Saeri Wilde
4 min readSep 22, 2019

Quantum Capacity Part 1

Within every moment lives the full spectrum of infinite possibility.

What determines the expression has to do with the capacity, in that moment. How the consciousness is anchored, the range, creates a kind of structure, or fractal.

As we ask for the highest most intricate structures, we are being stretched in our conscious capacity to hold a greater range of the moment. The highest most intricate expression must be built from the lowest most basic expression. There is no value judgement, it’s simply a structural issue.

As you embody and become a greater range of consciousness, so too do you loose and unbecome an even greater deal of that potential.

This is why if you spend most of your time in manifested reality, you may suffer: you are narrowing your capacity unnecessarily.

This also may be the mechanics of insanity: trying to squeeze and pack too much into a short bandwidth of reality. Consciousness spills out. There’s is nothing to hold it. No container.

However, if you spend more time, in no time 😉, you soften the edges of reality, allowing yourself to embody a greater range with fluidity. Then in reality, you co-create containers that are very diverse, making them very strong with a great capacity.

Each aspect, more time in no time, and the diverse/strong/flexible manifested containers, serve to anchor a wider and wider range of consciousness while allowing a higher embodied expression of manifested reality to come through.

THIS IS WHY being online is so brilliant at this stage of the constellation. It allows for form without form. But it also requires you anchor the basics in your world off-line, on Earth, to build a frame work that can hold what you are calling forth (or is being called forth through you that you desire beyond desire to allow and embody)

I see a lot of this vacillating between the validity of what’s happening through these online connections and the reality of your worlds offline.

The thing is: there IS a through-line. The quantum field. So often we are tempted to think we are “dropping” one or the other reality in favor of manifesting in a certain way, and that, my friends, will make you crazy. Because what you are doing when you try to pull out of one reality or the other, is you are anchoring and uprooting all over the place and it creates instability.

For old, too-low capacity realities to integrate into the higher structures of 5d, you may need to keep some anchor points, whilst adding some new ones. Let the new ones be far enough away from the existing ones, but not so far that they create instability in the fabric of your reality.

Think of a three legged table.

You want to expand the surface capacity. But there is a rule that the table must remain standing while increasing the surface capacity.

You would need to add a leg, or legs to remove another leg. Ultimately you want a both simple and diverse design for strength, capacity and range. In a way, where we are right now, traversing the ascension to 5d reality, there are many “legs” clustered together in places and not so many, or even none, in the areas where we are expanding.

To anchor a new point, add a leg where there is none, is mutation. Where mutation gets scary and unstable is when it is asked to hold more weight than it can carry too soon. When a new anchor point is created, we can get really excited (and remember, excitement and fear are the same physiologically) and try to pour our whole reality into that point. That destabilizes the whole structure of our reality.

There is no one way to build our tables, our bridges to our highest embodied expression of consciousness. Ultimately, a combination of flow and structure will prevail. For now, we can relax knowing that some of the rigid points are maintaining a structure, while the new points are strengthening and finding their place.

***There is now a Quantum Capacity Part 2… read it here →


The membership space within Innerglowing Quantum Academy, Becoming the Gift You ARE, is like a birth place and death bed for anchor points. Between us we are able to have a network of anchors creating both a strong and flexible fabric of reality.

These connections reach far beyond our hub, deep into the very soul fabric of our constellation.

If you would like to be on the waitlist for the next time enrollment opens for Becoming the Gift You ARE, contact me and let me know.

I also have space for a few 1:1 clients for 3month intensives in their personal Foundation Discovery. PM me for a consultation and connection for potential co-creation of your expanded reality.

I love you

Saeri Wilde

Saeri Wilde

Mama, poet, guide, artist, quantum priestess, Initiation mentor