Understanding the PowerShell Script — Part 3

Ryan Shrestha
8 min readJul 8, 2024


Welcome to the SharePoint Archiving Solution Series:

This blog is divided into multiple sections, each focusing on a crucial aspect of the migration process. Below are links to navigate directly to each section:

  1. Introduction
  2. Pre-requisites
  3. Application Registration and API Permissions
  4. PowerShell Script Workflow
  5. Understanding the PowerShell Script — Part 1
  6. Understanding the PowerShell Script — Part 2
  7. Understanding the PowerShell Script — Part 3
  8. Get Full Script from GitHub

Preparing for Data Transfer

Here, we gather the OneDrive user ID and drive ID, which will be used to identify the destination for our files.

$driveID = (Invoke-RestMethod "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/$oneDriveUPN/drive" -Method Get -Headers $headers).id
$userID = (Invoke-RestMethod "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/$oneDriveUPN" -Method Get -Headers $headers).id

Collect Result and Store

This section initializes arrays and hashtables to store collected result, read comments what each variable does.

# Save all the collected, modified URL to a Folder Hierarchy Path and filtered data into this Array variable
$finalResult = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

# It Stores Arrays of FolderNames after splitting hierarchy of Folder Path
# Example: ABC/Company/Document convert to {Folder0 = ABC, Folder1 = Company, Folder2 = Document}
$FolderCollections = @{}

# It Stores Arrays of Folder Paths from newPath variable in Set-Path Function
$FolderArrays = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

# It Stores key and value for Folder ID that retrieved from OneDrive
$FolderIDList = @{}

Start Execution

The main script iterates through each site and retrieves items from both the site and its subsites. (Please note: that this script will only retrieve up to level 1 subsites, meaning it will only collect documents from the first level of subsites, not from deeper nested subsites.)

<# START Execution #>

# Iterate through each Site
foreach($siteID in $siteIDs){
[bool]$isRootSite = $false
$getRootSite = Invoke-RestMethod "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/root" -Method "GET" -Headers $headers
$site = Invoke-RestMethod "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/$siteID" -Method "GET" -Headers $headers
$siteName = $site.displayName

#Check if the site is the root site or not
if($site.webUrl -eq $getRootSite.webUrl ){
$isRootSite = $true

Get-SiteLibraries -SiteID $siteID -SiteName $siteName

$subSites = Invoke-RestMethod "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/$siteID/sites" -Method "GET" -Headers $headers

# Check if Subsite exist in Root site
if($true -eq $subSites.value){
foreach($subSiteID in ($subSites.value.id)){
$subSite = Invoke-RestMethod "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/$siteID/sites/$subSiteID" -Method "GET" -Headers $headers
$subSiteName = $subSite.displayName

Get-SiteLibraries -SiteID $siteID -SubSiteID $subSiteID -SubSiteName $subSiteName -SiteName $siteName

Get Lists: The Get-SiteLibraries function retrieves all the lists and filter to get only libraries in a site or subsite and calls Get-Items to process documents.


# Retrieve all the lists in a site or Subsite and select only documentLibrary, After that iterate through each libraries to Get Documents
function Get-SiteLibraries {
param (

[string]$SubSiteID = "Empty",


[string]$SubSiteName = "Empty"

# If true get the Site collections lists or get the Subsite Collection lists
if($SubSiteID -eq 'Empty'){
$listsEndpoint = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/$SiteID/lists"
} else {
$listsEndpoint = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/$SiteID/sites/$SubSiteID/lists"

$response = Invoke-RestMethod $listsEndpoint -Method "GET" -Headers $headers
$libraries = $response.value | where-object {$_.list.template -eq 'documentLibrary'}

foreach($library in $libraries){
$listName = $library.displayName
if($SubSiteID -eq 'Empty'){
Get-Items -SiteID $SiteID -ListID $library.id -SiteName $SiteName -ListName $listName
} else {
Get-Items -SiteID $SiteID -SubSiteID $SubSiteID -ListID $library.id -SiteName $SiteName -SubSiteName $SubSiteName -ListName $listName

Get Items: The Get-Items function retrieves ‘Document’ type items which are before the ‘$modifiedDate’ within a SharePoint site or subsite library and calls Set-Path to process their paths.

<# RETRIEVE items #>

# This function will retrieve all the items within the Site or SubSite library
function Get-Items {

[string]$SubSiteID = "Empty",




[string]$SubSiteName = "Empty"

$headers.Prefer = 'HonorNonIndexedQueriesWarningMayFailRandomly'

# Graph API parameters that will filter contentType by Documents and Modified Date
$graphApiParameters = '?$expand=fields&$filter=fields/ContentType eq ' + "'Document' and fields/Modified lt '$modifiedDate'"

# Assign graph endpoint of sharepoint items for Site or SubSite collection
if($SubSiteID -eq 'Empty'){
$itemsEndpoint = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/$SiteID/lists/$ListID/items" + $graphApiParameters
} else {
$itemsEndpoint = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/$SiteID/sites/$SubSiteID/lists/$ListID/items" + $graphApiParameters

# Get the items
$items = Invoke-RestMethod $itemsEndpoint -Method "GET" -Headers $headers

# If the library is empty or no documents ignore
if($null -eq $items.value[0]){return 0}

if($SubSiteID -eq 'Empty'){
Set-Path -Items $items.value -SiteName $SiteName -ListName $ListName -ListID $ListID -SiteID $SiteID
} else {
Set-Path -Items $items.value -SiteName $SiteName -SubSiteName $SubSiteName -ListName $ListName -SiteID $SiteID -SubSiteID $SubSiteID -ListID $ListID

# Get Next link to page throught the items
$nextLink = $items.'@odata.nextLink'

# Retrieve items in each page until the nextLink value is null or empty
while ($null -ne $nextLink) {
$nextItems = Invoke-RestMethod $nextLink -Method "GET" -Headers $headers
if($SubSiteID -eq 'Empty'){
Set-Path -Items $nextItems.value -SiteName $SiteName -ListName $ListName -ListID $ListID -SiteID $SiteID
} else {
Set-Path -Items $nextItems.value -SiteName $SiteName -SubSiteName $SubSiteName -ListName $ListName -SiteID $SiteID -SubSiteID $SubSiteID -ListID $ListID

$nextLink = $nextItems.'@odata.nextLink'

Set SharePoint and OneDrive Path: The Set-Path function constructs folder paths for OneDrive based on SharePoint item URLs, storing necessary information to ‘$FolderArrays’, ‘$finalResult’for file transfer later.


# Get the Documents URL and Modify to create Hirarchy of Site/Library/Document
function Set-Path {


[string]$SubSiteName = "Empty",



[string]$SubSiteID = "Empty",


# Modify the DisplayNames to create folder Name for OneDrive Parent Folders
$siteDisplayName = "Site-" + $SiteName
$libraryDisplayName = "Library-" + $ListName
$subSiteDisplayName = "SubSite-" + $SubSiteName

# Iterate through each items and Modify the URL Path Structure
foreach($item in $Items){
$urldecode = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($item.webUrl)
$splitUrl = $urldecode.Split('/')
$itemID = $item.id
$lastFolderIndex = $splitUrl.Count - 2

# Create a new Path for Site or Subsite items
if($SubSiteID -eq "Empty"){
# Select the file path except the FileName to get last parent folder of the file
$newPath = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@($siteDisplayName, $libraryDisplayName)
if(($lastFolderIndex-4) -ge 0) {
} else {
$newPath = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@($siteDisplayName, $libraryDisplayName)
if(($lastFolderIndex-6) -ge 0){

# Create Sharepoint Documents Endpoint, this is require for later when we move from Sharepoint to OndDrive
$sharePointItemEndPoint = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/$SiteID/lists/$ListID/items/$itemID/driveitem"

} else {
$newPath = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@($siteDisplayName, $subSiteDisplayName, $libraryDisplayName )
if(($lastFolderIndex-5) -ge 0) {
} else {
$newPath = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@($siteDisplayName, $subSiteDisplayName, $libraryDisplayName)
if(($lastFolderIndex-7) -ge 0) {

$sharePointItemEndPoint = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/$SiteID/sites/$SubSiteID/lists/$ListID/items/$itemID/driveitem"

# Add each modified Folder path to FolderLists variable

# This will require later that links to OneDrive Folder Path to transfer file from Sharepoint to Onedrive location
SharePointItemEndpoint = $sharePointItemEndPoint
FolderIDKey = $newPath -join ''

Get Folder ID from OneDrive: This function will get the Folder ID from the OneDrive if already exist if not it will create a folder first and get the ID and store it into ‘$FolderIDList’, this ID we will use later to target the destination while transferring.


function Set-OneDriveFolder {
$removeDuplicatePath = $FolderArrays | Select-Object -Unique

# Determine the maximum depth of folder hierarchy (get Highiest length of an array)
$maxDepth = ($removeDuplicatePath | ForEach-Object { $_.Count } | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum

# Seperate Hierarchy of the Path (eg, Cheese/Cake/Sweet, add 'Cheese' in Folder0 array, 'Cake' in Folder 1 and so on)
for ($folderDepth = 0; $folderDepth -lt $maxDepth; $folderDepth++) {
$FolderCollections.Add("Folder$folderDepth", [System.Collections.ArrayList]@())
foreach ($folder in $removeDuplicatePath) {
if ($folder.Count -gt $folderDepth) { # for example current folder is a/b/c 3 in array and the folderDepth is 5 it ignore the array
$folderName = $folder[$folderDepth]
$fullPath = $folder[0..$folderDepth]
$FolderCollections."Folder$folderDepth".Add(@{ Name = $folderName; FullPath = $fullPath })

# Keep only unique value in each Folder Array
for ($folderDepth = 0; $folderDepth -lt $maxDepth; $folderDepth++) {
$FolderCollections."Folder$folderDepth" = $FolderCollections."Folder$folderDepth" | Sort-Object -Property Name -Unique

# URL of the root endpoint of OneDrive
$getFolderIDUrl = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/$userID/drive/root:"

# Create Folder and Subfolder in OneDrive and get the Drive ID of each folder to transfer the file
for ($folderDepth = 0; $folderDepth -lt $maxDepth; $folderDepth++) {
foreach($folderLists in $FolderCollections."Folder$folderDepth"){
# First Array of Folders in FolderCollection object is the root folder (eg, Site-C2conline)
if($folderDepth -eq 0){
$createFolderIDUrl = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/$userID/drive/root/children"
} else {
$folderId = $FolderIDList.($folderLists.FullPath[0..($folderlists.FullPath.length - 2)] -join '')
$createFolderIDUrl = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/$userID/drive/items/$folderID/children"

# Creating a Property name for FolderIDList Hashtable or Object
$folderIDName = $folderLists.FullPath -join ''

# Get the OneDrive Folder ID, if already exist otherwise create folder and get the ID
try {
$folderPath = $folderLists.FullPath -join '/'
$response = Invoke-RestMethod "$getFolderIDUrl/$folderPath" -Headers $headers -Method "GET"
catch {
$errorString = $_.ToString()
$hashtable = $errorString | ConvertFrom-Json
if($hashtable.error.code -eq 'itemNotFound') {
$body = [PSCustomObject]@{
name = $folderLists.Name
folder = @{}
} | ConvertTo-Json
$response = Invoke-RestMethod $createFolderIDUrl -Headers $headers -Method "POST" -Body $body -ContentType "application/json"
# Add Property and Value
$FolderIDList.Add($folderIDName, $response.id)

# Display the progress bar for checking if folder exist or creating folders
$percentComplete = ($folderDepth / $maxDepth) * 100
Write-Progress -Activity "Maping Folders" -Status "$percentComplete%" -PercentComplete $percentComplete

Moving Files to OneDrive: Finally, the Move-SharePointFiles function iterates through each SharePoint document item and moves it to the corresponding folder in OneDrive.

function Move-SharePointFiles {
$headers.Prefer = "respond-async"
$count = 1
foreach($file in $finalResult){
$folderIDKey = $file.FolderIDKey
$itemID = $file.SharePointItemEndpoint
$body = [PSCustomObject]@{
parentReference = [PSCustomObject]@{
driveId = $driveID
id = $FolderIDList."$folderIDKey"
} | ConvertTo-Json

Invoke-RestMethod $itemID -Method "PATCH" -Headers $headers -Body $body -ContentType "application/json"
# Calculate Percentage
$totalItems = $finalResult.Count
$percentComplete = ($count / $totalItems) * 100

# Display the progress bar
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing items" -Status "$count of $totalItems" -PercentComplete $percentComplete
$count += 1
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing items" -Status "Complted" -Completed

Conclusion and Cleanup: At the end of the script, we execute the functions Set-OneDriveFolder to prepare the OneDrive folders and Move-SharePointFiles to transfer the documents. Finally, we clean up the session by stopping the token refresh timer.


Unregister-Event -SubscriptionId $refreshToken.Id

This PowerShell script showcases the power of automation using Microsoft Graph API to migrate documents from SharePoint to OneDrive. By following the structured approach outlined here, developers can efficiently manage and transfer data across Microsoft platforms, ensuring data integrity and organization throughout the process. Whether you’re migrating a small team site or a complex corporate intranet, leveraging automation scripts like this one can significantly streamline your operations.

By understanding each component and function of the script, developers can adapt and extend its functionality to suit their specific migration needs. This script not only simplifies the migration process but also serves as a robust foundation for building custom data migration solutions in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.

In conclusion, mastering tools like PowerShell and Microsoft Graph API empowers developers to tackle complex data management tasks with ease, ensuring smooth transitions and efficient operations for organizations worldwide.

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Ryan Shrestha

Diving into the ocean of Communicational Technologies.