, the King of Pop and chairman of the board, inscrutable in his customary sunglasses.

Shares of the entertainment company in question were never traded on the New York Stock Exchange or the NASDAQ. Though few would even consider it to actually be a company, this multinational’s products have been consumed by billions of people over the past few decades. Had the organization been officially incorporated, it might have been called Michael Jackson, Inc.” ~ Zack O’Malley Greenburg — Forbes Magazine — June 2014

That HUGE record payday for Michael Jackson’s estate in 2016 more than 7 years after his death, happened as a result of the sale of Michael’s much coveted ATV Catalog which among others, famously contains the Beatles Song Catalog.

“He (MJ) was always doing stuff that was the best, the greatest, the biggest,” says Jeff Jampol, who manages the estates of Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and others. “That was a big fight when he wanted to buy that catalog … it turned out to be one of the greatest investments ever.” — Forbes — October 2016

Indeed it was a masterful business decision by Michael, a decision that many in the music industry thought was a bad investment:

“In 1985, Jackson paid $47.5 million ($140 million in 2016 dollars) to buy the Beatles-packed ATV publishing catalog. Ten years later, Sony paid him $115 million to form a 50/50 joint venture, then purchased his remaining half in March. In all, the sales (and accompanying distributions) gave Jackson’s estate, which is overseen by lawyer John Branca and music exec John McClain, a 30% annualized return on investment.”

“As for Jackson, the Sony/ATV payday gives him the last laugh over doubters. But a decade ago, he already knew what a good deal he’d made, as detailed in my book Michael Jackson, Inc. On a 2007 conference call, the King of Pop reminded Sony/ATV chief Marty Bandier of the acumen that had earned him a nine-figure return on paper by that point.

“See,” he told Bandier. “I told you I knew the music publishing business.” ~ Forbes — October 2016

Michael Jackson was an extraordinarily genius businessman. He was highly intelligent, but he was also a shrewd take no prisoners opponent.

Like that time when Eminem very unwisely dissed Michael Jackson in one of his music videos, and some say in retaliation, Michael bought Eminem’s song catalog.

It wouldn’t surprise me if that was indeed Michael’s primary motivation in purchasing Eminem’s catalog. Michael didn’t play, and he was also as sharp as a tack.

And Eminem did stop dissing him and gave his respect to Michael in 2004:

“ I can’t diss someone I grew up listening to, I have too much respect for him. I mean I joke with talking about his nose, but when it comes to talent-wise there’s too much respect that I have for him.

I talk all the time in my songs about being chased by the papparazzi and people making fun of me ’cause they don’t understand who I really am, and if there’s anybody who has had it worse than me it’s Michael Jackson. So that’s one of the main reason’s I didn’t come back with a diss song against Michael Jackson.” — Eminem to MTV (2004)

About the Beatles Song Catalog:

Many people have complained that somehow Michael Jackson was wrong for purchasing the catalog because he was at that time Paul McCartney’s friend, but according to McCartney in this linked video interview, Michael warned him that he had an intention to purchase the Beatles catalog, but McCartney thought he was joking.

Only McCartney knows why he didn’t take Michael seriously when Michael told McCartney right to his face his intentions to purchase the catalog, but quite obviously Michael should have been taken very seriously.

I mean, its not Michael’s fault that McCartney assumed he was joking when he wasn’t. That’s called underestimating someone.

Also what always gets left out of the conversation is Paul McCartney could have simply outbid Michael for the catalog. In fact, Michael gave him the opportunity to do so by personally telling McCartney his own intentions.

Michael was the rare entertainer who was also a very shrewd businessman (something he had been most of his adult life). For example, Michael personally negotiated the highest royalty rate in music history for his record sales. I mean, doesn’t the King deserve to earn the most out of all?

To put it simply, Michael Jackson knew his worth and he had absolutely no problem asking for it or insisting on it if necessary.

As a result of his business savvy, on too many fronts to count, Michael Jackson pioneered and revolutionized the way music artists do business in the music industry.

“Perhaps most significantly, Jackson fundamentally changed the formula for monetizing fame forever. In addition to making the most successful music video of all time, starring in a movie and penning a best-selling autobiography, he launched an eponymous clothing line, teamed up with Sega to place himself in a video game, and scored a deal for his own LA Gear sneaker, unbelievably earning a bigger initial guarantee than Michael Jordan did with Nike.”

“Jackson helped flip the paradigm of entertainer as contractor on it’s head, offering a new path: entertainer as owner. On top of the ATV deal, he secured the rights to his own master recordings and compositions, and launched his music imprint as a joint venture under the Sony umbrella.” — Excerpts from book “Michael Jackson Inc” by Forbes Magazine’s Zack O’Malley Greenburg

And whether all of the music stars who have since done the same thing know it or not, they are following a path first pioneered by Michael Jackson.

And some are smart enough to know it:

“Michael Jackson was so much bigger than Jay Z or 50 Cent or anybody else who did it, in comparison,” says 50 Cent, who completed the shoes-clothes-label trifecta years later. Jackson, he adds, is “why music is the way it is now. You’ve seen a shift in an era previously reserved for professional athletes.” — Forbes Magazine’s Zack O’Malley Greenburg

“He was extremely smart. From my perspective, because I’m business-oriented and savvy, I noticed and even read up on everything that he did.” — Actor-Musician-Entrepreneur Ludacris on Michael

“Michael Jackson had the mindset of being a businessman the whole time by acquiring businesses. It was like the Michael Jackson private equity firm.” ~ Kevin Liles — Former President of Def Jam Records

This brief video features an interview with Justin Bieber speaking on how Michael Jackson’s business savvy influenced his business decisions and career.

“If I can do just one tenth of the good Michael Jackson did for others, I can really make a difference in this world.” — Justin Bieber

This very interesting approximately three minute video goes into just a tiny bit of fascinating detail about Michael Jackson the killer businessman.

Also this linked video features a fascinating interview with Forbes author Zack O’Malley Greenburg who wrote an insightful book about Michael Jackson’s extraordinary business savvy titled “Michael Jackson Inc”

“The idea is to take it a step forward and to innovate, or else why am I doing it?” — Michael Jackson

Continuing with how Michael Jackson maneuvered getting the Beatles Song Catalog…

“Michael was also a boardroom killer. In the decades before him, black recording artists were, as James Brown observed, in the show but not in show business. Many ended up losing the copyrights to their own songs and pocketing a fraction of the money their music brought in. Jackson knew all about that history. “He knew Berry Gordy made his money off copyrights,” cultural critic Nelson George says. “He knew the value of songs. That’s something he understood.” — Toure — Rolling Stone Magazine

As a then friend of Paul McCartney’s, savvy Michael Jackson did the right thing and warned Paul that he wanted to purchase the Beatles catalog in advance and he gave McCartney a chance to outbid him for the catalog. When McCartney didn’t outbid him, Michael Jackson simply did what he said he was going to do, as any good businessman would do.

In fact, this linked video features a press Q & A where Paul McCartney admits that he had a chance to purchase his catalog first for 20 million pounds, yet chose not to do so because he and Yoko Ono thought it was too expensive.

I absolutely adore Paul McCartney. He is my favorite Beatle, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that was a really, really bad business move by Paul.

Obviously Michael Jackson saw something neither Paul nor Yoko saw, the catalog’s worth, and Michael saw it’s worth more than his own advisers did because his entire business team told him not to buy it.

Well, almost his entire business team did.

ONE high powered business adviser on MJ’s business team, Ebony Magazine publisher and Chicago businessman John H. Johnson who I profiled briefly in Part One of this manifesto, differed with Michael Jackson’s other business advisers on his team:

“Branca opened with an offer of $30 million. But Holmes à Court wanted more, especially since Bandier, Koppelman, and a few other suitors were still interested in buying ATV. By November, Jackson had authorized Branca to raise his offer beyond $40 million. With the exception of John Johnson, Jackson’s advisors — even music executives like David Geffen and Walter Yetnikoff — thought the singer had lost his mind.

The latter told Jackson he was making a mistake and that he should stick to being an artist. “That was my advice,” says the former CBS chief. “And he disregarded it, luckily.” — Forbes Magazine — June 2014

Yes it was extremely lucky that Michael Jackson ignored all of the smart and savvy Hollywood honchos who told him that buying the Beatles catalog was a crazy idea, and instead listened to the lone voice on his team telling him to buy it, which was Chicago Businessman John H. Johnson.

“A few months later, Jackson bought ATV (which included the Beatles catalog) for a price of $47.5 million. Today, Sony/ATV is worth about $2 billion; through Jackson’s estate, his heirs still own his half of the joint venture. That wouldn’t be the case were it not for the shrewd maneuvering and unwavering resolve of Jackson and his team.” — Zack O’Malley Greenburg — Forbes Magazine — June 2014

Something to keep in mind is if Michael Jackson had not purchased the Beatles catalog, someone else would have because Paul and Yoko didn’t think the catalog was worth the asking price.

According to Forbes, Richard Branson and several others wanted to purchase the Beatles catalog.

Unlike Paul McCartney, Yoko Ono, and *most* of the members of his business team, Michael Jackson knew the catalog’s TRUE value and was willing to pay for it:

“John was the financial concierge in executing Michael’s instincts,” says billionaire Tom Barrack, who’d go on to work with Jackson later in the singer’s life. “So Michael said, ‘Wow, I think there’s incredible value [in the Beatles’ songs] over time. Quite honestly, Michael didn’t know if they were worth $12 million or $18 million or $25 million. He just knew and anticipated correctly that over time the intellectual property was going to be worth a lot of money.”

Jackson’s constant refrain: “You can’t put a price on a Picasso . . .you can’t put a price on these songs, there’s no value on them. They’re the best songs that have ever been written.” During a finance committee meeting, Jackson wrote Branca the aforementioned note that still sits in the lawyer’s home: “IT’S MY CATALOGUE.” — Forbes Magazine — June 2014

Lets face it, that was a very unwise business move by Paul and Yoko. Michael Jackson used McCartney’s bad business move to his advantage like any good businessman would while feeling comfort in the fact that he had warned Paul about his intentions which gave McCartney the opportunity to outbid him.

“The only reason Michael bought that catalogue was because it was for sale! [McCartney and Ono] could have bought the catalogue themselves. But they didn’t.” — Joe Jackson, MJ’s Dad (From Forbes Magazine)


Reportedly part of what was included in the ATV Catalog which included the Beatles catalog was the catalogs of several notable black artists, including the legendary Little Richard.

This linked video features a brief interview about how Michael Jackson reportedly tried to give Little Richard his song catalog back.

The one and only Little Richard

For whatever reason, because of some kind of conflict or disagreement with a record company or third party, reportedly Michael Jackson ultimately couldn’t give Little Richard back his song catalog, but the important thing is that very much wanted to and he tried to.

It’s also important to know that trying to correct blatant and unjust wrongs like this against Black artists, proving that he was much smarter than the typical White Male honcho in Hollywood, and many other untold stories not publicly known of how Michael constantly used his immense power to challenge the White Male power structure in Hollywood, is why Michael Jackson had and still has so many enemies in Hollywood, you know, the kind of enemies that own $300 million yachts.

Michael Jackson knew very well how Black artists had been ripped off by record companies for ages in the past, particularly when it came to song copyrights. Michael wanted to make sure that Little Richard profited from his own innovation and genius because he recognized artists like Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Ray Charles, etc were the true innovators of Rock n Roll and should be given their due and should profit from their own innovation.

In fact, that may be the reason why the ONLY song in the Beatles catalog which Michael Jackson chose to cover was the song “Come Together” which had been the subject of a lawsuit in 1973 because of the allegation that the song had been stolen from Rock n Roll legend Chuck Berry.

Michael Jackson performing “Come Together.”

“James Brown, Ray Charles, Jackie Wilson, Chuck Berry and Little Richard. I think they had strong influences on a lot of people, because these were the guys who really got rock n roll going. I like to start with the origin of things because once it gets along it changes. Its so interesting to see how it really was in the beginning.” — Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson and the legendary Chuck Berry

The story behind this iconic pic:

“”As an artist, (Michael) Jackson’s global appeal had long eclipsed that of Elvis Presley, a man who was unapologetically marketed as the ‘King’ despite his brazen appropriation of black music at a time when black artists were used and whimsically discarded.

In Champion or Copycat: Elvis Presley’s Ambiguous Relationship with Black America, Brian Ward wrote, “After Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977, the African-American newspaper, the Chicago Defender, explained: “When Elvis Presley breathed his last breath and the press hailed him as the ‘King of Rock’, Ol’ Man River cried out, ‘Naw, he ain’t! My friend Chuck Berry is the King of Rock. Presley was merely a Prince who profited from the royal talent of a sovereign ruler vested with tremendous creativity. Had Berry been white, he could have rightly taken [Presley’s] throne and worn his crown well.’” — Dr. Glenville Ashby The Jamaica Gleaner March 2019

“There’s only one true King of Rock n Roll. His name is Chuck Berry.” — Stevie Wonder

THIS is who the REAL Michael Jackson was, not the sick caricature the Western Media and Hollywood continuously paints him as because they can’t stomach the fact that an African American Man was so much more talented, more genius, more savvy, more popular and just plain BETTER than they can ever dream of being.

This dude is almost a decade in his grave and they’re still mad at him.

“Jackson’s title, ‘King of Pop’, never sat well with the power structure, nor was his public feuding with Sony Records and Hollywood’s power brokers that was captured in the song They Don’t Really Care About Us. Acquitted after a gruelling trial only to have his stock soar astronomically after his death only ruffled more feathers.” — Dr. Glenville AshbyThe Jamaica Gleaner March 2019

For the record:

“(Elvis) Presley never claimed to have invented rock n roll. He always talked about how much he was influenced by black gospel music and the blues, which he listened to on the radio growing up in Tupelo, Miss. His absorption of these black influences is what allowed him to have a black feel to his music when he entered the Sun Records recording studio 50 years ago.”

“He (Elvis) was a humble person who never claimed he started anything. The one time I attended one of his press conferences, in Las Vegas in 1970, he talked about B.B. King, Ray Charles, and Ike Turner as musicians he admired growing up.” — Jack Newfield — The Sun New York

Elvis may have become the “King of Rock n Roll” but even he knew his sound and Rock n Roll in general originated from Black Music.

“A lot of people seem to think I started this business,” he said. “But rock ’n’ roll was here a long time before I came along. Nobody can sing that kind of music like colored people. Let’s face it: I can’t sing like Fats Domino can. I know that.” — Elvis Presley

In 1999, the legendary performer known as “The Piano Man” the outstanding Billy Joel had the guts and integrity to stand before an almost entirely White audience of some of Rock n Rolls finest, (an audience which included Paul McCartney), as he received his Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Award, (presented to him by the legendary Ray Charles), and tell those famous White musicians in that audience that they were “derivatives” of the TRUE Originators of Rock and Roll which were Black/Soul Music Musicians and Performers.

For those who don’t know:

Definition of Derivative: “(typically of an artist or work of art) imitative of the work of another person, and usually disapproved of for that reason.” — Google Dictionary

Synonyms for Derivative: Unoriginal, uninventive, unimaginative, uninspired

Hey, Billy Joel used the word, not me…but he is 100% correct and bless him for knowing who he has to thank for inspiring his music and for telling the truth. That’s so rare these days.

And for the record, its not that imitation is bad, its when you imitate or copy without giving proper credit to the originator, don’t acknowledge the source, or claim its something you created that is what is bad, unfair, and dishonest.

All the legendary Black musicians who birthed Rock and Roll want is their due, and that’s also all Michael Jackson wanted. It’s only honest and fair.

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” — Aldous Huxley

Back to Michael Jackson the Genius Businessman

“Jackson’s single-minded focus on buying the catalogue despite vociferous objections from the record industry’s brightest minds might strike some as impetuous. But in hindsight, it’s clear that he was correct to follow his instincts, even to those who doubted him at first — and that his sense of the value of copyrights was impeccable.

“I think if you were his adviser at that time you would have told him, ‘Don’t do it,’ ” says Yetnikoff. “Turns out that it was a very lucrative investment. . . . So I would have to say that his business acumen is better than mine.” — Forbes Magazine — June 2014

A throwback to Michael Jackson & Paul McCartney’s mega hit 1983 song “Say Say Say”

“(MJ purchasing the Beatles catalog), proved his savvy, separating him from all those previous black artists who lacked the power to control the music business. But more than that, the symbolic power of Jackson owning the Beatles’ music cannot be overstated. Not only did he become as big as the Beatles, he bought them too. A century after American whites owned blacks, a black performer owned the product of the most elite white group in the world. It was an amazing turnabout, and one blacks took special pride in.” — Toure — Rolling Stone Magazine

That’s very true, but that move also garnered Michael Jackson a lot of spiteful and vicious enemies. Purchasing the catalog of the “Elite White group” aka The Beatles and marrying the daughter of the “Elite white music artist” the King of Rock n Roll Elvis Presley is something they are still mad at.

Come on, a country like a America? A country like Britain (UK)?

Both countries with millions of voters who gave us President Trump and Brexit?

Who did Michael Jackson think he was?

I detail this truth about Michael Jackson’s business savvy and how he came to own the Beatles Catalog to show how diverse the hatred many have for Michael Jackson truly is. The deep-seated hatred which Michael Jackson haters have for MJ can truly be called multi-dimensional.

Michael Jackson is hated by his inferiors for many reasons, but one of the many reasons is because of his having the business genius, acumen, and savvy to outmaneuver some really powerful White males into owning the Beatles Catalog.

And Michael achieved this feat and pulled off what was likely the business coup of the decade by ignoring the advice of the powerful White males on his business team, and instead going with the lone advice of another highly intelligent Black man, Ebony Magazine and Johnson Publishing founder, John H. Johnson.

Michael Jackson & John H. Johnson

Remember all this went down in the 1980s and was considered absolutely shocking to many.

And they are still mad.

And then there is this inconvenient truth:

Many of his enemies also hate Michael Jackson for marrying Elvis Presley’s daughter which is one reason why Michael’s very real marriage to Lisa Marie Presley is very rarely mentioned in the Western Media, and the rare time it is, they pretend like it wasn’t real.

This is also something they are still mad at.

Lisa Marie Presley and Michael Jackson very deeply loved each other, and Lisa Marie’s children loved Michael too:

“Actress Riley Keough, who is Elvis Presley’s granddaughter, grew up surrounded by legends, including her stepfather, Michael Jackson. In a new interview with T Magazine, Keough shared memories of visiting Jackson’s Neverland Ranch as a child.

Keough remembers her time with Jackson fondly, telling the magazine, “I loved him.” — Vanity Fair Magazine — (2017)

Back to Michael Jackson, Businessman Extraordinaire

A perfect word to describe Michael Jackson’s business acumen, genius, and savvy:


“I am the captain of my ship. I take suggestions and listen to what everyone has to say, but the final decision is mine.” — Michael Jackson — Businessman Extraordinaire

Speaking of Elvis…

This tweet features a video snippet of Lisa Marie Presley’s mom Priscilla Presley being interviewed by Barbra Walters where Priscilla reveals Elvis had sex with her and gave her drugs at only 14 years old.

As is prone to happen in America, the Black Male King of Pop gets falsely painted with the sins of the White Male King of Rock n Roll.

We saw the same thing happen with President Barack Obama, and now everything Obama was falsely accused of being, (lazy, incompetent, corrupt, etc) is in reality what President Donald Trump is.

And there is also this inconvenient truth

But you folks already know all of this if you read Part One of this manifesto.

When the Western Media is so corrupt and dishonest that Geraldo Rivera becomes the voice of journalistic integrity.

Here is Rivera again:

“Like virtually all #MichaelJackson accusers #JamesSafechuck & #WadeRobson had horrific stories to tell-except under oath. Both sold their stories after failing in lawsuits vs Jackson estate. Both sold their allegations to tabloids for profit, rather than testify to them in court.” — Geraldo Rivera via Twiiter — March 4, 2019

And why didn’t James Safechuck and Wade Robson tell the same stories they told on TV to millions under oath? Because had they been caught lying or committing perjury while under oath and before a judge, they would have very likely been thrown in jail.

In my opinion, these two jokers now see making baseless allegations about the almost decade dead Michael Jackson as their meal tickets to fame and fortune.

A telling and very accurate quote from Michael Jackson’s late former personal manager, Sandy Gallin from 1996:

“At this moment there is almost nothing anyone can do to control the press regarding Michael. I think that the press has been so vicious and negative toward him that no matter how successful, or no matter what good deeds he would do, they would be misrepresented in the press.” — The late Sandy Gallin, Michael Jackson’s former personal manager in Vanity Fair Magazine article profile on him titled “Sandy’s Castle” — (1996)

And that was way back in 1996 proving Michael Jackson was a target of the Western Media for much of his adult life. It began in the mid-1980s right after his Thriller album blew up and he became the biggest star in the world.

And believe it or not, even Piers Morgan did something extremely rare which was act as a real journalist when questioning Leaving Neverland’s director Dan Reed on his morning show, something which Reed apparently didn’t expect or like:

Here’s one rare person in the media who has critical thinking skills:

“Every major advance review of HBO’s “Leaving Neverland” gave the impression that audiences would invariably come away from watching it convinced that Michael Jackson sexually abused little boys. That’s not what happened for me. In fact, after watching, I disbelieve the two men in the documentary. It isn’t hard.” — Eddie Scarry — The Washington Examiner

Just to remind you all of what Dan Reed, Daniel Pearl, and the vast majority of the others in the Western Media are seeking to destroy TODAY almost a decade after Michael’s death.

The following video features an amazing Compilation of Graffiti Art honoring the memory of Michael Jackson from all over the world.

Location in the world of the graffiti art is in lower right hand of the screen. Enjoy!

Definition of the phrase World’s Biggest Superstar — “A celebrity who has achieved unprecedented and monolithic global mega stardom. An epoch-defining icon who can transcend countries and cultures to receive worldwide adulation.

Etymology: The term is usually associated with the Pop God Michael Jackson.” ~ Urban Dictionary

Never lose sight that THIS is what the Western Media and it’s allies in Hollywood and elsewhere are trying to destroy, and have been trying to destroy since the mid-80s…

…Michael Jackson, an African American Man’s unprecedented global popularity and success, even in death.

Interestingly actress and Grammy Award winning singer Stephanie Mills is a very old girlfriend of Michael Jackson’s.

“Stephanie Mills is an American singer, songwriter and actress. Mills rose to stardom as “Dorothy” in the original Broadway run of the musical The Wiz from 1975 to 1977. The song “Home” from the show later became a Number 1 U.S. R&B hit for Mills and her signature song. During the 1980s, Mills scored five Number 1 R&B hits, including “Home”, “I Have Learned to Respect the Power of Love”, “I Feel Good All Over”, “(You’re Puttin’) A Rush on Me” and “Something in the Way (You Make Me Feel)”. Mills’ won a Grammy Award for Best Female R&B Vocal Performance for her song “Never Knew Love Like This Before” in 1981.” — Source: Wikipedia

Stephanie Mills gained famed when she was about 16 years old as the lead in the Broadway Musical “The Wiz.”

