Follow These Simple Steps To Get Hired In Tech During Any Unfavorable Market Conditions

5 min readJun 24, 2022


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If history has taught us anything, it’s that skilled individuals will never be short of opportunities. However, the times have changed and so has the employment market, which requires job seekers to do more than acquiring skills.

TL;DR : The employment market is going through a rough phase. Employees are being laid off everywhere and most big tech companies are reeling themselves into a ‘HIRING FREEZE’ by stopping to roll out new jobs in tech. But, if candidates focus on their skills and follow certain steps, they can get themselves a ‘SIZZLING’ job offer during this employment winter.

In this blog, we’ll be looking at the following points:

  1. The employment ‘evolution’ due to tech startup ‘revolution’
  2. The realization of work cultures
  3. From ‘realization’ to ‘resignation’
  4. Three ‘REASONABLE’ ways to get yourself hired by tech companies

Crack a full stack developer interview in 5 ‘SIMPLE & DOABLE’ steps

The employment ‘evolution’ due to tech startup ‘revolution’

All of us have witnessed how the pandemic has affected the world and quickly turned every company into a tech company. It was not a conscious decision that many businesses took, but it had to happen globally for companies to exist.

It was a change driven by necessity.

Moreover, this has benefitted the world as the tech companies, software engineering professionals and developers have collectively made technology more accessible for the people across the world by creating meaningful solutions for real-world problems.

The realization of work cultures

This situation enabled the tech workforce to realize the importance of work satisfaction, flexible work cultures and value for performance.

People were aware of this before the pandemic too, but refrained from pointing out the flaws of a toxic work environment because it was accepted as the normal culture.

The pandemic enforced work-from-home option for tech jobs and companies started adapting to the situation. The world also experienced a boom in the number of tech startups.

In an attempt to attract top tech talent, most startup companies announced higher salaries, flexible working hours, permanent work from home/anywhere options, exclusive benefits, ESOPs and more.

From ‘Realization’ to ‘Resignation’

This might have encouraged a major chunk of the tech workforce to quit big tech & IT firms and join these startups in hopes of personal & professional growth and this may be one of the reasons that potentially triggered ‘the great resignation’ in 2021.

With the birth of many startups, the war for tech talent began with some companies putting in millions of dollars to hire people in tech.

This allowed the employment market to look beyond educational backgrounds and focus more on skills of the job seekers, which helped many people without any formal education and technical background to acquire skills in relevant technology stacks and get hired by tech companies.

So the phenomenon of ‘skills-based hiring’ was normalized.

But, like life and like every other startup & market story, the tech jobs space also has experienced certain hurdles slowing down the pace within the tech hiring industry. The problem began when highly valued tech startups started laying off employees en masse.

Reasons like enthusiastic hiring, having no vision, careless spending led to this situation.

However, the Q1 of 2022 saw mass lay-offs and this has created a fear in the hearts and minds of techies, who are now returning to big IT firms.

Check out 4 fresh tech hiring issues startups may face

This has led most companies towards a hiring freeze especially for tech positions, however the situation doesn’t seem so bad for big tech companies, as they have started hiring.

Three REASONABLE ways to get yourself hired by tech companies

Participate in coding contests that match your skill set and get fast-tracked job offers

If you are a developer looking to get a job in tech, here’s some ways to improve your chances of getting hired. These ways can be categorized into THREE specific groups based on the amount of effort you are willing to put in.

The three categories are:

Cold Outreach

  • Applying for jobs on LinkedIn — One of the most common ways followed by job seekers to get hired is through applying for jobs on LinkedIn.
  • To apply for jobs on LinkedIn, you need to create a profile in LinkedIn and provide all the information and upload a resume before hitting the apply button.
  • The best way to look for a job is by putting filters on the job search sections as per your requirement, filters in terms of role, experience, location, company, type of work etc.,
  • Applying for jobs at online job boards
  • Emailing HRs, Recruiters, employees at companies

This is a proven way to get attention from recruiters and HRs, however since they get a lot of emails regarding job enquiries, it is difficult to get a sure shot reply.

Warm Outreach

  • DMs on LinkedIn — Growing your LinkedIn network by adding fresh connections who are relevant to your field of work and interest will increase your chances of getting a job.
  • Direct messaging your connections to find out about any opportunities is also a good way to get noticed and get job offers.
  • Posting on LinkedIn & Social Media handles — Your social media profile can act as your professional portfolio sometimes, and given its amalgamated and personalized nature, job seekers may leverage it to get noticed and hired.

Hot Outreach

  • Actively commenting on hiring posts on LinkedIn and Social Media handles of recruiters and employers will earn you digital traction and highly improve the chances of getting a swift job offer.
  • Participating in job fairs and coding competitions — One of the best ways to get a job offer in the tech industry is to participate in hyper-job expos and coding contests which calculate your tech skills prior to the interviews.

This way, not only will your job hunting anxiety reduce, but instantaneous results will motivate you enough to make it through the job search grind.

Start building your skill resume today and apply for tech jobs on Codejudge!

