Why to invest in a TMS or switch from your current TMS?


Rygen Technologies
3 min readNov 22, 2023

Rygen Technologies is a premier supply chain technology provider, that enables any company to quickly, easily, and efficiently execute and manage freight, connect with partners, and unlock data insights for their supply chain. With emphasis on advanced technology and exceptional customer service, Rygen is fueling the creation of smarter, data-driven solutions that deliver real value and solve real business problems.

As we’ve discussed before, making the switch from your existing Transportation Management System (or to a TMS at all) is a big decision that should be carefully considered. We’ve discussed important questions to consider before selecting a TMS. Today, we’re examining why companies choose to make the switch or invest in a TMS in the first place. What is it that really pushes people to choose a new TMS? Why switch from the management tool you are already using? Let’s find out!

Starting with those that do not already utilize a TMS. There comes a point when your old practices and tools just won’t hack it anymore. Your business is growing, orders are coming in left and right, and you’re trying to manage all this with a spreadsheet? That is simply not feasible.

As your business grows, you want to be prepared to manage and control your supply chain, and the best way to do this is with a state-of-the-art TMS that offers advanced features so that you stay on top of your game while satisfying your customer’s needs. Investing in a reliable TMS is your best bet to keep up in the ever-growing and highly competitive supply chain industry.

There are a number of reasons that users would switch over from their existing TMS. Some of these include:

1. Outdated Technology — If your TMS is clunky and outdated, how are you going to stay ahead of the competition? Having a technologically advanced system with modern features offers a variety of benefits, including (but certainly not limited to) increased visibility and tracking, enhanced automation, and greater integration capabilities.

2. Bad U/X — No one wants a platform that is difficult to use. When your TMS is making it hard to manage simple day-to-day functions, the TMS isn’t doing its job. A TMS with not only a beautiful user interface, but also one that is easy to navigate around is ideal to manage and run operations.

3. Not Scalable — As mentioned above, as your business grows, you want to be able to effectively manage your growing orders and shipments to keep up with high demands. Some TMSs’ are not scalable and leave users flustered and overwhelmed. This can lead to running behind on orders and mismanagement of freight.

4. Lack of visibility — A lack of visibility into tracking and managing your orders and shipments defeats the purpose of a TMS. If your TMS isn’t serving your basic needs, then what is it doing?

5. Expensive — Finally, a TMS can sometimes cost a pretty penny. It is important to do your research and find the TMS that best suits your company and its needs. Look into providers that serve specific business sizes and income levels.

When looking to invest in a new TMS, or switch over from other management tools, proper research is done, and you know what features you are looking for. Different providers offer different values and knowing upfront what is best for your company can save you money in the long run. Finally, be sure to check out our series on advanced features that you should look out for in your TMS for specific features and technology along with their benefits.

Are you looking to invest in a TMS, or make the switch from your existing TMS? Schedule a discovery call today to learn about Rygen’s very own advanced transportation management system Corsair.

Source: Image by chandlervid85 on Freepik

