7 Decisions And Habits I Have Never Regretted

In the end, it’s your life.

Dian Sage
7 min readDec 28, 2022
Photo by Acy Varlan on Unsplash

A few months before my 20th birthday, I could not sleep well. My mind was a wonder, and I woke up every day with a lot of anxiety. I had a thousand questions, but no one to ask. What kind of life do I have in the future?

I was scared and had a lot of doubts. I felt biased about my life. I don’t think what I learned in college will help me in the real world. It may be helpful in some areas, but lacking in others. And I thought life doesn’t consist of only one dimension.

I wonder why some people can live a life that looks balanced. When everything is holistic and on the right side. Whether it’s health, family, career, business, self-realization, etc.

I know that no one has a perfect life, no matter how good it looks from the outside. I meet some people who are rich in money but poor in health. Others may have good health and a good degree. But some of them have bad attitudes, are arrogant, and look down on others.

Then I meet some people and families who have something I want. Although they have everything that other people want, they remain modest and humble. They have good relationships with themselves, their family, their community, and GOD.

I look at them as role models. What makes them live such a life? And I have found that they do not get everything they have now within a few days. It starts with simple things, decisions, and processes to improve in the areas where they believe they need to improve.

People and land need healing which is all inclusive, holistic. — Allan Savory

A holistic life may not be easy, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. As long as you are willing to make an effort for it.

Here are some life choices and decisions I have never regretted:

1. Exercise routine

When I was a teenager I did an exercise to look good physically. And to fit in my wardrobe. But now I do it to feel better mentally, physically, and emotionally. This habit is also one of the best remedies for stress, anger, broken heart, and depression.

It helps clear and stimulate my mind to find inspiration. One of the best things I have found through my exercise routine is that it makes me feel good about myself and see the positive things in life.

True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united. — Wilhelm von Humboldt

2. Drinking Tea

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

I love natural tea. I thought tea is not only rich in flavors, but also in history. In some countries and cultures, tea is a part of life and ritual ceremony.

It is one of the best drinks that look simple when you drink it. But it is great and rich in benefits. It has many positive effects on your health. Especially if it becomes part of your daily routine and you drink it for a long time.

According to ammonoosuc.org tea contains bio-active compounds that may improve brain function, lower the risk of some cancers, etc.

If I can choose from a hundred different drinks to accompany my day, tea will always be my choice. This simple drink has been my daily companion for over ten years.

“We are like Tea, we don’t know our own Strength until we’re in Hot Water” — Sister Busche

3. Lacto-Ovo vegetarianism

After reading Anthony Robbin’s book, Unlimited Power I began to learn more about vegetarianism. I asked my friends who had been vegetarians since childhood. Besides, I had many questions in my mind: why do I feel some vegetarians look calm and peaceful? Some of them also have bright skin.

I am curious and interested. But not ready for it since I have been a meat eater for almost 20 years. I have slowly started to cut chicken, meat, and fish from my daily foods. I am also learning more about the benefits and effects of vegetarianism.

It took me 2 years to get used to the new lifestyle and fully commit to it. Now I have been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for over decades. Do I regret it? No, I thought it was the best decision I made for my health.

My own view is that being a vegetarian or vegan is not an end in itself, but a means towards reducing both human and animal suffering and leaving a habitable planet to future generations. — Peter Singer

4. Spend a lot of time on personal development

Photo by Miquel Parera on Unsplash

When I was a teenager, I lived far away from my family. I had a lot of questions about life that I could not find answers from my peers and school. If I had not read self-help books, I might already be involved in many things that hurt and have serious consequences for my future.

Although reading books only is not enough to change a life. At least it gives me new insight. It can also help someone to recognize which cases, situations, and things are good and which are not.

The best investment you can make, is an investment in yourself. — Warren Buffett

5. Moving and living in different places and cultures

I’ve lived in two different countries and a few different cities. In the beginning, it wasn’t easy. There were different cultures, languages, and a lot of people I didn’t know before.

Often I asked myself if I made the right decision. Can I adapt? What happens later if something happens to me? In a place where I’ve no family and no friends. But I’ve continued.

These experiences bring me new experiences, new cultures, new friends, and new ways of looking at life. It has broadened my friendship and my experience. So, be brave to follow your dream and intuition regardless of what other people say. In the end, it’s your life.

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” — Walt Disney

6. Joins positive community

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

If there is one of the fastest ways to get closer to your dream, it is to join a positive community. Your circle of friends and acquaintances will determine who you will be in the future. They have a strong influence on how you choose to be and how you see the world.

Be kind and friendly to everyone, but be careful who you choose to influence your life. One of the best things I did in my life was when I decide to join and take part in some community. For example, public speaking, writing, and wellness community. Choose a community that you are interested in and that fits your values.

“You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”― Charlie Tremendous Jones

7. Working in a different type of environment

I’ve spent decades of my life working in various environments. It’s one of the main reasons why I can write about various self-improvement topics. I’ve worked part-time in retail. And a few years full-time in a Montessori school and in the hospitality industry.

All these types of jobs have different challenges. Some are physically demanding, others mentally and emotionally. Some of the experiences will test your patience and limits. But in life, we only get things that we focus on and regret the chances that we didn’t take.

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”― Eleanor Roosevelt

In Conclusions:

Life is full of mysteries. Each person has a different journey and story. When growing up, you may have had no idea what was going on and what kind of life you would have in the future. But believe that every kind of experience, friendship, and piece of knowledge. It will lead you to the right path that GOD has prepared for you.

​What kind of decision do you want to make in 2023?

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Dian Sage

5X Top Writer, Tea Lover, Life Coach & Lifelong Learner. — I write about self-improvement, life lessons, mental health & well-being. https://ko-fi.com/diansage