Oprah & John Of God: An Explosive Hypothetical Theory For Why Oprah *Tried* To Convince The World To “Let Go” Of Michael Jackson — Part One

104 min readMar 8, 2019


“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re misinformed.” — Mark Twain

Important: For those saying this is too long, the totally baseless and unfounded Leaving Neverland was FOUR HOURS.

It was FIVE HOURS when you include Oprah’s “After Neverland.”

This highly unique manifesto is shorter and it is far more interesting, intriguing, informative, and much more potentially explosive than Leaving Neverland could ever dream of being.

Whatever perspective you have heard up to this point for why this attempted hit job on an already dead man with Oprah as one of the gang of charlatans holding the Tommy gun even exists, you have not heard this one.

Most of all, this highly unique manifesto is filled with receipts aka TRUTH.

So let us begin.

“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power.” — Malcolm X

That quote from Malcolm X was true when he stated it, but thankfully it’s much less true now. The Western media isn’t what it once was, not even close, and trust in the Western Media by the general public is at its lowest point in history.

Case in point:

All that wall to wall promotion from virtually every US media outlet and that is the best the US media could do. Pathetic.

This truth of the media not being nearly as powerful as it once was will become crystal clear once its latest all out effort to destroy Michael Jackson’s memory and legacy fails miserably, (again)

And as you will soon see it failed even with Oprah onboard…but the question remains…

why did Oprah do it?

Even without my explosive and highly plausible theory, Oprah has already badly damaged her brand as a result of joining the Leaving Neverland bandwagon, particularly among African Americans and Black folks in all parts of the world…and I think she knows it.

In the lead up to her after show on Leaving Neverland titled After Neverland on HBO, there was at least a dozen videos on the OWN Network’s YouTube channel promoting the special and Leaving Neverland. Not anymore.

The OWN Network’s YouTube channel has been totally scrubbed of all mentions of Leaving Neverland and After Neverland.

The OWN Network’s website hasn’t been totally scrubbed, (yet), but you can’t find her After Neverland special or any mention of Leaving Neverland unless you specifically put it in the search box on the website to search for it.

And this growing sentiment to “cancel” Oprah among mostly people of color is not just in the US. A recent column written in a Jamaica paper labeled Oprah a “plantation mammy” and proceeded to name some of the rich White males she is pals with, some of whom are well known to very much hate Michael Jackson.

So yes, my guess is Oprah definitely knows she messed up BIG time when she inexplicably decided to join in as the Head Cheerleader for the Western Media and Hollywood’s nefarious and diabolical plot to CRUCIFY the name, legacy and memory of Michael Jackson.

The question is WHY did she do it?

I have a very good and a very sound theory which seeks to conclusively answer that extremely puzzling question…and it’s quite explosive.

Stay tuned and stay patient because I am methodically building a case like a prosecuting attorney, a case which is chock full of receipts, (facts and proof).

Hashtag: #OprahAndJohnOfGod

The Modern-day Judas, Oprah Winfrey & The Ghost of Michael Jackson

“Problem with Michael Jackson abuse claims is every investigation into the late singer has amounted to nothing. This included a criminal trial, a painstaking police raid and search of Neverland and another property plus a 300-page FBI investigative file on him. ” — Oliver Callan — The Irish Sun — February 2019

This highly unique manifesto is being written to offer facts most people don’t know about Michael Jackson which counters the total BS in Leaving Neverland. It also offers a hypothetical yet potentially explosive theory for why Oprah Winfrey along with the entire Western Media and certain sections of Hollywood seem to be very actively and intentionally trying to get the world to “Let Go” of Michael Jackson

...just like Oprah conveniently convinced this person who gets paid by her at Oprah’s OWN Network to do as this Oprah Magazine article eagerly and exhaustively details. So convincing.

I must say that’s a highly ambitious goal to basically try to convince the world to “Let Go” of a universally beloved figure like Michael Jackson, but I predict that by the end of this manifesto, the only person who is going to be “Let Go” of is Oprah.

I know to many that sounds impossible and to some, maybe even delusional, but I 100% stand by my prediction, and I do so with a lot of regret because I really wish I didn’t have to do this. It is being done with a very heavy heart.

I use to admire Oprah greatly, but not anymore. As soon as I was shocked to learn she had jumped on the sinister and totally bogus Leaving Neverland bandwagon she was cancelled in my mind, but being an excellent researcher and having an extremely curious mind, I had to figure out why she was doing it.

What was the ulterior motive?

Why would she do this?

What I discovered about Oprah in the process of answering that question for myself can be described in one word: Chilling. I couldn’t believe it.

It’s inexplicable to many why Oprah is doing this to Michael Jackson. Even a cursory investigation into this one sided “documentary” called Leaving Neverland reveals it to be a total sham.

I will give you a very good example of this 100% truth.

I’ve not seen Leaving Neverland and have no plans to see it, but I know a great deal about the allegations via previous court filings, and I have studied reams of information related to these allegations that have been made against Michael Jackson by Wade Robson and James Safechuck.

I have been told there is a scene at the end of Leaving Neverland where one of the two accusers, Wade Robson dramatically burns what he *claims* is Michael Jackson memorabilia.

That scene right there should have told any person with basic commonsense that this dude is a bald-faced liar.

Wade Robson

NOBODY burns authentic, real Michael Jackson memorabilia. Why?

Because it’s worth an absolute fortune.

For example, Michael Jackson’s legendary Thriller jacket sold for a record breaking $1.8 million.

Here are the receipts, (proof):

“In an auction featuring memorabilia from the Beatles, Madonna and Elvis Presley, it was Michael Jackson who proved to be king.

The red and black jacket, winged shoulders and all, that the late pop star wore during his zombie-ridden “Thriller” video fetched a $1.8 million bid at this weekend’s Julien’s auction in Beverly Hills, California, according to the auctioneer’s website.”

“The winning price was exponentially above the estimated bid of $200,000 to $400,000.”

The jacket wasn’t the only piece of history from the late King of Pop that was part of the auction. The signature fedora Jackson wore during his Bad Tour was sold for $16,250, a handwritten note to friend Elizabeth Taylor went for $5,625 and a signed pillowcase fetched $3,584. And a bidder paid out $330,000 — more than 10 times what Julien’s had expected to get — for one of the famous, shiny, crystal-covered gloves that Jackson wore during the 1980s.

“Michael Jackson has an unbelievable fan base,” Darren Julien, the auction house’s president, told CNN earlier this month.” ~ CNN — June 2011

According to Juliens Auctions, Wade Robson sold his entire Michael Jackson Memorabilia collection to them in 2011, 8 years before his fake MJ memorabilia burning scene was filmed.

It’s really amazing to me that Wade Robson thought he would actually get away with that lie. Juliens Auctions told him that he couldn’t remain anonymous, yet he chose to include a totally unnecessary scene in the so called “documentary” which would absolutely prove he was a liar.

This is not him misstating something. This is not him misspeaking. This is Wade Robson deliberately and consciously lying to create a dramatic effect for in my opinion, all the unproven and malicious BS that he said throughout this joke of a documentary.

It’s theater, and from what I hear, it’s like an emotional roller coaster of a film, so the dramatic burning of Michael Jackson memorabilia I guess was like the film’s climax so that the gullible ones who sat through four hours of this filth and believed all its baseless and unproven allegations about Michael Jackson could leave the film feeling like “at least he got closure on all the unspeakable and horrendous things that “sadistic monster” Michael Jackson did to him.”

I’m not exaggerating. That’s how some folks in Hollywood actually label Michael Jackson based on Wade Robson and the film’s other documented liar’s words. Right Judd Apatow?

Yet funny how filmmaker Judd Apatow is so eager to label a dead man a “sadistic monster” based solely on the words of two guys who are proven liars, yet according to this linked article, he prefers to stay mum on his very good friend actor James Franco’s multiple allegations of sexual misconduct in Hollywood.

For those who aren’t familiar with the multiple sexual misconduct allegations that were made against James Franco in 2018:

And just in case Judd Apatow decides to delete his gross and really dumb tweet labeling Michael Jackson “a sadistic monster” here is exactly what the “liberal” filmmaker said:

“Most people who hurt people were themselves victims of some sort of trauma and on some level we can have compassion for that but at the same time he became a sadistic monster who in addition to his good deeds and music destroyed the lives of innumerable children then his own.” — Judd Apatow tweet — March 2 2019

I’m sure that dramatic yet totally made up ending scene featuring Wade Robson symbolically *burning* Michael Jackson is what spurred that vast majority White audience at Sundance Film Festival, where this joke of a documentary premiered, to stand on its feet to give Wade Robson and his partner James Safechuck a standing ovation as was reported.

“Michael Jackson fans may be up in arms about the upcoming HBO documentary on allegations of child sexual abuse by the singer but today attendees at the Sundance Film Festival were up on their feet over Leaving Neverland.

Wade Robson and James Safechuck received a standing ovation from the almost entirely full Egyptian Theatre when director Dan Reed asked them to join him onstage after the intense four-hour screening on SFF’s second day.” ~ Deadline Insider — January 2019

Nothing like seeing a Black man burn to get a mostly White audience on its feet cheering and applauding in America.

Of course all the folks in that screening room would stand up and cheer that bogus “Burning of Michael Jackson” memorabilia scene. It was cleverly inserted in Leaving Neverland for a reason.

Wade Robson obviously knew his target audience well. He knew what motivates and inspires them. Crowds of White folks standing up and cheering and applauding the literal burning and lynching of Black people in this country is as old as America itself.

Answer: These rules only apply for Michael Jackson aka the Black Man who was so damned brilliant and exceptional that he made the ridiculous idea of White Supremacy look like a sick joke.

And that is a HUGE reason why they hate him so much, and why they stand, cheer, and applaud Michael Jackson being burned in effigy.

Looked at honestly, this is really nothing new. This is who America is deep down as President Donald Trump is making crystal clear on a daily basis while destroying this country in the process.

“When we’re too good, there’s something wrong with us.” — Serena Williams speaking 100% truth in the latest NIKE ad.

This is how sick and evil White Supremacy and Racism is, and also how destructive it is.

Again, THIS is America.

The failed and mediocre Wade Robson is finally getting the respect he has always felt he deserved from Hollywood. It just took telling lies and defaming Michael Jackson on screen to do it.

And obviously Robson had been plotting his lies since 2011 when he tried to anonymously sell his entire collection of REAL Michael Jackson memorabilia because as Juliens Auctions tweeted:

“He needed the money.”

“I have been a vulnerable target for those who want money.” — Michael Jackson

Interestingly the same year Wade Robson sought to sell his lucrative Michael Jackson memorabilia “anonymously” Robson also sought a job as the Director of the spectacular Michael Jackson Cirque du Soleil Show.

The link below contains a copy of the actual email Wade Robson sent to the principles of the show where he literally begs for the job.

Tellingly Wade Robson never mentioned that he sought that job in 2011, a high profile job in a show which is all about honoring Michael Jackson’s memory and legacy, in Leaving Neverland.

I can’t help but wonder if Wade Robson being rejected for that job as he certainly was, was the catalyst for why he decided to make these abuse claims against Michael Jackson, because his rejection for that job was the same year he sought to sell his valuable Michael Jackson memorabilia collection “anonymously.”

Why did Robson want to sell his valuable MJ memorabilia anonymously?

Who was he afraid of finding out about the sell and why?

Was 2011 the year Robson came up with his intention to make these baseless and unproven allegations against Michael Jackson because he knew the law in America allows him the ability to defame a dead man?

Something to think about.

According to HBO’s website, Leaving Neverland was created for HBO, (by HBO’s Nancy Abraham and Lisa Heller), and by members of the British Media (Tom Porter for Channel 4 and Daniel Pearl for Channel 5 ), and by the two documented and proven liars who claim they were molested by Michael Jackson.

Interestingly the other of those two documented and proven liars, James Safechuck, is listed in LinkedIn with what sounds like a really cushy Hollywood job:

James Safechuck — Director of Innovation & Technology at Avatarlabs

“With more than a decade of experience creating groundbreaking interactive projects, AvatarLabs was honored for its consistent dedication and commitment to the digital medium. The company’s reputation for cutting edge strategy and execution has built an all-star portfolio of clients including Fortune 500 and top entertainment companies such as Sony, Disney, Warner Bros., HBO, ABC, EA and Mattel. In addition to constantly pushing boundaries of creative development, the company is known for its innovative work in emerging technologies to create experiential online and social media campaigns that reach consumers across multiple platforms.” ~ Business Wire — June 2012

So just so we’re clear, James Safechuck, one of the two accusers who are making unproven and unfounded allegations against the now deceased Michael Jackson who appears in the 4 hour documentary Leaving Neverland, a documentary which HBO’s own website says was made specifically for HBO, has a really important sounding Hollywood job at Avatarlabs, and one of the featured and high profile clients of Avatarlabs is…..HBO.

Wow, what a coincidence that a company HBO is a featured client of would have a high ranking employee who allegedly was molested by Michael Jackson which would enable HBO to greenlight a one-sided documentary about it for HBO.

How totally convenient for HBO.

“On February 7 2019, the estate of Michael Jackson sent a strongly worded letter to HBO CEO Richard Plepler, followed by another a couple of days later to Channel 4 CEO Alex Mahon. The letter to HBO outlined, in painstaking 10-page detail, the long, problematic history of Robson’s and Safechuck’s claims (coming from attorneys who have spent the better part of the last six years battling these very allegations in court), while the letter to Channel 4 specified that the program is in direct violation of the channel’s guidelines for ethical journalism, citing a clause which states that any program making “significant allegations” must allow “those concerned” to be “given an appropriate and timely opportunity to respond.” — Linda Raven-Woods

That happened on February 7th, and I took special notice on February 28th of the guy that letter from Michael Jackson’s estate was addressed to, HBO’s multiple Emmy winning CEO Richard Plepler, suddenly stepping down as HBO CEO just a few days before the much hyped premiere of Leaving Neverland on HBO.

Seems to me like some of the rats are already starting to jump ship.

The New York Times — February 28, 2019 — HBO’s C.E.O., an Emmy Magnet, Steps Down

“Richard Plepler, the gregarious chief executive of HBO and one of the most influential executives in entertainment, abruptly stepped down on Thursday.” — NYT

I have a feeling that many others connected with this Leaving Neverland one-sided scam documentary are going to be doing a lot of things “abruptly” over the coming days and weeks.

The Hollywood Reporter February 8 2019 — Michael Jackson Estate Wants HBO Meeting; Letter Warns ‘Leaving Neverland’ Will Be HBO’s Greatest Shame”

“In the letter, addressed to HBO chief executive Richard Plepler from attorney Howard Weitzman, Leaving Neverland is characterized as “an admittedly one-sided, sensationalist program” that ignores journalistic ethics.”

“The letter conveys the case that Michael Jackson’s two accusers have been “caught lying” in testimony and slams HBO’s decision to bolster their credibility.

Weitzman writes, “Given all of this, which are facts readily available to anyone doing minimal due diligence, why would HBO produce a documentary based solely on the words of these two liars and director/producer Dan Reed? Why would HBO produce this documentary without even seeking comment and response from the Jackson Estate who spent years successfully litigating these false allegations with Robson and Safechuck? Is there any other artist who HBO would do this to? Is there any other artist who HBO would not even seek comment from when making such serious accusations?” ~ Excerpt from Hollywood Reporter article “Michael Jackson Estate Wants HBO Meeting; Letter Warns ‘Leaving Neverland’ Will Be HBO’s Greatest Shame” — February 8 2019

This question from that MJ estate letter excerpt bears repeating:

“Is there any other artist who HBO would do this to?”

Answer: No there isn’t, only Michael Jackson, and this manifesto seeks to make crystal clear the reasons why, in addition to presenting a shocking yet highly plausible theory for why Oprah Winfrey is willing to risk her reputation and her respect in the African American community and with people of color around the globe to join the malicious and defamatory fray.

It seems the soon to be ex-HBO CEO thinks he can run out on his part in green-lighting this malicious and deliberate hit job on the memory and legacy of Michael Jackson, but I think Mr. Plepler will soon find out that karma doesn’t work that way. You can’t step down or run away from your dirty deeds.

And the ship continues to take on water at HBO.

This happened on March 2nd, the day before Leaving Neverland was scheduled to air:

TMZ — March 2 2019 — HBO Threatened Over Molestation Insinuation In Michael Jackson Documentary

“Michael Jackson never molested a guy named Brett Barnes — so says Barnes himself — and he’s getting ready to sue HBO for a documentary insinuating he was sexually abused by MJ.

The upcoming documentary, “Leaving Neverland,” shows Brett, and he claims it implies Jackson molested him as a boy. As for why Barnes thinks this … Wade Robson — one of Jackson’s well-known alleged victims — claims in the doc, Barnes “replaced him.” The film then shows Michael and Brett together on tour. Thus, the insinuation.

Barnes testified at Jackson’s criminal trial in 2005 — along with Macaulay Culkin — that he was never sexually abused by Jackson … and he hasn’t changed his account since. Brett also tweeted about the MJ allegations in January, calling them “lies.”

“Leaving Neverland” does include Barnes’ denial that Jackson did anything inappropriate, but only for a few seconds in writing on the screen. Brett’s camp doesn’t think that’s nearly enough to “cure such a despicable allegation.”

Barnes says he wants nothing to do with the film, does not give HBO his consent to use his image and likeness and wants all references to him axed … or else.

We’re told HBO replied to the letter, telling Barnes to pound sand. We’re told a lawsuit now looms.” ~ TMZ — March 2 2019

And keep in mind, this is yet another bald-faced lie which Wade Robson has deliberately perpetuated in this mockumentary.

And this image below proves HBO most definitely is going all in to unethically try to persuade people of Michael Jackson’s guilt. The word “alleged” is suppose to be included in any unproven accusation/allegation against someone, but notice how HBO totally leaves that word out to outright and blatantly try to sell its subscribers on Michael Jackson’s guilt.

The receipts on nefarious plot to destroy Michael Jackson’s memory and legacy by any unethical and malicious means necessary are really beginning to pile up, aren’t they? A guy who is almost a decade long dead.

“When Michael Jackson died in 2009, Wade Robson — the former choreographer whose allegations of abuse are at the center of a controversial new documentary, Leaving Neverland — wrote in tribute to his friend:

Michael Jackson changed the world and, more personally, my life forever. He is the reason I dance, the reason I make music, and one of the main reasons I believe in the pure goodness of humankind. He has been a close friend of mine for 20 years. His music, his movement, his personal words of inspiration and encouragement and his unconditional love will live inside of me forever. I will miss him immeasurably, but I know that he is now at peace and enchanting the heavens with a melody and a moonwalk.

Robson was twenty-seven years old at the time. Four years earlier, he testified at Jackson’s 2005 trial (as an adult) that nothing sexual ever happened between them. Prior to the trial Robson hadn’t seen Jackson for years and was under no obligation to be a witness for the defense. He faced a withering cross-examination, understanding the penalty of perjury for lying under oath. But Robson adamantly, confidently, and credibly asserted that nothing sexual ever happened.” ~ Excerpt from Author Joe Vogel’s must read Forbes Magazine article “What You Should Know About The New Michael Jackson Documentary” — January 2019

And this 5 minute video provides receipts via court documents for what is possibly the real reason James Safechuck all of a sudden remembered that he was allegedly abused by Michael Jackson in 2013–14.

It turns out 2013 was also the year that James Safechuck’s family allegedly lost in court due to their reportedly nefarious dealings in the Safechuck family’s trash business and was ordered by the court to pay a judgment of more than $800,000.00 (US).

In short:

The plot continues to thicken, doesn’t it?

And yet another potential and highly likely lie told by Wade Robson concerns the timing of his allegations.

First its important to note that the King of Pop, Michael Jackson was married to the King of Rock n Roll Elvis Presley’s daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, from 1994 to 1996.

Michael Jackson and his wife, Lisa Marie Presley

According to published reports, Robson claims Michael Jackson sexually abused him “every time they were together” from 1990 to 1997 YET Michael was married to Lisa Marie Presley in 1994 through 1996, and according to what Lisa Marie told Oprah in 2010, she was still in Michael’s life four years after the divorce.

According to what I’ve been told from someone who has seen Leaving Neverland, Robson either downplays it or treats Michael Jackson’s well publicized two year marriage to Lisa Marie Presley like it absolutely did not exist, but it very much DID exist.

Michael Jackson & Lisa Marie

In 2010, Lisa Marie spoke to Oprah Winfrey in her one and only interview about her former husband Michael Jackson after his death.

In that interview, Lisa Marie made it crystal clear that her marriage to Michael was REAL, that it was passionate, volatile and close. Although Lisa Marie understandably did not go into specific intimate detail, it was very obvious that they had a very intimate and sexual marriage.

Here are important excerpts from Lisa Marie Presley’s interview with Oprah in 2010 about her and Michael Jackson’s marriage:

O: I think really struck a lot of people. And even when you said on my show, yes, this was a real marriage, there was a sexual relationship, and all of that, but the rest of the world I think thought it was a big staged publicity something, I don’t know. Do you understand that now?

LM: Right. I completely understand, I do. I understand that because to some degree he was a master at manipulating a little bit with the media. So I understand that there was no one who really knew who I was so they just assumed I was going along with something that he would be doing.

O: Was it the kind of marriage where a lot of things went unsaid or unspoken or did you feel a sense of intimacy and connection, that you could ask him anything?

LM: I honestly can tell you that it was in every sense a normal marriage and everything was spoken. In the middle of the night, if he needed to wake up and tell me, bounce something off me, and wake me up and wanna talk… if there was trouble…

O: Was he having trouble sleeping then? He was like a little gnome. I used to tell him he was a gnome running around the room because it was hard for him to sleep. A lot of times I couldn’t sleep either if he wasn’t sleeping. I’d just hear him piddling. It was a bit endearing but then I didn’t mind it. But he did have a hard time sleeping, yes.

O: Did you feel like you were in many ways a nurturer or caretaker for him?

LM: Very much. And I really loved that role and I loved taking care of him. It was the highest point of my life, one of the very highest points of my life. When things were going really well and he and I were united together and he and I had an understanding about some of the people and the things that could go around him and he was with me on those things and we were a unit and I could take care of him. In spite of what people speculated while I was with him that I wanted a career or was trying to do something, it was absolute BS. I’ve never been comfortable being front and center, honestly don’t like being front and center. Loved being next to him, taking care of him. I was on such a high from doing that. It was a very profound time of my life. So it wasn’t anything — it was real, as far as that goes.

O: I heard you say to the producers that being with him was some of the highest highs for you, as you’ve just described, and also some of the lowest lows.

LM: Yes.

O: What was the lowest low?

LM: The lowest was… you know, again, when I talk about him I now in retrospect want to make very clear that I understand him now more than I ever did. So when I speak about him I can speak about him with understanding and it’s all good now. For some reason, I don’t know what happens when someone passes away and this is what’s come of it, but I’ve come to have all this love again and understanding for him. I don’t know why it had to take all that to have this happen. That upsets me a bit.

O: It isn’t easy to believe but we can all understand the state of mind you were in. So first of all, you growing up as Elvis Presley’s daughter and being in your own right who you are, you wouldn’t be excited about being married to Michael Jackson. It’s not like some fan married to Michael Jackson, because you were used to the fame life. So you fell in love with him because of…?

LM: For him. Because he was an incredible, an incredibly dynamic person. If you were in his vicinity and he wanted to give — and he showed you who he was, and he was willing to do that in any way, meant that… I have never felt so high in my life. I have never felt so high in my life as that. I am not lying when I say that. He had something so intoxicating about him and when he was on, when he was ready to share with you or give it to you, and be himself and allow you to come in. I don’t know if I’ve ever been that intoxicated by anything.

O: I can hear what you’re saying, because when I first interviewed him — first met him before the interview in 1992 (1993), it’s like he shines his light upon you. When he opens himself up and lets that light through you just want to be in that.

LM: Yes!

O: You just want to be in that, you want to be around that and you know, we were all in Neverland eating the candy and having a great time and I left thinking, “Gosh, I wish I could be his friend.”

LM: Yeah. It was like a drug. He was like a drug for me. I felt like I just always wanted to be around him, always wanted to be part of — I felt so high. I’ve never felt like that around another human being, except for one, which was my father.

O: So interesting because you just said you were nine years old when your father died, never felt that feeling before, so in many ways being with Michael brought back that feeling of that light falling on you

LM: Yes

O: All of that energy coming your way.

LM: Yes!

O: Did you feel loved by Michael in the beginning?

LM: Very much so. I don’t think I realized it at the time, how much — what that meant because I know that was very unusual for him. I know he’d had a few dates in his life but there was nothing profound for him in that area. He fell in love with me and I fell in love with him. It was very real.

O: How did he ask you to marry him?

LM: We were in the library in front of the fire and he pulled this giant 10 carat diamond out of his pocket and put it on my finger. I think he got on his knees too and proposed.

O: And at the time he proposed did you think that would be forever?

LM: I did. I don’t know, I did. And when I was younger I can honestly say that you can think like that and believe that.

LM: But I have to say in retrospect. that he honestly tried so hard and went through so much with me, and I know now when I look back at it, he’s never done that with any other female or anyone as much as we went through. We hit rough waters, we would fight, we would argue, three day arguments sometimes, taking a break to eat and sleep. I have to say that I really admire that he really gave it a good shot, you know, I didn’t appreciate it then and I wish I did.”

***And this is the part of the Lisa Marie Presley interview with Oprah that lets us know that sex with Michael Jackson was incredibly good and addictive:

LM: We again, were going to get back together, we spent four more years after we’d divorced getting back together and breaking up and talking about getting back together and breaking up. At some point, I had to push it away because it was not, I wasn’t moving forward with myself.

O: So you still loved him even when you left him?

LM: Very much. I left him to sort of stomp my foot in the ground and go… I was trying to take a stand and say, come with me, don’t do this. That was a stupid move, because he didn’t. And he’s you know, he’s a stubborn… I’m stubborn, he’s stubborn. The two of us it was like you know…

O: Don’t make a dare you’re not willing to follow through on.

LM: And actually afterwards, he and I were still… I was still flying all over the world still with him to follow.


Here is a link to the full Lisa Marie Presley interview with Oprah transcript from 2010.

Anyone who has been involved in a very passionate intimate relationship before knows how hard it is to give that relationship up, even when everything else in the relationship is going wrong or says to leave.

Having said that, no woman or man are still getting back together off and on FOUR YEARS AFTER A DIVORCE and speaking about getting back together, then changing their minds, then going back and trying it again, and then changing their minds again, and so on and so on and so on for FOUR YEARS for twice as long as the actual marriage unless there is still a lot of love there, and unless the SEX is hella GOOD and hella ADDICTIVE. Real talk.

Going back to Wade Robson who claims that Michael Jackson sexually abused him “every time they were together” from 1990 to 1997, so if true, are we suppose to believe that was happening during the entire Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley marriage from 1994 to 1996, and a year into their divorce in 1995?

Is Wade Robson claiming he shared Michael and Lisa Marie’s bed?

Did Wade Robson mention Michael Jackson’s marriage to Lisa Marie Presley in Leaving Neverland, and if he did, did he answer how what he claimed to have happened between him and Michael was possible with a wife also there who was with Michael as Lisa Marie said in her interview with Oprah “all the time?”

In short, this all proves that what Wade Robson says can’t be believed or trusted.

Michael & Lisa Marie

“Our relationship was not “a sham” as is being reported in the press. It was an unusual relationship yes, we’re two unusual people who did not live or know a “normal life” found a connection, perhaps with some suspect timing on his part. Nonetheless, I do believe he loved me as much as he could love anyone and I loved him very much.”

“The hardest decision I have ever had to make, which was to walk away and let his fate have him, even though I desperately loved him and tried to stop or reverse it somehow.

After the divorce, I spent a few years obsessing about him and what I could have done different, in regret.

Then I spent some angry years at the whole situation.

At some point, I truly became Indifferent, until now.

As I sit here overwhelmed with sadness, reflection and confusion at what was my biggest failure to date, watching on the news almost play by play the exact scenario I saw happen on August 16th, 1977 happening again right now with Michael (a sight I never wanted to see again) just as he predicted. I am truly, truly gutted.” — Lisa Marie Presley in a blog posting after Michael Jackson’s death

Oh, and Michael Jackson’s niece Brandi Jackson has recently revealed she was involved in a 7 + year relationship with Wade Robson which began in 1991–92 when both were kids, and the relationship lasted 7+ years. She said she knew Wade for 10 years total.

And guess who set this puppy love relationship which eventually grew into a budding teen romance up?

Brandi’s uncle, Michael Jackson did.

In fact, here is a picture of all three of them together, Wade Robson, Michael and Brandi Jackson:

Here is a link to a video of a radio interview Brandi Jackson did recently which gives a lot of the details of her 7+ year relationship with Wade Robson in the first 10 minutes of the interview. This is important because I am told that in Leaving Neverland, Wade claims Michael didn’t want Wade around girls, and I think Wade may have said Michael hated women himself, but if that’s what Wade said, Michael’s very passionate and volatile two year marriage with Lisa Marie Presley and his four year off and on relationship with her after the divorce, and Michael hooking Brandi and Wade up for what Brandi says was a 7+ year relationship, would prove that to be yet another Wade Robson lie, wouldn’t it?

For the few real journalists still out there, Brandi Jackson is more than willing to speak with legitimate journalists and she will provide all the receipts or proof on her 7+ relationship with Wade Robson, which happened during the years Wade claims Michael Jackson molested him “every time he was with him” even during the years Michael was married with a wife who traveled with him everywhere.

Brandi also says Wade cheated on her while they were in a relationship together, which I don’t find surprising at all. Brandi is willing to talk to legit journalists, that is if you’re interested in the truth, fairness, or if you’re interested in being more than just stenographers for just one side because you hate Michael Jackson so much.

Update: It looks like John Ziegler is the lone person in the Western Media who genuinely cares about the truth.

You can access John Ziegler’s explosive interview with Brandi Jackson, an interview which blows Wade Robson’s lies up at at the following link.

In the interview, Brandi even reveals that Wade cheated on her with Britany Spears among others in the interview which is the reason they broke up, and according to Brandi, Robson is also the reason Britany Spears broke up with Justin Timberlake.

Brandi Jackson also clarifies that she and Wade Robson were in a relationship for 8 years, not 7 years as I previously stated, and the last two years of their relationship was sexual.

It’s really a MUST HEAR interview because it proves not only Wade Robson is a bald faced liar, but it also reveals how the Western media absolutely refused to listen to Brandi Jackson who repeatedly tried to tell them her experience with Robson. Why? Because the media knew it would reveal Wade Robson to be the fraud he has repeatedly proven to be.

Brandi Jackson had an interview set up with ABC’s Good Morning America days before Leaving Neverland aired but the interview mysteriously got cancelled.

Why? And why is the entire Western Media ignoring or suppressing Brandi Jackson’s truth which would 100% expose Wade Robson’s lies about Michael Jackson?

I really hope people are beginning to see just how corrupt and evil the Western Media truly is.

Here is John Ziegler’s explosive interview with Brandi Jackson:

Also what genuine abuse victim seeks to have his wedding, one of the most joyous days in the world, at the home of his alleged abuser, the same home he alleges the abuse repeatedly took place?

Allegedly both Wade Robson and his mother Joy bugged Michael Jackson about Wade having his wedding at Neverland while Michael was fighting for his life during the 2005 trial where he was eventually 100% exonerated by a jury.

This is how low and deplorable these liars are.

“Given the very serious nature of the allegations being waged in this film, to purposely omit any kind of rebuttal testimony (especially on behalf of a deceased individual) is beyond unethical.” — Author Linda-Raven Woods

But we all know the Western media isn’t too high on ethics, especially when it comes to targeting Michael Jackson. Being so ethically challenged is why the vast majority of the public doesn’t like or trust the media.

Indeed and one has to wonder why so many gullible people are so willing to take the words against Michael Jackson from the same industry which has produced the most sexual predators, abusers and harassers connected to #MeToo in America, which of course is Hollywood.

The 2019 documentary, Untouchable, which is about the most notorious alleged sexual predator alive in America today, Hollywood honcho Harvey Weinstein, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival right along with Leaving Neverland, yet HBO as of this date has no plans to show it. Why?

Also why isn’t Oprah doing a one hour HBO special called Untouchable No More, a special on the documentary about the alleged serial sexual predator which she was very good friends with for years who is now accused of sexually assaulting and/or raping at least 87 women?

Oprah all lovey dovey with her very good friend, America’s most notorious alleged serial sexual predator, Harvey Weinstein

I hope you folks are beginning to figure out that something really isn’t right here. That this Leaving Neverland farce stinks to high heaven, and could be part of a much bigger and a more diabolical plan.

Continuing On, Yet Another Leaving Neverland Lie Debunked: There was only TWO Thriller jackets ever created for Michael Jackson, yet in Leaving Neverland, James Safechuck claimed Michael gave him one of them.

As the following tweet proves, that was a LIE.

To HBO, Oprah, Wade Robson, James Safechuck, Western Media, and everyone else involved in making and pushing this Leaving Neverland farce:

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive.”

Update: Looks like karma is continuing to reckon with some of the rats associated with Leaving Neverland.

Warner Bros owns HBO and this just happened on March 18, 2019, exactly two weeks after Leaving Neverland premiered on HBO:

Keep in mind, these are rock bottom characters of those who are cowardly gunning for a years long dead Black man.

Like I just said, Hollywood has proven to be the industry most affiliated with #MeToo sexual harassers and predators, so this shouldn’t be surprising at all to those who have been paying attention…

…but the hypocrisy is just so blatant and overwhelming that Hollywood of all industries, would be falsely accusing a decade dead exonerated Black man of being a serial sexual predator, or even care about justice for real sexual predators, with the seemingly record number of alleged sexual predators within it’s own industry.

If it doesn’t seem to make sense, that’s because it doesn’t.

Many should be seeing that something stinks and is definitely not right here.

So the current tally as of now is:

HBO CEO Richard Plepler = OUT

Warner Bros CEO Kevin Tsujihara = OUT

…all within the same three week period of Leaving Neverland’s full court press promotion and premiere.

There are no coincidences, folks.

Karma does not play, and I’m betting this is just the tip of the karmic retribution iceberg. Stay tuned and pay attention.

“Why not just tell people I’m an alien from Mars. Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight. They’ll believe anything you say, because you’re a reporter.” — Michael Jackson

“The FBI released roughly 300 pages on Jackson, constituting less than half of his overall file. The reason behind the withholding of the other half is yet to be made public, but it most likely consists of information on Jackson’s dealings with still living figures of interest to the bureau — civil rights activists like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and the various Middle Eastern businessmen and royals Michael Jackson befriended.

The released half of Jackson’s FBI file supports the star’s innocence entirely. Perhaps most notably, a lengthy report shows that when Jackson’s Neverland Ranch was raided in 2003, the FBI went over every computer seized from the property with a fine tooth comb looking for any incriminating files or internet activity. Jackson’s file contained individual summaries of the FBI’s findings for each of the 16 computers. Scrawled in capital letters across each of those 16 reports — ‘NOTHING’.

But not many media outlets included that nugget. In fact, numerous outlets — including the Daily Mail — inaccurately reported that the file did not include the bureau’s findings.

On a more general level, the files reveal that it was not only the Los Angeles Police force which pursued Jackson for more than a decade and failed to produce one iota of information to connect the star to any crime — it was the FBI too. That Jackson’s life was dissected and his bevahiour was investigated for more than 10 years by two major law enforcement agencies and not one piece of evidence was ever produced to indicate his guilt speaks volumes.” ~ Charles Thomson — Investigative Journalist — (2010)

For those interested in TRUTH vs Hollywood fantasy, here is a link to the FBI files on Michael Jackson referenced in Charles Thomson’s article:

For those who don’t know The Sun is a trash tabloid in the UK which is owned by billionaire Rupert Murdoch, the same guy who owns the exceeding racist Fox News in the US.

Unsurprising Murdoch’s The Sun has also repeatedly been cited for racism in the UK, just like Fox News in the US has:

Keep in mind, the racist tabloid The Sun is what NBC, ABC, and other mainstream media outlets used as a source to defame Michael Jackson, a dead Black man, in the lead up to the premiere of Leaving Neverland on HBO.

In my opinion, this was done to further defame Michael Jackson’s name with the public and make the public more susceptible to believing Leaving Neverland’s BS claims before the public watched it.

This is the low, diabolical, and evil character of the US media. An important question to consider is if the Western Media can blatantly lie about Michael Jackson, what else is it using the public’s own airwaves to blatantly lie to the public about?

Selling the bogus Iraq War, minimizing the impact of Climate Change, giving Donald Trump a cakewalk into the US presidency, and many other media sins immediately come to mind, but it’s very important to understand that the Western Media has not been on the side of the public for a very long time and that is a huge reason why it is crumbling right now and garners so little trust and respect from the public.

Two words: Good riddance

The Western media in it’s present corrupt and dishonest form should crumble. Hopefully out of the rubble of the current incarnation of what passes for the news media, something higher, stronger and with more honesty and integrity will be created by those who care about authentic journalism and the public it is suppose to serve.

Here’s the deal, folks:

Leaving Neverland is basically the Western Media, Hollywood, and their like-minded ilk cowardly trying yet again to destroy Michael Jackson’s legacy once and for all now that he is dead and can no longer defend himself.

Why you may ask?

Because in spite of being dead for almost a decade, Michael Jackson still LIVES.

He lives in the hearts and minds of incalculable millions of people all around the world in every culture and in every generation, and that very much includes the USA.

Michael Jackson is still very, very BIG.

In fact, he is HUGE.

Here are the #Receipts:

According to Forbes Magazine

Here Are The Top 10 Highest-Earning Celebrities For 2018:

1 Floyd Mayweather — $285 million
2 George Clooney — $239 million
3 Kylie Jenner — $166.5 million
4 Judy Sheindlin — $147 million
5 Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson — $124 million
6 U2 — $118 million
7 Coldplay — $115 million
8 Lionel Messi — $111 million
9 Ed Sheeran — $110 million
10 Cristiano Ronaldo — $108 million

Again according to Forbes Magazine

Here Are The Top 10 Highest-Earning DEAD Celebrities For 2018:

1) Michael Jackson — $400 million

2) Elvis Presley — $40 million

3) Arnold Palmer — $35 million

4) Charles Schulz — $34 million

5) Bob Marley — $23 million

6) Dr.Seuss — $16 million

7) Hugh Hefner — $15 million

8) Marilyn Monroe — $14 million

9) Prince — $13 million

10) John Lennon — $12 million

See that? In 2018, more than 9 years after his death, DEAD Michael Jackson earned substantially more than the #1 ALIVE CELEBRITY earned.

You read that correctly, 9 years after his death, Michael Jackson earned more than any other celebrity DEAD OR ALIVE in 2018.

The very much alive champion boxer Floyd Mayweather earned $285 million last year, while 9 years dead badass Michael Jackson knocked Mayweather out from his grave by claiming the #1 spot overall by earning $400 million.

That is quite simply unprecedented.

No one in world history has ever done or achieved that but Michael Jackson. No one.

No other person has ever achieved this unprecedented feat in death, not even Elvis.

The kicker? This isn’t even the first time Michael Jackson was the #1 earning celebrity, DEAD OR ALIVE since his death.

Michael Jackson also achieved this amazing feat in 2010

“According to Forbes, Jackson’s estate has raked in $275 million over the past 12 months — more than the combined earnings of superstars Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Jay-Z and Madonna, and more than any LIVING artist or group.” ~ Straight From The A — October 2010

Michael Jackson also accomplished this extraordinary milestone in 2013

“Madonna was the top earner on our recent Celebrity 100 list, raking in $125 million between June 2012 and June 2013. Not bad for a living person. Her late buddy Michael Jackson easily topped her, earning $160 million over the past year by our estimate. It’s the third time in the past five years that the top-earning celebrity in the world has come from the graveyard.” ~ Forbes Magazine — (2013)

And it happened again in 2016.

“Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” famously depicts grisly ghouls from various tombs closing in to seal the doom of the song’s protagonists. Similarly, the real-life King of Pop has risen from the grave, this time to clock a record $825 million payday. The figure places Jackson atop this year’s Highest-Paid Dead Celebrities list — and also gives him the largest single-year payday by any entertainer, living or dead, ever recorded by FORBES.” ~ Forbes Magazine — October 2016

In 2017, Michael Jackson earned more 8 years dead than the following very much alive music artists earned in 2017:

Adele, Jay Z, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Chance The Rapper, Ed Sheeran, Rihanna, Eminem, Justin Timberlake, Kendrick Lamar, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Bruno Mars, Paul McCartney, Billy Joel, Britney Spears, Dr. Dre, 50 cent, Garth Brooks, Celine Dion, Elton John, Metallica, Bon Jovi, Dolly Parton.

Side Note: I sincerely hope this once and for all ends the ridiculous “______is the next Michael Jackson” charade that many people have been partaking in since Michael’s death to try to claim their fave singer now sits on Michael Jackson’s throne.

Reality Check: It’s kind of hard to claim the King of Pop’s throne with him still sitting in it at #1 while dead and while most of the people mentioned as “the next Michael Jackson” are nowhere on the list.

I too adore Prince, but trying to equate his legacy with Michael Jackson’s legacy is pure ignorance as I have already proven thus far.

Prince died in 2016, yet he only ranks #7 on the 2017 dead celebrities list, earning only $18 million. The first year of Michael Jackson’s death, his legacy earned more than $250 million.

And there lies the reason why Michael Jackson still lives rent-free in the heads of his mediocre haters in the Western Media, Hollywood, and let’s be frank, in White Supremacy’s head.

Because Michael Jackson, an African American Man, is still #1 after almost a decade dead.

Even though almost a decade dead, The KING OF POP still sits on his throne.

“It is more honorable to be raised to a throne than to be born to one. Fortune bestows the one, merit obtains the other.” — Petrarch (1304–1374)

Also it would have been smart had the Michael Jackson haters who dominate the Western Media and Hollywood heeded the following sage wisdom:

“Never strike a king unless you are sure you shall kill him.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson — 1843

But alas, the folks in the Western Media and Hollywood aren’t the sharpest crayons in the box, meaning they are far from being smart.

Why is Ralph Waldo Emerson’s wisdom so on point about trying to come for a King?

Because if you try to take a King out, yet you fail to do so, there will indeed be dire consequences for all who are in on the hit job scheme and the promotion of it which Karma only knows and controls.

In short, no one gets away with anything folks, particularly in these highly fated times.

And just like John Lennon predicted decades ago, instant karma is now at hand.

Update: Case in point, Vanity Fair writer Maureen Orth who has written some of the worst, and I believe the most patently racist lies about Michael Jackson, was just sued for allegedly defaming someone else:

It’s not just the ethically challenged Maureen Orth who in my opinion is patently racist, its everyone who believed her racist nonsense who are down low racist too as far as I’m concerned.

One of the most illuminating things for me in this whole Leaving Neverland mess is seeing how covertly racist so many so called “liberals” in Hollywood, NYC and elsewhere are.

No group has promoted Leaving Neverland lies, failed to ask basic questions of the accusers, or have worked to suppress truth which would call Robson and Safechuck’s stories into question like so called liberals have in the media and elsewhere. Not even Fox News and other conservative media outlets have been so blatantly biased.

It’s all been extremely illuminating, but then again, the recent USC cheating scandal involving big name liberals in Hollywood and elsewhere buying their privileged yet academically mediocre kids their places in college ahead of other kids including non-privileged kids of color who worked their butts off to qualify, makes this all unsurprising to me.

That and the recent highly revealing Stuyvesant school enrollment scandal in ultra liberal NYC, proves what I have known for a while about how hypocritical and low key racist many White liberals are, particularly those in NYC and Hollywood.

The most important thing I noticed about those tweeted stats is how African American enrollment in Stuyvesant progressively dwindled as African Americans further gained power in society.

In 1975, more than 40 years ago, the African American enrollment in this top tier school in ultra liberal NYC was 303. In 2019 after the successful and accomplished reign of our nation’s first Black president, the school only allows 7 African Americans in.

I really hope that most African Americans will see this is not in any way an accident nor a coincidence.

I hope African Americans will see that many White liberals are only interested in African Americans progressing with extreme limits on them, and only so far as there is no competition with them. If the playing field is level, equal or balanced, they lose their privilege and privilege matters a lot to them, not a world where the playing field is level or equal and the person who works the hardest or a person who is proven to be the best wins. They are quite fine with pretending they are the best. In fact, pretending is the American way.

For example, many Americans like to pretend that America is a meritocracy, but a meritocracy can only be real if everyone is able to compete and everyone starts out on first base with the same privileges and opportunities. That very obviously isn’t the case and it very clearly was never meant to be the case in this country.

The sad part about it is even with all the privileges and opportunities to be the best, many privileged Americans today fail to even try to be the best they can be, and are content to just coast on their privilege and cheat if they have to.

And I might add, this truth explains the incessant and irrational animosity which many liberals have towards Michael Jackson, a man who is almost a decade dead, yet the only person who can truly be labeled the G.O.A.T. (The Greatest of All Time).

Their irrational hatred of MJ explains this truth a LOT.

This truth also explains why many Obama voters voted for Trump. Like with Michael Jackson, President Barack Obama was just too damn good and extremely hard to compete with, particularly for folks not used to competing.

And of course like with USC, Stuyvesant also has a well-known history of Cheating.

In fact according to that linked NYT article, many of the liberal, privileged, and likely academically mediocre kids at Stuyvesant cheat so much, they call it a “culture” which I find highly appropriate since cheating African Americans out of what they rightfully deserve is as American as apple pie.

Cheating is indeed a major part of the culture of America…

…which brings me back to these Hollywood and NYC “liberals” trying to lie and cheat their way into knocking Michael Jackson off his well-earned throne, a throne he worked damn hard to achieve in spite of ridiculous and unprecedented odds:

“Even in a time of declining sales, the songs of (Michael) Jackson, who died June 25, 2009, still generates over a million track downloads a year for the last three years running, while his album catalog still moves over 500,000 units annually. Moving over to streaming, so far this year’s Jackson music has been played 1.05 billion times, of which 443 million were audio streams and 608 million were video streams. Since Nielsen Music began tracking streaming, Jackson’s music has generated 3.1 billion streams, 1.2 billion in audio and 1.9 million in video. The audio streams alone translate into nearly 800,000 album consumption units.”

“The announcement further noted that Jackson “ranks in the top five of all catalog artists for both audio streaming and video streaming for 2017, as well as in the top 5 of all artists for the combined audio and video streaming for 2013–2017.” — Billboard Magazine — December 2017

Fast forward to March 20, 2019, more than two weeks AFTER the much promoted Leaving Neverland premiered and bombed on HBO.

Never forget that this is the best that the US Media running wall to wall coverage promoting a one-sided, bald faced lie against Michael Jackson with zero balance or investigative integrity, and with Oprah onboard could produce:

All that wall to wall promotion from virtually every US media outlet and that is the best the US media could do. Beyond pathetic.

And Leaving Neverland has been bombing all over the world as global audiences reject it:

In France:

In Italy:

This has been the story in every market Leaving Neverland has been shown in. It bombed in the US, and it bombed everywhere else it was shown.

A TV station in Russia found Leaving Neverland so ridiculous, it refused to air it:

Meanwhile after dozens of conceited and delusional journalists wrote opinion pieces telling the American public to mute, turn off, let go, etc of Michael Jackson, as if the public takes directions from those in the highly distrusted Western Media

And even when the Western Media is losing they’re still lying:

And now even some journalists are changing their tune:

Here is how Billboard Magazine and the rest of the Western Media is trying to spin its complete and utter failure to take down Michael Jackson:

How about the public just didn’t believe yours and the rest of the Western Media’s BS, Billboard Magazine?

How about the public no longer listens to all of you in the Western Media nor does it care what you think because it hasn’t trusted you for years? Ever think of that?

This sad yet predictable report on just how failed, corrupt, and ruined American journalism is in the eyes of the public is from as recent as February 2019, last month:

And this is another good reason why the public isn’t buying the media’s BS about Michael Jackson:

But Billboard Magazine seems to be all in with the lying scammers Wade Robson, James Safechuck and LN director Dan Reed.

Here is a tweet publicizing a photo shoot with the liars:

Yeah most people who have been horrendously sexually abused as children take glamour cover pics advertising their abuse, right Billboard Magazine?

Maybe this is why you’re no longer relevant musically, Billboard Magazine. Too busy pushing tabloid lies.

According to Wikipedia, Billboard Magazine only has a measly 17,000 subscribers to their itsedition which is truly pathetic for a publication that has been around since 1894 and was *once* considered the music industry’s bible.

Not too many smart cookies running your joint or on staff apparently, Billboard Magazine.

According to this NYT article just a few months ago in December 2018 your magazine is “troubled” and sought to bring in new blood to fix it.

So the way you try to fix your “troubled” publication is by going tabloid and giving a platform to proven liars against a dead man who made your publication a LOT of money back in the day and who inspired many of the artists which you now cover, Billboard Magazine?

May other more honest, ethical and real music ranking publications spring up to take your “troubled” corrupt, and outdated place, Billboard Magazine.

I really hope the Black music artists of today, and the many other music artists who got into the music game because of him, are taking notes on how your publication is relentlessly trashing the legacy and memory of Michael Jackson, the same dead man that your magazine profited off of for decades while he was alive.

And then there is this:

One more time for the folks in the back:

“Never strike a king unless you are sure you shall kill him.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson — 1843

And if you fail to kill him…watch out!

This is how I am going to be watching all the karmic retribution fallout from Leaving Neverland for all the culprits involved in making and promoting this farce which I expect to last through the summer of 2019 if not longer:

Finally an interesting point:

That has indeed been the case, but the more interesting part of all of this is how miserably the Western Media, Hollywood and Oprah failed in it’s all out attempt to crucify the legacy and memory of Michael Jackson.

I can’t think of a story that has ever been covered by the Western Media in such a one-sided way as Leaving Neverland has, nor such a blatant, orchestrated, and multi-national full court press unleashed to promote it and suppress all dissent to it. The Iraq War comes to mind, but even that had a distinct and tiny minority of dissenters in the Western Media.

That has not been the case with Leaving Neverland.

The Western Media in the US, UK, Australia, etc. and Hollywood threw everything it had into selling Leaving Neverland as legit and real and also wrote reams of articles on how the public should cancel, mute or let go of Michael Jackson.

The media tried harder to sell the public on Michael Jackson’s guilt and the necessity to ditch his music than it tried to sell the public on the Iraq War in 2003.

I’ve never seen anything like it, and if I wasn’t convinced that years long dead Michael Jackson still remains a threat to the Western establishment, the Western Media’s, Hollywood’s, and other sectors of Western society’s response to Leaving Neverland definitely has me convinced of that now.

This tabloid is one of few publications calling out Leaving Neverland’s blatant lies:

Interestingly Michael Jackson always knew he was seen as a tremendous and monster threat by these lame and mediocre Western Media and Hollywood folks.

Here is Michael’s message to his mainstream haters in his song “Threatened”

“You should be watching me, you should feel threatened
While you sleep, while you creep, you should be threatened
Every time your lady speaks she speaks of me, threatened
Half of me you’ll never be, so you should feel threatened by me” — Lyrics from MJ’s fierce song “Threatened”


Michael most definitely did not mince words, did he?

Michael Jackson knew that he came here to SLAY…not just with his musical genius, his stellar dance moves and his sheer artistry…

…but to equally slay with his profound MESSAGE.

Here is a throwback to a smoking hot Michael Jackson tribute featuring his song “Threatened” from some cool young dudes in Slovenia from 2010.

To show how Michael Jackson connects and inspires dancers worldwide….

The choreography for that kick ass routine to Michael’s song “Threatened” is actually by U.S. choreographer Anze whose 2009 dance routine inspired these Slovenian dudes in 2010.

Here is Anze and his dance crew doing that same routine in 2017 in honor of Michael’s birthday that year.

“Move, rejoice — you are alive! Without the heart’s wise rhythm, we could not exist.” — Michael Jackson

To all those in the Western Media, Hollywood, and elsewhere who are still deluding yourselves into thinking you have a prayer of Muting Michael Jackson, two words:

Keep Dreaming

Not today Satan.

Evolution of Michael Jackson — Next Town Down ft. Alyson Stoner (2017)

The most important thing to note about the Western Media and Hollywood’s all out effort to crucify the memory and legacy of Michael Jackson is it has failed miserably.

They threw everything they had at him, totally rigged Leaving Neverland in the favor of the lies of the lying accusers, wrote hypocritical articles about power and abuse, called in Saint Oprah in an attempt to give their orchestrated hit job more credibility, and they still FAILED.

If that doesn’t prove the Western Media and Hollywood no longer have any significant impact on the minds of the masses anymore, I don’t know what does. Yes, the Western Media *temporarily* sold the public on the Iraq War, but it absolutely could not sell the world its hit job on Michael Jackson.

The irony? The only thing that has been crucified as a result of all of this has been the last vestiges of something once upon a time, a long time ago which we use to call JOURNALISM.


“The world doesn’t have a “Michael Jackson” right now. And we never will. There will always be big stars, and pop stars, but Michael Jackson was loved around the world, culture after culture. No one else comes close to that today. “Billie Jean” is playing somewhere in the world right now. And once you get your mind around that, you realize it’s not just “Billie Jean” it’s “Thriller” it’s “Black or White” or any number of the other incredible songs Michael gave us, playing right now all over the world. If I’m hosting a party and I’m picking the music, you can bank on hearing Michael Jackson. His songs cut through everything. He was transcendent. What a great world it is because he was here, and what a huge hole we’d have if he hadn’t been. People try to get my perspective on how big Michael Jackson was but I take the “was” out of there. Because he still “is”; his music, his persona, his image, his videos, everything about him. He is the King of Pop. And he always will be.” — Les Garland — Co-Founder of MTV

Indeed, as all those who are gunning for Michael Jackson are already now finding out.

I am in no way a religious person nor do I follow a religion, but I very firmly and very passionately believe that God is REAL.

Anybody else who supposedly believes in God who is STUPID enough to believe that God would for the first time ever in human history make a serial child sexual abusing pedophile “sadistic monster” as Judd Apatow ridiculously calls Michael Jackson, continuously #1 above everyone else ALIVE after he has been DEAD for almost a decade, the #1 entertainer not only in America, but all around the world, and still the most famous, the most loved, and the most imitated person on this planet even though he is no longer here, really does not know God or how God works, which shouldn’t be surprising.

And they also don’t know how Karma works which is also God working.

“…for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” — Galatians 6:7

The Bible very plainly says: “You reap what you sow” and Michael Jackson is now reaping in death what he spent 45 years since he was a 5 year old little boy sowing in life.

And the same will be the case for all those who relentlessly try to destroy a man who God has so obviously favored.

You too will “reap what you sow.” All of you.

Karma is something every major religion and philosophy teaches which means its very REAL:

“Those who see clearly

Identifying right as right

And wrong as wrong

Have genuine vision.

Fortunate are the ones who know

That even if some succeed in fooling others,

They can never hide the truth from God’s eyes.

Foolish are the ones who sow the seeds of evil,

Not realizing the suffering they will inevitably reap.” — Mokichi Okada, otherwise known as Meishu-sama, Japanese Spiritual Icon (1882–1955)

“The Justice that rules on high knows how to assign to each his due.” — Hermetica

“One morning, MJ came in with a new song he had written overnight. We called in a guitar player, and Michael sang every note of every chord to him, “here’s the first chord, first note, second note, third note. Here’s the second chord, first note, second note, third note” etc. etc. We then witnessed him giving the most heart-felt and profound vocal performance, live in the control room through an SM57. He would sing us an entire string arrangement, every part. Steve Pocaro once told me he witnessed MJ doing that with the string section in the room. Had it all in his head, harmony and everything. Not just little eight bar loop ideas, he would actually sing the entire arrangement into a micro-cassette recorder complete with stops and fills.” — Rob Hoffman, Sound Engineer

“I compose them. I write them. I do the scoring, I do the lyrics, I do the melodies, but still, it’s God’s work.” — Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was very obviously highly favored by God while he was ALIVE, more than any other entertainer in human history.

“I got to witness the divinity in him every night. He had that thing that is not quantifiable — that thing that you watch, and you cannot figure out why it is that you feel the molecules in the room change, but you are aware of it.” — Music artist Sheryl Crow regarding her time as a back up singer for Michael Jackson

“God and the truth are on our side. We will be victorious.” — Said by Michael Jackson to his many fans around the world during his 2005 trial

And Michael was right, wasn’t he?

But the Western Media and it’s dark allies in Hollywood and elsewhere were in no way happy about that.

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” — Albert Einstein

Mediocre is precisely what all MJ dissers and haters are.

They are mad and they stay mad at Michael Jackson. Michael lives in their heads rent-free even though he has been dead for almost a decade, and they still think they can come for him.

But here is a word of advice to all you MJ dissers and haters:

“Come at the King, you best not miss.” — Omar (From the hit TV show “The Wire”)

After trying repeatedly to take Michael Jackson down throughout his life and failing miserably in the process, the Western Media and it’s low character ilk in Hollywood and elsewhere all thought they had finally gotten rid of Michael Jackson when he died June 25th 2009.

Turns out they were very much mistaken.

Now much of the Western media and parts of Hollywood have desperately tossed a “Hail Mary Pass” which it has titled “Leaving Neverland.”

“A Hail Mary pass, also known as a shot play, is a very long forward pass in American football, made in desperation, with only a small chance of success and time running out on the clock.” — Source: Wikipedia

They have all gotten behind this defamatory, baseless, unproven, and 100% one-sided mockumentary to try to destroy Michael Jackson’s name and legacy once and for all.

We’re already seeing how that’s working out for them, aren’t we?

And who do we have to thank for conceiving the idea for this devious and malicious Hail Mary pass attempt to *try* to take down the King of Pop once and for all?

According to Leaving Neverland’s director Daniel Reed, THIS guy:

I would like to introduce you folks to Daniel Pearl.

He works for the British Media at Channel 5, a popular media organization in the UK, and he is one of several people behind the making of Leaving Neverland.

In this tweet which Pearl very helpfully had pinned at the top of his profile page on Twitter, (Thanks Daniel!), he makes crystal clear what the ultimate goal of Leaving Neverland is, and why it was made.

Just in case the not too bright Daniel Pearl suddenly figures out that it wasn’t such a good idea to tweet the ultimate goal of Leaving Neverland to the world and expose his whole game and decides to delete the above tweet, here is what his tweet specifically says:

“In a matter of days I predict Michael Jackson songs will be taken off radio playlists. The MJ exhibition will be closed as will the other celebrations of his life.” — Daniel Pearl’s dumb tweet — February 23, 2019

So just so we’re clear:

The very specifically stated intention of Daniel Pearl and very likely the intention of all the others behind this fake documentary hit job on the legacy of a man that has been dead now for almost 10 years, is for Michael Jackson’s songs to be taken off radio playlists, for the Michael Jackson Exhibition to be closed, and for all other celebrations of Michael’s life to stop.

You can’t get more specific than that, folks, and I again very much thank Mr. Pearl for helping me to so easily make my case for what this Western Media/Hollywood created hit job on a dead yet still extremely powerful African American Man is really all about. Much obliged.

And Daniel Pearl is very serious about totally destroying Michael Jackson’s legacy. I bet this lame guy can’t sleep at night because the anticipation is so real for him. Probably the most excitement a guy like him has had in a while from the looks of him.

British Media Channel 5’s Daniel Pearl

To say to the world that HE is the one who had the idea for the mockumentary which he thinks will take down Michael Jackson has to have this guy giddy and thinking about all the prestigious industry awards he will receive from the Western Media so eager to make his dream come true. I’m betting that’s why he made sure his name was included on this devious plot.

Yes, the bright idea for making this one-sided,baseless farce of a documentary which solely features the allegations of two documented and proven liars, came from the very tiny, and in my opinion, the very racist mind of the British Media Channel 5’s Daniel Pearl.

Here is the Rolling Stone Magazine interview with Leaving Neverland director Dan Reed which proves all fallout for this farce once the shit hits the fan should be laid at the doors of all involved, but first and foremost it should be laid at Daniel Pearl’s door:

Note: Daniel Pearl is at the British Media’s Channel 5 now, but at that time he was at Channel 4:

Interviewer: When you introduced the screening, you mentioned how the idea for this documentary came out of a conversation with your producers at the British network Channel 4.

Daniel Reed: I was having breakfast with a guy called Daniel Pearl, who ran a series called Dispatches, which is like a current affairs show on Channel 4 News. And he said, “What are the big, unresolved stories that everyone’s heard of?” I like to take a story that’s in the public sphere and go deeper into it to reveal the complexities of the truth. I specialize in “It’s complicated,” the antithesis of quick-fire news bites that are becoming more and more the currency of finding out about the world today. And this 4-hour film is the complete antithesis.

So Daniel said, “What about Michael Jackson? That’s a big story and no one really knows what happened.” I didn’t know much about Michael Jackson, to be honest. And I didn’t know much about his music. I was approaching this as a cultural phenomenon.” ~ Rolling Stone Magazine — January 2019

So just so we’re clear, according to Leaving Neverland director Dan Reed, he and Daniel Pearl were having breakfast when Pearl asked one of the most obvious set up questions I’ve ever heard:

Pearl: “What are the big, unresolved stories that everyone’s heard of?”

If this wasn’t such a serious situation, I would laugh so hard at that question because there hasn’t been anything “big” or “unresolved” about Michael Jackson in relation to child abuse allegations since 2005 because:

(a) There was a trial in 2005 which exonerated Michael Jackson 100% via him being found NOT GUILTY by an unanimous jury who spent weeks upon weeks looking at evidence and hearing from dozens of witnesses.

( b) Michael Jackson is DEAD. Absolutely no one was sitting around contemplating if a dead man was guilty of an allegation he had already been exonerated for more than a decade ago.

So Pearl’s question was obviously a set up question to get to what he really wanted from Dan Reed:

Pearl: “What about Michael Jackson? That’s a big story and no one really knows what happened.”

First of all, that’s a bald-faced lie for all the reasons I just listed. Finally its extremely obvious to me that Daniel Pearl for whatever racist reason in his dark chamber of a soul had come up with the idea to create a documentary to try to destroy Michael Jackson’s legacy and memory BEFORE he sat down to that breakfast with Dan Reed.

This was not some random meeting where the idea to ponder “the big, unresolved stories that everyone’s heard of” suddenly popped into his mediocre head.

This wasn’t a situation where a problem or issue was there before hand and a documentary was created to shed light on that problem or issue, which is what a true documentary is.

This was a situation where ONE guy in the British Media who in my opinion is a stone cold racist wanted to ruin the legacy and memory of a dead Black guy who he very obviously still hates a great deal, so he first birthed the vehicle to do that in his own mind, sat down to breakfast with Dan Reed to get him on board, and then they went seeking the people who would say or confirm what they wanted to say about the dead Black guy so they could create a fake documentary claiming to expose something about the dead Black guy that they in fact created. Got it? Good.

In short, Daniel Pearl had an AGENDA, he had a purpose, and the ultimate motivation for his sinister and devious purpose was simply this:

Again just in case he deletes that exceedingly dumb tweet which gives his entire “Dr. Evil worthy” plot away, here is Daniel Pearl in his own dastardly words which he very proudly pinned to the top of his profile page on Twitter:

“In a matter of days I predict Michael Jackson songs will be taken off radio playlists. The MJ exhibition will be closed as will the other celebrations of his life.” — Daniel Pearl’s dumb tweet — February 23, 2019

You make an excellent evil villain, Daniel Pearl. You even look the part.

The new “Dr. Evil” Daniel Pearl

Also onboard this sinister Leaving Neverland farce from the British Media is Channel 4’s Tom Porter. We must not leave him out.

British Media Channel 4’s Tom Porter

And what about the rest of the Western Media which of course would include the US media?

It can be easily proven that 99% of the US and Western Media has refused to question why this so-called documentary is 100% one-sided with ZERO people offering a counter argument or defense of a man who can no longer defend himself against these baseless and ridiculous accusations.

The US and Western media refuses to question why a documentary was created based on the words of two proven and documented liars.

The US and Western media refuses to question why this “documentary” is not really an authentic documentary, at least not in regard to what a real investigative journalistic documentary truly is.

The US and Western media has refused to investigate the veracity of the two accusers stories, something that can be easily done by reading reams of court documents, both from the 2005 trial where a unanimous jury 100% exonerated Michael Jackson, and by reading the court documents presented by the two accusers in their multiple attempts to get money from the Jackson Estate based on both accusers suddenly changing their stories of never being abused after Michael Jackson died and can’t file a defamation lawsuit against them.

Oh and about that 2005 trial where a unanimous jury totally and completely exonerated Michael Jackson, here are expert analysis from two professionals who were actually there.

This is something that really shouldn’t have to be done since the fact that Michael Jackson was found unanimously NOT GUILTY by a jury typically means a person is vindicated and considered not guilty, but that’s sadly not the case in a country like America when the target is an African American or a person of color.

America is after all where we saw Donald Trump win the presidency in large part because he spent the entire Obama presidency claiming President Obama wasn’t born in this country, and the US media continuously rewarded Trump for that proven lie with interviews, airtime, etc which added up to billions of dollars in free promotion.

Yes Trump was lying, and yes the US media very much knew he was lying, but the US media apparently loved the fact that Trump was lying on President Obama which is why it so eagerly gave Trump $5 billion to continue to lie and to tell even more lies like “All Mexicans are rapists.”

“Mothers who love their daughters give them massive amounts of birth control pills, because they know their daughters are going to be raped on the way up to our southern border. Think of that. True story told to me by the Border Patrol. Think of how evil that is.” ~ President Donald Trump in a CPAC Speech this past weekend — March 2 2019

Pretty much the same thing the US media did for Donald Trump against President Obama is what the US/Western media is now doing for Wade Robson and James Safechuck in failing to even investigate the legitimacy of their allegations, to report that these two men have lied repeatedly before, to offer another side just out of fairness, to ask challenging and investigative questions of these two dishonest charlatans, and to give them all the promotion and bright spotlight they needed just like the media did with Trump.

This leaves those of us who believe in truth, integrity, fairness, and most of all those of us who believe in Michael Jackson, to combat the Western media’s sinister plot, deliberate failures, and relentless, lies with words of TRUTH and defense in support of a man who is no longer here to defend himself.

On that note, here is an excerpt from the analysis of attorney and legal analyst Jonna Spilbor spilling the tea on some of what really went down during the 2005 trial against Michael Jackson:

Jonna Spilbor — Attorney & TV Legal Analyst — FindLaw — June 15, 2005

“There was virtually no physical evidence. There was no chilling confession. So the prosecution based its case on testimony — calling eighty-five witnesses, and dragging in allegations of molestation that were nowhere to be found in its indictment.

The prosecution’s case thus turned on the credibility of those who testified. And on credibility, the case was lost: When jurors addressed the awaiting cameras, in the hours after the verdict was returned, their message was consistent and clear: They didn’t believe the key prosecution witnesses, particularly the two whose testimony was crucial: the accuser and his mother.

The defense successfully portrayed the Arviso family as a family of grifters who exploited the boy’s illness to shake down celebrities for money. The accuser’s mother, Janet Arviso had to admit on the stand that she’d lied under oath to bolster her damages in a previous civil case against retailer J.C. Penney — a case in which she’d collected more than $152,000.

In that case, Arviso had alleged that security guards had sexually abused her and her son during a shoplifting incident — causing her specific injuries. But defense attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. persuasively argued to the jury that these injuries were caused not by the guards, but rather by Arviso’s abusive ex-husband.

And it wasn’t just J.C. Penney that Arviso cheated, according to the defense; it was also the State of California — and thus, in a sense, the twelve taxpayers sitting in the jury box!

Mesereau showed that Arviso had failed to report her $152,000 settlement on a subsequent application for welfare benefits. When questioned about the matter, Arviso asserted her right to refuse to testify under the Fifth Amendment — which applies only when one fears criminal prosecution. No wonder Arviso took the Fifth: Failing to report income on a welfare application, signed under oath, is a felony in California.

On the whole, it would have been a naïve and gullible juror who swallowed Janet Arviso’s testimony whole. And even if jurors were inclined to believe Arviso’s testimony in part, the required jury instruction — used in all California criminal cases — as much as warned them to be cautious.

It said: “A witness, who is willfully false in one material part of his or her testimony, is to be distrusted in others. You may reject the whole testimony of a witness who willfully has testified falsely as to a material point, unless, from all the evidence, you believe the probability of truth favors his or her testimony in other particulars.”

This instruction may have hurt the credibility of the accuser too. During the defense case in chief, Mesereau presented evidence that the accuser’s mother had coached her children to lie in the J.C. Penney case, going so far as to send her children to acting school to make them better storytellers under oath! With evidence like this, a jury would have been hard pressed to believe the accuser’s testimony beyond a reasonable doubt. And the instruction was clear: If you feel a witness is lying under oath about a given issue, think seriously about whether you can believe him on other issues.”

Prosecutor Sneddon Was Aware of the Evidence’s Poor Quality, Yet Indicted Anyway

Moreover, the parade of witnesses with poor credibility did more than undermine the prosecution’s case. It also sent an ugly, inadvertent message: This prosecutor wanted to get Jackson even if he had to suborn perjury to do so.

Attorneys have an ethical duty not to knowingly put lying witnesses on the stand.

For defense attorneys, this duty can be in tension with the duty of zealous representation: If your client hasn’t confessed, can you be sure he is lying?

But for prosecutors, complying with this duty ought to be easy: If you think your witness is a liar, don’t put him up there on the stand to lie. Yet the prosecutors in the Jackson case put likely liars up there again and again.” ~ Jonna Spilbor — Attorney & TV Legal Analyst FindLaw — June 15, 2005

Spilbor is one of very few media legal analysts or reporters who attended the trial, heard the evidence, and reported the truth.

Reportedly there were 2,200 credentialed media people from all over the world who covered the Michael Jackson trial in 2005.

He was the most famous person on earth, after all.

Michael Jackson relaxing on the set of his short film “Smooth Criminal.”

“No one is more global than Michael Jackson. You are undoubtedly the world’s most famous living human being.” — Craig Glenday — Editor in Chief of Guinness World Records while presenting a World Record accomplishment award to Michael Jackson at the World Music Awards in 2006

Yes “the world’s most famous living human being” was an African American Man, and in many ways Michael is still that, which is why he is being relentlessly and maliciously targeted for the umpteenth time by these sinister and amoral people, and I include in that “sinister and amoral people” group much of the Western Media and large segments of Hollywood.

All 2,200 credentialed media at the 2005 trial via being in the courtroom or via close circuit TV saw the exact same testimony Jonna Spilbor did, yet the vast majority of those reporters did not report the truth, their media organizations did not report the truth, and many of those same reporters, media networks, and media organizations are now breathlessly reporting the words of two proven liars in support of Leaving Neverland as if what they are saying is factual and true.

Journalist Matt Taibbi also wrote an excellent analysis of the farce that was the 2005 trial against Michael Jackson in Rolling Stone Magazine in a story very fittingly called “The Nation In The Mirror.”

For some reason this Rolling Stone Magazine article which actually tells the truth about the 2005 trial is not available on the Internet. I’m curious why that is considering that Michael Jackson made Rolling Stone Magazine a lot of money while he was alive via the countless times he appeared on the magazine’s cover.

Here is a link to where I got the following excerpt of this mysteriously unattainable article, and I am hoping that posting this excerpt from an article which tells the truth about what happened at the 2005 Michael Jackson trial, will inspire Rolling Stone Magazine to stop hiding or censoring it.

The article was written in Rolling Stone Magazine Issue 977/978.

An excerpt from journalist Matt Taibbi’s article “A Nation In The Mirror.”

“Ostensibly a story about bringing a child molester to justice, the Michael Jackson trial would instead be a kind of homecoming parade of insipid American types grifters, suckers and no-talent schemers, mired in either outright unemployment… or the bogus non-careers of the information age, looking to cash in any way they can. The MC of the proceedings was District Attorney Tom Sneddon, whose metaphorical role in this American reality show was to represent the mean gray heart of the Nixonian Silent Majority — the bitter mediocrity itching to stick it to anyone who’d ever taken a vacation to Paris. The first month or so of the trial featured perhaps the most compromised collection of prosecution witnesses ever assembled in an American criminal case — almost to a man a group of convicted liars, paid gossip hawkers or worse. The early witnesses against Jackson included a bodyguard who missed court because he was in custody facing charges stemming from a series of armed robberies, including holding up a Jack in the Box at gunpoint; a former Neverland maid who’d stolen a sketch Jackson had made of Elvis Presley and sold it to the tabloids for thirty grand; another former employee who’d lost a wrongful-termination suit against Jackson and had to pay part of a $1.4 million settlement as a result.

And then there was the very key figure in the case, the accuser’s mother, who had to plead the Fifth Amendment on the first day of her testimony to avoid cross-examination on a welfare-fraud allegation — a witness so completely full of sh — t that Sneddon’s own assistants cringed openly throughout most of her five days of testimony. In the next six weeks, virtually every piece of his case imploded in open court, and the chief drama of the trial quickly turned into a race to see if the DA could manage to put all of his witnesses on the stand without getting any of them removed from the courthouse in manacles.

Sneddon’s hard-on for Jackson was a faith-based vengeance grab every bit as blind and desperate as George Bush’s “case” against Saddam Hussein. If Ahmad Chalabi had ever been to Neverland, Sneddon would have put him on the stand too.

His case was bullsh — t. California vs. Jackson turned out to be basically a tale of a family of low-rent grifters trying to lay a criminal-molestation charge on a rich celebrity as a prelude to a civil suit.” ~ Excerpt from the 2005 Rolling Stone article by Matt Taibbi titled “A Nation in the Mirror.”

That’s how desperate these people all were to take down Michael Jackson. The prosecutor and almost the entire Western media actually wanted Michael behind bars, and that sadistic thirst to erase Michael Jackson from the consciousness of the world has not diminished one bit in the almost 10 years since his death.

I have seen several people over the years describe what the Western media and its ilk tried to do to him while he was alive, and is still trying to do to Michael Jackson’s memory and legacy NOW, as a modern and covert version of a very public lynching.

Here is a telling excerpt from Linda-Raven Woods must read article titled “The New Lynching of Michael Jackson.”

“It is, quite frankly, a one-sided film in which only two voices are heard-that of Robson and Safechuck. Now, let’s make an analogy. Suppose you had to decide a court case based only on hearing the prosecution’s case presented? Suppose there is no defense, no cross examination, no presentation of exculpatory evidence, no opening statement and no closing argument? You would no doubt find the story as presented only through the voice of the prosecution and their witnesses quite compelling. It is only under cross examination that those stories often start to crumble, raising what we might call reasonable doubt. And it is only through exculpatory evidence that we can actually weigh an accused person’s guilt, or lack thereof.

Leaving Neverland is essentially the equivalent of sitting through a four-hour testimony of two prosecution witnesses offering their sales pitches, without benefit of cross examination. Entertaining? Possibly, if you consider four hours’ worth of extremely graphic descriptions of sexual acts against children entertaining. Truthful? Hard to say, except we know the track record of the accusers. Fair or ethical? Absolutely not, especially given that the accused subject of the film is deceased.” ~ An excerpt from author Linda Raven — Woods excellent article “The New Lynching of Michael Jackson”— February 27, 2019

That spot on excerpt from Linda-Raven Woods’ excellent piece on this whole farce of a documentary is precisely why I see how people fall on Leaving Neverland as clarifying as I see those who support Trump. The people who are so ready to believe this one-sided attack on a dead man created by Hollywood who are experts at telling convincing “stories” are telling on themselves big time and revealing their true severely flawed characters.

This would, of course make the character of the vast majority of the Western media extremely low, which I doubt is a shock to many, but what does it say about your friends or the notable people you admire? I suggest paying very close attention to what is posted by those you follow, admire, or are friends with on social media about Leaving Neverland, because those who in any way approve or believe this travesty of justice against Michael Jackson, or think this is in any way just or fair, are very much telling on themselves and revealing their true character deep down.

Duly noted.

If you think they may delete their tweets or posts in the future after this farce begins to unravel, make sure to screenshot them so you can have a hard copy record of who these folks really are for future reference. And this particularly goes for those who always seem to know what they are talking about, who typically are the worst because they tend to believe their own hype and do little research, so tend to be always wrong.

I have an entire folder of screenshot receipts on this matter to reference in the future.

Like this one:

Ironically just a little while ago Ava DuVernay was ridiculously arguing against Jussie Smollett’s obvious guilt in faking an attack against him, even though video was released showing his two Nigerian friends purchasing the same rope that Jussie had around his neck when he dramatically came into the hospital claiming he had been attacked by MAGA dudes.

Reportedly in 2007, Jussie Smollett lied and gave his own little brother’s name to the police to get out of being arrested.

That could have caused all types of trouble with the cops for his younger brother and possibly given or gave him a record, but I guess Jussie was just thinking of himself at the time. After hearing that story, I knew there was a good likelihood that he had lied to the police yet again.

Interesting to see the type of characters some folks will stick up for while having the gall to diss the character of Michael Jackson.

But then your judge of character has never been that great, has it Ava?

The following words are tweeted by a Michael Jackson fan who very helpfully tweeted this screenshot of a 2012 tweet from Ava DuVernay:

Ava is very good friends with Oprah and Gayle. I’m more than sure she will jump on board with them.

Sooner or later they always reveal themselves.

A screenshot of a tweet which Ava DuVernay tweeted in 2012, FIVE YEARS before Harvey Weinstein was exposed as an alleged serial sexual predator.

Actually this screenshot of a 2012 tweet that Ava DuVernay so openly and brazenly tweeted is not even about a “judge” of character.

Ava said “I’ve heard all the Harvey stories OVER THE YEARS, but still a fan.”

So let me get this straight, in 2012, five years before Harvey Weinstein was finally exposed as an alleged serial sexual predator, Ava DuVernay had heard ALL the stories about him, and I’m assuming she means all the stories about Weinstein allegedly sexually abusing and in some instances allegedly raping women.

Yet Ava was still a fan.

I’m betting Ava’s very good friend Oprah made that same cynical, base, and self-centered calculation regarding hearing “all the Harvey stories over the years.”

If my bet is correct, it definitely looks like Oprah also decided to remain a “fan” of Harvey Weinstein’s in spite of hearing all the “Harvey stories.”

Oprah giving alleged serial sexual predator Harvey Weinstein a big fat kiss.

I’m curious if Ava or Oprah or any of the Obamas other Hollywood friends bothered to tell Barack and Michelle Obama the “Harvey stories” when they allowed their daughter Malia to intern with Harvey Weinstein, because I find it very hard to believe they would have allowed their daughter anywhere near Weinstein had they known.

Malia Obama’s intention to intern with Harvey Weinstein was all over the news before she actually went to work with Weinstein, so no one picked up the phone to share with the Obamas the “Harvey stories” and tell them that wasn’t such a good idea?

Yet you folks in Hollywood call yourselves the Obamas “friends?”

I totally see why Ava and Oprah are such good friends. Like attracts like. Being a “fan” of Harvey Weinstein while hearing all the Harvey stories OVER THE YEARS says everything that needs to be known about your true character, Ava.

Also I thank Ava DuVernay for confirming what everyone has been saying all along. Many, many, many people in Hollywood knew exactly what alleged serial sexual predator Harvey Weinstein was allegedly doing to young women, yet did nothing or like Ava did, chose to remain a “fan” of his in spite of hearing all the “Harvey stories.”

“Harvey Weinstein was one of the most powerful people in Hollywood for decades,” said The New Yorker‘s Ronan Farrow in an interview for the FRONTLINE documentary Weinstein. “Any time you have a story like this where people are getting hurt over decades and decades, there are people around who knew enough and could have done more to stop it.” ~ PBS Frontline — March 2018


Back to blacker than thou Ava DuVernay having the absolute gall to diss the late Michael Jackson while her own (in my opinion) rock bottom low character found it absolutely acceptable to remain a “fan” of Harvey Weinstein in spite of “all the Harvey stories” she had heard.

Its seems the characters of Harvey Weinstein, Jussie Smollett, and her pal Oprah obviously resonate much more with Ava DuVernay’s character, so I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise that Ava is so willing to believe and promote total and easily proven BS about Michael Jackson.

As they say, like attracts like, and like I said earlier, its my belief that folks like Ava DuVernay tend to do little research, and the reason for this is because they tend to believe whatever they are told by the folks in power who they are seeking influence from for their own exclusive self interest. I think that’s why Ava and more than likely Oprah chose to ride or die with Weinstein even after hearing “all the Harvey stories.”

From my perspective, these are not high character people.

I also think these folks think the BS they cook up in their own minds is all that matters, like choosing to believe Jussie Smollett is innocent of planning a hoax crime in spite of the very real evidence which clearly showed he was guilty all while Ava was claiming he wasn’t.

My experience is that people like Ava DuVernay have blind spots to their own ignorance, character flaws, and self interest motivations, and they tend to believe their own hype. That’s just my opinion.

And ironically the hit job article on Michael Jackson which Ava DuVernay hyped and endorsed in her above tweet, an article titled “No One Deserves As Much Power As Michael Jackson Had” was written by a Black dude music critic named Craig Jenkins for New York Magazine.

All I can say is I can totally see why NY Magazine hired you Craig Jenkins aka Twitter handle “Craig Bro Dude.”

You’re most definitely saying exactly what “the boss” at NYMag wants to hear you say about Michael Jackson or any other Black Man or woman who deems him or herself worthy to EXCEL to be the best at what they do, which just happens to be better than anyone else. I’m sure that’s an alien concept to you, Craig Jenkins.

Your MJ diss article might even get you a raise or promotion to disparage, diss, and discourage Black Excellence some more, but on a much wider scale. Congrats to you, bro dude. You made it.

And I’m sure you’re still in good with your “I would have voted for Obama a third time if I could” pals in Hollywood for hyping that article, Ava. Oprah obviously taught you well. I’m sure your position at Sundance Institute is very secure. You’re in sis.

Update: I know what I most definitely won’t be watching.

Here is a word of old sage wisdom for those who think it’s okay to fan girl or befriend serial sexual predators who are harming God only knows how many women just because of what he may be able to do for them personally:

“Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.”

I’m beginning to think the only way many people gain success in a cesspool like Hollywood is by selling out their soul, their people, and their own integrity, and I question if its worth it?

And I’m so glad I didn’t get to see “A Wrinkle In Time” the movie Ava DuVernay did with Oprah. I always had intended to see it, but the feedback I got from those who had seen it told me not to bother.

I see I’m not the only one who received that feedback.

Gotta love karma. :-)

Resuming the topic of of the relentless attempted lynching of Michael Jackson by the Western Media, here is a quote from Peter Shaplen, the media pool coordinator at the 2005 Michael Jackson trial:

“The media anticipated the legal equivalent of a lynching. To spike ratings, they covered the man, not the evidence. The end result was the further blackballing of Michael Jackson’s reputation.” — Peter Shaplen, official media pool coordinator for the Michael Jackson trial

That quote is from the back cover of author Aphrodite Jones’ must read book on the trial and the Western Media’s corrupt and dishonest handling of the 2005 trial titled “Michael Jackson Conspiracy.”

“As I made one of my last public comments on the case, I realized that I had become one of the media folks who had predetermined the outcome of the trial wrongly. Many people around me were so sure of Jackson’s guilt. Certain reporters slanted TV and radio coverage to suit the prosecution, and I was one of the people who followed that dangerous trend. Somehow, I had missed the truth. When I read the accounts of the NOT GUILTY verdicts in all the newspapers, I felt ashamed to have been part of the media machine that seemed hell-bent on destroying Jackson. After I thought about it for a few hours, I contacted the jury foreman, Paul Rodriguez, who talked to me about Jackson, who asserted that Jackson had been a target. The jury foreman said Michael Jackson was truly not guilty of the charges. He felt Jackson had been victimized by the media.”

“To make it clear: there were twenty-two hundred credentialed media people at the trial, and less than a handful of people admitted their deliberate attempts to portray Michael Jackson as guilty. Some of those media folks were a part of my inner circle. I have not named names of any media person in this book, other than Mr. Martin Bashir, because it would be in bad taste to point fingers. Viewers who followed the trial know who the culprits are.” — Aphrodite Jones from her book “Michael Jackson Conspiracy”

And just so we’re clear, it wasn’t just the Western media and law enforcement which actively attempted to keep the false narrative alive that Michael Jackson was a child molester. It was and is also the Western publishing industry according to author Aphrodite Jones.

“When I traveled to New York, I discovered that no American publisher wanted to touch any Michael Jackson book at all — especially one that would be an account of Jackson’s side of the story.” — Aphrodite Jones, author of “Michael Jackson Conspiracy”

I saw with amusement that the news website Slate.com had a slew of extremely negative Michael Jackson hit job articles under the title:

Michael Jackson: The Reckoning

Definition of Reckoning — The avenging or punishing of misdeeds. — Oxford Dictionary

Um, yeah there will indeed be a “reckoning” on this entire Leaving Neverland farce for all those both behind it and pushing it, but it’s not going to have anything to do with Michael Jackson as will very soon become apparent in the coming days and weeks. Just watch and see.

Update: I guess your ridiculous “Michael Jackson: The Reckoning” was a valiant try Slate.com:

“The whole thing was a debacle. It should never have been tried.”

“He finally called me when it was all over to thank me for being fair to him because nobody else was. They all were out to get him in one way or another.”

“And I said to him, Michael how was the trial for you? And he said it was the hardest thing I ever did in my life.” And that was true.” Michael was a very sensitive soul, and he was not up to this.”

“(The prosecutor, Tom Sneddon) had tried to get Michael before and it failed. And after Michael was acquitted in this case, I went to the press conference and asked him, the prosecutor, I said, “Are you through chasing Michael Jackson?” And he said “no comment” and that night Michael left his beloved Neverland and never came back.” — All Quotes from Linda Deutch, Former Reporter for the Associated Press in 2016

The Western Media’s Conundrum:

How to use Leaving Neverland to once and for all take down a beloved Global icon still loved by people all over the world in every culture and generation who has now been almost a decade dead, an invincible icon which they repeatedly failed to take down while he was alive?

That’s a tricky one. Who has the necessary global respect and credibility to pull that one off?

The Western media knew that the public trust in it is almost non-existent, so it set out to enlist a big and globally trusted name to do the hit job for them on a man that is already dead.

Enter Oprah Winfrey

“Oprah tried to convict Michael Jackson in 2005. She aired an extremely negative special about him during jury deliberations. In the UK, her actions would have constituted an extremely serious criminal offense, punishable by a prison sentence.” — Journalist Charles Thomson via Twitter — February 26, 2019

My life experience has been most seemingly “woke” people are not really woke at all. Ava DuVernay is a great example of this truth, but Oprah Winfrey is the ultimate example of this truth.

These folks are typically still fast asleep in the Sunken Place thinking that they know something when they don’t.

Case in point:

Daily Mail January 2019 — Oprah Celebrates Her Birthday In St Barts Aboard David Geffen’s $300M Mega Yacht Watching Michael Jackson Documentary With Her Best Friend Gayle

Oprah and likely the most famous “best friend” in America, Gayle King.

For some, it seems like the richer they get, the poorer their character, the poorer their judge of character, and the poorer their basic commonsense seem to get as well.

Case in point:

Oprah cuddling, hugging and kissing her dear old friend, the alleged serial sexual abuser and rapist Harvey Weinstein

A Montage Of Oprah & Her *Former* Good Friend Alleged Serial Sexual Predator & Rapist Harvey Weinstein

So you really think you have the good judgement and commonsense to decipher an alleged serial sexual abuser, Oprah?


“Ms Winfrey is said to be ‘actively considering’ a run for the White House.” ~ The Independent UK — January 2018

Not now she isn’t. That was then, and this is now.

According to some published reports, Oprah’s close personal friendship with the alleged serial sexual predator and Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein is the real reason why she decided to stop mulling over a possible 2020 presidential run.

Las Vegas Review JournalJanuary 2018 — Oprah For President Has A Weinstein Problem

I guess Oprah didn’t want to answer questions on the campaign trail about her judgement in being pals with an alleged serial sexual predator, something that was common knowledge in Hollywood as Ava DuVernay helpfully proved for me.

If that’s the reason why she very quickly decided to stop mulling a 2020 presidential run, I say good call, Oprah.

I guess that’s why Jesus very wisely said the following:

“Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” — Matthew 19:24

That’s not true of all rich folks, but an entire library can be written making the case for this Bible verse being very much true in general.

One thing that I have noticed is that for some high profile Black folks, throwing themselves in with the low character group think of Hollywood is how they advance or achieve status overall, and some are willing to sell their souls and integrity in the process.

That’s fine if that’s your low bar for character, but it can be easily proven that the Western Media and Hollywood both have a bar so low it goes under the ground.

Interestingly the record proves that Oprah has been going along with Hollywood and the Western Media’s false narrative group think on Michael Jackson for years by trashing him left and right.

Yet it can be easily proven that Michael Jackson personally reached out to help Oprah advance in her career, and his help played a significant role in helping Oprah to get where she is today, and to achieve the lofty status as America’s first and only Black female billionaire.

“Skeptics about the OWN venture abound, but Ms. Winfrey has proved skeptics wrong in the past, most notably in the mid-1990s when she turned away from tabloid fare about cheating spouses and scandalous paternity test results and talked, instead, about “living your best life” spiritually and emotionally.” — The New York Times — May 2011

The question is what happened in the mid-1990s to give Oprah the supreme confidence and leverage to turn from her tried and true tabloid fare to go HIGHER.

What was the HUGE LIFT which elevated and enabled Oprah to do that and not remain just the most popular tabloid talk show host in America in the same vein as Sally Jessy Raphael, Jenny Jones, or Rickie Lake?

If you don’t know those names, exactly.

This is what happened:

“On February 10, 1993, Oprah Winfrey sat down with Michael Jackson for what would become the most-watched interview in television history. Jackson, an intensely private artist, had not given an interview in 14 years. The event was broadcast live from Jackson’s Neverland Ranch and was watched by 90 million people worldwide.” — Source: Wikipedia

Michael Jackson very specifically chose Oprah to do this record-breaking interview for multiple reasons, but one of those reasons is because he wanted to uplift an up and coming African American woman.

Michael was extremely conscious of making sure African American and people of color’s interests were uplifted first and foremost above the traditional media’s interests when it came to choosing who would interview him.

As Michael matured, became wiser, and saw first hand the workings of the Western Media, particularly it’s tremendous bias and racism against African Americans and people of color in general, he very much viewed the Western Media in the same way Malcolm X viewed it:

“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power.” — Malcolm X

This decades long well-known fact among African Americans about the Western Media is partly why Michael chose Oprah to do that historic interview, but little did he know that she would back stab him and join right in to play the Western Media’s old and tired game against him to in my opinion, gain status, gain friends in high places, and hitch $300 million dollar mega-yacht rides.

Its also why even though he rarely gave interviews to anyone, the record clearly shows the publication which Michael Jackson chose to interview him the most was Black-owned Ebony Magazine.

I found this quote from Michael from a 1992 interview with Ebony Magazine very telling:

“You know, that’s the most I’ve said in eight years. You know I don’t give interviews. That’s because I know you, and I trust you. You’re the only person I trust to give interviews to.” — Michael Jackson during interview with Ebony Magazine in 1992

As I mentioned earlier with the record-breaking Oprah interview, Michael Jackson very rarely did media interviews, but judging how horrendously he was treated by the Western Media, it was 110% understandable why he didn’t trust a media filled to the brim with jealous and bitter guys like Daniel Pearl.

This Ebony Magazine cover story on Michael Jackson in December 2007, less than two years before he passed away, represented Michael’s first US interview and cover story in a decade.

The following link features just six minutes of a really excellent interview Ebony Magazine did with Michael Jackson in 2007, just two years before he passed away.

I can’t get over how relaxed, natural, and comfortable Michael sounds in these six precious minutes, and his wisdom is truly off the charts.

Michael Jackson very understandably didn’t trust the Western Media for very good reason, but you can tell from the following interview snippet that he didn’t feel the same way about Ebony Magazine.

That interview was less than two years before he died, and the man you hear in it was the REAL Michael Jackson. He had the comfort to be his amazing and wonderful self when he was being interviewed by his people.

Ebony Interview with Michael Jackson

In that Ebony Magazine interview, Michael Jackson mentioned about him literally saving the groundbreaking music video channel MTV, even though MTV initially refused to play Michael’s music videos or the music videos of the vast majority of Black artists back then.

In fact the legendary music artist David Bowie pointedly and publicly called MTV out on its refusal to play Black music to MTV’s Mark Goodman in 1983.

Goodman’s response? Basically that black artists like Prince, the Isley Brothers, etc would scare White people or make them too uncomfortable.

This interview was in 1983 and decades later, that is still the Western Media’s fall back position.

Make sure to check out David Bowie’s ending response and his choice of words to Goodman. It’s Gold.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Black music is now the music of America and the most popular music in the world, yet the US media and the Western media as a whole is still overwhelmingly White and overwhelmingly Male, which explains it’s relentless and malicious targeting of Michael Jackson, even in death.

It also explains why journalism as a whole is now dying.

I guess the Western media plans to go out like the backwards dinosaur it increasingly is turning into.

My favorite part of the Bowie interview:

Goodman: Valid point?

Bowie: I understand your point

David Bowie was what a TRUE ally to Black people and people of color looks like, long before the word “ally” became a thing, and that is why he will always be a timeless legend.

David Bowie was a rare notable man of integrity. RIP Mr. Bowie

Back to MTV being too scared to play Black artists…

Why did MTV change it’s tune?

The following explains why:

“On March 10, 1983, MTV played “Billie Jean” for the first time and forever changed the course of its music programming in the process.

“MTV’s playlist was 99 percent white until Michael Jackson forced his way on the air by making the best music videos anyone had ever seen,” Rob Tannenbaum, co-author of I Want My MTV: The Uncensored Story of the Music Video Revolution, told The Root. “Compared to Michael, MTV staples like REO Speedwagon and Journey suddenly looked even more boring. And when Michael’s videos created higher ratings for MTV, network executives claimed they’d ‘learned a lesson’ and tentatively embraced the softer side of black pop music, especially Lionel Richie.”

Tannenbaum’s book, an oral history featuring artists, label executives and MTV executives, recounts the frequently cited story that CBS Records president Walter Yetnikoff threatened to pull his artists from MTV if “Billie Jean” wasn’t put in rotation.

“Now they say they played ‘Billie Jean’ because they loved it. How plausible is it that they ‘loved it’? Their playlist had no black artists on it,” Yetnikoff scoffs in the book. “And at the time, Michael Jackson was black. So what is this bullsh-t that they loved it?”

The threats from Jackson’s studio exec paid off, both for Jackson and his black contemporaries. “Yetnikoff fought for Michael and this music video to be played on MTV, and once the video was in rotation everyone understood why,” said DJ Dave Paul, who is bringing his San Francisco-based club night, “The Prince and Michael Experience,” to Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and even the tony towns of Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., and Cape Cod, Mass., over the next few months. “It would have probably taken another two to three years, in my opinion, for MTV to [fully] integrate black artists without the success of ‘Billie Jean.” ~ From article titled “How the Billie Jean Changed MTV”The Root — (2013)

So basically Michael Jackson’s record company had to threaten to pull the music videos of all its other music artists from MTV to get MTV to cave on playing Michael. Only by making a threat which would have sank the music video channel. That’s how entrenched the racism was at MTV back then.

And it turns out that move not only broke the color barrier which prevented Black artists from being played on MTV, but Michael Jackson’s music videos (short films) actually saved MTV as the following excerpt details:

“It’s important to note that MTV’s embrace of “Billie Jean” wasn’t just a cultural breakthrough. The music channel might not exist today had it not changed its tune on black music.

“It’s not enough to say the Thriller videos forced MTV to integrate,” Tannenbaum insisted. “Michael Jackson helped save the network from being shut down. MTV executives had expected to lose $10 million before they showed a profit. The network quickly lost $50 million, and its parent company was prepared to shut down MTV and call it quits. Jackson’s three Thriller videos came out in 1983. In the first three months of 1984, MTV had their first quarterly profit. Ironically, MTV was rescued from failure by a musician who didn’t fit the channel’s original ‘rock ’n’ roll-only’ format.” ~ From article titled “How the Billie Jean Changed MTV” The Root — (2013)

Just think of all of the music artists who came after the Billie Jean music video debuted on MTV in March of 1983, Black and White artists, and realize that they all owe Michael Jackson for their own MTV success, because MTV would have likely folded without Michael Jackson’s music videos, and the idea or concept of a 24 hour music video channel would have very likely been shelved as a failed experiment.

Fancy that. Michael Jackson quite literally saved MTV and in the process the music careers of countless music artists. We can thank Michael Jackson for most of that 80s and 90s music that we love listening to today because today’s music is so lousy.

Michael Jackson’s iconic Thriller album also literally saved the music business as a whole in the 1980s according to this Billboard Magazine article titled “How Michael Jackson’s Thriller Changed the Music Business.”

This is why I chuckle at those who try to make any artist, past or present, comparable to Michael Jackson when its highly likely their fave wouldn’t have even existed if it wasn’t for Michael Jackson paving the way for them.

And it should come as no surprise that BET (Black Entertainment Television) also owes it’s existence to Michael Jackson.

In this brief linked video, BET founder Robert Johnson tells how Michael Jackson demanded his record company grant BET the right to play his videos in conjunction with MTV.

Johnson says MTV tried to get exclusive rights to Michael Jackson’s music videos/short films, but Michael said “NO, that’s not happening.”

Michael Jackson demanded that BET have EQUAL rights to his music videos/short films with MTV, and of course, that put BET on the map and further expanded and opened doors to the music industry to African Americans.

On a side note, that tough stand Michael Jackson took with MTV on behalf of BET helped BET founder Robert Johnson to become the first African American male billionaire based on the tremendous success of BET.

This means that Michael Jackson had a direct hand by lending a helping hand, in creating the first Black female billionaire, (Oprah), and the first Black male billionaire, (Robert Johnson).

Yes, Michael Jackson did that.

And to take it a step further, Michael Jackson played an indirect role in helping Barack Obama to become President and Michelle Obama to become First Lady via his lending hand to Oprah.

“How much did Oprah Winfrey’s endorsement help Barack Obama? Quite a lot, a new study concludes. Economists at the University of Maryland find that Oprah’s endorsement brought Obama 1,015,559 votes.” — The Huffington Post — May 2011

Oprah was in a position to help Barack Obama win the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 and go on to be elected President of the United States because Michael Jackson first helped her, even though she very obviously doesn’t appreciate it. How “spiritual” you are, Oprah.

In so many ways, a game of “Six Degrees of Separation: Topic Michael Jackson” can be played to chart and document modern African American success in the last 50 years, yet many African American luminaries today are too ignorant to know this truth while Michael Jackson continues to top them all in death, (along with topping everyone else.)

“Throughout his (MJ’s) career, his success dramatically affected my view of what was possible and open for African-Americans.” — Sylvia Rhone, (Motown Records President until 2011)

“Way before Tiger Woods or Barack Obama, Michael made black people go pop-culture global. You had people in France, South America and Iowa comfortable with their kids imitating a black kid from Gary, Indiana. And when some of those people in Iowa grew, they were comfortable with voting for Barack Obama because they got comfortable imitating a black kid named Michael Jackson when they were young. Obama is a phenomenon, but he’s the result of a process that Michael helped America graduate to.” — Rev. Al Sharpton

Michael Jackson with his good friend Nelson Mandela celebrating Mandela’s birthday

“There are so many components of why Barack Obama is president and Michael Jackson is one of them. He started a change in the perception of the African-American male on a world-wide level: his strength, always putting himself in a power position, being seen as a hero.” — Sean “P. Diddy” Combs

Better not let NY Mag’s Craig Jenkins hear that Diddy. He’s *that* kind of Black man who thinks an African American man like Michael Jackson shouldn’t have too much power. Wouldn’t want to upset the boss, right Mr. Jenkins?

The way Michael Jackson actively and deliberately set out to advance African Americans in America and around the world is just one of many, many, many reasons why Michael Jackson’s bitter haters in the Western Media, Hollywood and elsewhere hate him so much.

They are MAD and they stay mad at Michael, as is glaringly clear today almost a decade after his death.

A humorous note:

Michael Jackson obviously didn’t take too kindly to MTV needing to be threatened and blackmailed to play his music videos. I suspect this is the reason why even though he was nominated for several MTV awards, Michael Jackson bailed on going to the 1st ever MTV Music Video Awards Show in 1984.

I found that so amusing because that was a straight up diss to MTV.

Michael Jackson’s diss basically said to MTV: “Nah. Your racist asses aren’t using me to prop up your award show ratings!”

I recall either reading or hearing a story from Michael’s brother Jermaine Jackson about a time when they were young men, (possibly teens), when he and Michael encountered a racist when they went to an exotic animal farm to purchase an animal for their home zoo, (Michael really loved animals.)

The racist animal seller basically treated them like dirt until someone told him who they were. The seller then became super sweet and nice, but Michael was furious, absolutely livid. According to Jermaine, Michael just left in a huff, (not sure if he had words with the seller or not), but he absolutely refused to continue to give his time or money to someone who would be so blatantly racist to African Americans before he knew they were famous.

Michael was likely thinking about how this guy treats African Americans who aren’t famous, and he was outraged on behalf of them.

Michael Jackson’s outraged reaction said to that racist that if your first response to a Black person that you didn’t know was famous is disrespect or hatred, I’m out of here. For those who don’t know, that’s what a Man of Integrity looks like.

As a contrast to how he dissed MTV, Michael Jackson showed up at the 1993 Soul Train Music Awards with a busted foot and on crutches, and even performed for the first time in his career while sitting in a chair.

Why did he show up? Because Michael Jackson had promised his old friend Soul Train Creator Don Cornelius that he would be there, no matter what.

And Michael being a Man of Integrity meant he was also a MAN of his word. Check it out.

That video didn’t contain Michael’s performance while sitting in a chair on the stage, so here it is.

Now that’s pure artistry.

In this awesome linked 1979 appearance, Soul Train’s creator and host Don Cornelius says Michael & the Jackson 5 appearing on the show at its very beginning is what put Soul Train on the map and was the reason for the show’s eventual phenomenal and historic success.

“Soul Train, American music variety television show, the first to prominently feature African American musical acts and dancers. Broadcast nationally from 1971 to 2006, it was one of the longest-running syndicated programs in American television history.” —Encyclopedia Britannica

The link also includes a vintage performance of the Jackson 5’s first appearance on Soul Train in 1972, so be sure to check it out.

Its truly impossible to list all the links to African American advancement and achievement, and also achievement in modern music in general over the last 50 years, which directly links back to Michael Jackson.

Where would Black Music over the last three or four decades be without Soul Train or BET?

Where would Pop and Rock music be over the last three decades without MTV?

All three of those powerful and world-changing platforms exist at least in part because of Michael Jackson.

Here is a linked video featuring a really cool interview Michael Jackson did with Steve Harvey’s Radio Show which you should also check out. Michael drops a lot of truth in this interview, particularly about the corrupt Western media, so make sure you check it out.

“I can’t help but pick up on some of the criticism leveled at me at times. Journalists seem willing to say anything to sell a paper.” — Michael Jackson

Anyone who objectively looks at Michael Jackson’s record throughout his career will see that he was all about assisting, advancing, and uplifting African Americans, and Oprah was just one of countless up and coming African Americans which he actively sought out to do that for.

Michael & Clinging Oprah

Oprah perfectly positioned at MJ’s back

In fact Ebony Magazine’s founder, the legendary Black Business icon John H Johnson was a very close friend and business adviser to Michael.

