Increase Your Instagram Following With These 10 tips.

Samuel Tettey-fio
4 min readOct 5, 2018


Last week I Made a post on how to get organic Facebook page likes and I got a lot of readers asking me about Instagram and Twitter too.

In this article I will be sharing 10 tips on how to increase your Instagram following. Having a lot of real followers creates awareness, and that can mean more sales for your business.

  1. Follow the followers of your competitors: I have tried this hack several times and it works. Know your competitors and follow 80–100 of their followers on a daily basis. The fact that they are following your competitors means they might be interested in you too. However, make sure to unfollow those who don’t follow you back😒. There are a lot of apps out there like this that can help you do that.

2. Turn on post notifications for celebrities: know the celebrities in your city/country, follow them and turn on post notifications for their account. Follow the first 50 people to like their post. This expose you to people that are currently online and active. PS: Don’t worry about how to know when they make a post, Instagram will alert you 🤗.

3. Engage with people in your niche: if your business is located in Accra, do a search with with the hashtag Accra(#Accra). Then go through a couple of the accounts, like a few pictures, leave a genuine comment about them and give them a follow. PS: make sure they are in your target audience.

4. Utilize other channels: Share the link to your Instagram profile on your other social media accounts and encourage your friends to follow you. Add a widget to your website where your website visitors can give you a follow while on your website as well. If you do not have a website, that’s fine. You can add an Instagram widget to your Facebook page as well. Here’s how.

5. Ask people around you for a follow: At work, at church, a meet up or on campus, ask your target audience around you to give you a follow on your Instagram. Instagram has a new feature were you can generate a unique QR code for people to easily scan and follow you.

6. Collaborate with influencers: You can partner with a social media influencer to drive engagement to your Instagram by coming up with content that features your products. Let’s all admit when we see somebody wearing something nice, we check the caption for the shop handles. Partnering with influencers do not always have to break the bank, try signing them up to a one or two-month product subscription for free. There is also an option of a guest Instagram Live takeovers. Take over a brand that relates to your niche and ask viewers to give you a follow on your page.

7. Whatsapp broadcast list: If you read my article on how to increase your Facebook page likes, I did mention how you can share the link to your Facebook account to your contact list with just one click. The same logic applies here, share a link to your instagram account with a short note asking them to give you a follow.

8. Use relevant hashtag: Use hashtags to get your posts found. Also, keep in mind that the more popular the hashtag, the more competition you are up against. You can also come up with your own hashtag and encourage your followers to use it as well.

9. Run contests solely on Instagram: run contests solely on Instagram and inform your audience on other social media accounts to follow your Instagram to be eligible.

10. Get featured on other accounts: there are a few accounts with authority in every field. Tag them in your posts. If you are content is creative enough you’ll get a repost. This exposes you to a lot of people because these accounts have huge following.

Thank you for reading. Did this article help you in any way? If it did, I hope you consider sharing it. You might help someone out. Thank you!

I am passionate about Tech and Digital Marketing. I have worked with brands and companies in Ghana, Burkina Faso, United Kingdom and United States of America. Find out more here



Samuel Tettey-fio

Google Certified Digital Marketer | Developer | God Chaser | Freelancer |. Digital Portfolio: