Small Changes, Big Results: 7 Effective Mental Health Practices You Can Start Today

Saima Saleem
4 min readMay 3, 2023


We should highlight mental health issues by removing the stigma associated with them. The stigma around mental illness and treatment prevents many people from seeking treatment.

Individuals can find solutions for mental health issues solely if there is enough awareness.

As physical health requires efforts to maintain it same is the case with mental health.

Mental illness has many types including depression, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and the list goes on. It does not have to do anything to the age group, children, adults or anyone can suffer from mental illness.

Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash

It is possible to regain control of your mental health and achieve a positive outlook on life. Follow the following practices to elevate your mood and become more resilient.

1) Gain self-awareness

Dedicate time for yourself in a day, let it be 30 minutes, and remember half of the mental health issues arise when you ignore the worth of ‘me time’. Spend time with yourself to figure out the things that are bothering you.

Take time to process your thoughts and answer the questions running through your mind all day.

2) Stop paying heed to a trivial problem

Despite persistent efforts, you cannot have a perfect life. Enjoy the little things, little moments, and little achievements. If you take the stress of every minor problem, it will accumulate in your mind and day by day your mental health will be ruined. It’s better to ignore petty issues and focus on your goals and life.

3) Learn how to deal with negativity

It’s better to train your mind and prepare yourself to remain calm in every situation. The worst times will be over one day, stay patient and keep going. The bad phases always teach us a lesson and make us stronger, don’t overthink and waste your time on every issue, adopt a positive approach and live happily.

4) Set up a getaway

Living in a monotonous routine also leads to mental health issues. Plan for a vacation whenever you can, visit a new place and refresh your mind, and spend time in calm places that make you forget your daily 9 to 5 grind.

Photo by Andreas Dress on Unsplash

5) Build Social Connections:

Humans are social creature and can’t live in isolation, face to face communication and interaction is necessary to maintain mental health. It’s wise to surround with people who are good listeners so that you can share whatever you are feeling without the fear of being judged.

Don’t rely on social media solely, spend time with your family and loved ones and meet them in person whenever possible.

Surround yourself with like-minded people, plan hangouts with them, make memories, and enjoy the present moment.

6) Eat Healthy

If you are serious for your mental health, pay close attention to your physical health, eat nutritious meals, and include mood-boosting nutrients in your diet e.g. bananas, berries, beans, fatty fish, whole grains etc. Avoid junk food, drink fresh juices and follow a strict sleep schedule because poor sleep can also be associated with mental health conditions.

7) Get some sunshine:

Studies show that a deficiency of vitamin D also adversely affects your mood if you don’t have time to spend hours, you can spare only 10 minutes every day, you’ll notice a visible change in your mood. Go for long walks in the daytime, connect with nature, appreciate the beauty of your surroundings and take a break from the stresses of daily life.

Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

Wrapping up:

It’s impossible to have complete control over every aspect of life. There will be some circumstances and uncertain events that are beyond your control, but you can shift your focus from these issues.

Direct your energy towards enhancing your mental health. You will be able to cope with the situations but remember Healing is an ongoing process it may require patience and persistence, you can also seek help and support along the way.

When you experience optimal mental well-being you will think positively and be more productive. You will develop a sense of contentment and a strategy to deal with stress. You will be ready to conquer the world.

Always go the extra mile to help anyone suffering from mental health, and create awareness for prioritizing mental health issues in your community.

Let’s pledge to support anyone who may be suffering from mental illness and build a more compassionate and equitable world.


If your mental health doesn’t get better despite all the efforts, consider taking professional help and therapy sessions from the mental health counselors.

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