Michael Jackson & John H. Johnson

Michael Jackson & John H. Johnson

Even Michael’s business decisions centered around making sure African Americans were at his table and on his team, and this was enormously beneficial to the African American community as a whole.

Michael knew that by elevating people like Oprah, Robert Johnson, John H. Johnson, Don Cornelius and countless others over his decades long career, he was enabling and helping other African Americans by extension, and Michael wanted that cycle to continue on and on and on.

And it in fact did.

Picture Description: Michael Jackson has a discussion with Johnson Publishing Company founder, John H. Johnson, famed boxing promoter Don King, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, and Jet editor Robert Johnson in Mr. Johnson’s office in this undated photo.

“I believe in sharing, assisting, and just lending a helping hand to people.” — Michael Jackson

Which brings me back to Oprah

Oprah with a BIG smile and her arms spread wide to give her dear friend the alleged serial sexual abuser and rapist Harvey Weinstein a BIG fat hug.

To this day in 2019, that record-breaking interview Oprah did with Michael Jackson is still the most watched interview in television history.

That’s 26 years later, yet Oprah has chosen the route to trash the guy who actively and deliberately helped enable her to get to the current lofty position she is in.

I guess being in good with the Western Media and Hollywood means a LOT to Oprah.

Showing loyalty, gratitude, or appreciation to a man who consciously and deliberately elevated Oprah to her current position of honor and prestige and as America’s lone Black female billionaire? Not so much.

Maybe it’s not the smartest move to make to keep relentlessly trashing the same guy who helped to ELEVATE you to where you currently are.

Maybe that’s not such good karma, Oprah.

Even after countless women, some of them her own Hollywood friends, have come forward telling complete horror stories about all the pain, abuse, and trauma which Oprah’s now supposed *former* friend Harvey Weinstein allegedly put them through, Oprah has passed on screening the new 2019 documentary titled “Untouchable” on her old friend Harvey Weinstein’s alleged decades old Hollywood sexual predator crime spree, and also passed on doing an “After Harvey Weinstein” special on HBO or on her OWN Network.

Oprah instead chooses to try to use her enormous clout to kick an almost decade dead African American man who helped to elevate her to where she is now. She has instead chosen to orchestrate a concerted and very obvious effort to try to convince the world to “Let Go” of Michael Jackson.

The question many people are wondering is WHY?

All the many pictures of these two looks to me like Oprah had (has?) real and genuine affection for this (in my opinion) vile and repugnant man.

Yet millions are seriously taking this woman’s advice on “spirituality” and believe she is moral and ethical. Come on, people.

“Winfrey and Weinstein have had a professional relationship that stretches back two decades. There are many photographs of her kissing and hugging the mogul at awards ceremonies and events sponsored by The Weinstein Company. She has starred in and produced movies that his company distributed, including The Butler and The Great Debaters.” — News.com.au — January 2018

Interestingly in the following quote, Oprah seems to be trying to deflect from her old friend Harvey Weinstein’s alleged decades long sexual abuse crime spree to instead try to focus our attention on what she terms is a broader “watershed moment” which shouldn’t specifically focus on Weinstein. How convenient for him.

“Everybody has a story and so I think this is a watershed moment. If we make this just about Harvey Weinstein, then we will have lost this moment,” Ms Winfrey told CBS.” — The Independent UK — January 2018

“When someone’s character seems impossible to fathom, observe his friends.” — Japanese Proverb

Or observe HER friends.

To the average person, who a person hangs out with may not mean much, but when you are a person like Oprah who is a global icon, and whose very identity and reputation is built around being a high character and high integrity person which others should aspire to be like, who you choose to befriend, hang around with, kiss, hug and cuddle becomes extremely important.

As Ava DuVernay proved in her screenshot 2012 tweet posted above, almost everyone in Hollywood had at least heard “Harvey stories” likely about Weinstein’s sexual predatory behavior with women, and I find it extremely hard to believe that this wasn’t the same for Oprah, a very good friend of Ava’s, and Oprah is someone who seems to know and communicate with absolutely everyone in Hollywood.

Close friends Oprah & Ava DuVernay

Being extremely likely that she knew what her good friend Ava admitted she knew, WHY did Oprah choose not only to work with Harvey Weinstein, but to engage in a very public and very affectionate friendship with him for years?

It’s not like she needed the money or status or prestige. She already had all three of those, so why would Oprah choose to so openly and brazenly befriend a reportedly known alleged serial sexual predator like Harvey Weinstein?

Only Oprah can answer that question, BUT the public can analyze and judge her character for choosing to do so.

Unfortunately blind faith in Oprah’s very public and very affectionate friendship with Harvey Weinstein had extremely tragic consequences for at least one young actress as the following article excerpt details:

“An aspiring actress says Harvey Weinstein used Oprah Winfrey and Naomi Campbell to dupe her into thinking he would help her with her career — only to use her for sex.

British actress Kadian Noble said Tuesday she was head-over-heels impressed when she first met Weinstein at an event in London because he was hanging out with model Campbell and had megastar Oprah “swinging off his arm.”

“I thought, obviously, this man has something amazing in store for me,” she said during a teary-eyed press conference in Manhattan to discuss the sex trafficking lawsuit she filed a day earlier against Weinstein in Manhattan federal court.

Instead, Weinstein used promises of career advancement to lure the actress to his hotel room in Cannes, France, where he forced himself on her, she said.

“I felt completely played,” she said.​” — Page Six — November 2017

How many other young women were lured into having a false sense of security with Harvey Weinstein based on seeing Oprah happily “swinging” on his arm?

No its not Oprah’s fault that this young actress was allegedly sexually abused by Harvey Weinstein, but its really not hard to see how Oprah’s friendship and very obvious affection for Weinstein may have given young women new to Hollywood who had not heard the “Harvey stories” the impression that he was a safe and decent guy to be with because he obviously had Oprah’s stamp of approval.

“After allegations of his sexual misconduct were exposed last year, Weinstein told friends and colleagues that Winfrey called him to offer her support, a claim she denies.

According to TMZ, Weinstein said Winfrey encouraged him to defend himself publicly, but her people said they never spoke directly and she was only interested in talking to him for a TV interview.” — News.com.au — January 2018

In a typical Oprah-like move, she reportedly wanted to “interview” Weinstein, a show which would have certainly garnered her big ratings if he had agreed to do so. In my opinion, Leaving Neverland proves Oprah has absolutely no scruples regarding who she chooses to befriend, interview, or believe.

Interestingly the music artist and rapper Drake had the character and integrity to know not to have anything to do with Harvey Weinstein:

“However, Drake is being careful about who he works with and is said to be looking for projects that resonate instead of big names. His longtime manager and business partner Adel “Future” Nur, told the publication that the two were approached by Harvey Weinstein for a film called The Heist, which the producer wanted Drake to star in and produce, but turned down the offer. “I vetted him with five people and got bad feedback about working with him,” Nur told The Hollywood Reporter.

Nur doesn’t clarify exactly what he heard, but it’s probably safe to assume that some of the feedback had to do with the numerous accusations of assault, harassment, and rape that Weinstein is currently facing.” — Essence Magazine — November 2017

So according to this article, Harvey Weinstein wanted Drake to star in and produce a movie which based on Weinstein’s track record at that time, would have been sure to be a blockbuster for Drake, but Drake had the basic commonsense to first ask around about Weinstein.

When Drake heard the “rumors” about Weinstein, Drake said “hell no” about working with him, much less befriending a “rumored” alleged serial sexual predator.


If true, it looks like Drake has a much higher character and integrity in terms of who he chooses to work with or befriend than Saint Oprah does.

Finally here is one glaring thing which star-struck people didn’t seem to notice about Oprah’s much praised #MeToo speech at the Golden Globe Awards in 2018:

“Interestingly, Winfrey made no mention of Weinstein during her inspiring Golden Globes speech. She has made it clear during other public utterances on the scandal that the cultural shift under way went much further than Weinstein’s crimes alone.” — News.com.au — January 2018

How convenient for Harvey Weinstein that Oprah chooses to not make #MeToo or the decades long alleged serial sexual abuse and rape of women by her dear old friend the focus when she talks (or bellows) about it.

I’m sure her old pal Harvey Weinstein appreciates that.

I don’t know if Oprah and Harvey Weinstein are behind the funding of Leaving Neverland, but the sad thing is it would not surprise me if it were true.

Here is the link to that article which has some intriguing food for thought about what the real motive behind Leaving Neverland is:

Is that at least one of the reasons for your participation in this unprecedented Leaving Neverland fraud against Michael Jackson, Oprah?

To try to take attention away from your old friend Harvey Weinstein whose lawyers just happened to be in court for his upcoming trial the same week your After Neverland special premiered on HBO?

But you weren’t talking about that, were you Oprah? You were too busy leading the charge to defame a dead Black man who helped you to get where you are.

Meanwhile this is still getting totally ignored:

Remember those excerpts posted earlier from that 2010 interview with Lisa Marie Presley are from Oprah’s interview.

In my opinion, Oprah has always known Michael Jackson, the man who reached out to HELP HER to get you to where she is now is not guilty of these bogus child abuse allegations.

In my opinion, Oprah more than anyone KNEW Michael Jackson had a healthy sexual relationship with his wife Lisa Marie Presley because Lisa Marie directly told her and millions of people saw her tell Oprah.

Oprah & Lisa Marie Presley during their 2010 interview

Having a healthy sexual relationship with a woman for years on end is something no pedophile has.

“Pedophilia is an ongoing sexual attraction to pre-pubertal children. It is considered a paraphilia, a condition in which a person’s sexual arousal and gratification depend on fantasizing about and engaging in sexual behavior that is atypical and extreme.” — Psychology Today

“He fell in love with me and I fell in love with him. It was very real.” — Lisa Marie Presley on her marriage to Michael Jackson as told to Oprah in 2010

The one thing that is very obvious about Michael Jackson’s and Lisa Marie Presley’s six year relationship together, (two years married, and four years seeking to reconcile after divorcing), is that in spite of whatever eccentricities the relationship had as a result of it being a relationship between the most famous person on the planet and the daughter of the King of Rock n Roll, its very obvious that Michael and Lisa Marie shared a normal, healthy and passionate sex life, which would not have happened if Michael Jackson had “an ongoing sexual attraction to pre-pubertal children” or if he was a person whose “sexual arousal and gratification depend on fantasizing about and engaging in sexual behavior that is atypical and extreme.”

I really don’t see how the woman millions treat as a wise know it all Oracle, Oprah Winfrey, does not have the commonsense to know this.

Interestingly, I recently found an article online reportedly using Lisa Marie’s own words spoken to a third party about what it was like to have sex with Michael Jackson:

“Lisa who is now 51 added how the first time she pulled him (Michael Jackson) into bed was when the pair were spending a weekend at Donald Trump’s Florida mansion.”

“She then boasted to a friend how they had been at it “all night” and revealed how the ‘Thriller’ singer would love to have sex from a standing up position. As reported by Mirror, she shared, “It was absolutely wild. He was slow getting started, then he just wanted more and more.” Presley also revealed that Michael would like to sing and also shriek as they would get intimate which would often leave her giggling. “ — Meaww.com — February 2019

The only reason why I shared this juicy tidbit allegedly about Michael and Lisa Marie’s sex life is because it confirms yet again that Michael Jackson wasn’t a pedophile, but also because there is actual confirmation these words allegedly from Lisa Marie which were reportedly told by her to a third party are indeed true, and that confirmation comes from none other than Donald Trump.

While participating in a CNN Townhall in 2016 with Anderson Cooper, as Trump tends to do, he went totally off topic and started talking about Michael Jackson in the middle of the townhall. Trump revealed that Michael and Lisa Marie stayed at Maralago right after they were married and he said they did not come out of their bedroom for a week.

“I will tell you, he was up there one week with her and he never came down, so I don’t know what was going on, but they got along. You know a lot of people say, “Oh, they didn’t get along really…they were up there for a week and they never, ever came down. I said, “Where the hell is Michael?” — Donald Trump at CNN Townhall — (2016)

First, that confirms the excerpt I posted above where Lisa Marie Presley allegedly told a friend her and Michael first had sex at Donald Trump’s Florida mansion, and Trump also confirms what Lisa Marie reportedly said about how “they had been at it “all night” which confirms Michael was as insatiable as Trump insinuated he was, and as Michael’s songs have always hinted he was.

#Receipts: This steamy gif features Michael Jackson and his then wife Lisa Marie Presley getting along very well in Michael’s music video/short film “You Are Not Alone.”

Real Talk: All one needs to do is listen to Michael Jackson’s music to see what turned this man on and how he liked to roll.

Like the following highly sensual song from Michael Jackson which was released a few years after his marriage/relationship with Lisa Marie Presley ended, and is all about Michael passionately making love all night with the woman he loves until the “Break of Dawn.”

Oprah: “So you fell in love with him because of…?”

Lisa Marie: “For him. Because he was an incredible, an incredibly dynamic person. If you were in his vicinity and he wanted to give — and he showed you who he was, and he was willing to do that in any way, meant that… I have never felt so high in my life. I have never felt so high in my life as that. I am not lying when I say that. He had something so intoxicating about him and when he was on, when he was ready to share with you or give it to you, and be himself and allow you to come in. I don’t know if I’ve ever been that intoxicated by anything.”

Also Michael’s killer song “Butterflies” reveals a lot about what turned him on.

“He was like a drug for me. I felt like I just always wanted to be around him, always wanted to be part of — I felt so high.” — Lisa Marie Presley describing to Oprah about how Michael made her feel

Other sensual MJ songs linked for you to check out:

Whatever Happens

Heaven Can Wait

Lady In My Life

I Can’t Help It

Let me put it this way, I can totally see why it took Lisa Marie Presley four whole years after their divorce to give Michael up, and even then I know it was extremely hard.

“The hardest decision I have ever had to make, which was to walk away and let his fate have him, even though I desperately loved him and tried to stop or reverse it somehow.”

“After the divorce, I spent a few years obsessing about him and what I could have done different, in regret.” — Lisa Marie Presley in blog posting after Michael Jackson’s death

Hopefully people will finally see the truth about Michael and Lisa Marie’s love for each other, and those who can’t just can’t handle the truth.

*Important Note: Even though Michael loved Lisa Marie very much, she wasn’t the love of his life. Another woman held that honor, a woman he knew long before Lisa-Marie. Michael loved this woman until the day he died, and her identity is for her to reveal.

Update: Emmy-award nominated filmmaker Larry Nimmer posted a one hour rebuttal documentary to YouTube which rebuts many of the lies told in Leaving Neverland.

Back to Oprah:

My firm belief is that Oprah does indeed know that Michael Jackson wasn’t a pedophile or a child sexual abuser YET she is still very obviously and very deliberately seeking to use her influence and unprecedented global platform to try to convince the world to “Let Go” of Michael Jackson.

The obvious question is WHY?

Please click the following link for Part Two of this manifesto and find a hypothetical yet explosive theory for a possible reason for why Oprah is trashing Michael Jackson and trying to get the world to….

Let Go of Michael Jackson.

Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.

Oprah & John of God Manifesto — Part Two