Michael Jackson was about 17 years old at that time and being extremely shy, the way he let Stephanie know that he was interested in her was by going to see her perform in “The Wiz” every night.

Here is an approximately two minute undated video of Stephanie Mills posted on YouTube by an overseas Michael Jackson fan, (that’s why the video has sub-titles), telling Monique about when she dated Michael Jackson.

In this brief video Stephanie also gives the commonsense reason why a person like Michael Jackson who lived in the cesspool of Hollywood since he was a child and was always surrounded by greedy and tainted adults who usually wanted something from him, very much preferred the company of children.

“Michael’s innocent, open and childlike relationships with children may appear bizarre and strange to adults in our society who cannot conceive of any relationship without sexual connotations. . . . This is not a reflection of Michael’s character; rather it is a symptom of the sexual phobias of our society.” — Los Angeles Times profile on Michael Jackson’s former manager Sandy Gallin titled Managing in Turbulent Times — January 1994

Exactly and the fact that so many adults can’t fathom an adult preferring the company of children or preferring to be around children just for the innocence and the untainted and giving natures they offer (until they grow up) says more about the sick minds who think there is something sinister or sexual about that than it says about Michael Jackson.

“Michael was so famous that he transcended humanness.”

“It was like he identified with or was drawn to all things innocent. And yet everyone turned that into something perverse.”

“No one could believe that he was that innocent or that his motives were innocent. But I actually did.” — Quotes on Michael Jackson from the late, great actress Carrie Fisher

Why did so many people not believe Michael Jackson’s motives and actions were innocent? In my opinion, it all comes down to impure and afflicted hearts. They really couldn’t relate on a heart and soul level to someone as good and pure as Michael Jackson was, and that’s not Michael Jackson’s problem, that’s a problem which they need to deal with on an impure heart and soul level.

It was never Michael Jackson’s problem. Michael did not come here to be like this world, or to match how the world thinks, or to behave like the average person does. Michael Jackson came here to rise above the ways of the world and show a higher, better, more loving, and more humane way of living and being.

And that’s exactly what he did.

In my opinion, that’s why God favored him so much while he was alive by making him the most famous and most loved person on the planet in spite of all the BS he had to put up with, and its also why God so obviously favors Michael Jackson NOW in death by keeping him #1 and the most famous person on the planet still via his art, music, and the millions upon millions of people around the world who so obviously still love and respect him.

And that’s why behind the disgust that I have for the evil ones in the Western Media, Hollywood, and elsewhere who are trying so hard to defame a man no longer here to defend himself…

…I also pity them because they have no idea who they are messing with and what the karmic retribution will be for their dastardly actions against him.

Lets just say that lying about, defaming, and trying to destroy the legacy and memory of someone who was very obviously favored by God his entire life, and is also so obviously highly favored by God even in death, karmically isn’t a very smart move.

“If I am guilty of anything it is of believing what God said about children: ‘Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.’ In no way do I think that I am God, but I try to be God-like in my heart.” — Michael Jackson in 1993

In my opinion, Michael Jackson’s lovely mom Katherine Jackson asked the only commonsense question which needed to be asked of any questions about the child and father who accused Michael Jackson of molestation in 1993, the first accusation which was eventually settled to stop the non-stop publicity about it.

“If you think about it yourself, and Michael molested your son, would you ask for money? Would you?” — Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson’s mom

In my opinion, this question should have told any decent human being or anyone with commonsense that the 1993 sex abuse allegations against Michael Jackson was a greedy scam.

Can you see yourself taking a money payout from someone you claimed sexually abused your child in exchange for that person not being arrested and charged?

So there is a price for your child’s innocence being stolen and abused?

And that $$$ makes your child feel safe, worthy, valued and loved…HOW?

If an adult intentionally and willfully abused your child in any way, especially sexually abused him or her, would your #1 priority be to negotiate for a big pay day versus wanting to see that person put in jail so he or she could never harm another child again?

Wouldn’t putting that person in jail be the #1 focus and priority of a loving parent, and money only considered after the fact in the form of civil monetary damages?

In my opinion if you are a loving parent, there is no amount of money high enough to allow someone who sexually abused your child off the hook while more importantly allowing that person the freedom to do it again to another child. Not if you’re a decent human being.

“When children see Michael Jackson, they see a human being. When adults see him, they see money.” — Phil Collins, Legendary Music Artist

There are so many people who abandoned all commonsense and integrity when looking at just the surface of what Michael Jackson was accused of, one really didn’t even need to know all the facts to see the allegations didn’t even pass the smell test.

Either commonsense was totally abandoned or many just wanted to believe the absolute worse about Michael Jackson, right Judd Apatow?

When you fervently want something to be true, you avoid looking beyond the surface or avoid using basic commonsense. We see that now with Trump supporters.

Interestingly, the father who started the whole Michael Jackson child molestation canard, Hollywood Dentist to the Stars, Evan Chandler, committed suicide in November 2009 just five months after Michael Jackson’s death.

Gee, I wonder why Evan Chandler finally couldn’t live with himself?

Here is brief almost 90 second video featuring Evan Chandler on tape talking about his extortion attempt which was really what the first child abuse allegation against Michael in 1993 amounted to.

Yet no one in the Western Media mentions this tape or tells this 100% truth when they talk about the 1993 allegation. All the Western media does is lie or lie by omission.

“In 2006, court documents filed in the state of New Jersey revealed that Evan Chandler was sued by Jordan after he nearly killed him with a barbell and mace in August 2005. Jordan obtained a permanent restraining order against his father as a result. Evan Chandler committed suicide on November 5, 2009, in Jersey City, New Jersey by shooting himself in the head. He left no suicide note.” — Source: Wikipedia

Jordan is the son of Evan Chandler, the kid the first Michael Jackson allegation was centered around.

My guess is it all wasn’t worth it for them in the end.

For the record, there have only been TWO children who made accusations of abuse against Michael Jackson which had been taken seriously by police, the allegation in 1993 which was settled as I just mentioned, and the allegation in the 2005 trial where Michael Jackson was found by a unanimous jury to be NOT GUILTY.

Wade Robson and James Safechuck do not count because they are making their baseless allegations about Michael Jackson years after Michael Jackson died and can no longer defend himself. As GROWN MEN who previously repeatedly said Michael Jackson never abused them, which they did when they were also grown men

There are many devious liars posting in the Western media, on social media, and elsewhere that Michael Jackson has been accused of abusing dozens of kids, and have settled many cases which are totally false. I saw one liar on social media claim it was 50 kids.

For instance, the intended insinuation in this headline in the British Media’s Independent UK is a bald faced lie.

The headline is deliberately worded as if this is the truth when in fact at the end of the headline are the words “lawyers say” to basically admit the headline is hearsay not factual.

For the record, Michael Jackson settled ONE case and one case only, and that was the Chandler allegation in 1993.

If anyone says otherwise, ask to see the receipts, (proof) and if they can’t produce them, please know that they are lying.

Also the Western Media keeps trumpeting the lie that Michael Jackson had child porn and that is also a bald-faced lie. The following link details this truth and also includes receipts, (proof). Please reference it the next time the media or anyone else tells this bald-faced lie again.

Only two serious accusations had been made about Michael Jackson while alive, in 1993 and in 2005. A jury decided the 2005 case in Michael’s favor, and Michael chose to settle the 1993 case because the non-stop malicious publicity he was being subjected to by the Western Media was hampering his career and causing him a great deal of emotional distress. The media was running headlines about the still to this day unproven accusations daily.

For the record, settlements are made all the time to stop publicity which can be more damaging than the allegation itself, but settling the 1993 case became something Michael Jackson sorely regretted which is why he refused a settlement the 2005 allegations (which was what the accusers wanted), and instead went to trial.

“(Michael) Jackson was on tour and his team stood to lose $100 million if he went to trial rather than finished the tour. They figured paying $20 million to make accusations go away was better than losing $100 million in trying to clear MJ’s name (as Jackson would have preferred).” — From Diane Michael’s great article titled “Leaving Neverland Debunked In 10 Minutes Or Less”

Here is that very informative and enlightening Twitter thread on the 1994 Chandler settlement in a convenient one page document:

And for those who want to try to ridiculously bring #MeToo into this, what we have seen with #MeToo is when one allegation is made, a flood of other *credible* allegations immediately follow. That happened with Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Les Moonves, and countless others.

That has never ever happened with Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson spent time with likely thousands of children throughout his life because Neverland was created as a place where disadvantaged and sick kids could come to find peace, joy, fun, happiness, and love.

The fact that no floodgates of kids and their parents credibly claiming Michael Jackson abused them happened in 1993 or in 2005 can only mean Michael Jackson is not a serial child sexual abuser. This isn’t rocket science.

I have already proven via the posting of the Evan Chandler recording which I posted above that the 1993 allegation which was the first of only two allegations that were treated credibly by police, was an extortion attempt which Michael ultimately ended up settling for business reasons and to stop the rampant publicity.

With the second and final allegation taken seriously by police, which came 12 years later, Michael Jackson was found not guilty by a unanimous jury for reasons which I extensively posted in Part One via a legal expert and a journalist who were both at the trial.

In what fantasy land version of reality does TWO allegations which are 12 years apart, both which have been proven totally not credible via the tape of Evan Chandler’s extortion attempt of Michael Jackson, and via a unanimous jury finding Michael Jackson not guilty in 2005, in any way related to #MeToo?

Answer: It’s NOT so please stop using a credible movement where most of the sexual predators it has unearthed happen to be from Hollywood and the Western Media, the two industries mainly behind the baseless and one-sided Leaving Neverland, to try ridiculously slime Michael Jackson.

How about cleaning up your own massive sexual predator problems Hollywood and Western Media before you try to put your evil sins off on a dead Black man?

“About 41% of women in media and entertainment say they’ve been sexually harassed by a colleague or boss at some point in their careers, according to a new report — the highest rate among white-collar industries.

The study, “What #MeToo Means for Corporate America,” was conducted by Center for Talent Innovation (CTI), a New York-based think tank focused on workplace issues.” — Variety — July 2018

Just so we’re clear, Media and Entertainment (Hollywood), the same losers pushing baseless lies about Michael Jackson, has the HIGHEST rate of Sexual Harassment of any other White collar industry in America, and coincidentally the media and entertainment industries are the same industries behind both the making and the promoting of Leaving Neverland. Principles from each field actually made this bogus documentary.

So the same guys working for the #1 White Collar industry in America for Male Sexual Predators according to that 2018 survey published in Variety, are writing, tweeting, and speaking all manners of feigned outrage about almost a decade dead Michael Jackson who they have the gall to label a serial sexual abuser.

Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. Projection is most definitely a real thing, ladies and gents.

“According to Karen R. Koenig, M.Ed, LCSW, projection refers to unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don’t like about yourself and attributing them to someone else.” — Healthline.com

According to that survey, 41% of women in media and entertainment, almost half, have to deal with sexual harassment from pathetic loser media and entertainment guys who obviously aren’t men enough to get a woman’s interest the normal way.

If Media and Entertainment being the #1 industry for Sexual Harassment doesn’t prove the Western Media and Hollywood are filled to the brim with mediocre, inferior, bitter, and severely inadequate males, I don’t know what does.

How about you stop projecting your own sexually deviant issues and sins unto an exonerated dead Black man, Western Media and Hollywood and deal with your own well-documented, widespread and systemic sexually predatory behavior?

“It was pretty obvious that there was no molestation done. It was pretty obvious that there were ulterior motives on behalf of the family. And the mother, she orchestrated the whole thing…that’s my opinion. But there wasn’t a shred of evidence that was able to show us or give us any doubt in voting guilty. It was pretty obvious there was no other way to vote other than not guilty.”

“It’s really important for me to share my story because when I talk, even in my daily life to people that I don’t know or even with people I know, everybody still thinks he was guilty. And I find it hard to believe that it’s still going on. That’s not what happened.” ~ Pauline Coccoz, a Juror on Michael Jackson’s 2005 Trial — (July 2017)

Back to Michael Jackson’s preference to be in the company of children.

“Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord.” — Psalm 127:3

Michael Jackson was a one of a kind, badass musical genius, an extraordinary dancer, a record breaking humanitarian, a killer businessman, an romantic and all night lover, who happened to also have a child’s heart.

“Angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly.” — G.K. Chesterton

“The song’s (Speed Demon) lyrics are about driving fast. According to (Quincy) Jones, Jackson wrote the song after he received a traffic ticket, which caused him to arrive late to the recording studio. Jones told him to write about how he felt, which he did, thereby turning it into a song.” — Source: Wikipedia

Leave it to MJ to make lemonade out of lemons.

“He had a kid’s heart, but a mind of a genius. He was so loving and soft-spoken and a thinker. He wanted to do everything and he was capable.” — Berry Gordy, Motown Records Founder

“An honest man is always a child.” — Socrates

“And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” — Matthew 18:3

“I can’t tell you how many celebrities who he thought were his friends, in his darkest hour, didn’t want to help out.” — Tom Mesereau, (MJ’s former attorney)

“Some friends, you only see them when the sun shines. My fans sustained me even in dark days. I owe them everything.” — Michael Jackson

I’m sure Michael Jackson eventually realized those were not true friends, but it would have been extremely difficult for Michael to find true friends his whole life, both as a child and as an adult.

Because of being in the spotlight since he was five years old, and famous for almost his entire life, Michael Jackson sadly had very few people who he could truly call friends.

“I was so little when we began to work on our music that I really don’t remember much about it. Most people have the luxury of careers that start when they’re old enough to know exactly what they’re doing and why, but, of course that wasn’t true of me. They remember everything that happened to them, but I was only five years old.” — Michael Jackson

Little Michael

There are so many people who don’t have the heart, empathy or understanding to know that if you are robbed of a childhood and put to work at five years old, you might want to make up for what you missed in childhood once you become an adult, especially if adults prove to always want something from you or can’t see you as a normal human being.

Queen’s Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson

“When I’m talking to him, I think my God he’s 25 and I’m 37 yet he’s been in the business longer than I have because he started that young. For me, that’s sorta quite frightening. You think someone who’s 25 would just be starting and I could sorta teach him a few things, but with Michael, no.” — Freddie Mercury, (The late, legendary lead singer of the band Queen)

“I was a veteran before I was a teenager.” — Michael Jackson

“I remember being so little that they had a special apple crate for me to stand on with my name on it so I could reach the microphone. Microphones didn’t go down far enough for kids my age. So many of my childhood years went by that way, with me standing on that apple box singing my heart out while other kids were outside playing.” — From Michael Jackson’s autobiography “Moonwalk”

“So I very much identify with anyone who worked as a child. I know how they struggled, I know what they sacrificed. I also know what they learned. I’ve learned that it becomes more of a challenge as one gets older. I feel old for some reason. I really feel like an old soul, someone who’s seen a lot and experienced a lot. Because of all the years I’ve clocked in, it’s hard for me to accept that I am only twenty-nine. I’ve been in the business for twenty-four years. Sometimes I feel like I should be near the end of my life, turning eighty, with people patting me on the back. That’s what comes from starting so young.” — Michael Jackson from his autobiography “Moonwalk”

At 29 years old which was when he wrote his one and only autobiography, Michael felt like he was 80 years old, near the end of his life and should have people patting him on the back for a job well done.


Because Michael had been working non-stop since he was only 5 years old. When people say he died too soon at 50, they fail to take into account that Michael Jackson wasn’t the average person. He never was, yet he was judged as the average person by average to below average people who could never in a million years understand, comprehend, or relate to him.

Though I have loved Michael dearly since I was a child and to this day mourn his passing, deep down I have never believed Michael died too soon because I very much understand all he sacrificed and all he gave to the world and the unimaginable difficulty Michael had doing that while in the midst of relentless and unprecedented malicious and false attacks against him by greedy, inferior, jealous, and threatened ones.

It was an exceedingly and constantly painful and agonizing experience for his indomitable yet gentle soul.

Michael took it. Michael was a Strong Man, and he kept pressing on. He didn’t break. He fulfilled his mission. He still did what he came here to do.

“We have to accomplish our goals. We have time to rest when we are six feet under.” — Michael Jackson

One of multiple reasons why I found it so important say something about his childhood in this manifesto is to illustrate all Michael gave and sacrificed. It was absolutely unprecedented, extraordinary and humbling, and also extremely moving.

So instead of saying he’s gone too soon, I just say THANK YOU MICHAEL.

“He was a part of your whole life. When you were a little kid with all the Jackson 5 songs and when you’re a little older and through your puberty and your adolescence, and then when you go to college…he was always around defining a part of your life.” — Actor John Leguizamo on Michael

Michael worked his butt off and sacrificed himself since he was a tiny boy, decade after decade, accomplishing goal after goal from the time he was five years old until the day he died at 50.

In what alternative reality is that normal or typical or has ever been done before by anyone other than Michael Jackson?

From five years old until 50???

“They’re so quick to call you strange and weird, but its almost as if you’re forced to be different, because its not a normal life.” — Michael Jackson

Who other than the few who are born into royalty has the spotlight on them from childhood through adulthood until the day they die? Michael had it worse than royalty because he couldn’t go anywhere without people screaming and chasing him, and he had to deal with a vindictive Western Media which were determined to destroy him almost his entire adult life, as it is now trying to do to his memory and legacy a decade after his death.

NONE of this is normal, in fact it’s a one of kind experience which only Michael Jackson has lived, no one else, yet Michael has been judged mercilessly for not being normal, something he was never born to be.

And when you’re not normal, people don’t treat you normally.

Michael was betrayed, sold out, and disappointed by many adults throughout his life, including some family and many people who he once thought were his friends.

“Indeed, for Jackson the silence was deafening. He lost sponsors and faced financial problems of exactly the type that Questlove refers to. Skepticism about his vitiligo (later verified by autopsy) and accusations of skin-bleaching had already cost him some supporters. His fellow artists bailed, his protests against the machinations of his record label were roundly mocked in the press. “Most of us had turned our backs on him,” Madonna said after his death.” — D.B. Anderson — Baltimore Sun — December 2014

“Most of us” are folks Michael thought were his friends or acquaintances in the entertainment business, many of whom wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for Michael Jackson’s influence.

Michael Jackson most definitely had his own modern day version of “Judases” and some are still revealing themselves today.

Michael attributes much of his ability to triumph in the face of so much agonizing pain and monumental adversity which he was willfully and intentionally subjected to from an unprecedented number of enemies and haters throughout his life to his millions of FANS around the world who stuck with him through thick and thin, and loved, respected and believed in him, no matter what while he was here, (and even more so now he is gone.)

“Insult me all you want. Judge me as much as you want. Say what you think, everything you want, but one thing: Don’t touch my fans.”

“My fans are activist. They will fight with you to defend me.” — Both Quotes from Michael Jackson

That is most definitely true. Many of the leads I got to follow up on and include in this manifesto came from Michael Jackson’s fierce and committed fans who number in the millions and span the globe.

For the record to those who disparage Michael’s fans as “MJ Truthers” they are FANS, not truthers, and Michael has had them his entire life. They are motivated by LOVE, something most of you sadly wouldn’t have a clue about much less understand.

#MJFAM, as many in this massive fan global community which is in every country in the world calls themselves, is also are very SMART.

This manifesto would not exist without them.

How badass is Michael Jackson’s global fan base? Leaving Neverland director Dan Reed has reportedly already had to extensively cut his bogus documentary in some part because of lies in it which were discovered by MJ’s fan community.

Needless to say, you don’t have to cut anything if you’re telling the truth, but I get the feeling that the concept of telling the truth is completely foreign to low bar character males like Dan Reed.

Another example: Michael Jackson’s fans have already smoked out Wade Robson attempting to cash in on the lies he told in Leaving Neverland by setting up a fund for “donations.”

“Wade Robson has changed the name of a fund set up to collect donations in the wake of HBO airing “Leaving Neverland.”

The recently established fund, set up through Hawaii Community Foundation, was originally named “Robson Family Fund,” and “created a powerful way to contribute towards the healing from and prevention of child abuse.”

Donations started at $250, but the charity did not specifically say where the money would go. Robson and his wife, Amanda, began taking heat online from people suggesting they were trying to cash in on the controversy from “Leaving Neverland.” ~ The Blast — March 5 2019

So Michael Jackson fans smoked out just one of Wade Robson’s attempts to cash in on the sympathy he has generated for the bald-faced lies he told in Leaving Neverland.

One MJ fan actually discovered that Wade Robson made a $10,000.00 deposit to his own fund, likely to inspire other donors to leave the same amount.

The question is where did Wade Robson get the $10,000.00 in disposable income to donate to this own fund? He’s not employed right?

Serial liar Wade Robson says he’s not getting paid for the Leaving Neverland doc, but I again ask where did he get $10,000.00 (US) in disposable income to encourage the gullible suckers out there who believed his BS to donate the same?


They will smoke you out and call you out.

Unlike his many mediocre haters, most of Michael Jackson fans are professional, creative people excelling in their fields of endeavor and are from all over the world. For example, the initial tip which led me to the British Media’s Daniel Pearl being the ring leader for originating and spearheading this Leaving Neverland farce came from a Michael Jackson fan who is an established and renowned filmmaker in Spain.

They are smart, they are creative, they are dogged, they are principled, they are courageous, they are loyal, they are good, and they are FIERCE.

In other words, his fans are a lot like Michael Jackson, which is why they resonate with him and love and respect him so much…

…and they will fight til the end for him.

Michael Jackson fans are a force for GOOD on this planet and they reside in virtually every country on earth.

“My fans truly are a part of me, we share something that most people will never experience.” — Michael Jackson

“Without God, my children, my family and you, my fans, I could not have made it through. Your love, support and loyalty made it all possible. You were there when I really needed you and I will never forget you. Your ever-present love held me, dried my tears, and carried me through. I will treasure your devotion and support forever. You are my inspiration. Love Michael Jackson” — From Michael Jackson’s message to his fans after his 2005 trial ordeal was finally over

“…he has like a cajelion fans around the world and they stick by him through all the shit he’s been through. That’s a true artist, those are true fans” — Eminem on MJ

I personally believe Michael Jackson’s cajelion fans around the world are the wisest of us all.

“Taking exception to Dodinsky’s words “Sometimes distancing yourself from an argument is the best form of rebuttal” we find ourselves in a constant state of reaching for the wider canvas. Also at odds with F. Scott Fitzgerald, we do not see Michael in “Show me a hero and I’ll show you a tragedy.” Instead, a thorough study of the life and legacy of the man produces fascinating insights calling upon us to be prepared for greatness of mind. It is a hero’s triumph over tragedy, for you see, Michael Jackson is an unparalleled influence in our world. Once introduced to the artistry, it becomes a part of you like nothing else can. His capacity to produce emotion and intimacy of heart upon others achieves even greater effect when led by circumstances in his personal life. He chose to make a path rather than following a trail, which meant reaching into uncharted territories, challenging the status quo, raising the level of debate in the world…and understanding full well the meaning of Socrates: “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” Michael was willing to offer himself up for the greater good, winning the debate…knowing the price. That level of commitment has influenced masses of people of all ages and cultures and colors and religions, inspiring voices around the world to take on the messages Michael lived. Michael Jackson’s relevancy reaches beyond now and forever more.” — Jude Ling (Michael Jackson fan)

“I see God in their faces, that’s what I see.” — Michael Jackson on children

“During the tour, on his nights off, he would go into a toy store and buy ten of this and ten of that and then stay up all night long putting batteries into the toys making certain each and every one worked so that he could have them ready to give to kids backstage the next day. As if he didn’t have enough to worry about.” — Seth Riggs, World-Renowned Vocal Coach on Michael

“It’s sad for children to have to get sick. More than anyone else, kids don’t deserve that. They often can’t even understand what’s wrong with them. It makes my heart twist. When I’m with them, I just want to hug them and make it all better for them.” — Michael Jackson from his 1988 autobiography “Moonwalk”

And from the thousands upon thousands of videos you will find on YouTube featuring kids imitating Michael Jackson today, kids from all over the world very obviously felt Michael’s love…

…and most importantly they knew his HEART.

Why did Michael Jackson wear an arm band on his upper arm every time he appeared publicly?

The arm band was a special symbol Michael chose to publicly demonstrate and reflect his love and solidarity with the millions of kids who are suffering all over the world.

“A special thanks to all the children of the world, of all nationalities. You are my greatest inspiration.” — Michael Jackson

This is who the REAL Michael Jackson is.

Going back to this tweet from Michael Jackson’s old girlfriend Stephanie Mills today:

Stephanie Mills asked of Oprah:

“Ms. Winfrey why, why, would you continue to defame Mr. Jackson’s name?”

Now it’s time to give my hypothetical yet I believe highly plausible theory for what could be a possible reason for why Oprah is intentionally defaming and very obviously trying to destroy Michael Jackson’s legacy and memory by using her unprecedented influence to ask the world to “Let Go of Michael Jackson.”

Hang with me here because I must start at the beginning:

The story begins almost nine years ago in November 2010. That was when Oprah Winfrey decided use all her power and prestige to promote a Brazilian Faith Healer called “John of God” to her audience which spans all over the world.

Some people didn’t like that and wrote blistering articles and blogs which condemned Oprah for doing it, like this person.

Respectful InsolenceNovember 2010 — For Shame! Oprah Winfrey Shills For Faith Healer John of God

“There’s no New Age woo too woo-ey or quackery too quacky for Oprah.

Actually, I didn’t used to think that that was the case. I thought that Oprah probably had limits, that there were some forms of woo that even Oprah wouldn’t promoter. True, after she started promoting The Secret, I was probably deluding myself to think that, but I nonetheless did. On Wednesday of this week, I learned that I was totally wrong in thinking this. Oprah has no shame, as I discovered when she did a show featuring faith healer John of God, entitling it Do You Believe in Miracles?” — Respectful Insolence — November 2010

This blogger who has a blog called Respectful Insolence was up in arms about Oprah promoting to her huge global audience this “John of God” guy. It was yet another example of Oprah promoting something really nutty, crazy and stupid, something that didn’t really make sense which she has been very known to do at times.

Although this is in no way true of everyone she likes and promotes under the spirituality banner, Oprah is very well known for giving her endorsement and support to outlandish people in general, including those who fall under the banner of her warped idea of “Spirituality.”

But this John of God guy was very different.

John of God is a guy who sold himself as channeling the spirit of God to heal all matters of illness and afflictions from heartache to cancer.

More from Respectful Insolence:

“Perhaps the most disgusting segment of all is this one, which introduces John of God. In it, Oprah’s voice over describes John as “persecuted,” “misunderstood,” and “working tirelessly,” after having exulted about how “millions upon millions” of people have traveled to Brazil to visit him. The images are even more disturbing. John of God seems to have a proclivity for women’s breasts. In one scene, he is shown apparently making an incision on a woman’s breast, her nipple chastely blurred out, and squeezing something out of the breast, which the woman described as “something black coming out of my heart.” More important is this key statement: “He urges those who come to see him to continue all treatments prescribed by their own medical doctors.” Assuming that most of these people actually do that, it looks to me as though John of God is the classic case of a quack faith healer doing nothing and then taking credit for what science-based medicine can do. As Robert Caroll, Joe Nickell, and James Randi have documented, it’s pure quackery. As for all the testimonials, it’s almost always true that they consist of people who either (1) never really had the disease in the first place; (2) still have the disease, as Lisa does; or (3) can’t be tracked down and may well be dead.” — Respectful Insolence — November 2010

So as you can see, Respectful Insolence was rightly outraged at Oprah for using all of her influence and clout to get her millions of admirers to believe this total BS about this “John of God” guy.

And it turns out how Respectful Insolence chose to end his/her blistering 2010 blog posting raking Oprah over the coals for promoting this “Faith Healer” guy was almost prophetic:

“As Oprah’s show winds down toward its end in May, I can only say: It’s not a moment too soon. Her reign of woo needs to come to an end. From just one show, Oprah has probably spurred thousands more people to trek down to Brazil to seek out John of God and potentially be harmed. Unfortunately, as Oprah ends her show, she’s starting up her very own cable channel, from which she can promote this sort of “spirituality” 24/7. I don’t know which is worse.” — Respectful Insolence — November 2010

Fast Forward to 2012:

It was in 2012 after Oprah had ended her highly popular talk show and was just in the beginning stages of her OWN Network,when Oprah decided to kick her promotion of John of God up several dozen notches.

2012 is when Oprah actually went to Brazil to visit John of God herself, and she based an entire show on her new OWN Network around that visit.

Oprah with John Of God

Oprah had a pleasant chat with “John of God” and they seemed to get on famously.

Immediately after Oprah first vouched for this guy in 2010, and then again in person in 2012 by flying in Brazil to tape a show where she described her own personal experience with John of God as “blissful” and “peaceful” and “profound” this guy became a spiritual healing rock star.

Via Oprah wholeheartedly vouching for this guy to her global audience of millions not once but twice, reportedly “millions” of people flocked to his healing center in Brazil and John of God began touring the world to offer his unique brand of “healing” in other countries.

Here is a 2014 report about John of God bringing his healing crusade to Australia where participants were charged $300.00 to $800.00.

Oprah had made John of God the Faith Healer version of a Rock Star, and reportedly even former presidents sought out his healing touch:

“Joao Teixeira de Faria’s (John of God’s) website says he has treated former U.S. President Bill Clinton and Brazil’s ex-President Luiz Inacio da Silva.” — NBC News — December 2018

Hey if Oprah vouches for someone, even former world leaders are sold.

Everything was going all good for John of God. The world was flocking to him and he was touring around the world like a Rock Star, all fueled by the HUGE spotlight Oprah had graced him with not once, but twice.

Fast Forward To December 2018 when this happened:

Reuters — December 2018 — Brazil ‘Miracle’ Healer, Who Appeared On Oprah, Faces Arrest In Sex Probe

NBC News — December 2018 — Women Accuse Brazilian Spiritual Healer Once Featured On Oprah of Sexual Abuse

Buzzfeed News — December 2018 — John Of God Was Once Hyped By Oprah. Now He’s Accused Of Abusing Hundreds Of Women.

The New York Times — December 2018 — Celebrity Healer in Brazil Is Accused of Sexually Abusing Followers

The Washington Post — December 2018 — Celebrity Brazilian Healer ‘John of God,’ Once Featured By Oprah, Surrenders On Sexual Abuse Charges

The Mirror — January 2019 — Faith Healer With Millions Of Followers Ran A “Sex Slave Farm And Sold Babies To Highest Bidder”

NY Post — January 2019 — John of God’ Cult Leader Allegedly Ran Child Sex Slave Farm

Shocking isn’t it?

Yet most of you never heard about Oprah’s key role in hyping this sadistic monster not once, but twice to her global audience of millions, right?

The question is WHY?

At least one of the women out of the hundreds who have bravely publicly come forward to say she was allegedly sexually abused by John of God, claims she became aware of this monster via Oprah giving him her stamp of approval on her show.

“Zahira Lieneke Mous, the only woman who agreed to be identified on the television show, said in the interview that she had traveled to the clinic to heal the trauma from a previous incident of sexual abuse. A Dutch choreographer, she had heard about John of God from a friend and had seen Oprah Winfrey’s documentary.

She said she had been summoned for a private consultation with Mr. Faria. Once they were alone, she said, he placed her hands on his penis and instructed her to move them. After that encounter, she said, he invited her to choose a gemstone from his cabinet, and then during a second encounter he forced her to have anal sex.

After four years of silence, Ms. Mous went public with her account, posting a long message on Facebook and then appearing on the Brazilian talk show.” — The New York Times — December 2018

“He (John of God) routinely stresses that God, not he, is the one performing the operations.” — The Washington Post — December 2018

Oprah very likely believed that, and this “routinely stressed” lie was also likely communicated on her show to the millions of people who blindly trust Oprah’s guidance, wisdom and judgement.

“Oprah Winfrey vouched for João’s (John of God) spiritual healing powers after visiting him in 2010 where she nearly fainted during the “blissful” encounter.

The TV host featured her healing experience in a since-deleted episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show titled ‘Leap of Faith: Meet John of God’, in which she described seeing him cut into the breast of a woman without anaesthesia and left feeling “an overwhelming sense of peace.” — The Mirror UK

All I can think of is that poor woman, Ms. Mous, and wonder how many more women like her are out there suffering because of Oprah’s idiotic and insane championing of a man now accused of sexually abusing more than 600 women, and I don’t even have the heart to mention what he has been accused of doing to children and babies.

“More than 600 women around the world have already accused John of God of sexually abusing them during healing sessions with the medium.” — The Mirror — January 2019

“More than 600 women around the world.”

That means many or most of these abused women were abused as a direct result of Oprah hyping this sick asshole because according to all the reporting, it was Oprah hyping him which gave him global renown and recognition.

Allegedly sexually abusing these 600+ women and this sick bastard possibly doing much worse to children and teens if some of the headlines and stories are to be believed, happened at least in part because of the HUGE spotlight Oprah placed on this monster not once but twice.

And the worst part is Oprah apparently failed to investigate this monster before she elevated him to be in a position of global renown to allegedly sexually abuse hundreds of women and children:

“Mr. Faria (John of God) has, in years past, been accused of illegally practicing medicine, but has never been convicted. He faced sexual abuse charges in 2008, but was acquitted.” — The New York Times — December 2018

Yes, you read that correctly. Just so we are clear, this “John of God” monster was apparently charged, tried and acquitted of sexual abuse in 2008, a mere two years before Oprah chose to give him a huge spotlight in 2010, and that platform given to him got even higher when Oprah personally went to see him in Brazil in 2012 for a show on her new OWN Network to further give this sadistic monster her high profile stamp of approval.

And of course Oprah’s bright spotlight on him elevated him and helped this monster to attract reportedly hundreds of more victims.

Why this hasn’t been the scandal of the year, I don’t know. In fact, I found that highly suspicious.

Why hasn’t this been a HUGE and devastating scandal for Oprah?

The New York Times article I linked to above was from December 2018, just a few months ago, yet I never heard of any of this until I began researching Oprah to counter her hit job against Michael Jackson, and I had to dig deep to find it.

Why would a Western media so notorious for going after high profile and powerful African Americans for the most minor of things not go after Oprah for this very real life scandal which is the cause of allegedly causing the abuse of likely hundreds of women and possibly much much worse for children as the sickening articles which I linked to above detail?

And now that I think about it, why hasn’t the Western Media ever really gone after Oprah like it went after President Obama, and like it’s still doing almost 10 years after his death in going after Michael Jackson’s legacy, but now with Oprah’s help?

I think things are now beginning to get a lot more clearer about what’s going on here, at least to me they are.

Only via a tip from a Michael Jackson fan on social media had I ever heard of Oprah’s connection to this John of God scandal, and when I looked into it, I found it all so chilling that I couldn’t sleep that night.

How is a global and influential person like Oprah, a person so well known that the world knows her by her first name alone, failing to check out a charlatan Faith Healer who had just two years previously been acquitted on a sexual abuse charge, who she then featured not once but twice on her shows proclaiming miracles along the way, and that Faith Healer would subsequently go on to allegedly sexually abuse hundreds of women and do worse to children if the headlines I posted above are true, all based on the unvetted spotlight Oprah gave him twice not a HUGE scandal?

Almost every news story on John Of God makes it crystal clear who gave him the bright spotlight and her own personal affirmation and clout to achieve global renown and attention to go on and allegedly abuse hundreds of women, and to allegedly do much, much worse to children, (babies!) and teens…Oprah did.

Oprah & “John of God”

Every news article I have read thus far attributes Oprah as being the one who is solely responsible for making this “John of God” guy an “international celebrity.”

Here is the Guardian UK in January 2019:

“A faith healer who tended to pop stars and presidents in Brazil — and became an international celebrity after appearing on a show hosted by Oprah Winfrey — will face trial on allegations of rape and sexual abuse, a judge ruled on Wednesday.”

Had Oprah not put her bright spotlight on this monster and raised his profile so hugely, just maybe he wouldn’t have been able to allegedly sexually abuse more than 600 women over the last decade. In fact, that’s more than likely.

I go back to what Respectful Insolence posted about Oprah using her enormous influence to give “John of God” a world-wide spotlight way back in 2010:

“As Oprah’s show winds down toward its end in May, I can only say: It’s not a moment too soon. Her reign of woo needs to come to an end. From just one show, Oprah has probably spurred thousands more people to trek down to Brazil to seek out John of God and potentially be harmed. Unfortunately, as Oprah ends her show, she’s starting up her very own cable channel, from which she can promote this sort of “spirituality” 24/7. I don’t know which is worse.” — Respectful Insolence — November 2010

This part deserves a repeat:

“Oprah has probably spurred thousands more people to trek down to Brazil to seek out John of God and potentially be harmed.”

Respectful Insolence was prophetic in 2010 considering that’s more than likely what ended up happening.

Yet this is not in any way a HUGE scandal for Oprah in the Western Media?


Interestingly on the same day that I discovered all of this extremely disturbing information out about Oprah and John of God, February 27th 2019, which also happened to be the date that her planned hit job on Michael Jackson was scheduled to be taped for HBO, this happened:

USA Today — February 27, 2019 — Oprah Winfrey Loses $58 Million On Weight Watchers Investment As Stock Plunges

When I delved a little deeper, I found this article from a week earlier:

Market Watch — February 20, 2019 — Weight Watchers Stock Plunge Means Oprah’s Stake Has Shrunk By $558 Million In 8 Months

“Oprah Winfrey’s purse has gotten a lot thinner over the past eight months — about $560 million thinner — with J.P Morgan adding to her woes Tuesday by turning bearish on WW, the company formerly known as Weight Watchers International Inc.

The wellness and weight management company’s stock WTW, -34.49% closed down 4.5%, after paring earlier losses of as much as 10.5% to a 20-month low of $27.10 in intraday trading.

The stock has now shed 72.0% since the June 20, 2018 record close of $103.09.

Oprah is WW’s second-largest shareholder, as she beneficially owns 7,524,344 shares, or about 11% of the shares outstanding, according to her most-recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

At the record close, Oprah’s stake had a market value of about $776 million. At current prices, it would only be worth about $218 million.” — Market Watch — February 20, 2019

One of the reasons for Oprah’s $58 million stock plunge on February 27, 2019, (again the same day Oprah was scheduled to tape her hit job on Michael Jackson for HBO), and apparently what sent the Weight Watchers stock tumbling was this:

“Weight Watchers shares fell 36.1 percent in early trading Wednesday to $18.90 after the company reported Tuesday that it was “disappointed with our start to 2019.” The beginning of the year is the most crucial time for healthy living ventures.” — USA Today — February 27, 2019

To recap:

Oprah lost $58 million in stock value on February 27, 2019, (which was again the same day she taped her defamatory hit job on Michael Jackson After Neverland for HBO), because Weight Watchers reported it was “disappointed” with their 2019 start.

And Oprah had also lost $558 Million in the last 8 months for various non-scandal reasons, which is more than a half billion dollars.

And it’s obvious that Weight Watchers is putting the responsibility for the lack of public interest in their product on Oprah’s shoulders which is why they seem to be panicking and asking Oprah to do something:

Yahoo Finance — February 27, 2019 — Weight Watchers Calls On Oprah To Reinvent Brand After Stock Plummets

With all of this on her plate, one would think Oprah would have something better to do with her time then to give her support to two documented and proven liars, Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who are making unfounded and baseless allegations about the deceased Michael Jackson, yet that’s exactly what Oprah was doing on February 27th, the same day she lost $58 million in Weight Watchers stock value, following a trend which keeps seeing her losing and losing and losing $$$ over the past 8 months, more than half a billion dollars, according to the Market Watch link posted above.

Think about it…

If one of Oprah’s high profile stock investments could lose $58 million in minutes merely on the word “disappointed” at the poor showing the Weight Watchers company had at the beginning of the year, imagine how a HUGE scandal involving a charlatan Faith Healer who told people he was channeling God, and who is accused of allegedly sexually abusing more than 600 women and much worse accusations involving sex slaves and children, largely because Oprah gave him two ringing endorsements and raised his profile sky high.

And Oprah did all this while she either didn’t investigate John of God, or she outright ignored the fact that this monster had been charged with sexual abuse only two years before Oprah’s first ringing endorsement, something she would have known if she had simply checked this guy’s background out or had her staff at OWN do their homework on him.

Imagine how that explosive news story would have played out for someone as huge and global as Oprah is IF it had been blasted out across the world by the Western Media.

But it wasn’t.

If it had been, it would have very likely impacted not only Oprah’s Weight Watchers stock, but her stock owned in every company, and it would have most definitely negatively impacted her OWN Network.

Yet the Western Media didn’t blast this very real scandal which could have really severely damaged not only Oprah’s wealth status, so much so that it could have thrown her off the billionaires list, but it also could have severely damaged her reputation, brand, image, clout, and OWN.

Fast forward to NOW:

Now almost three months after the John of God worldwide sex scandal broke, we see Oprah very eagerly doing a hatchet job on Michael Jackson’s memory and legacy which if it were to work, would lend a great deal of legitimacy to the Western Media’s own tireless and relentless efforts to make the world “Let Go” of Michael Jackson, once and for all.

My opinion? I smell a whole lot of quid pro quo:

“Tit for tat. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. Or, if you want to get a little fancier, quid pro quo.

This is a Latin-derived expression referring to something done for someone in exchange for something of equal value in return.” — Dictionary.com

What if the John of God scandal was buried for Oprah by certain key and powerful principles in the Western Media, principles which influences what the entire Western Media reports, and in return her offering her enormous clout and prestige to convince the world to “Let Go of Michael Jackson” was the “something of equal value in return” exchange?

Just a hypothetical theory to consider which would explain a LOT if true.

Think about it…

The John of God scandal being heavily publicized in the Western Media would have very likely hurt Oprah badly, hurt OWN Network, unleashed countless lawsuits from John of God victims, and totally ruined Oprah’s image, sterling reputation, and brand.

At the very least it could have knocked her off the Billionaires List which I get the feeling is very important to her.

There has been a lot recently in the news about something in America called “Catch and Kill” involving certain media outlets shielding Donald Trump, Harvey Weinstein, (among others) from harmful media stories.

There was also a recent report about the richest man on earth, Jeff Bezos allegedly being blackmailed by the National Enquirer because the Enquirer had embarrassing personal info on Bezos.

And finally there has been a lot written about Harvey Weinstein’s master manipulation of the Western media who he apparently was in cahoots with. The stories tell how certain aspects of the Western media reportedly traded favors with Weinstein which enabled him to continue his alleged serial sexual abuse crime spree for decades with ZERO media attention before finally being exposed in 2017 by investigative journalist Ronan Farrow among others.

I just put these linked iron-clad facts out there to prove that my hypothetical theory is in no way ridiculous or unlikely. In fact I think they prove my theory is more than probable since it seems to be a common corrupt game a significant portion of the Western media and Hollywood plays, and Oprah’s old pal Harvey Weinstein allegedly happens to be a master at playing it.

Those facts in the linked articles above reveal a great deal of the Western Media is corrupt, and one only need to look at it’s coverage of Leaving Neverland to know this is 100% truth.

To prove my point, I dare you to Google and try to find any article, column, news cast, etc. from the Western Media which challenges this bogus Leaving Neverland farce in any way, any article which shows even the hint of journalistic integrity vs the entire media getting in sync and in lockstep to condemn a man who was 100% exonerated and who has been dead for almost a decade, all based on a one-sided farce which focuses on the words of two proven liars.

Many sinister and amoral characters have been revealed as a result of this Leaving Neverland farce, and that goes for more than just the usual suspects in the Western Media and Hollywood.

Long Live Social Media

Social Media has been an extremely illuminating teaching tool for me over the past couple of weeks and I very much appreciate the lessons.

To add weight to my theory about Oprah, I have put together a Timeline:

Oprah/John Of God/Leaving Neverland Timeline

December 10th 2018

NBC News
— Women Accuse Brazilian Spiritual Healer Once Featured On Oprah of Sexual Abuse

December 12th 2018

Reuters — Brazil “Miracle Healer” Who Appeared On Oprah Faces Arrest In Sex Probe

December 14th 2018

Buzzfeed News — John Of God Was Once Hyped By Oprah. Now He’s Accused Of Abusing Hundreds Of Women.

December 17th 2019

The Washington Post — Celebrity Brazilian Healer ‘John of God,’ Once Featured By Oprah, Surrenders On Sexual Abuse Charges

December 28th 2019

Reuters — Brazilian Prosecutors Charge Healer ‘John of God’ With Rape, Sexual Assault

January 2nd 2019

MSN — John of God’ Faith Healer ‘Kept Teenagers As Sex Slaves And Sold Their Babies For Up To £40,000 Before Shipping Them From Brazil to Europe’

January 9th 2019

The Guardian — Brazil Celebrity Healer to Face Rape Trial After Dozens of Women Come Forward

Variety — Michael Jackson Sexual Abuse Documentary Added to Sundance Lineup

“The Sundance Film Festival has added the world premiere of the documentary “Leaving Neverland,” which focuses on sexual abuse allegations against the late pop star Michael Jackson.” — Variety

IndieWire — Sundance 2019 Adds Four-Hour Michael Jackson Child Molestation Documentary, ‘Leaving Neverland’

The Sundance Film Festival has announced two final additions to this year’s program, including the world premiere of Dan Reed’s four-hour-long “Leaving Neverland,” which focuses on the continued claims of sexual abuse and child molestation against Michael Jackson, told through the stories of a pair of alleged victims. Per the documentary’s official synopsis, “ — IndieWire

January 10th 2019

Deadline Hollywood — Michael Jackson Doc ‘Leaving Neverland’ To Air On HBO & UK’s Channel 4 Following Sundance Debut

January 30th 2019

Daily Mirror — Faith Healer With Millions of Followers Ran a “Sex Slave Farm and Sold Babies to Highest Bidder”

Daily Mail — Oprah Celebrates Her Birthday In St Barts Aboard David Geffen’s $300M Megayacht Watching Michael Jackson Documentary With Her Best Friend Gayle

January 31st 2019

NY Post — ‘John of God’ Cult Leader Allegedly Ran Child Sex Slave Farm

February 19th 2019

News Nation — #MeToo in Brazil: Celebrity Spiritual Guru ‘John of God’ Faces Rape Trial

February 20, 2019

Market Watch — February 20, 2019 — Weight Watchers Stock Plunge Means Oprah’s Stake Has Shrunk By $558 Million In 8 Months

February 23, 2019

British Media’s Channel 5’s Daniel Pearl Pinned This Tweet to the Top of His Twitter Page

“In a matter of days I predict Michael Jackson songs will be taken off radio playlists. The MJ exhibition will be closed as will the other celebrations of his life. #LeavingNeverland” —What British Media Channel 5’s Daniel Pearl tweeted on February 23, 2019

February 26, 2019

CBS This Morning — Oprah’s Best Friend Gayle King Interviews Leaving Neverland Director

February 27, 2019

USA Today — February 27, 2019 — Oprah Winfrey Loses $58 Million On Weight Watchers Investment As Stock Plunges

Yahoo Finance — February 27, 2019 — Weight Watchers Calls On Oprah To Reinvent Brand After Stock Plummets

Yahoo Entertainment — Oprah to Host Michael Jackson Accusers Wade Robson, James Safechuck on ‘Leaving Neverland’ Aftershow

February 28, 2019

The Hollywood Reporter — (CEO) Richard Plepler Departing HBO After Three Decades at Cable Giant


Keep in mind that with Oprah giving that much talked about #MeToo speech at the Golden Globe Awards in January 2018, she became a #MeToo spokesperson by default. Imagine the scandal, the embarrassment, loss of esteem, reputation, money, etc. if the John of God scandal had received the media attention it should have received.

But it didn’t.

And it seems that Oprah attracts sexual abuse scandals on a regular basis which never seem to get heavily publicized.

Here is a sex abuse scandal at her school in South Africa in 2007:

The Telegraph — November 2007 — Oprah Winfrey’s School In Child Abuse Scandal

“At times adopting the confessional style that has made her program one of the most successful in America and seen her rated as the most influential woman in the world, she admitted that the screening of staff had been ‘inadequate’.

“I have done nothing wrong, I was not directly responsible or in charge, although the buck always stops with me.” — The Telegraph — November 2007

And then it happened yet again two years later in 2009:

I’m betting Oprah didn’t think she was responsible for that one either.

And it’s not just droves of African Americans in America cancelling Oprah. Her mass cancellation is most definitely happening on a global level.

Here is Dr. Glenville Ashby writing in the Jamaica-Gleaner newspaper this month (March)

“Acquitted after a gruelling trial only to have his (MJ’s) stock soar astronomically after his death only ruffled more feathers.

But a sworn enemy never forgets. And the enemy never fails to follow the script that always works: recruit one among us to do their dirty work.”

“It is regrettable but necessary that Winfrey, who assumed the treasonous role of ‘plantation mammy’, be challenged by our community. Winfrey’s many troubling missteps have been deflected by her friends in Hollywood and the media. But Winfrey cannot distance herself from her friendship with accused rapist Harvey Weinstein, nor can she undo her promotion of James Arthur Ray, a charlatan who was found guilty of manslaughter after his wellness retreat in Arizona ended with the death of two participants. And it was Oprah who personally galvanized the popularity of John of God, who is held for multiple counts of rape in a Brazilian prison. To date, some 600 women have accused the Oprah-endorsed holy man of sexual abuse.

So I ask, why would Winfrey sign on to promoting recycled allegations against Jackson? The reason now is as clear as day.” — Dr. Glenville Ashby The Jamaica GleanerMarch 2019

To the many Black folks all over the world in addition to the many nationalities from across the globe saying they are canceling Oprah for her malicious, dishonest, and treasonous hit job on Michael Jackson’s legacy and memory, I honestly don’t think she cares about you cancelling her.

I think all Oprah cares about is HERSELF, her billionaire status, her power, her image, her bogus reputation, and her billionaire yacht owning White Male friends who are all too happy to tout her as one of their “black friends.”

Like the low down dirty Judas she is, I think all she cares about is her thirty pieces of silver.

As far as I’m concerned, Monique was 100% right about Oprah.

Note: That image doesn’t represent everybody involved with the Leaving Neverland botched hit job on MJ. Among many others missing, don’t forget the British media Channel 5's Daniel Pearl, the guy who birthed this devious and patently evil plot.

We must not forget about him.

“In a matter of days I predict Michael Jackson songs will be taken off radio playlists. The MJ exhibition will be closed as will the other celebrations of his life. #LeavingNeverland” — What British Media Channel 5’s Daniel Pearl tweeted on February 23, 2019

My take? Oprah may have been used, but she was used consciously and willingly for reasons only she knows, even if she will never have the courage, heart, or honesty to admit those sinister reasons to herself.

And lets not forget to hold Oprah’s best friend Gayle King accountable for her sinister part in all of this. Both her and Oprah tag teamed the defaming of a dead Black man, a man who actually worked hard for what he got instead of depending on the coattails of his best friend to ride on.

I’m curious if your numerous $300 million dollar yacht rides were worth it Oprah and Gayle?

After all you have learned about how Oprah failed to investigate John of God and how her powerful spotlight on him twice more than likely enabled John of God to allegedly abuse hundreds of women and possibly even harm children, please watch in the following video how Oprah convincingly pretends like none of it ever happened.

It’s just about a minute long video but that minute speaks volumes about this woman’s character.

***There was a video here, but it seems it was removed from Oprah’s Own Network YouTube Channel.

In fact, all videos for Leaving Neverland have been removed from Own Network’s YouTube Channel as of today March 7th, just three days after Oprah’s “After Neverland” special aired on HBO.

It looks like at least as of right now as I type this, all traces of Leaving Neverland and After Neverland have been completely scrubbed from Oprah’s OWN Network YouTube Channel.

The full episode of “After Neverland” is still on the OWN Network website, but After Neverland or any other mention of Leaving Neverland is currently nowhere to be found on Oprah’s OWN Network’s YouTube Channel.


I’ll leave you all to ponder why that is while I leave what I wrote under that video for you also to consider.

So it looks like Oprah is going to pretend like the John of God sex abuse scandal which she helped to enable via giving a huge spotlight to promote this monster, isn’t currently scandalizing an entire country (Brazil).

It looks like Oprah is going to pretend like the John of God sex abuse scandal doesn’t exist and she most certainly isn’t going to say anything about her part in first failing to check out John of God, and then putting her huge spotlight on him twice so that he could allegedly sexually assault and rape hundreds of women, and possibly do much worse to children and babies if the published reports are to be believed.

There is no trace of Oprah and John of God on her website, on OWN Network’s website, on Oprah’s You Tube Channel, etc. Everything has been scrubbed so that Oprah can sit on that stage in that video and talk about the horrors of child sexual abuse while defaming Michael Jackson’s memory with that bogus accusation, all while she pretends like the biggest sex abuse scandal in the world right now (which reportedly also involves sexually abused children) is not going on in Brazil and has her fingerprints on it.

However I did manage to find videos of Oprah’s visit to John of God, and they can be found on what looks like John of God’s own website.

They aren’t full videos of the entire show, but they are rare videos which Oprah missed in her massive attempt to scrub all traces of her with John of God from the internet so she could pretend like her affiliation with him never happened.

Here is the link.

One final note about the now squashed Oprah 2020 Presidential Campaign:

“I had a lot of wealthy men calling, telling me that they would run my campaign and raise $1 billion for me. I think that when you have that many people whose opinions you value coming at you, it’s worthy of thinking about.” — Oprah Winfrey per The Washington Post

First its informative to see the opinions that Oprah really values, the opinions of wealthy males, but I’m curious why presumably wealthy White guys would want Oprah to run for president?

Whatever the reason is, they obviously believe she would have been of great value to them if she were elected president, and I’m betting that would have been very true.

Also per that Washington Post linked article, it seems Oprah believes that God is guiding her actions. Seriously.

Considering the kinds of characters of some of the notorious people who she has been “guided” to befriend, associate with, elevate, vouch for, kiss, cuddle, hug, empathize with, champion, and give a global spotlight to…

…although I do believe Oprah is indeed being guided by *something* I personally don’t think it is God who is guiding her actions to befriend, promote, believe, and elevate proven liars, and also two men who are allegedly notorious sadistic monsters who collectively have sexually abused and raped hundreds. But that’s me.

Sorry to disillusion you Oprah, but something is indeed guiding you but it definitely isn’t God.

Nothing whatsoever connected to God guided you to Harvey Weinstein, John of God, or got you involved in this Leaving Neverland fraud. That’s just basic commonsense.

Looks like you’ve been guided by *something* else, Ms. Winfrey.

Back to Michael Jackson

“The Michael Jackson cacophony is fascinating in that it is not about Jackson at all. I hope he has the good sense to know it and the good fortune to snatch his life out of the jaws of a carnivorous success. He will not swiftly be forgiven for having turned so many tables, for he damn sure grabbed the brass ring, and the man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo has nothing on Michael. All that noise is about America, as the dishonest custodian of black life and wealth; the blacks, especially males, in America; and the burning, buried American guilt; and sex and sexual roles and sexual panic; money, success and despair…” ~ The Legendary James Baldwin — From “Freaks and the American Ideal of Manhood.” Originally published in Playboy, 1985.

It can now be found in Baldwin: Collected Essays (highly recommended).

The one and only James Baldwin — (1924–1987)

Thank you so much James Baldwin for speaking that 100% bit of prophetic truth about Michael Jackson and also about America shortly before you died.

The legendary literary giant James Baldwin knew America very well.

First, its very important to get a feel for just who the late James Baldwin was:

“A novelist and essayist of considerable renown, James Baldwin bore articulate witness to the unhappy consequences of American racial strife. Baldwin’s writing career began in the last years of legislated segregation; his fame as a social observer grew in tandem with the civil rights movement as he mirrored blacks’ aspirations, disappointments, and coping strategies in a hostile society. Tri-Quarterly contributor Robert A. Bone declared that Baldwin’s publications “have had a stunning impact on our cultural life” because the author “… succeeded in transposing the entire discussion of American race relations to the interior plane; it is a major breakthrough for the American imagination.” In his novels, plays, and essays alike, Baldwin explored the psychological implications of racism for both the oppressed and the oppressor. Best-sellers such as Nobody Knows My Name: More Notes of a Native Son and The Fire Next Time acquainted wide audiences with his highly personal observations and his sense of urgency in the face of rising black bitterness. As Juan Williams noted in the Washington Post, long before Baldwin’s death, his writings “became a standard of literary realism. … Given the messy nature of racial hatred, of the half-truths, blasphemies and lies that make up American life, Baldwin’s accuracy in reproducing that world stands as a remarkable achievement. … Black people reading Baldwin knew he wrote the truth. White people reading Baldwin sensed his truth about the lives of black people and the sins of a racist nation.” — The Poetry Foundation

Back to James Baldwin’s amazingly prophetic words on Michael Jackson back in 1985, just a couple of years before Baldwin passed away in 1987

James Baldwin knew America very, very, VERY well.

Baldwin knew America and the Western power structure as a whole was not going to let Michael Jackson, an African American MAN, get away with being the most famous, the most respected, and the most loved MAN on this planet….

…as Michael Jackson was….

…and as this manifesto conclusively proves he STILL is.

“He is probably the most famous person on the planet, God help him.” — Sir Bob Geldof on Michael Jackson

Indeed he was and Michael Jackson’s legacy still makes him second to none.

“Mediocrity always attacks excellence.” — Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith

Indeed it does, which brings me back to America.

“The American ideal, after all, is that everyone should be as much alike as possible.” — James Baldwin

Indeed, but WHAT IF someone, lets say an African American Man, comes along to break that mold…

…and WHAT IF in breaking that mold he proves himself to be EXCELLENCE IN HUMAN FORM

…and WHAT IF that fact reveals HIM to be #1 or proves him to be the SUPERIOR one…

not the ones we have always been falsely taught were superior, or who have always claimed the mantel of supremacy?

What would be the response of those who thought they were the superior ones who have now been knocked off of their fraudulent pedestals?

What would be the nature of their response…

…would they simply accept the fact that, no they aren’t anymore superior than anyone else is….

…or would they vindictively lash out at those or at ONE who reveals the unvarnished truth of their false supremacy identity?

James Baldwin again:

“He will not swiftly be forgiven for having turned so many tables, for he damn sure grabbed the brass ring, and the man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo has nothing on Michael.” — James Baldwin’s take on Michael Jackson — (1985)

Forgiven for grabbing the brass ring or for turning the tables to reveal the blatant lie coveted by the many who believe in White Supremacy?

Never in a million years would that ever happen….

…but how mad, angry and vengeful would they be?

Think about it.

The answer to that serious question can be found in how Michael Jackson was treated by a powerful segment of Western society while he was alive…

…and how he is still being treated by that same segment in Western society NOW

…even though June 25th 2019 will mark a decade since he has been gone.

When you’re still desperately trying to slay or to destroy someone who has been dead for almost a decade, that can only mean two things:

  1. That person was and still is really, really, REALLY powerful.
  2. After a decade dead, you’re still really, really, REALLY mad at him.

First of all, it should come as absolutely no shock or surprise that it is so easy for many in a country like America to ridiculously, irrationally, and insanely believe Michael Jackson is a serial child sexual abuser despite all the evidence out there proving otherwise, a lot of it in this manifesto…

…and despite being unanimously exonerated by a jury in 2005 after the Santa Barbara Police Dept and Prosecutor’s office manufactured a case out of whole cloth against him.

This is, after all, the same country where tens of millions of Americans either believed Barack Obama was a secret Muslim who wasn’t born in this country…

OR treated this insane and baseless accusation against our nation’s first Black president like it was no big deal, like many on both sides of the political spectrum did throughout the Obama presidency.

Not once was Donald Trump called a racist by the majority of this country as he spent years insulting and disrespecting President Obama….

…and Trump used that sinful silence to build a presidential platform to run for president…and win.

“To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.” — Abraham Lincoln

And make no mistake, silence is indeed a sin….

…and now via the Trump presidency, this country, and many innocent people, including innocent children, are sadly and in many instances tragically paying for the sinful silence of the US media and tens of millions on both sides of the political spectrum who refused to call Donald Trump’s very obvious racism out during the Obama presidency.

That sinful silence also reveals to the world who and what America is and has always been.

Here’s the thing…

…when you’re silent, your silence allows monstrous and evil things to happen to innocent and helpless people…especially to innocent children.

Axios News — February 2019 — Thousands of Migrant Youth Allegedly Suffered Sexual Abuse In U.S. Custody

But where are the documentaries about this very REAL child sexual abuse which is happening right now at this very moment under the colors of America?

Where is the media coverage?

Where is the demand for answers?

Where is the media’s spotlight for these REAL innocent kids?

Who will be held accountable for what has happened to these children, and for what is still happening to countless children as I type this…as you read this…

…and whose silence enabled Trump’s presidency which allowed this evil detainment and sexual abuse of innocent children to escalate and get much, much worse?

Where is the media’s attention for these thousands of real life kids who are being traumatized and abused in more ways than we can possibly imagine right NOW?

When was the last time you saw a news report devoted to these kids?

When was the last time you saw a Sunday morning talk show or early morning show devote time to talk about these kids or to demand answers about them from the politicians they regularly interview?

When was the last time the media asked Trump or any other politician about these kids?

Where is the investigative reporting to find out who are the “sadistic monsters” abusing these kids so that they can be arrested, tried, and thrown under the jail?

Most importantly, how can your basic commonsense allow you to believe that a Western media which would ignore these thousands of real life suffering and sexually abused kids and the evil predatory monsters who are getting away with it right now as I type these words….

…really cares about sexually abused kids?

Where is the logic?

I am so sick of watching these hypocritical Hollywood folks like Judd Apatow have the gall to call Michael Jackson a “sadistic monster” just because they choose to believe the words of two proven liars and see nothing wrong with defaming a dead man, while these same hypocrites work in an industry reportedly rife with pedophilia.

And just like Ava DuVernay and most other people in Hollywood did with Harvey Weinstein’s alleged serial sexual abuse for decades in regard to the “Harvey stories”….

…in regard to the reported decades long rampant pedophilia in Hollywood, they say and do absolutely nothing about the REAL sexual abuse of children going on in their own industry, while having the gall to defame an exonerated decade long dead man.

In my opinion, that is borderline evil.

You don’t give a damn about sexually abused kids, Hollywood.

Why? Because YOU’RE the abusers or you are the abuser enablers.

Here are the #Receipts and do not even pretend many of you know nothing about this:

The Week — October 2017 — Is Hollywood Sitting on a Pedophilia Scandal?

The Daily Beast — October 2017 — Evan Rachel Wood: Hollywood’s Pedophilia Is ‘Next Dam to Break’

Variety — May 2016 — Elijah Wood Says Hollywood Has a Pedophilia Problem

News.com.au — January 2018 — Actor Corey Feldman Says Pedophilia Is The ‘Number One Secret’ In Hollywood

The Daily Beast — October 2017 — Hollywood’s Other ‘Open Secret’ Besides Harvey Weinstein: Preying on Young Boys

Actor Corey Feldman: Pedophilia Is Hollywood’s Biggest Problem

The Odyssey Online- November 2017 — Hollywood Pedophilia Runs Deeper Than Spacey

Actor Elijah Wood Says There is a ‘Major’ Pedophilia Problem in Hollywood

Decider — October 2017 — When Will Hollywood’s Dirtiest “Open” Secret Finally Be Exposed?

CBS News: Corey Feldman Announces Project to Expose Hollywood Pedophiles

Vanity Fair — November 2017 — Corey Feldman on Abuse Allegations: “It’s All Connected to a Bigger, Darker Power”

The Hollywood Reporter — February 2018 — Street Artist Erects Three Billboards Over Hollywood: “Oscar for Biggest Pedophile Goes To …”

Here is my response to all of you hypocritical Hollywood enablers who I see on Social Media jumping on the “let’s defame an exonerated dead man with the words of two proven liars” bandwagon, and also to all of the Hollywood and Western media hypocrites who stood up and gave a standing ovation to this Leaving Neverland fraud at Sundance:

“Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” — Matthew 7:5

This all brings me back to Michael Jackson.

“Parents, communities, governments, all people of the world…must put our children first.” — Michael Jackson

Here is a very brief video which features Michael Jackson visiting Cleveland Elementary School in Stockton, CA in 1989 after a gunman opened fire on school children there, killing 5 children and injuring many others.

Michael had been on his BAD tour when this first of it’s kind school shooting happened and he rushed to visit the school when he returned. He also visited the students still in the hospital and handed out gifts everywhere he went.

“Wearing a dark blue military-style uniform, Jackson visited every classroom at Cleveland that day, stopped by Central Methodist Church to meet wounded children not yet ready to return to school and sat with two more children still recovering at San Joaquin General Hospital. Jackson gave all the children videotapes and T-shirts.

“His presence made me feel like, ‘Oh, wow, the world is safe, and it is possible to dream, and there is hope after all,’ ” said Elizabeth Pha, 27, who as an adult is pursuing her own career as a singing star.” — Recordnet.com — January 2009

“Eric, Taylor’s third-grader, still has a bullet fragment embedded near his hip. He doesn’t talk much about that morning. But he does spend a lot of time copying the words of songs from the “Bad” tape that entertainer Michael Jackson gave him when he visited the children last month. The visit, Taylor said, “meant a lot.” — LA Times — March 1989

“I’ve always believed that the real measure of a celebrity’s success is not just how famous he becomes, but what he does with that fame and fortune.” — Michael Jackson

This is the REAL man Michael Jackson was, the one of a kind, loving, compassionate, and giving MAN the media and Hollywood try so desperately to defame and destroy, both while he was alive and now even in death.

“It was very kind of him (MJ) to do this. He brought truckloads of gifts and held children in his arms. He was genuinely concerned and expressed his sorrow. One of the mothers called after the experience and said, “I am so glad I saw that” because she realized for the first time that there were no yellow tears, white tears, brown tears, and black tears. Every tear was the same color. They all felt the same sadness.” — Diane Batres — Head of Victim Witness Program in Stockton, CA giving insight into Michael’s visit in 1989

That’s the Power of Michael.

A collage of pictures of Michael Jackson’s visit to Cleveland Elementary School in 1989

Funny how no one from Hollywood (including Oprah) ever thought about doing this after one of the many school shootings this country has sadly had since this first of its kind school shooting in 1989 which moved Michael Jackson to act immediately, rushing from his tour overseas to try to bring comfort, hope, and light to these kids.

“Michael’s a natural. He’s a very hard worker and a super performer, but most of all, he’s a REAL human being.” — Stevie Wonder

Indeed he was.

It’s very important to understand that those who love, those who care, those who give of themselves, those who empathize, those who help, those who have compassion, those who forgive, those who strive, those who better themselves daily, those who follow their life’s mission and purpose, those who dream, those who laugh, those who live with passion, those who are vibrantly alive, those who fight injustice, those who hope, those who make a difference, even if its only in their local communities, those who are TRUE to themselves, even when they are strange or weird to everyone else….

…are the REALEST human beings on this planet.

The most extraordinary and amazing thing about Michael Jackson wasn’t his music or dancing skills…

…the most amazing thing about him was his big, compassionate and pure HEART.

“That’s what God gave us talent for. To give, to help people and to give back.” — Michael Jackson

The tragic Stockton CA school shooting in 1989 was the first of it’s kind.

That’s why Michael Jackson felt so compelled to visit the students and community because he could not believe someone would do something so vile as to shoot and kill innocent kids while they attend school. It was inexplicably evil and cruel to Michael.

“Michael Jackson was the King of Love, the champion of children everywhere with deep passion and missionary zeal.” — Dr. Karen Moriarty

How zealous was Michael Jackson in his love, caring and passion to help others?

Michael Jackson is the most giving or the most philanthropic music artist in world history and he even has a Guinness World Record to prove it.

“Michael Jackson left a philanthropic legacy almost as large as his cultural one.” — Los Angeles Times — July 2009

Here is an excerpt from a fascinating July 2009 Los Angeles Times article which details just a bit of Michael Jackson’s philanthropy:

Los Angeles Times article:

*He (MJ) donated proceeds from the 1988 song “Man in the Mirror” to Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times, a camp for children who suffer from cancer.

*He equipped a 19-bed-unit at Mount Sinai New York Medical Center for cancer research and donated part of the earnings from his Victory Tour to the United Negro College Fund.

*He donated all the money he received from his Pepsi endorsements — $1.5 million — to the Michael Jackson Burn Center for Children at Brotman Medical Center in Culver City. Jackson had been treated there when he was burned during the production of a Pepsi commercial.

*Before a concert at Wembley Stadium in 1988, Michael met with Prince Charles and Princess Diana, handing over checks totaling more than $400,000 for the Prince’s Trust and a children’s hospital.

*He founded the Heal the World Foundation to fight illness and poverty among children around the world.

*He boldly joined Ryan White — a boy who was infected with HIV by contaminated blood transfusions, in his fight against the discrimination of those with AIDS — at a time of great fear and dread over the AIDS epidemic. In 1993, Jackson was one of the stars to perform at Bill Clinton’s presidential inauguration. Before he sang “Gone Too Soon,” he talked about the plight of those with AIDS and mentioned Ryan, who died of the disease in 1990.

Seven years later, the Guinness Book of World Records cited Jackson for holding the world record for the “Most Charities Supported by a Pop Star.” It’s unclear how much Jackson had donated over the years, but some estimates put the number at more than $500 million.” ~ Los Angeles Times — July 2009

Over his lifetime, Michael Jackson gave away over $500 million aka over half a BILLION dollars. ONE man did that, and God only knows how much Michael gave would be in today’s dollars…likely billions.

Of course, the Western media never publicized this extremely important truth about Michael Jackson which would’ve told any decent person all they needed to know about Michael’s high and shining character.

But then again reporting this noteworthy truth about Michael’s world record breaking philanthropy would reveal the media’s malicious slander and lies against his character are all BS, wouldn’t it?

The record clearly proves the Western media mostly promoted lies and innuendo about Michael Jackson, very rarely the truth.

“Noted veteran Hollywood publicist Howard Bragman: “He (MJ) let his actions speak for him, and those actions were big, grand gestures.”

“A lot of the issues he shed a light on were issues that no one felt comfortable talking about at the time, like AIDS,” Bragman said. “He was not the guy who would jump on the bandwagon. He was the guy leading the band.” — Los Angeles Times — July 2009

Two words perfectly define Michael Jackson holding the Guinness World Record for being the most GIVING music artist ever and those two words are HEART and LOVE.

You can read a bit more about Michael Jackson’s astounding philanthropic record here:

“The best way I can imagine to show my thanks is to make the very most of the gift that God gave me.” — Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson is in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the entertainer/celebrity who gave the most in the entire world, yet the Western Media repeatedly fails to mention this truth to the public.

I hope at this point all of the smart ones reading this manifesto understands why.

Oh, and you know who isn’t in the Guinness Book of World Records nor any other record book for giving the most?

Saint Oprah nor any of Michael’s other famous haters.

Instead of hoarding his wealth for himself or being concerned with achieving and maintaining a Billionaire status, hanging out with White Male billionaire plutocrats, (very likely the same ones who love and/or support Trump), and riding on $300 million mega-yachts as is in my opinion so obviously the case with Oprah….

…Michael Jackson instead did exactly what Jesus would have done if he had had wealth, and Michael did so willingly and gladly.

“God gave me a gift and I have to use it responsibly by giving back. I’ll do it until I have pennies left or God calls me home.” — Michael Jackson

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. asked THE defining question of the ages:

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?” — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Sadly, many people in American society believe their ambitions are only meant to benefit themselves and their families, but the teachings of Jesus Christ taught that we are here to HELP OTHERS…period.

THAT is the end game, ladies and gents, NOT only achieving fame, fortune or professional success in whatever field our career is in, but to use our God-given gifts, whatever those talents which helped us to succeed or achieve fame, fortune or professional success are, to GIVE BACK and benefit others in some meaningful and significant way.

“He wasn’t ever really interested in money. I’d give him his share of the night’s earnings and the next day he’d buy ice cream or candy for all the kids in the neighborhood.” — Joe Jackson, Michael’s Father

“No one talks about when he did the Victory tour, I remember as a kid Michael being on tour with the Victory tour right? And every night on the news they would announce that Michael Jackson donated his money from every city that he did, he donated it to a new charity. He donated his money from the Victory tour to charities. I thought that was amazing. I’m like, wow! This guy’s donating millions of dollars every night to a new charity. Then he would stop in every city and every city he would stop at a hospital and visit kids that were burned, ill or whatever. He took the time to do all that.” — Cory Rooney, Record Producer & Epic’s VP of A & R

No one understood and most importantly lived the truth of MLK’s “What are you doing for others?” question better than Michael Jackson did.

“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.” — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Michael Jackson also perfectly understood the following truth:

“Where your talents and the needs of the world cross lies your calling.” — Aristotle

And according to the Los Angeles Times article, which documents his record breaking philanthropy, Michael Jackson is likely still giving many millions every year even now, after he is no longer here. That was most definitely Michael’s wish and intention:

“Jackson’s estate is expected to generate hundreds of millions of dollars more over the years to come. If the will currently being treated by the courts as valid is sustained, it appears that at least 20% of the income on the trust that Jackson directed his executors establish will go to charity.” — Los Angeles Times — July 2009

Here is a link to a video which features a telling antidote about Michael Jackson made by the late bestselling author and speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer shortly after Michael Jackson’s death which sums up Michael perfectly.

*Ironically Dr. Wayne Dyer died in 2015 on August 29th, which is Michael Jackson’s birthday. RIP, Dr. Dyer.

“Your limits are defined by the agreement you made of what’s possible. Change that agreement and you can dissolve all limits.” — Dr. Wayne Dyer

In addition to Dr. Wayne Dyer’s profound commentary on Michael Jackson, here is a brief two minute video which features Howard Bloom speaking real deal TRUTH about who Michael truly was.

“Michael Jackson is the most astonishing person I’ve ever met on the face of this planet. I never expected to meet anybody like him, I never suspected there was anybody like him. He lived to GIVE.” — Howard Bloom

None of these facts that I have posted about Michael Jackson in this manifesto matches him being a serial child sexual abuser, and that’s precisely why 99% of you are just now learning about these truths. The Western Media knew that if they reported this and a lot of other truth about Michael, the public wouldn’t believe its lies and innuendos about him. That’s how dirty and dastardly the Western media is and its important to know that Michael isn’t the only person the media lies about.

Michael Jackson was more REAL, more compassionate, and more humane than his sorry and mediocre haters in Hollywood and the Western Media could ever dream of being. And that’s yet another reason why they stay mad at him.

“Michael Jackson was never afraid to put himself out there for the truth as he saw it. We could always count on Jackson to be the global leader of the band, to give voice to everything we were feeling. His adult catalog is a trove of social activism. Starvation. AIDS. War. Gang violence. Race relations. The environment. It was Jackson who put on concerts for war-torn Sarajevo. It was Jackson who put together a group charity song and concert after 9/11. It was Jackson who used every ounce of his global celebrity to make a difference. He was there.” — D.B. Anderson — Baltimore Sun — December 2014

“Always stand for what is right, even if you’re standing alone.” — Michael Jackson

James Baldwin’s words again about Michael:

“He will not swiftly be forgiven for having turned so many tables…”

The legendary James Baldwin most definitely knew what was up, or what was to come for Michael Jackson when he made that astoundingly accurate prophecy for him in 1985.

James Baldwin knew White America and he also knew Michael Jackson had indeed “turned the tables” on them when he officially became…

the most famous person on the planet beginning in the early 1980s:

“According to the Oxford English Dictionary, if you “turn the tables” on someone, it is generally understood that you have reversed the fortunes in your favor to some capacity, so as to “reverse one’s position relative to someone else, especially by turning a position of disadvantage into one of advantage.” — Mental Floss

When I think about the life and legacy of Michael Jackson, all I see is one HUGE irritant to America’s and the Western world’s ridiculous idea of White Supremacy.

One simply could not watch Michael Jackson and honestly believe they were in any way superior to him.

Case in point:

“Dancers are the athletes of God.” — Albert Einstein

*Fun Fact: Although “Smooth Criminal” is one of Michael Jackson’s most iconic songs and short films/music videos, (out of many), this extraordinary song almost wasn’t released.

For this reason “Smooth Criminal” was the 7th release off of Michael Jackson’s legendary “Bad” album.

Why was Michael so conflicted to a point that he waited so long to release this masterpiece of a song?

Because Michael Jackson didn’t think the song was good enough. Seriously.

That’s the type of mindset you have when you strive to reach your HIGHEST potential, when you strive to be EXTRAORDINARY, when you strive for EXCELLENCE

…and when you are one of the rare ones who *choose* to live at that extremely HIGH level of human potential….

…for those boring and mediocre ones who aren’t even close to living or matching living at that same EXCELLENCE-striving way of being….

JEALOUSY can reign from within….

…..so much so that it can slowly begin to eat away at the jealous ones hearts and souls.

In fact, Michael Jackson sang about what he labeled “The Ghost of Jealousy” in his epic song “Ghosts” a genius song and short film which could be said was a darker sequel to MJ’s mega hit song “Thriller.”

“…are you the ghost of jealousy?” — Lyric from Michael Jackson’s thought-provoking song “Ghost.”

In the amazing short film for “Ghost” the always innovative Michael Jackson even coyly dressed up like an average, unattractive, Middle-aged White Guy to drive the point home as to exactly the type of person he was directing that question to….

…you know, the same type of guys who run and dominate the Western Media and who run and dominate Hollywood.

*These type of guys also tend to own NFL teams, head Corporations, almost exclusively dominate the Republican Party, and until very recently the Democratic Party as well.

Michael Jackson actually miraculously became one of those guys in the short film “Ghost.”


*Yes the “average looking” middle-aged, and overweight White guy in this short film is none other than Michael Jackson in disguise.

What a GENIUS, but of course he is…

…he’s Michael Jackson.

“Michael’s imagination was endless. He would visualize it, and it happened. It was amazing” — Alif Sankey “This Is It” Tour Associate Producer

Michael Jackson’s question in his epic song “Ghost” to his many mediocre Western Media and Hollywood haters:

“They put a knife in my back
Shot an arrow in me!
Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy?
The ghost of jealousy” — Lyrics from the 1996 song “Ghost” written and performed by Michael Jackson

*Here are the full lyrics for “Ghost”

**Also here is a video link of an excerpt from a really interesting and fascinating VH1 special on the making of the incredible short film “Ghosts.”

Michael Jackson not only played the lead middle-aged White guy in the short film, he also played all the monsters in the short film, and it’s really amazing.

This extraordinary video reveals the real CHARACTER, and the work ethic, the intellect, the heart, the playfulness, and the genius of Michael Jackson.

The following excerpt from the above quote from James Baldwin bears repeating.

The legendary James Baldwin on Michael Jackson.

“I hope he has the good sense to know it and the good fortune to snatch his life out of the jaws of a carnivorous success. He will not swiftly be forgiven for having turned so many tables, for he damn sure grabbed the brass ring, and the man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo has nothing on Michael.” ~ James Baldwin — (1985)

Where to begin? First, please note that way back in 1985, almost 35 years ago, Baldwin knew where this was all headed.

He knew that Michael Jackson would “not swiftly be forgiven for having turned so many tables.”

Nope. Forgiveness for proving you’re superior to those who have been raised to believe they are superior to you, and whose entire psyche is based on that lie?

That was never going to happen.

And because that was never going to happen, way back in 1985 and just a few years before his death, the legendary James Baldwin prophetically knew that Michael Jackson would become a target…

…a target not of their forgiveness, but of their wrath.

For example, here is a two minute excerpt from an interview which Michael Jackson did with 60 Minutes journalist the late Ed Bradley where Michael talks about the police viciously abusing him after they arrested him for the now fully exonerated abuse allegation which Michael went to trial for in 2005.

According to Michael, the Santa Barbara Police put hand cuffs on him so tight that they caused severe bruising on his arm, (for which a photo was provided.) Michael also said he dealt with long term pain in his arms which caused him not to be able to sleep because of the way the police brutally pulled his arms while he was in hand cuffs.

Michael also told Ed Bradley that the Santa Barbara Police locked him in a feces covered bathroom for 45 minutes when he asked to use the restroom, all while taunting him from the outside of the locked bathroom door.

Knowing what African Americans in this country have always known about the extremely racist US police, and what many Whites have only recently discovered about the police after camera phones have captured police abuse of African Americans too many times to count, does any fair and rational person really believe this didn’t happen?

More importantly, why was this not given wall to wall coverage by the Western Media?

Michael Jackson was the most famous person on the planet yet the vast majority of the Western Media remained silent about this alleged vicious abuse of him by the police. In my opinion, the Western Media basically covered up for and protected the Santa Barbara Police all while giving it license to abuse or possibly do worse to many other African Americans and people of color in the years since then.

Hey if the police can get away with brutalizing Michael Jackson, it can get away with brutalizing or even killing anyone right?

Isn’t that exactly what is happening in this country now?

This just happened recently to an African American male who allegedly was killed by police while he was asleep:

In fact, I’m sure that was at least partly the Santa Barbara Police’s reasoning for allegedly brutalizing Michael Jackson, to show him they could do what they wanted to an African American Man, even if he was the most famous person on earth.

And apparently the Western Media was totally fine with that. Again, had any of you heard anything about this?

Just like Michael Jackson sang in a song which was partly about police brutality released many years before he himself allegedly had a direct experience of the very police brutality which he sung about:

“They don’t really care about us.”

And they DON’T.

Michael Jackson wrote and sung songs of truth, but I can’t think of truer words sung by him than the words he sung about how the Western Media the honchos in Hollywood, and how many others in America feels about African Americans and people of color.

“They don’t really care about us.”

Voting for Brexit and a racist like Donald Trump proves this truth beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The US media giving a stone cold racist like Donald Trump $5 billion in Free promotion to coast into the White House proves this truth beyond a shadow of a doubt.

“They don’t really care about us.”

In short, Michael Jackson tried to tell y’all more than two decades ago. He tried to warn us.

“They don’t really care about us.”

“…I’m a victim of police brutality.” — Lyric Michael Jackson sang in “They Don’t Care About Us.”

That lyric was first sung by Michael in the mid 90s. Approximately a decade later, that lyric would come painfully and humiliatingly true for him, according to Michael. Maybe Michael Jackson prophetically saw what they were going to do to him.

All I know is if the police can get away with treating Michael Jackson that way, the police can get away with treating anyone that way, or much worse, which is tragically exactly what has been happening to African Americans, and also to other people of color in this country.

“They Don’t Care About Us” was released in 1996 on Michael Jackson’s outstanding HIStory album. Reportedly the song was recorded years earlier.

Michael Jackson was about speaking/singing TRUTH even if it made him a target, which it certainly did. Hollywood and the mainstream media went absolutely BERSERK when Michael tried to put this song out, falsely claiming it was “antisemitic.”

“The singer (Michael Jackson) countered allegations of antisemitism, arguing that reviews had misinterpreted the context of the song, either unintentionally or deliberately.” ~ Source: Wikipedia

Of course Michael Jackson knew what was up. He always did.

He knew this song would cause a shitload of controversy as the truth spoken about White Supremacy often does.

And remember, this was in 1996, more than 20 years ago, before the term “woke” was even conceived.

While living in the present world filled with an overwhelming number of cowardly male examples, I just keep thinking about how gosh darned BRAVE Michael was for releasing a song which he knew would cause all hell to break loose.

“Being “awake” isn’t cool. It means having to dumb down 98% of your conversations everyday, so you don’t sound like a lunatic.” — Comedian Dave Chappelle

Sorry Dave, but “dumbing down” truth that needs to be expressed because of a fear of how others will respond to it is what cowards do….

…and Michael Jackson was no coward.

Michael knew he would be castigated.

Michael knew that he would receive all types of hate and condemnation from the usual suspects.

Michael knew he would be repeatedly lied about by the same lame and mediocre folks in the media and Hollywood who were always out to tear him down.

So WHY did he do it?

It’s really very simple. Love.

Michael Jackson loved humanity, his people in particular…and he wanted to help.

He wanted us to KNOW, to see what was REAL because Michael Jackson knew that knowledge is POWER.

It wasn’t about him or what he absolutely knew he was going to be subjected to. It wasn’t about the immense amount of garbage that was going to be thrown at him by all his jealous haters.

It was about US.

Michael Jackson sang the truth for us.

The honchos in Hollywood and Media didn’t want a person of Michael Jackson’s global prominence proclaiming “They Don’t Really Care About Us” knowing they were the “they” and “us” were the masses, African Americans and people of color in particular.

Fast forward 20 years from 1996 to the 2016 presidential campaign, and the first 5 words I can think of are….

“Michael tried to tell y’all.”

Michael Jackson was trying to give their whole game away decades ago.

More than two decades after that iconic song’s release, Michael Jackson’s words “They Don’t Really Care About Us” ring out like a trumpet call, like a prophetic warning which Michael was urgently trying to convey to us 20 years previously…

…because how can you care about African Americans or people of color in general, and vote for or support an open racist like Trump who makes it clear that he will target them if elected?

And tragically that is precisely what has happened, with even innocent children being harmed by his increasingly racist policies.

Rolling Stone Magazine — August 2018 — How Many More Racist Trump Policies Will America Normalize?

“Indifference to me is the epitome of evil.” — Elie Wiesel — Nobel Laureate & Holocaust Survivor

“All I want to say is that they don’t really care about us.” — Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was “woke” decades before that term was even coined.

“All I want to say is that they don’t really care about us.” — Michael Jackson

And that has to be one of Michael Jackson’s most repetitive songs.

He and the chorus sings that sentence over and over again like he is really trying his best to get that 100% truth through to the masses.

“If you want to know how I feel, you can check out HIStory.” — Michael Jackson

And he released this iconic song 20+ years ago, when many people were still not yet consciously aware of what has always been the case in this country and much of the West.

Some GOOD NEWS is even though the media and it’s like-minded ilk tried it’s best to suppress the song, it FAILED

…just like it always does when it tries to come for Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson actually created TWO short films/music videos for “They Don’t Care About Us.”

That’s how important it was to Michael to get his urgent message across to the masses.

Since Michael Jackson made an unprecedented TWO short films/music videos for this song, it seems Michael maybe thought it was his most important song.

The prison version posted earlier was for American viewers to highlight the evil and devastation of Mass Incarceration long before anyone knew it was going to be a very serious problem for communities of color in America.

The second version of the short film/music video is the most popular version and is intended for Michael Jackson’s global audience.

Filmed in the slums of Brazil and directed by legendary film director Spike Lee, this version of the video is the THIRD most viewed Michael Jackson video on the Michael Jackson YouTube Channel clocking in currently at almost 600 million views and gaining on overtaking the Billie Jean and Thriller music videos in the #1 and #2 spots.

As usual, the world got it and LOVED MJ’s Message in spite of the mediocre ones who actively tried so hard to suppress it. They didn’t.

“Michael was great. He had a sense of humor. He worked hard. People talk about how hard Kobe Bryant works; he didn’t work harder than Michael Jackson. This is what I’ve come to learn.” — Filmmaker Spike Lee when asked how it was to work with MJ on this stellar short film/music video

*Here is a video link to an excerpt from a fascinating VH1 special on the making of both “They Don’t Care About Us” short films. It features commentary from legendary film director Spike Lee who directed the two short films.

Michael Jackson tried to tell us *they* don’t care about us more than 20 years ago, and that is yet another reason why he was a constant target by his relentless enemies and haters in the Western Media, Hollywood, and their like-minded ilk.

Michael Jackson refused to shut up and just sing happy dance songs or bland and soulless songs without a hint of controversy as much of today’s music artists do. He refused to just mesmerize us with his brilliant dancing.

Michael released songs like “Why You Want To Trip On Me? which asked the Western media why it was focused on him instead of the incalculable problems in America and the world which causes the death and suffering of countless millions of people every year which is what a media which cares about serving the public should be focused on?

The Western Media, Hollywood, and their allies absolutely hated Michael Jackson’s guts for telling the unvarnished TRUTH about them, and he knew they hated his guts and that they were his bitter enemies, yet that did not stop him.

Absolutely nothing they did or tried to do to him stopped Michael Jackson from speaking truth to power or from fulfilling what he knew to be his mission in life, no matter how hard, no matter how difficult, and no matter how tremendously painful it was.


If the fact that 99% of you are just learning that Michael Jackson, the world’s most famous man, was allegedly brutalized by the police with almost ZERO attention given to this explosive allegation by the Western Media doesn’t prove not only that there was a full out vendetta against Michael Jackson by the Western Media, but also there may be a very serious problem with racism in the Western Media, then you’re likely one of those folks who believe Barack Obama wasn’t born in the US or that Donald Trump really isn’t a racist.

And to prove that the US media’s malicious conspiracy against Michael Jackson went up to the top of the media chain in this country, here is a linked video featuring the late legendary 60 Minutes journalist Ed Bradley in an interview with Larry King calling out the prestigious New York Times for using something he did not say to slime Michael Jackson.

Video link of 10 minute interview excerpt featuring the late legendary African American journalist Ed Bradley with Larry King.

“Some things in life they just don’t want to see.” — Lyric from “They Don’t Care About Us”

Here are hundreds of inmates at a maximum security prison with a few of the dancers from Michael’s “This Is It” tour in the Philippines honoring Michael Jackson via his song “They Don’t Care About Us” in 2010.

“I remember when Michael Jackson died. The entire prison wept.” — Amanda Knox speaking to People Magazine about her time in an Italian prison — (April 2013)

“I always want to do music that inspires or influences another generation. You want what you create to live, be it a sculpture or a painting or music. Like Michelangelo, he said, ´I know the creator will go, but his work survives. That is why to escape death, I attempt to bind my soul to my work.’ And that’s how I feel. I give my all to my work. I want it to just live.” — Michael Jackson

Mission Accomplished, Michael.

“I have confidence in my abilities. I have real perseverance. Nothing can stop me when I put my mind to it.” — Michael Jackson

Back to James Baldwin’s prophetic words to Michael Jackson:

“I hope he (MJ) has the good sense to know it and the good fortune to snatch his life out of the jaws of a carnivorous success.” — James Baldwin (1985)

Baldwin was basically telling Michael to Get Outquick!

James Baldwin knew the deal.

Baldwin knew America and the Western Power structure, probably better than anyone.

