3 Situations Where You Need To Adjust Your Boundary

There is a moment when you have to look at the whole situation from a 360-degree perspective.

Dian Sage
3 min readNov 23, 2022
Photo by Ralph Katieb on Unsplash

The boundary is important. We all need boundaries. It can protect our lives and give others clues about when they can have access to our lives and how they can treat us.

Why are boundaries important?

According to psychcentral.com A boundary is a rule or limit you set with another person to express what you deem acceptable and unacceptable.

When you build good boundaries with others, you state your needs and wants in an assertive but not aggressive way. You also may discuss things you don’t like or feel comfortable with. Boundaries are important because you can feel taken advantage of or resentful without them.

“Individuals set boundaries to feel safe, respected, and heard.” — Pamela Cummins

If there are no boundaries, there are no rules, norms, or standards. Can you imagine someone being able to do and say anything in your life? Would you accept all that? In fact, no, would you?

But in some situations, the boundaries must be adjusted. If you stick to your boundary in all situations, that’s not right either. There is a moment when you have to look at the whole situation from a 360-degree perspective. And that may sound contradictory to you.

Here are the 3 reasons why you need to adjust your boundary in some situations:

1. When you and your loved ones are sick

Have you ever fallen ill? Or has your loved one fallen ill? Would you still hold on to your boundary if you and they suffered? Do you worry if someone takes advantage of you in this situation? Or try to manipulate you and cross your boundaries?

I have found that there are situations where someone really needs help. And they do not pretend that they need it. This is the moment when you can ask yourself? Should you stay at a boundary, keep your standard or listen to your value and inner voice?

It doesn’t take an instant more, or cost a penny more, to be empathetic than it does to be indifferent. — Brian Lee

2. Emergencies

Have you found yourself or someone else in an emergency? Or perhaps in the place where it happened. For example, natural disasters, tsunamis, medical emergencies, etc.

If a small action of yours can decide the life of another person? Can you stick to your boundaries in such a situation? At a moment when many people need help? Priorities and boundaries are important. But in some situations, we also need to adjust them. That’s easy to say until you have experienced it yourself.

There is nothing so strong or safe in an emergency of life as the simple truth. — Charles Dickens

3. Unpredictable situation

Have you ever found yourself planning to go on to a certain place? Or to meet someone at a place you have chosen? But the other person cancels. Because they get the message, there is traffic and accident?

Would you insist on meeting there and holding an event? When safety is the highest priority at that moment? Are you angry and feel that the person is crossing the boundary? or do you decide to compromise?

Compassion is all-inclusive. Compassion knows no boundaries. Compassion comes with awareness, and awareness breaks all narrow territories.” ― Amit Ray

There are roles and boundaries that we must adhere to as humans and social beings. Boundaries in the right situation are necessary. But boundaries that do not take into account the whole situation can lead to selfishness and self-centeredness life.

Setting the right boundaries can make relationships respectful and appropriate. It is important when our boundaries are being violated. Having healthy boundaries can also improve our relationships and add depth and meaning to our lives.

So, how do you set your boundaries? Do you stick to them? or do you adjust them depending on the situation and your moral values?

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Dian Sage

5X Top Writer, Tea Lover, Life Coach & Lifelong Learner. — I write about self-improvement, life lessons, mental health & well-being. https://ko-fi.com/diansage