7 Things That You Need To Give Up To Have A Better Life

Playing small may not be a good place for you.

Dian Sage
6 min readOct 3, 2022
Photo by Jed Villejo on Unsplash

Have you ever thought about giving up something that is not good for your health and growth? For example, oversleeping, binge eating, smoking, toxic relationships, etc.

When I attended a Toastmasters meeting a few weeks ago, the title of one of the speakers caught my attention. “You Have to Give Up to Grow Up.” I thought that was such a unique title. It has a lot to do with the world of personal growth and human development.

I remember many years ago I had a hard time saying no to others. I will put anything urgent first instead of what is important. I will say yes when someone comes to me for help. At that time, I did not understand what a boundary was.

The result of this situation gives me a lot of pressure, stress, and a feeling of being overwhelmed. I felt biased about my life. Some people I met were narcissistic and tried to manipulate me.

I wonder if this kind of relationship needs to continue or not. I thought I needed to let go and give up all the things that were not good for my mental health and well-being.

Here are 7 things I learned about why we need to give up at a certain point in our lives to continue to grow:

1. People’s pleasures

Have you ever found yourself always trying to give priority to others and please others? But not yourself? Do you think that you do not deserve it? People pleasing and being kind is different.

You can help others without sacrificing your needs and well-being. The key is, to tell the truth. Say yes when you can. And not if you are unable to do so. As long as you are honest, people who care about you will respect that.

“You don’t want to disappoint anybody, but you know, you lose your voice by trying to please everyone. “— Diego Luna

2. Stay in your comfort zone

Have you ever rejected something such as a project or a good offer? Do you feel you do not have the skills or enough experience to do it? Trying something new and working with people from different backgrounds can help you think outside the box.

In the beginning, it may not be easy. But along the way, you will gain many new things. These may be skills, ideas, new friendships, or new opportunities that can change your life.

“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ― Roy T. Bennett

3. What other people think

If you care too much about what other people think, you give away your power and energy to them. It does not matter if you do something good or not. What other people think is something you can not predict.

Some people will like you and some will not. But no matter what they think, it is based only on what they know, heard, and have experienced with you. This perspective can change over time as people learn more about you.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” — Dr. Seuss

4. Overthinking

In life, the things that are fully in your control are yourself. Your actions, habits, and decisions. Overthinking can cause doubt, anxiety, and confusion.

Thinking deeply about a case, situation or person can help you solve a problem. But, overthinking can kill productivity and increase the fear of taking a risk. It can also cause you to miss an opportunity and magnify the problem.

I wrote an article on how to overcome situations that hold you back. It might help you if you find yourself in a situation of overthinking. You can read the full article at the link below.

“Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere.” — Van Wilder

5. Unhealthy lifestyle

What kind of lifestyle do you have? Do you have a healthy lifestyle or an unhealthy lifestyle? Do you smoke or drink alcohol? Or do you follow a certain diet and exercise regularly? We do not know how important our health is until we are sick.

A family member of mine got cancer this year. It hurts to see someone close to you in pain. When I accompanied her to the hospital a few times, I was surprised at how drastically her body changed.

There was a moment when I met some cancer patients and had a conversation with them. There were young adults, children, and elderly people. I was shocked and surprised when I heard their story.

Then I realized that the disease does not care about where people come from. It can affect anyone, at any age. And what matters most is how to take care of our health before it is lost by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

“Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos- the trees, the clouds, everything.” — Thich Nhat Hanh

6. Toxic people

Have you ever met someone who always brings out the worst in you? No matter what you do in life, it remains wrong in their eyes. These people are toxic and can rob you of your energy. They don’t want you to grow and become the best version of yourself. For other reasons, they may be jealous of you and gossip behind your back.

Sometimes when they say something negative about you, it’s not about you. Rather, it’s about themselves. They may want something from you that they can’t have. So they make you doubt yourself and what you’re doing. Be careful and stay alert when you’re around these people.

“I found peace of mind when I walked away from small fights not worth fighting. — Dana Arcuri

7. Playing small

Do you play small in your life? Why do you have to play small when you can do better in life? Many people play small because they are afraid to take a risk and be judged by others.

Another reason could be that they are afraid of failure, and have no direction and people to support them. These people have not yet discovered their potential and have not achieved what they are capable of.

Have you ever been afraid to share your ideas with others? Starting a new career, continuing education, or taking on a new big role?

Making yourself small may seem safe and easy. From the outside, it looks comfortable. But if you have a big dream and want to give the best to yourself and your loved one. Playing small may not be a good place for you in the long run.

“There is no passion to be found playing small — in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” ― Nelson Mandela

What things do you need to give up to grow up and improve your life?

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Dian Sage

5X Top Writer, Tea Lover, Life Coach & Lifelong Learner. — I write about self-improvement, life lessons, mental health & well-being. https://ko-fi.com/diansage