“This innocent country set you down in a ghetto in which, in fact, it intended that you should perish….

You were born into a society which spelled out with brutal clarity, and in as many ways as possible, that you were a worthless human being.

You were not expected to aspire to excellence, you were expected to make peace with mediocrity.” — The legendary James Baldwin, from “The Fire Next Time.”

Michael Jackson was the epitome of a well-read man. Michael reportedly had a personal library of more than 10,000 books.

“You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read.” — James Baldwin

Many of those books in Michael Jackson’s incredible 10,000 book personal library were on Black history, from Black authors, and many were James Baldwin’s books and writings.

I say that to say, I’m sure Michael got Mr. Baldwin’s message to him.

To me, that’s precisely what Baldwin’s words about Michael Jackson in that prophetic writing reads like.

Within that Baldwin writing was a personal message that Baldwin intended to specifically convey to Michael…a warning.

“I hope he has the good sense to know it and the good fortune to snatch his life out of the jaws of a carnivorous success.”

“He will not swiftly be forgiven for having turned so many tables…” — James Baldwin on Michael Jackson (1985)

I’m sure Michael Jackson got the message, considered it, but he obviously decided to go ahead and PRESS ON.


Because Michael knew what his mission and purpose was, and he was determined to fulfill it…

…no matter how excruciatingly painful, unbelievably hard, and unfathomably difficult that proved to be for him.

By PRESSING ON in spite of the hate, in spite of the obstacles, in spite of the relentless attempts by the Western media and the American and Western establishments to take him down by any means necessary…

…in spite of being afflicted with a little known disease called Vitiligo which progressively turned his beautiful brown skin….

…lighter and lighter…

…and having to deal with that public humiliation as the most known and most famous person on the planet…

…dealing with the humiliation as an ultimate perfectionist who was a highly sensitive, extremely self conscious, and very shy guy when he was not on stage…

…and while also dealing with extremely dumb and clueless people who ridiculously thought he was deliberately trying to change the color of his skin…

…and while also dealing with an ignorant, vindictive and malicious Western Media too hell-bent on destroying him than actually doing its job to educate and inform the public about the reality of Vitiligo, a disease which reportedly afflicts more than 200,000 people a year, which is well-known now, but which was not well known back when Michael Jackson was first diagnosed with it.

“In some cases the psychological consequences can be quite horrendous,” says a spokesman for the Vitiligo Society. “Some people are able to cope with it, others just can’t.” — BBC — May 2014

Keep in mind, that quote from the Vitiligo Society was from 2014.

Michael Jackson was first diagnosed with Vitiligo right after his monster success with Thriller, in the mid 80s, when almost no one had ever heard of it, nor had we ever seen anyone afflicted with it.

“Some people are able to cope with it, others just can’t.”

Imagine trying to cope with this then little known disease as the World’s Most Famous Human Being…

…as a person who was excruciatingly sensitive, shy and self conscious….

…and while many heartless and dense people were cruelly accusing you of doing this to yourself deliberately to become someone you weren’t?

Elizabeth Amisu, author of the book “The Dangerous Philosophies of Michael Jackson: His Music, His Persona, and His Artistic Afterlife” and a person who has studied Michael Jackson’s life extensively, has written and spoken a great deal on Michael’s inherent blackness.

“The unjustified ideas that Michael Jackson did not like being black, did not affirm his blackness, or did not feel pride in being a black man were unequivocally rebuffed throughout his life.”

“The claim that Jackson purposely changed his skin was a complete fabrication that served to justify a racist assertion that any black man would desire to become white in the first place.” — Quotes from Elizabeth Amisu, author of the book “The Dangerous Philosophies of Michael Jackson: His Music, His Persona, and His Artistic Afterlife”

With all of this on Michael Jackson’s already exceedingly overburdened shoulders, a burden he has in some way or another carried since he was a five year old child….

…and with so many more burdens and betrayals he bore which I don’t even have the room to list here…

…in addition to the countless other struggles, difficulties, and challenges that he dealt with which the public doesn’t even have a clue about…

…in spite of all that, Michael Jackson had the bravery, the heart, and the audacity to STILL continue to STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE.

He had the immense courage to still continue to DO HIS WORK.

He had the incredible strength and fortitude to still continue to FULFILL HIS MISSION….

…and by doing all that and so much more, Michael Jackson became the Most Famous, Most Admired, Most Loved, Most Imitated, Most Revered, and the HIGHEST Example of Pure Excellence On This Planet.

“Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand…but the wise shall understand.” — Book of Daniel 12:10

Oh yes, the wise most definitely understands.

“Since olden times, those who have stood for justice and righteousness have met with obstacles created by dark forces.”

“We will fight with all our might for as long as we live the snarls and malice of the dark forces.”

“We are not afraid of criticism directed toward us or malice spoken against us, for we are armed with God’s sword which can destroy all evil.” — Mokichi Okada aka Meishu-sama, Japanese Spiritual Leader (1882–1955) who spoke universal words for all those on the side of not religion, but on the side of Righteousness

God’s sword? The TRUTH or what is commonly known today as the #Receipts.

There are those who understand and totally resonate with Michael Jackson and there are those who don’t, those who his pure energy repels, and a huge number of those people are in the Western Media and Hollywood.

In my opinion, that’s why Judd Apatow sees a “sadistic monster” when he sees Michael Jackson, its because they embody and stand for the total opposite of Michael.

As the old saying goes Like Attracts Like.

“Michael Jackson is like a modern-day Rorschach Inkblot Test. Just as individuals see vastly different things in the mysterious shapes of these inkblots, used in personality assessments by professional psychologists, individuals perceive Michael Jackson in wildly varying ways.”

“Tell me what you think and feel about Michael Jackson, what you see in him, and I can tell you much about yourself. How open is your heart, how wide is your perspective, how perceptive is your mind, how tolerant are your attitudes.” — From Dr. Karen Moriarty’s highly rated book “Defending A King: His Life & Legacy”

In my opinion, there is a reason why Ava DuVernay remained a “fan” of Harvey Weinstein even though she had “heard all the Harvey stories.”

In my opinion, there is a reason why there are so many pictures of Oprah kissing and hugging and cuddling Harvey Weinstein and why they had a years long friendship all while Oprah was preaching to millions the gospel of her version of “spirituality.”

I think its obvious that Weinstein embodies an energy which Oprah greatly resonated with, and likely still does.

In my opinion, that’s also why Oprah felt such comfort and had what she called a “peaceful” “profound” and “blissful” experience with John of God, so much so that she used her powerful megaphone to put a sadistic sexually abusive monster on blast twice to make him into a world renowned celebrity.

Think about. Oprah Winfrey was close friends for years, and used her powerful influence to amplify twice, the two men who are at this very moment allegedly the most well-known serial sexual predators and rapists in the world.

How on earth is that in any way normal?

Oprah laughing it up with John of God.

So given that Oprah resonated with and bonded with TWO men who are at this very moment the most notorious names for alleged serial sexual abuse, rape, assault, and much worse in the world today, the following should be no surprise at all.

Vanity Fair Magazine: Oprah Winfrey Believes Wade Robson and James Safechuck

Even if you totally discount what I believe is an entirely valid hypothetical theory for the real reason Oprah went all in to hype Leaving Neverland in the same way she went all in to hype John of God as I methodically laid out above, these are very obviously the type of low to rock bottom character to sadistic monster males which Oprah obviously resonates with, feels affection for, and empathizes with. These people seem to be her kind or her type.

How can that be denied?

And now Oprah is claiming we should all “Let Go” of Michael Jackson based on her judgement, because she *claims* to believe the words of the two proven liars spinning false tales against him.

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” — Anais Nin

All one really has to do is look at Oprah’s track record to know that her judgement of who is good and who is bad is totally atrocious and more often than not 100% WRONG.

The fact that Oprah felt such comfort and ease with Harvey Weinstein and John of God personally tells me all I need to know about her and who she really is deep down inside. It tells me what kind of person she resonates with.

It tells me the true Character behind Oprah’s carefully cultivated reputation.

“Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” — Abraham Lincoln

Speaking of character and “the real thing,” back to Michael Jackson

Almost a decade after his death, Michael Jackson’s audacious, epic, and passionate HIGH BAR legacy of EXTRAORDINARY HUMAN POTENTIAL….

…has proven to be TIMELESS and continues to LIVE ON in countless millions of people from all over the world NOW just as much as it did while he was alive….

That superior, G.O.A.T., and unprecedented level of PURE EXCELLENCE is something his jealous and bitter haters could never ever hope to achieve.

In brief, Michael Jackson absolutely and unequivocally refused to “stay in his place.”

Michael Jackson refused to be what his lame and useless haters are too lazy to even try to muster achieving, which is being MEDIOCRE.

In fact, Michael Jackson became the most visible example of not only BLACK EXCELLENCE, but of HUMAN EXCELLENCE, and for this reason and many more…

Michael Jackson’s haters are Hella Mad…still.

“Integrity is never painless.” — M. Scott Peck

Again James Baldwin most definitely knew what he was talking about when he gave Michael that veiled warning in his prophetic writing, and I’m so very glad that he did.

That in a nutshell is the reason why the same untrustworthy, racist, and ethically challenged media which paved the way for Donald Trump to win the presidency….

…is still relentlessly trying to take Michael Jackson down.

The GOOD NEWS is no matter what the top sexual harassment profession in the West, the Western Media lame ones do…

…and no matter what garbage the reportedly sexual abuser-filled and pedophile-filled Hollywood puts out to try to slime him….

…no matter what any hater who tries to come for Michael Jackson does….

…Michael Jackson is still #1….

…..and he always will be.

“Through the good, the bad and the ugly of his life, Michael Jackson maintained a nobility of spirit and a dignity of the soul.” — Dr. Karen Moriarty

Keep wasting your time, Western Media/Hollywood.


Because your failing and useless efforts will continue to prove just how powerful Michael Jackson still is even in death…

…and while Michael’s life and legacy continues to prove to be eternally bullet proof to your feeble efforts…

…you are simultaneously proving just how totally ineffective YOU lame guys and gals are.

So go for it. It’s like watching the Willy Coyote go after the Roadrunner.

No matter what they do or throw at Michael Jackson

…absolutely nothing knocks “The King of Pop” off his throne.

In fact you jealous and mediocre MJ haters in media and entertainment who work in an industry with the highest rate of sexual harassment in America while Hollywood is also allegedly filled with pedophile rings, only make yourselves look weaker and lamer by even trying to, so by all means continue.

Please proceed.

And as you proceed and constantly keep shooting yourselves in the foot in the process, Michael Jackson’s message of love and wisdom will eternally continue to ring out around the world as demonstrated in the following video.

“Love is important, to love each other. We’re all one. That’s the message.” — Michael Jackson

I would now like to make something crystal clear about how Michael Jackson died.

Michael Jackson did not die because he was a drug abuser trying to get high as some in the media and others outside of the media continue to insinuate. Michael Jackson died because he could not sleep and trusted a doctor he should not have trusted.

Right before he died, Michael Jackson was preparing for the most grueling tour of his life at 50 years old.

He was involved in intense and strenuous rehearsals and…..He. Could. Not. Sleep.

Michael sought a remedy for this from his personal doctor, someone he should have been able to trust, and his doctor gave him a lethal dose of a medicine that killed him.

“On June 25, 2009, only weeks after hiring (Dr. Conrad) Murray, Jackson died due to a lethal dose of propofol. Jackson’s death was ruled a homicide; Murray admitted administering 25 mg of propofol intravenously, for insomnia, on the night of his death.”

“In February 2010, Murray was formally charged with involuntary manslaughter. On September 27, 2011, Murray went on trial in Los Angeles. He was convicted in November 2011 and received the maximum penalty of four years in prison. His Texas medical license was revoked, and his California and Nevada licenses were suspended. After serving two years of his sentence, Murray was released on parole on October 28, 2013.” ~ Source: Wikipedia

“A medical examiner who conducted the autopsy on Michael Jackson testified on Tuesday that the pop singer was in good health.”

“I believe that he was healthier than the average person of his age,” Rogers said.

(Dr. Christopher) Rogers determined that the manner of death was homicide, and the cause of Jackson’s death was a lethal mix of sedatives, the most significant being the milky white hospital anesthetic propofol.” — Miriam Hernandez and Melissa MacBride from ABC Eyewitness News (October 2011)

Anyone who has seen the film “This Is It” which is largely based on the preparation for Michael’s record breaking tour of the same name, up to the day before he died saw a healthy and fit man. That film is really the only proof that’s needed to verify this truth because everyone can see for themselves how sharp, fit and healthy Michael Jackson was in that film.

Here is Celine Dion with Oprah in 2010 making that very point about how fit and healthy Michael was in the film “This Is It.”

“When I was 15 years old, I saw Michael Jackson on television and he changed my life. I was never the same after that, and because of him, I decided that I needed to learn how to speak and sing in English.” — Celine Dion

Michael Jackson was and still is the cause of countless millions around the world learning English just so people could sing along with and know the meaning of his songs. No matter what part of the world a Michael Jackson tribute originates, it’s always performed in English.

“As part of the preparation for the shows, and to get the required insurance, Michael was given a thorough physical exam which he passed “with flying colors.” The exam was said to be comprehensive and took four or five hours. No serious health problems were found.”

“(Kenny) Ortega mentioned that the dancers who were literally half Michael’s age and younger, were struggling to keep up with him. “The dancers who were less than half his age, I mean we’re talking 18–21 year old dancers — Michael is 50 on that stage.” — Author Lisa D. Campbell “The Complete Story of the King of Pop”

Searching for the BEST Dancers for Michael Jackson’s Record Breaking “This Is It” Concert Series

I just wanted to highlight this important point because there are so many corrupt, low character people in the Western media and elsewhere who live to paint Michael Jackson in a bad light, even when talking about how he tragically died. These people have really dark souls.

Michael Jackson was simply trying to SLEEP so he could do his work, so he could fulfill his life’s mission of bringing creativity, magic, light and healing to the world…

…and Michael Jackson fulfilled his world shifting mission until the day he died, just as he promised he would.

The bottom-line is Michael Jackson trusted a doctor whom he should not have trusted because Michael was trying desperately to sleep so he could perform at his best for his millions of fans who had sold out his “This Is It” tour in mere minutes.

Initially Michael was only going to do 10 concerts in London, England, but the demand for the tickets was so great, he added 40 more shows for a total of 50 concerts in front of the biggest concert audience in one city in music history.

Following Michael Jackson’s announcement of his “This Is It”concert series, an astonishing 1.6 million people from almost every country in the world signed up for tickets to the initial 10 shows in London. They sold out in mere minutes.

Just imagine….

People from almost every nation on the globe all flying in to London to see Michael Jackson perform at 50 years old, after 45 years in the entertainment business…yet the Western Media wants you to believe Michael Jackson was an unpopular has-been when he died.

“Two million people tried to buy pre-sale tickets in the space of 18 hours.” — Source: Wikipedia

Again according to the U.S. media, Michael Jackson was washed up and shunned when he died. That’s a bald-faced lie.

“Jackomania gripped the world again yesterday, and we can reveal the comeback star is to stage a further 10 London concerts. The dates, in addition to the 10 already confirmed by the singer this week, will be announced to fans imminently. The news comes after nearly a million people registered for tickets — enough to fill the 20,000-capacity O2 arena at the former Millennium Dome 50 times over. And the website to register for pre-sale tickets is reporting 14,000 hits a minute.” — The Mirror UK — March 2009

The Telegraph UK — March 2009 — Michael Jackson O2 ticket website attracting 16,000 visits a second

That’s right….16,000 visits A SECOND.

CNN — March 2009–750,000 tickets for Jackson concerts sell in 4 hours

That’s right….750,000 tickets sold in FOUR HOURS

“Organisers say the This Is It tour has become the fastest selling in history, with 33 seats sold each minute.”

“Randy Phillips of promoters AEG Live said: “Not only are these concerts unparalleled, these records will never be broken.

“We knew this was show business history, but this is a cultural phenomenon.” — BBC — March 2009

How totally unprecedented was Michael Jackson’s historic London shows? It had been projected that the This Is It concert series would add one billion pounds to the London economy.


“Joe Cohen, chief executive of Seatwave, told BBC 6 Music: “There’s gonna be somewhere near on a billion pounds worth of economic activity brought to London through hotels, restaurants, shops, pubs, people coming to see Michael Jackson. “It’s the Michael Jackson economic stimulus package that the tax payer isn’t paying a penny for.” Seatwave revealed it has already traded 10,000 tickets for the gigs with many people trying to upgrade their tickets for better seats. “I’m not surprised at all this is the most popular performer of a generation who hasn’t performed for a very long time and may not perform again for a very long time, if ever.” — Metro UK — March 2009

More shows were added and as the tickets sold out in minutes for the added concerts, they kept adding more and more shows until the number hit 50 shows, which was Michael’s limit.

“Originally only 10 concerts were announced, but the tickets were sold out in less than an hour and the public demand for tickets resulted in 40 more concerts being added, making 50 in total. Ticket sales broke several records and AEG Live stated that Jackson could have sold out more shows (some even suggested as far as 200).” — Source: Wikipedia

“Among the records This Is It! has broken: The biggest audience ever to see an artist in one city, the most amount of people to attend a series of arena shows and fastest ticket sales in history.” — Rolling Stone Magazine — March 2009

“Michael Jackson has floored his critics,” — Veronica Schmidt of The Times — March 2009

Name ONE music star now (or in the past) who could have accomplished that same feat, with millions of more fans left out in the cold…after being a star since he was a little kid.

“To sell out like that is a testament to his talent. It is just amazing to sell out fifty shows in one city in a big arena. It’s the biggest comeback since Lazarus.” — Chris Martin of the band Coldplay to author Joseph Vogel

The truth is Michael Jackson was breaking world records up to the day he died, and has broken many more records since his death, yet you would know nothing of this if you based your knowledge only on what the Western Media has reported.

“The crowd gasps…savoring not a fussy high-tech stage set, but the grace and beauty of a brilliant entertainer.” — Newsweek, on Michael Jackson regarding his 1984 Victory Tour

Michael Jackson died doing what he had been doing since he was a kid, doing his best to bring happiness, inspiration and light to his millions of fans through the magic of his music, performance and presence via his “This It It” tour.

“When the show opens, I don’t want to hold anything back. I want this to be the most spectacular opening the audience has ever seen. They have to ask themselves “how are they going to top that?” I don’t even care if they’re applauding. I want their jaws on the ground.” — Michael Jackson to Kenny Ortega, the director of his “This Is It” concert series (Rolling Stone Magazine)

Michael Jackson died doing what he came here to do to his HIGHEST ability which is what he had been doing since he was 5 years old…and at age 50, his life’s mission came to an end.

God called him home.

This MJ quote deserves a repeat:

“God gave me a gift and I have to use it responsibly by giving back. I’ll do it until I have pennies left or God calls me home.” — Michael Jackson

From that same James Baldwin essay:

“Freaks are called freaks and are treated as they are treated–in the main, abominably–because they are human beings who cause to echo, deep within us, our most profound terrors and desires.” — James Baldwin — (1985)

Definition of Freak: “Someone or something that is strange or unusual and not like others of its type.” — Cambridge English Dictionary

Michael Jackson…FREAK

*This extraordinary and breathtaking photo was taken by the legendary photographer Annie Leibovitz.

But here’s the thing about being a “freak” aka being “unusual” or “not like the others”

…a LOT of people will like that about you and, for example, vote for your Vanity Fair magazine cover as the BEST cover of all time.

Michael Jackson’s iconic Vanity Fair Magazine cover from 1989 was voted in November of 2013 “The Best Vanity Fair Cover Of All Time” beating out almost a century long list of other celebrities, luminaries and icons.

The voters overwhelmingly chose Michael Jackson, (of course).

Michael beat out EVERY present and past luminary ever featured on a Vanity Fair cover, from Princess Diana to Elvis.

“The King of Pop faced some stiff competition. The winning issue was up against covers from over a century, ranging from portraits of classic Hollywood icons, Jazz Age illustrations, heartthrobs, and such pop queens as Lady Gaga.” — Vanity Fair

And of course that would make a lot of Michael Jackson haters in Hollywood, in the Western media and elsewhere even more mad.

“How dare he beat out Elvis!”

The iconic Vanity Fair Cover which beat out every other luminary in modern history, past and present:

“Don’t be afraid to be different.” — Michael Jackson

“He’s what the French call a ‘monstre sacre’, a ‘holy monster’ — someone who is absolutely unique.” — Legendary actor Gregory Peck on his friend Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson with his dear friend, the legendary actor Gregory Peck on the set of “Smooth Criminal.”

Here is a 2003 letter of support to Michael from his dear friend, the late, legendary actor Gregory Peck:

“January 4, 2003

Dear Michael,

You are recognized as a great artist all over the world, but very few know you as a father. We have been close friends and have known you over twenty-five years. We have spent many times together with you, Prince, Paris and Prince Michael, who all played happily with our own grandchildren. We, and our children, who are of your generation, have always admired you as a loving and caring father. Your children could not have had a better father. They love and respect you. You raised them with gentleness, kindness and genuine concern for their well-being. Their joy and love are a reflection of your attention and love as a parent. Those who criticize and judge you should do well to look into their own family life. We have seen you countless times as an attentive and devoted father and we join your many friends who stand beside you and your family now. With love, Veronique and Greg” — As re-printed from website “Michael Jackson Chosen Voices”

The legendary actor Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch from his Oscar-winning performance in the iconic and timeless 1962 film “To Kill A Mockingbird”

“It is no accident that one of Jackson’s favorite books (and movies) was To Kill a Mockingbird, a story about a black man — Tom Robinson — destroyed by false allegations.” — Author Joseph Vogel from the Forbes Magazine article “What You Should Know About the New Michael Jackson Documentary” — January 2019

Michael Jackson’s Decades Long Message To His Western Media Haters:

Leave Me Alone

It’s no coincidence that Michael Jackson recorded the following song and created it’s music video in 1987, right after his record breaking Thriller album made him the most famous, most desired, and most sought after human being on the planet.

This stunning 1987 music video/short film reveals just how early the Western Media’s campaign to knock the KING off his throne began….

…a targeted and tireless effort by the mainstream media which consisted of the vast majority of Michael Jackson’s adult life.

Leave Me Alone — (1987)

“…..leave me alone…just stop dogging me around!” — Michael Jackson’s plea to the media all the way back in 1987

In May of 2018 while writing for a Western Media publication, (of course), the African American writer Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote the following about Michael Jackson in an inexplicable attempt to link him with Kanye West’s latest antics then:

“Even his accouterment felt beyond me — the studded jacket, the sparkling glove, the leather pants — raiment of the divine, untouchable by me, a mortal child who squinted to see past Saturday, who would not even see Motown 25 until it was past 30, who would not even own a copy of Thriller until I was a grown man, who no longer believed in miracles, and knew in my heart that if the black man’s God was not dead, he surely was dying.

And he had always been dying — dying to be white. That was what my mother said, that you could see the dying all over his face, the decaying, the thinning, that he was disappearing into something white, desiccating into something white, erasing himself, so that we would forget that he had once been Africa beautiful and Africa brown, and we would forget his pharaoh’s nose, forget his vast eyes, his dazzling smile, and Michael Jackson was but the extreme of what felt in those post-disco years to be a trend.” — Excerpt from Ta-nehisi Coates article for The Atlantic titled “I’m Not Black, I’m Kanye.”

There is just too much sheer ignorance in what Coates writes about Michael Jackson in this article which is *supposedly* about Kanye West’s ignorance, and it saddens me to say that because I *generally* respect Coates’ work.

I’m sure the Atlantic very eagerly printed this exceedingly ignorant article by Coates filled with nonsense about MJ because, as I prove repeatedly throughout this manifesto, the Western Media is always eager to print lies and total BS about Michael Jackson.

“I’ve been an artist most of my life and I’ve never attacked a fellow artist. Great artists don’t do that.” — Michael Jackson

How quaint that sounds in these present times…for an artist or person of note to actually have a Code of Honor which they make a point to live by. Now the music industry is littered with petty beefs and rivalries more suited for middle school children than truly mature and/or great artists.

It is my hope that this manifesto will help a great deal to dispel not only the ignorance about Michael Jackson and his life, his meaning, his contribution and his legacy to the larger world…

…but I hope it will also help many African Americans, particularly African American males like Coates and Kanye, who from my perspective very obviously need to deal with their own inner conflicts and personal hang ups and issues around the topic of “Blackness.”

I just hope Coates and the many guys like him who I suspect believe their own hype in regard to being so “woke” (a lot like Kanye believes he is), recognize as a result of reading through this manifesto that ignorance is very much in those who think they know the most.

In fact, ignorance is even more so in those guys who give off the “I’m so woke” vibe, because they generally don’t think they need to learn anything new nor do they think they have a need to change their perception or perspective.

One of the main reasons Socrates was so wise is because he was well aware of all that he did not know:

“I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.” — Socrates

In that vein, a page can also be taken from Michael Jackson:

“Life is an education for me. I can’t say that I know anything for sure.” — Michael Jackson

Continuous self-education is very much needed in America and world today, and this truth is in large part what this manifesto is based on.

My question is what has Ta-nehisi Coates or anyone else who have taken it upon themselves to pretend to have lived in Michael Jackson’s head to distort who he was as a Black man done that is even remotely comparable for the African American collective and for Black excellence as a whole?

Okay, maybe that’s too high a bar. How about something that is just one-tenth comparable to Michael Jackson’s contribution to uplifting, empowering and inspiring BLACK EXCELLENCE and HUMAN EXCELLENCE as a whole both in this country and around the world?

Not what you have done for YOU and YOUR career, but what you have specifically and intentionally set out to do to uplift, empower, and inspire OTHER Black folks without you receiving a paycheck for it?

In no part of the Coates article does he mention that Michael Jackson had a skin disease called Vitiligo which slowly and painfully turned his skin from brown to white, and it’s not like the information isn’t out there. Plus he’s suppose to be a journalist. Don’t you research or investigate before you write total BS, Mr. Coates?

Michael Jackson told the world about the nature of his disease in 1993 in his much watched interview with Oprah, and for those who refused to believe him, Michael’s autopsy report made crystal clear that he had Vitiligo, yet again, that easily proven fact appears nowhere in Coates article, just his own irrational, ignorant, and his own personal BS about Michael “dying to be white.”

How is that not being deliberately dishonest?

Autopsy Confirms Michael Jackson Had Vitiligo

“To this day, many assume Jackson bleached his skin to become white — that it was a wilful cosmetic decision because he was ashamed of his race. Yet in the mid-1980s Jackson was diagnosed with vitiligo, a skin disorder that causes loss of pigmentation in patches on the body. According to those close to him, it was an excruciatingly humiliating personal challenge, one in which he went to great lengths to hide through long-sleeve shirts, hats, gloves, sunglasses and masks. When Jackson died in 2009, his autopsy definitively confirmed he had vitiligo, as did his medical history.” — Joe Vogel The Guardian — March 2018

“Did Michael Jackson have vitiligo? After his death, his autopsy report stated that there were “patches of light and dark pigmented areas” on examination of his skin, and vitiligo was listed as a diagnosis in his medical history. In addition, a tube of Benoquin 20% cream was noted among his medications, revealing that he did use this FDA-approved treatment for vitiligo. He also had a tube of BQ/KA/RA (Benoquin 8%, Kojic acid 1%, and retinoic acid 0.025%), another effective formulation for Benoquin, as well as hydroquinone 8% lotion (which would help to lighten any remaining pigment), and UVA Anthelios XL sunscreen, a good idea for anyone with vitiligo, especially if they had depigmented their skin. Microscopic examination of his skin revealed a lack of pigment and reduced number of melanocytes, which is most consistent with vitiligo, with or without the use of Benoquin, and vitiligo was the official diagnosis on the report. Rare photos of him when his skin was exposed appear to show his depigmented skin, and one shows his largely depigmented arms with some remaining spots of pigment.

So there is no question that Michael Jackson had vitiligo, by his own admission and according to his autopsy after his death. He did appear to use Benoquin to help depigment his skin, but not because he “wanted to be white”, but as an FDA-approved treatment for his vitiligo.” ~ John Harris, MD, PhD — Director of Vitiligo Clinic & Research Center — January 2016

“I’m a black American, I am proud of my race. I am proud of who I am. I have a lot of pride and dignity. I have a skin disorder that destroys the pigmentation of my skin, it’s something that I cannot help, OK?” — Michael Jackson (Oprah Interview 1993)

For the people who apparently don’t know, (including some supposedly smart Black folks who should), let me school you right now on what being authentically Black really means:

Being “Authentically Black” has absolutely nothing to do with the color of your skin, it has to do with your CONSCIOUSNESS, it has to do with your SOUL….

…..which is why Soul Music = Black Music.

Definition of Consciousness — the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself. — Merriam Webster

Definition of Soul — the essence of a human being ~ Vocabulary.com

Even Michael Jackson knew this truth:

“Some say its the soul that matters.” — Michael Jackson

Black people come in a very wide rainbow of colors from Zendaya to Lupita, with a broad spectrum of colors in between those two beautiful ladies, (like Meghan, Halle, Beyonce, Rihanna, Jada, Kerry, Angela, Michelle, Omarosa, Viola, etc.)

African Americans/Black folks are quite literally a beautiful living rainbow.

This truth on what it really means to be “authentically Black” is why bi-racial, Colin Kaepernick is “authentically Black” while fully black Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas isn’t…

…or why bi-racial former President Barack Obama is “authentically Black” while fully black Trump administration HUD Secretary Ben Carson isn’t.

“We protest because we love ourselves and our people.” — Colin Kaepernick

Do or have Thomas and Carson experienced racism in America because they are Black? I’m sure they do or have at many points in their lives experienced racism in America, but its not about the racism experienced from the outside, it’s about who you are on the inside.

It’s about Consciousness.

In short, being “authentically Black” is about having the soul and the consciousness to not only fully embody and align with the authentic, real-deal Black experience, but to NEVER sell that experience or your people and most importantly your ancestors out, millions of those ancestors who died at the hands of people with the exact same depraved hearts and evil mindsets that are deliberately defaming an exonerated dead Black man named Michael Jackson, for your own personal and selfish gain.

Interestingly Michael Jackson gave a perfect breakdown detailing how dishonest the Western Media is when covering him, and Ta-nehisi Coates article fits what Michael said about how deceptive and dishonest the media is when writing about him to a tee:

“I think my image gets distorted in the public’s mind. They don’t get a clear or full picture of what I’m like despite the press coverage I mentioned earlier. Mistruths are printed as fact, in some cases, and frequently, only half the story is told. The part that doesn’t get printed is often the part that would make the printed part less sensational by shedding light on the facts.” — Michael Jackson

Exactly, but at this point we should all understand that the last thing the Western Media is about is “shedding light on the facts” especially when it comes to Michael Jackson.

“I can’t help but pick up on some of the criticism leveled at me at times. Journalists seem willing to say anything to sell a paper. They say I’ve had my eyes widened, that I want to look more white. More white? What kind of statement is that?” — Michael Jackson

In relation to Michael Jackson’s plastic surgery, what right does anyone have to judge the most famous and most visible man in the world turning from brown to white before the eyes of the world and how he chose to cope with it and to feel comfortable in his very visible and rapidly changing skin?

It’s not like this extremely strange phenomenon had ever happened to a high profile person before.

Plastic surgery is a multi-billion dollar a year business, and the majority of Hollywood and people in the entertainment and media world have had it, but its an outrage when Michael has it in an effort to cope with his skin changing colors so the world’s most visible man doesn’t end up looking like an extremely odd White person with negroid features?

“You know, let’s put it this way, if all the people in Hollywood who have had plastic surgery, if they went on vacation, there wouldn’t be a person left in town.” — Michael Jackson

Does anyone have the heart or soul to imagine being in Michael Jackson’s shoes, to imagine what that must have been like as the most famous person on the planet?

And if living with his skin slowly changing from Black to White before the entire world while having many in the Western media and many others like Coates insult and ridicule him for something that was beyond his control wasn’t painful, traumatic, and humiliating enough for Michael Jackson, it turns out he was also was living with the chronic and painful skin disease Lupus.

Discoid Lupus Erythematosus to be exact.

“Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is a chronic skin condition of sores with inflammation and scarring favoring the face, ears, and scalp and at times on other body areas. These lesions develop as a red, inflamed patch with a scaling and crusty appearance. The center areas may appear lighter in color with a rim darker than the normal skin. When lesions occur in hairy areas such as the beard or scalp, permanent scarring and hair loss can occur. A small percentage of patients with discoid lupus can develop disease of the internal organs, which can make the person sick.” — AOCD.org

“In 1983, Arnold Klein, his dermatologist, observed not only that Jackson had vitiligo, the condition that would lead Jackson to bleach his skin, but also diagnosed Jackson with discoid lupus erythematosus. Later, Richard Strick, another dermatologist, “could see the disease had destroyed nose cartilage, which might have explained some of Michael’s plastic surgery.” — Alyssa Rosenberg — The Washington Post — February 2016

Given all he had to live with and suffer through, as far as I’m concerned, Michael Jackson was the STRONGEST, the BRAVEST, the most COURAGEOUS MAN to walk the face of the earth while he was alive.

“Back in 1993 nobody knew anything vitiligo. He kept getting whiter and whiter and whiter, and nobody understood why. Anybody who knew Michael Jackson will tell you that when you are up close to him — he had absolutely no pigmentation in his skin — you are looking at his veins when you look at his hand. You are seeing through to the blue veins, and they’re very, very apparent. At first that’s a startling thing. Nobody ever talks about that, but it takes you aback at first. You’re looking at a person who is almost translucent.” — The MJ back-stabber Oprah Winfrey

“I look in the mirror and I know who I am. I know I’m black.” — Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson knew that the color of his skin did not change his consciousness as a Black man, in the same way that the hundreds of millions of people who deliberately sit in the sun, use tanning beds or products, or color themselves orange as Donald Trump does, does not make them a person of color.

Michael Jackson handled an extremely unprecedented, unimaginably difficult, highly sensitive, and extremely painful situation which no one before or since him has ever had to handle before the public and world, the best way he knew how. He did this because he knew his mission was so important, and he knew retiring and becoming a recluse wasn’t an option.

Michael Jackson knew what he meant to countless millions of people around the world, and I believe Michael knew what he would also mean to future generations long after he was gone.


I was curious why Ta-nehisi Coates isn’t on Twitter like most writers of note are. I wondered if it was because he’s afraid of criticism, clapback, or challenge to his opinions?

Oh look, just as I suspected:

The Guardian — December 2017 — Ta-Nehisi Coates Quits Twitter After Public Row With Cornel West

“Award-winning author Ta-Nehisi Coates has deleted his widely followed Twitter account after a public row with fellow intellectual Cornel West.

Coates tweeted: “peace y’all. i’m out. I didn’t get in it for this,” to his 1.25 million followers before quitting the social media site.

The Harvard scholar, author and activist West described Coates as “the neoliberal face of the black freedom struggle” launching a furious debate about the two men in black, activist and liberal circles.” — The Guardian — December 2017

One word: Seriously?

An observation:

Michael Jackson could have a million times throughout his very public and malicious slander-filled life said over stuff a million times worse than being very mildly challenged on Twitter…..“peace y’all. i’m out. I didn’t get in it for this” but thankfully Michael didn’t.

So let me get this straight: Ta-Nehisi Coates gave up his 1.25 million Twitter followers because Cornell West hurt his feelings by simply challenging his logic on Twitter?

“peace y’all. i’m out. I didn’t get in it for this.” Unbelievable.

So interesting how Michael Jackson dissers always end up revealing their true cowardly characters, which is typically far different from the reputation they have garnered for themselves.

Apparently Michael Jackson was made of much stronger, much sterner, much tougher, and much more courageous, noble, and resilient stuff than Ta-Nehisi Coates is apparently made of, (Thank God).

“The deeper I go into myself, the stronger I become, because I realize that my real self is much bigger than fear.” — Michael Jackson

Aren’t true intellectuals suppose to enjoy the rigors and the excitement of fearlessly and enthusiastically debating their ideas and conclusions with their peers?

Isn’t having your ideas, opinions and assertions challenged extremely commonplace in intellectual circles?

And while I’m on the topic of cowardly, pathetic, and fragile Black males, about John Legend’s pretend to be woke lame ass.

Here is what Legend reportedly said about the Leaving Neverland doc:

“In an interview with The Cruz Show on Power 106 in Los Angeles, John said he and wife Chrissy Tiegen were left heartbroken by the documentary’s chilling claims.

“We watched the first half yes, it as hard to watch bro,” he told host J Cruz.

The ‘Preach’ singer added: “I don’t see any reason not to believe them honestly, I don’t see any reason not to. I mean, it was disgusting.” — Heart.co.uk — March 2019

Let me just say to Mr. Legend, the only person who is “disgusting” in this instance is an ignorant Black male too stupid to know he is following the racist Western Media’s script against one of his own. How very Tom of you, John Legend.

Without Michael Jackson, you John Legend wouldn’t even have had a path to walk on to have your exceedingly mediocre career, yet you have the gall to co-sign this racist BS against Michael Jackson?

Guess who is #1 and selling more records after being dead for ten years than your lame, boring, and non-controversial ass is while alive, John Legend?

This guy is.

This isn’t the first time the obviously jealous John Legend has totally disrespected and dissed Michael Jackson after he died, and I wanted this on record for when he tries to go back to pretend like he isn’t an avid MJ Disser, for example like the next time his lame ass *tries* to adequately perform MJ’s “Rock With You” in concert because its more interesting to the audience than his own tired and boring music.

A word of advice for John Legend. I would suggest if you don’t have anything good to say about the Black man who paved the way to ensure you had the proper outlets for your ho-hum, non-controversial, and dishwater tame music to be heard, that you keep Michael Jackson’s name out of your Plantation Tom mouth. Got it? Good.

The truth as I see it? All the folks who irrationally lie about, hate on, or diss Michael Jackson aren’t worthy enough to carry his sequin glove, and I think deep down they know it.

“Despite what the press says about celebrities or myself in general, I move ahead. I don’t pay attention to it because it’s garbage, tabloid junk and it’s not important to me. I have my dreams. I’m a visionary and I’m resilient and nothing can hurt me. I feel as if I have a suit of armor on. I have rhinoceros skin, and I’m here to do what I’m supposed to do in the best way I can.” — Michael Jackson when asked how he feels about the media’s constant criticism of him — (1995)

“When we came off the plane in [Dakar, Senegal] Africa, we were greeted by a long line of African dancers. Their drums and sounds filled the air with rhythm. I was going crazy, I was screaming. I said, “All right!” They got the beat and they got the rhythm…. I just was so glad about the whole thing. This is it, I said. This is where I come from. The origin.” — Michael JacksonUSA TODAY (2001)

“It was a visit to Senegal that made us realize how fortunate we were and how our African heritage had helped to make us what we were. We visited an old abandoned slave camp at Gore Island and we were so moved. The African people had given us gifts of courage and endurance that we couldn’t hope to repay.” — From Michael Jackson’s autobiography “Moonwalk” regarding his first visit to the African continent (Senegal) in 1972

Africa subsequently became the continent Michael Jackson visited the most over his lifetime. He had a deep love and appreciation for what he knew to be his ancestral homeland.

“EBONY/JET: Do you have any special feeling about this return to the continent of Africa?
MJ: For me, it’s like the ‘dawn of civilization.’ It’s the first place where society existed. It’s seen a lot of love. I guess there’s that connection because it is the root of all rhythm. Everything. It’s home.”

Africa was indeed home to Michael Jackson which is why he visited the continent more than any other location up until the day he died.

*This link to a fascinating 4 minute video titled “Michael Jackson & Africa Culture” features MJ in his own voice dropping knowledge about his beloved Africa and speaking of it’s beauty and ancient history.

Michael Jackson also reveals he created his legendary Moonwalk dance by watching African American kids dancing in the streets.

Michael Jackson was even crowned an African Prince in 1992 in the Sanwi Kingdom on the Ivory Coast’s south-eastern tip.

“The world is jealous of Africa for many centuries because the natural resources are phenomenal. It really is and it is the Dawn of Civilization. Our history, a lot of our Bible history is right there in Africa.” — Michael Jackson

Of course, Michael Jackson is 100% correct about the world’s jealousy, and also about Africa being the birthplace of civilization, which means all other civilizations are derived from the Motherland.

Africa is the beginning of Humankind which is why it’s DNA crops up in the vast majority of Ancestry profiles.

National Geographic: Where Is the Birthplace of Humankind? South Africa and East Africa Both Lay Claims

New York Times — September 2016 — A Single Migration From Africa Populated the World, Studies Find

“Egypt is in Africa, and they always try to separate the two but Egypt is Africa.” — Michael Jackson

This is the exact point Michael Jackson was making with his incredible “Remember the Time” short film.

One of Michael Jackson’s purposes with that short film was to remind African Americans, and all those of African descent in all parts of the globe, of our ancient heritage and ancestry in Egypt and the rest of Africa, and to for one of the first times on film portray Ancient Egypt accurately.

Michael Jackson & his dear friend Elizabeth Taylor

The legendary actress Elizabeth Taylor was one of Michael Jackson’s best and most dearest friends in the entire world, but Cleopatra looked nothing like her.

Again, Egypt is in Africa.

Michael Jackson was asking those of African descent all over the world, but particularly asking African Americans to “Remember the Time.”

Michael Jackson was reminding African Americans and African citizens living elsewhere around the world that our ancient lineage is one which has from the beginning of earth fostered Kings and Queens and that lineage is the strongest and most powerful lineage on this planet because it is the first i.e. it is the origin of humanity.

In short, Michael Jackson was reminding us of who we truly are, where we came from before our ancestors were kidnapped and enslaved and brought to this country in chains 400 years ago this year.

Check out Michael Jackson’s excellent short film “Remember the Time” which also stars Eddie Murphy, Iman and Magic Johnson and was directed by acclaimed Hollywood director John Singleton.

Here is a really cool snippet from an MTV segment on the making of the outstanding “Remember the Time” short film.

*Notice the “Remember the Time” short film’s exclusively African-American cast, the only video like this in Michael Jackson’s career. It was also directed by Oscar-nominated African American director John Singleton.

“They (Hollywood) don’t show the beauty of Black people. Michael wanted to do something to show us as we are…very beautiful people.” — Filmmaker John Singleton, director of “Remember the Time.”

Fun Fact: It was revealed after his death that Michael Jackson was the single largest contributor to the historic and record breaking “Million Man March” in Washington DC in 1995, (which was coincidentally attended by a then unknown Barack Obama.)

Michael gave $100,000.00 to the cause.

“The Black or White short film was no anomaly in its racial messaging. The Dangerous album, from its songs to its short films, not only highlights black talent, styles and sounds, but also acts as a kind of tribute to black culture. Perhaps the most obvious example of this is the video for Remember the Time. Featuring some of the era’s most prominent black luminaries — Magic Johnson, Eddie Murphy and Iman — the video is set in ancient Egypt. In contrast to Hollywood’s stereotypical representations of African Americans as servants, Jackson presents them here as royalty.

Promised a sizable production budget, Jackson enlisted John Singleton, a young, rising black director coming off the success of Boyz N the Hood, for which he received an Oscar nomination. Jackson and Singleton’s collaboration resulted in one of the most lavish and memorable music videos of his career, highlighted by the intricate, hieroglyphic hip-hop dance sequence (choreographed by Fatima Robinson). Again, in this video, Jackson appeared whiter than ever, but the video — directed, choreographed by and featuring black talent — was a celebration of black history, art, and beauty.” ~ Joe Vogel The Guardian — March 2018

In short, the stellar “Remember the Time” short film was Michael Jackson’s dog whistle to African Americans and to African immigrants in all parts of the world to remember the sacred lineage and heritage from whence we all came, and he also wanted his short film to act as our collective mirror to show how beautiful and regal we are.

If there is any doubt that Black women inherently know they come from a lineage of Queens, the way many American black women dress for church on Sunday and on other special occasions, particularly the HATS (or Crowns) worn by African American women should eliminate any doubt.

For example:

These stunning outfits which are topped off with an elaborate and beautiful hat or CROWN, are great examples of the Regal and elegant attire many African American women can be seen wearing at church on Sunday, at weddings, and on other special occasions.

*These lovely images are from womensuits.com

“People underestimated how radical that was. Nobody else was writing about African women as beautiful in 1987–88.” — Nelson George about Michael Jackson’s revolutionary song “Liberian Girl”

“Liberian Girl” was a song written by Michael which honors and uplifts the immense beauty of Black women.

It’s a sensual, lush and passionate song which is a favorite of choreographers and dancers all around the world.

Here is a great example:

“Liberian Girl” is one of my absolute favorites of all the music that I’ve done with Michael. Who could think of a thing like that, except Michael Jackson? It’s astounding. The imagery and everything else in it — its just an amazing fantasy. “ — Bruce Swedien, Legendary Sound Engineer who worked on most of Michael Jackson’s albums

*The late, legendary rapper Tupac sampled “Liberian Girl” for his song “Letter To My Unborn Child.”

“What happened to the truth? Is it out of fashion?” — Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was all about fighting for, defending, and revealing to Black people all over the world the TRUTH of our lineage, the real ancestral background of what and who we really are.

With his outstanding short film and song, Michael was asking African Americans in particular to go back in both the conscious and unconscious mind and “Remember the Time.”

