Why travel is good for you?

Nithin Samuel
3 min readSep 16, 2016


Travel is said to help people reflect and unleash an otherwise latent version of themselves. This post is about a recent trip that i took, that helped me see a lot of things in a new light.

What was so great about this trip?

Break out from your routine

We often get so used to what we do daily, that we forget what it is to live and enjoy the sights around. We forget humanity. We live on for making money, fulfilling our passion, and in the hurry we forget the basic essence of life, to enjoy what we have, to be thankful and to do good to others. This trip helped me break away from my routine and get my hands dirty. It could be anything, be it packing, driving, changing vehicle tires, cooking, swimming, gardening, starting a camp fire, crisis solving, literally anything that had to be done, i was up for it.

Solo Ride

Learn to deal with people

Having to travel daily, meet new people, interact with them, spend a day with them, gave me a sort of push out of my comfort zone, and threw me head on to the fact that we have to deal with people however they are, according to the situation that we are in. We meet people with different perspectives everyday but all the more when we travel [Read more of my thoughts on perspective here]

Personal reflection

In my journey I witnessed quite many households beside the highway, who would not even have the basic amenities, the miles they travel for water and the little they live on. Made me rethink my priorities, and be a little more happy with what i am endowed with. Also met and lived with families, who function differently from how things would be back at my place, and yet were happy with their daily routines.

Explore new interests

On trying out new and random stuff everyday, i got a little acquainted with the fact that i could learn a new skill or find an interest in something new. This would have been missed out had i continued with my boring, rather mundane daily routine. Particularly i grew an interest in learning about different cuisines and places that we have in our country some of which i am not yet familiar with.

Gujarati Thali

Take initiatives

Often when we travel we land in situations where we need to tackle things head on and take initiative. Being on a road with no one and no help around for miles one has to go all in when the situation calls for it, be it a vehicle tire puncture or an accident or an emergency.

See new places, meet new people

Exploring new places and meeting new people help broaden our perspective and also acknowledge the beauty of the world we live in. Every other person we see may have a new way of looking at something which you might have taken for granted.


There are many takeaways one can possibly have from Travel. It helps us see things differently and instills in us a need to be a little bit adapted in our approach to at least one element in our lives. Travel helps us revisit our priorities and gives us an opportunity for starting over with a revitalized mind.

Travel always brings out the best in me and am waiting for my next big journey. :)