How fitting that this real deal truth about Michael Jackson would be revealed in 2019 which is the 400th year anniversary that the very first enslaved Africans were stolen from the Motherland, where all life began, and brought to America in chains.

Also how interesting that 2019 would be the year that the dastardly Western Media and Hollywood would seek to kill, slay, and crucify Michael Jackson’s name, memory, and legacy once and for all.

There are no coincidences folks, but the GOOD NEWS is….

…the dastardly Western Media and Hollywood has failed miserably in it’s devious and sinister plot to kill him, while simultaneously revealing to the world just how “invincible” Michael Jackson’s life and legacy is and always will be.

Interestingly “Invincible” was the name of Michael Jackson’s last album which tells me that Michael was just being his typically prophetic self when he came up with that title.

A related side note:

In the liner notes to his landmark HIStory album, there is an extraordinary image where Michael Jackson appears as a Sphinx from Egypt.

“The Egyptians say as long as a person’s name is remembered, they will live forever. MJ’s name will never be forgotten, so he will live FOREVER.” — Quote from an Egyptian MJ Fan (From an MJ YouTube video)

Indeed he will.

A Relevant Michael Jackson Tribute From Northern Uganda, (Gulu) — (2012)

“Of course he loved being black. We’d be in sessions where we’d just vibe out and he’d say, “We are black, and we are the most talented people on the face of the Earth.” I know this man loved his culture, he loved his race, he loved his people.” — Producer Teddy Riley, who worked with Michael on his Dangerous, Blood on the Dance Floor, and Invincible albums

Back to the dastardly Western Media and Hollywood:

The imaginary conversation the mediocre ones in the Western Media and Hollywood had in my head:

Western Media/Hollywood: Michael Jackson? Hell Yeah! Let’s dig him up and kick him around some more for old times sake.

Forget that RIP garbage….

Michael Jackson was exceptional, the G.O.A.T., one of a kind, a master at his craft, better than any of us could ever hope to be, is still the most popular person on the planet even in death, and he was/is all these amazing things and Black.

That alone deserves another smear campaign from us…and maybe it will work this time.

How dare Michael Jackson be better than anyone who looks like us could ever hope or dream of being?

How could you Michael???

And how could you do it all while looking SEXY AS HELL???

“You know we can never compete with that. That’s why we have to do whatever we can to DESTROY you.”

End of my head vision.

“I wouldn’t say I was sexy! But I guess that’s fine if that’s what they say.” — Michael Jackson

Aw, so sweet and so humble, but like I have proven repeatedly in this manifesto, Michael Jackson wasn’t stupid.

Michael Jackson knew he was an incredibly SEXY MAN.

Now I would like to end Part Two by documenting with a perfect example of just how devious and dishonest the Western Media was while Michael Jackson was alive to explain its actions today.

I want to post this because the following example shows the Western Media in lock step bald-faced lying about Michael Jackson’s appearance at an event. After reading the following, no fair or decent person will ever believe anymore BS which the Western Media chooses to say or report about Michael Jackson.

The following proves the Western Media was in lock step to lie about Michael Jackson while he was alive, just like it is now in lock step to lie about Michael Jackson now that he is dead.

How the Media Blatantly Lied About Michael Jackson’s Reception at the World Music Awards in 2006

Blog posting excerpt:

“I feel compelled to write this blog today because as I sit here in front of my computer, it is seven years — to the day — since I experienced an epiphany of sorts about the media’s coverage of Michael Jackson. I had followed his trial quite carefully, of course, comparing court transcripts to media coverage and being distressed by the horrendously biased reporting. But those reports were often at least rooted in fact. Journalists would misrepresent genuine testimony, in most cases simply ‘lying’ by omission.

What happened seven years ago was different. I witnessed firsthand the construction of a purely fabricated story; one which shot around the world, once again making Michael Jackson a global figure of ridicule, and became immediately accepted as ‘fact’. To this day, I read occasional press reports which mention this fabricated event as though it were an objective truth. It has even been listed as a significant career event in Jackson biographies.

Witnessing the creation of the myth was an experience that has stayed with me ever since. For an enthusiastic journalism degree student, it was a shocking and saddening insight into the media’s more sinister machinations.” ~ Charles Thomson’s insightful blog posting titled “Conjuring a Chorus of Boos; The Truth About Michael Jackson’s UK Comeback”

Investigative journalist Charles Thomson then goes on to detail in his blog posting how many in the Western media bald-faced lied about what happened during Michael Jackson’s appearance at the World Music Awards in 2006, which was the year after Michael’s 2005 trial where he was found not guilty by an unanimous jury.

Thomson was actually at the awards show, and he details what did happen at the show in the linked blog posting versus the Western media’s malicious lies.

I highly suggest reading Thomson’s blog posting which details the lies the media told about Michael Jackson being booed by the crowd and “scuttled off stage” at the show because it’s really insightful, but fortunately I have something more iron-clad and conclusive….

…I have an actual video excerpt of the event to prove how Michael Jackson was really received by the crowd at that momentous event of Michael’s return to the spotlight after being vindicated at the trial fiasco in 2005.

Take a look:

“Beyonce came out AGAIN (talk about recycling the same stars) and introduced Michael Jackson as the recipient of the Diamond Award (over 100 million Thriller albums sold). I have NEVER, EVER, seen a crowd go wild like that… EVER. People were randomly bursting out in tears…genuinely in awe of him. Can’t no one say that the ‘Michael Jackson effect’ of the 80s doesn’t exist no more. It was in full effect last night. Most of you know the deal with MJ acceptance speeches…he begins to talk…gets drowned out by the crowd appreciation…says ‘I love you too’…etc lol.
Poor Rihanna…she came on straight after MJ (we were all expecting him to go straight into performance), but, no, it was her. When they announced her name…a lot of people booed. Not because they hated her, but they wanted Michael.” — An eyewitness review of what went down at 2006 World Music Awards at That Grape Juice January 2008

*Please note this all went down less than three years before Michael passed away. This and the insane and unprecedented response to his “This Is It” concert series weeks before he died proves Michael had millions of people folks screaming, anticipating, wanting, LOVING him from childhood until the day he died…and the same is true now in death.

No sane person looking at that video above should see it as anything less than Michael Jackson’s triumphant return to the spotlight after being totally exonerated at his 2005 trial, and him being adored, loved and cheered on by that entire crowd.

Yet that truth is not what the Western Media reported to the public:

Excerpt From Charles Thomson’s Blog posting “Conjuring a Chorus of Boos; The Truth About Michael Jackson’s UK Comeback”

“Once I gained access to the internet, I discovered multiple publications were claiming he (Michael Jackson) had been booed offstage.

“Michael Jackson walked offstage to a chorus of boos last night,” the Mirror’s Tom Bryant wrote. “The crowd, expecting a proper version of his song, booed the star who then scuttled offstage.”

Scuttled offstage.

Watch the above video. Jackson not only does not ‘scuttle offstage’ to ‘a chorus of boos’ — he remains onstage long after his performance ends, absorbing the most emphatically positive reaction I’ve ever observed at an awards ceremony.

The Daily Record’s Julia Kuttner wrote an almost identical story: “Michael Jackson walked off stage to a chorus of boos last night — just four lines into his first performance in the UK for nine years. Jacko had picked up a gong at the World Music Awards in London minutes before. But after singing only the chorus to his charity single We Are The World, he stopped to repeatedly tell the audience: ‘I love you’. Jackson scuttled off the stage after he was booed by the crowd, who were expecting a proper version of the song.”

The Evening Standard also got in on the action. Reporters Chris Elwell-Sutton and Valentine Low wrote: “His much-vaunted reappearance turned into an embarrassing disaster. His entire performance consisted of one mangled line, several missed high notes and an exit to a chorus of boos from the audience. ‘I love you’, he told them — although whether the feeling was reciprocated is open to question.”

I was in complete disbelief. Had one rogue reporter claimed Michael Jackson was booed offstage, I wouldn’t have been so angry. Every profession has its bad apples. But for multiple reporters to have attended an event at which Michael Jackson demonstrably and categorically was not booed offstage, yet to all then write articles claiming he was, demonstrated a clear conspiracy between multiple parties to fabricate and perpetuate a bogus story.” — Journalist Charles Thomson — November 2013

That was written by Charles Thomson in 2013.

Fast forward from 2006 to 2013 to 2019, a decade after Michael Jackson’s death, and the following words from Thomson perfectly describes what the same Western media that lied through its teeth about Michael Jackson at that triumphant 2006 awards show appearance is doing now in 2019 with Leaving Neverland:

“a clear conspiracy between multiple parties to fabricate and perpetuate a bogus story.”


Charles Thomson didn’t link to the media articles which vindictively LIED and/or distorted Michael Jackson’s appearance at the 2006 World Music Awards, so I will link to a few:

UK Daily Mirror — November 2006: Worst Music Awards

Reuters — November 2006 — Michael Jackson Comeback Gig “A Flop”, Reviews Say

People Magazine — November 2006: Michael Jackson Disappoints In Stage Return

London Evening Standard — November 2006 — Jacko Booed At World Music Awards

Billboard Magazine — November 2006: Jackson Comeback Performance Deemed A Flop

Artist Direct — November 2006: Michael Jackson Booed At World Music Awards

NME — November 2006: Michael Jackson Booed During London Live Comeback

Keep in mind many media organizations delete articles for various reasons, (particularly articles older than a decade), but the above is what I could find today.

See? Proof positive that the Western media diabolically, maliciously and deliberately LIED through it’s teeth about Michael Jackson.

“I am bewildered at the lengths to which people will go to portray me so negatively.” — Michael Jackson

Sadly Michael dealt with countless baseless and very intentional bald-faced lies like this from the Western media for decades.

All I have to say is Thank God for videotape and YouTube.

The iron-clad proof of an industry-wide media conspiracy against Michael Jackson lies in the fact that I researched and found no mainstream media outlet which had the ethics or integrity to dispute and correct the record about these blatant lies about Michael Jackson’s triumphant appearance at 2006 World Music Awards printed by their fellow media organizations lying on MJ.

From my perspective, that would fall under “Lying by Omission.”

Meaning of Lying by Omission: “Lying by omission, also known as a continuing misrepresentation or quote mining, occurs when an important fact is left out in order to foster a misconception. Lying by omission includes the failure to correct pre-existing misconceptions.” ~ Source: Wikipedia

Speaking of “Lying by Omission.”

Following is yet another PERFECT example of the mainstream media working in lockstep to make up BS about Michael Jackson.

On August 20th 2018, 9 days before what would have been Michael Jackson’s 60th birthday, (August 29th.), almost the entire mainstream media banded together to eagerly claim the following in their breathless headlines:

Associated Press — Beating King of Pop, The Eagles Have №1 Album of All-Time

TIME Magazine — Michael Jackson’s Thriller Is No Longer the Best-Selling Album of All Time. Here’s the New #1

Rolling Stone Magazine — Eagles’ ‘Greatest Hits’ Overtakes Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ as Best-Selling Album

Variety — The Eagles’ Greatest Hits Surpasses Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ as Best-Selling Album

USA Today — The Eagles Fly Past Michael Jackson, Now Have the Best-Selling Album of All-Time

Chicago Sun-Times — The Eagles Have №1 Album of All-Time, Beating Out Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’

New York Post — King of Pop Loses Best Selling Album Crown to Eagles

People Magazine — The Eagles Beat Out Michael Jackson’s Thriller for Best-Selling Album

Esquire — Blame the Boomers: The Eagles Now Officially Have the Best-Selling Album of All Time

Trust me, I could have gone on and on. Although I chose headlines from the media organizations most people would recognize, almost every mainstream media headline was a variation of the same point which is soft rock 70s group The Eagles now have the best-selling album of all time….

…only that’s a bald-faced LIE.

Before I begin smacking down yet another tired Western media lie about Michael Jackson, I would like to say that this smack down takes nothing away from the stellar 70s band The Eagles and their best-selling U.S. album….

…..and there lies the rub.

What made each and every one of those mainstream media headlines above bald-faced LIES is the fact that each of those headlines failed to include the following words:

“…in the U.S.”

If the RIAA’s, (Recording Industry Association of America aka it represents America only), numbers are indeed true, (something I strongly question), The Eagles 1976 Greatest Hits compilation album has sold 38 million albums in the U.S. while Michael’s iconic 1982 stand alone Thriller album has sold 33 million copies in the U.S……

…..while Thriller has sold more than 105 MILLION albums worldwide as of February 2017.

“Representatives for Sony and Jackson’s estate say that Thriller has sold 105 million copies globally.” — Billboard Magazine — February 2017

That’s right…Thriller has sold more than 105 million albums world-wide, (as of February 2017.)

“With sales now topping more than 105 million copies worldwide, Thriller has solidified its status as the best-selling album of all-time while Michael Jackson’s overall worldwide record sales exceed the 1 billion threshold.” — Epic Records (2017)

That’s right…in total, Michael Jackson has sold more than a BILLION RECORDS as of February 2017.

That was as of February 2017.

105 million copies of Thriller sold as of February 2017, and of course that number is even bigger now….

…making Thriller the biggest selling album of all time…at least according to the *facts.*

I hope we all know by now that the Western media is hit or miss when reporting facts in general, and in particular when it comes to reporting anything about Michael Jackson.

Some media personalities took their Michael Jackson dissing lies to comical extremes.

For example, in this linked tweeted video, CNN’s Jake Tapper makes a point to break into his show which is predominantly about the White House and politics, not music or entertainment, to claim that The Eagles now had the the biggest selling album “in the history of the world.”

This is how dumb these media folks think their audience is. Granted, maybe some in their audience are indeed that dumb, but all most definitely aren’t.

“Hey @JakeTapper — can you please correct your story. The Eagles now have top-selling album in THE UNITED STATES, not history, not the world. Michael Jackson’s Thriller is still the top-selling album in history @CNN” — Singer, Songwriter Darren Hayes via Twitter

Even though several people tweeted objections at CNN’s Jake Tapper for stating that bald-faced lie on his show which basically tried to steal Michael Jackson’s amazing and historic Thriller feat and achievement from him, (to my knowledge), Tapper never corrected or owned up to his words not being true.

This is who the Western media is, ladies and gents. This is the dishonest character of *most* (not all) who work in it.

*I would like to note that there is still something fishy about even the *facts* which still proves Michael Jackson’s iconic Thriller album is indisputably the “best selling album of all time.”

Recall from the video I posted above featuring Michael at the 2006 World Music Awards, according to the stats from Guinness World Records which were listed in that World Music Awards segment, Thriller had sold 104 million albums as of 2006.

There is no way that Thriller has only sold an additional one million copies from 2006 until 2017 as reported in this linked news release from Epic Records, bringing the total to 105 million sold as of 2017, particularly during the 9 years after Michael died.

Something is WAY off and needs to be corrected.

When Michael was alive, he kept very careful track of his record sales, which is why it was likely reported at the World Music Awards in 2006 that Thriller had sold 104 million copies.

This happened while he was still alive, because being the genius businessman that I proved earlier he was, Michael made sure the accurate number of his record sales, (particularly his Thriller album), were always updated and known.

It was always Michael Jackson’s long game plan to sell more records than anyone else in the world.


So he could appear in the Guinness Book of World Records, which was his favorite book as a child and something Michael had always dreamed of being listed in from the time he was a little boy.

“At night, either on the road or back in L.A., his (little MJ) bedtime reading was either The Jungle Book or The Guinness Book of World Records. “I want to be the entertainer that sells the most records” he said one night. “I want my name to appear in this book!” — From Michael’s older brother Jermaine Jackson’s book “You’re Not Alone”

Now Michael Jackson’s name appears DOZENS of times in the Guinness World Records, having so far earned 39 world records, and his achievements keeps getting updated and keeps growing, even though he is now gone for almost a decade.

“You can always dream, and your dreams can come true. But you have to make them come true.” — Michael Jackson

Telling the honest truth about how many records Michael Jackson has sold should not stop after Michael dies, and all who loved and respected him should make sure it doesn’t stop.

What Michael Jackson accomplished is too historically important, particularly to African American history and also to people of ALL colors (black, white, brown, yellow etc.) all over the world.

“We were jubilant when we learned we had passed the Motown audition. I remember Berry Gordy sitting us all down and saying that we are going to make history together. “I’m gonna make you the biggest thing in the world,” he said, “and you’re gonna be written about in history books.” He really said that to us. We were leaning forward, listening to him, and saying “Okay! Okay!” I’ll never forget that.” — Michael Jackson from his page turning must read best selling 1988 autobiography “Moonwalk”

*Side Note: Anyone starting from nowhere or the bottom who wants to make it to the top must read Michael’s best selling 1988 autobiography “Moonwalk” written when he was only in his late twenties.

“If you are going to do it, commit yourself, know your craft, and be really involved.” — Michael Jackson

The autobiography is not only Michael’s life story up to that point, its also a self help manual of sorts with tons of highly interesting stories and antidotes from his childhood.

It includes sage wisdom like this:

“What one wishes is to be touched by truth and to be able to interpret that truth so that one may use what one is feeling and experiencing, be it despair or joy, in a way that will add meaning to one’s life and will hopefully touch others as well. This is art in its highest form. Those moments of enlightenment are what I continue to live for.” — Excerpt from Michael’s autobiography “Moonwalk”

Reminder: Michael Jackson wrote this masterpiece while he was still in his 20s.

Michael’s book Moonwalk is not only loaded with never before seen photos hand-picked by Michael himself, it also has the added distinction of being co-edited by one of the most iconic women in American history, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

The 2009 re-issue of the book includes a new and very insightful afterword by Shaye Areheart who co-edited the book with Onassis, and had the most personal contact with MJ.

One of many pleasing oddities about the book is it begins with an autographed portrait of Michael drawn by Michael himself.

*On top of all of his many other talents, Michael was also a fantastic artist.

The next page after Michael Jackson’s self portrait is a page with just his autograph, and Areheart writes in the afterword about that special page:

“…a signature that he did for us on a blank sheet of paper so we could use it as part of the title page. He loved his fans and liked the idea that everyone who owned the book would feel as if they had a signed copy.” — Shaye Areheart , co-editor of “Moonwalk”

That’s how much Michael Jackson loved his countless millions of fans.

“My fans truly are a part of me, we share something that most people will never experience.” — Michael Jackson

Speaking of Michael’s fans being “a part of him”….

Michael Jackson performing his stellar song “Another Part of Me” live before tens of thousands of his screaming fans:

“We’re takin’ over
We have the truth
This is our mission to see it through
Don’t point your finger
Not dangerous
This is our planet
You’re one of us
We’re sendin’ out a major love
And this is our message to you (message to you)
The planets are linin’ up
They’re bringin’ brighter days
They’re all aligned waitin’ for you
Can’t you see?
You’re just another part of me” — Lyrics from MJ’s song “Another Part of Me”

“To say God is not everywhere is like a fish saying water is not around him.” — Michael Jackson

The GOOD news is no matter how much they continuously try, the Western Media, Hollywood, and the powers that be that have always hated Michael Jackson for being an amazingly exceptional African American Man

…and for the GOOD he stood and still stands for, have failed miserably at destroying Michael Jackson’s popularity and legacy and their Leaving Neverland fraud has failed miserably as well.

The SAD news is, almost a decade after his death, that hasn’t stopped them from relentlessly trying.

“I’m saying heal the planet, heal the world, save our children, save the forest. There’s nothing wrong with that right?” — Michael Jackson

Nothing whatsoever, Michael. Not one thing.

“Nothing hurts a good soul and a kind heart more than to live amongst people who can’t understand it.” — Imam Ali (599 AD — 661 AD)

“I feel as if I’m made to understand, but not to be understood.” — Michael Jackson

Although some will never have the heart, soul, or consciousness to understand Michael Jackson, because of this manifesto, many people will at least understand him a whole lot better….

…..and as far as I’m concerned that’s all that matters.

On that note, I give you the late, legendary and forever timeless Dr. Maya Angelou to perfectly counter and contrast the devious and hypocritical words of Oprah about Michael Jackson.

In other words, here is a REAL wise, honorable, and high character woman.

The following very brief video features what is reportedly the one and only time Dr. Angelou personally recited her lovely poem written in honor of Michael Jackson’s death for the public, which she did in 2010.

The title of this beautiful poem written by Maya Angelou in honor of Michael Jackson is….

“We Had Him.”

“ I love experienced people. I love people who are phenomenally talented. I love people who’ve worked so hard and been so courageous and are the leaders in their fields. For me to meet somebody like that and learn from them and share words with them — to me that’s magic.” — Michael Jackson

I want to end this manifesto by thanking Michael’s millions of fans around the world. You guys and gals don’t play! I have been truly amazed by everything that you folks have done to defend Michael’s legacy. I’m speechless right now because I don’t know how to adequately express how in awe I am of all of you. You came out and fiercely defended Michael like no other fans in the history of the world because this is the first generation that has the awesome power of social media to utilize.

Countless leads that I have gotten to follow up on for this manifesto have come from you, and I just want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart because this manifesto which expresses the truth about Michael would not exist with you. Peace, blessings and God’s speed to you. I know Michael is very proud of you all.

I will end this manifesto with Michael Jackson singing about the earth he loved so much and asking those who are selfishly destroying it for their own greed and gain “What about us?” aka what about the people who must live on this earth now and in the future?

And what about the planet we are leaving our precious children?

Do they really deserve this?

With this song, Michael Jackson was quite literally trying to save the world.

Michael Jackson’s iconic and extraordinary song “Earth Song.”

“Michael Jackson was not an artist who comes along once in a decade, a generation, or a lifetime. He was an artist who comes along only once, period.” — Berry Gordy, Motown Records Founder

“There is simply nothing more important to me. It has always been my wish to dedicate the blessings and talents God has given me to the world’s children. This is the fulfillment of my heart’s dream, to re-condition the world to the infinite blessing that children represent. I’m not trying to be philosophical, but I really think it’s my job to help them. I think it’s my calling.” — Michael Jackson

“He was vulnerable enough to cry over the suffering of innocent children, and strong enough to stand by his commitment to them, even after being falsely accused of hurting them. He may very well have been a prisoner in his fame, but he was free in his truth.” — Author Yolanda M. Fourney on Michael Jackson

“I think he was an angel sent to us, and I think we might have to reflect on how well we took care of him. People say that the people around him were bad and they didn’t do right by him…but, I think it’s a collective too, because I can’t remember the last time or any other artist who attracted so much energy and projected that much power…that was that creative and affected so many people…was such a diplomat for America and such a champion of the American culture and African-American people worldwide. People wanted to move to America because of Michael Jackson. Industry changed, the music industry changed due to Michael Jackson. That is a gift to us…and, I’m concerned that maybe the Good Lord may not send another one, because we didn’t take good care of Michael.” — actor Wesley Snipes

“Love is my message.” — Michael Jackson

