The Lost Artifact: Debugging the Code Hauntings

Samuel G. Villegas
6 min readNov 20, 2023

Ever since we published the stories about the Ghosts of Past Developers, we’ve been inundated with messages from tech team members, informing us about their own haunting encounters, often attributing the haunts to the toxic environments in their teams.

Every software/tech team member knows people rarely implement best practices, and sometimes, even leaders discard best practices by calling them time wasters in the name of faster delivery.

In Silicon Valley and other Startup Hubs, some narratives say you must push software features rapidly to innovate, making leaders mistakenly prioritize this over software and business best practices.

This mindset creates a toxic environment. Team members lose motivation, quit, and leave behind cursed codebases unusable for other people.

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What started as symbolic tales of our industry’s neglect of best practices soon revealed a startling truth. The accumulated stories were clear evidence that these were not mere metaphors for poor practices but hauntings linked to ghosts and mysterious energies.

Intrigued by the complex situation, our team at Crystal Docs embarked on an investigation to find a Lost Artifact that supposedly could stop these hauntings.

Our first 4-hour coffee-fueled search was an endless rabbit hole, revealing only more ghost stories and unrelated videogames. To shake off the frustration, I reached out to my friend Gonzalo, a regular at Software Conferences, wondering if he’d heard anything.

Gonzalo’s insights were a breakthrough. He shared that at SoftWebConnectSummit 2023, he caught some whispers about a powerful artifact mentioned in a forgotten Stack Overflow question with no likes, views, and only two comments.

Intrigued, I urged, “This sounds incredible. Please tell me more.”

Rumors hinted at an artifact capable of revolutionizing software development by bridging the gap between humans and code.

Sadly, in 2016, a twist of fate brought the artifact to malevolent hands. After exploiting its power, they ruthlessly destroyed it.

With the tales of the Ghosts of Past Developers haunting my thoughts, I became obsessed with uncovering that elusive Stack Overflow question.

One night, as I was doomscrolling in bed, serendipity struck. A Reddit post referencing the Stack Overflow question Gonzalo mentioned appeared. It even included a link.

Eagerly, I tapped on it.

The question read:

“Old code I can’t understand. Can you help me translate?”
“As the title says, I just started working with an old codebase. I can’t recognize the language, and I need help figuring out what the following code means. Please help I have a deadline:

%#9 _&*^%$@)(§, ©~!):
&@! §(© < % || ©~! < %:
$#@ &*!^$%(“©#@~!^# %#! &!^©$#.!”)
*^@# = § * ©
%@# &^@#”

Beneath the cryptic code snippet, there was no answer and only two comments. The first offered an equally obscure interpretation that wasn’t particularly enlightening:

“It’s obvious this function is doing *&^ §@#% § + © and then ©~! < % to finally return %#9 _&. I hope that helped.”

The second comment, however, was a deep dive into the code’s origins. It spoke about an unnamed group known for their crusade against poor software practices that had crafted this coding language. They were committed to excellence in documentation, test-driven development, and best practices implementation across software teams.

They dreamed of transforming software development and preached adherence to best practices would skyrocket productivity, minimize working hours, and maximize efficiency by reducing technical debt, enhancing communication, and ultimately creating an excellent environment for software teams to thrive.

With that mindset they created and encrypted this coding language to preserve their high standards, accessible only to those who shared their dedication. Then they went a step further in their commitment to the group’s ethos. They forged an artifact infused with dark energies. It was the key to unlocking their encrypted language.

The unnamed group’s philosophy resonated deeply with me, igniting a curiosity about the origins and purpose of this enigmatic coding language.

But this artifact crafted using mysterious energies held a secret far more profound than anyone could have imagined. As the group channeled these forces, they unknowingly breached the boundaries of our world.

This act meant to safeguard their coding language, did more than lock away some code. Its creation tore the fabric of reality, opening a gateway to other realms. This rift allowed entities like the Ghosts of Past Developers to seep into our world to haunt software teams.

The stories I had initially encountered came rushing back. The hauntings, the mysterious code, the stories of ghosts — all were now pieces of a puzzle coming together.

As I pondered over this fantastical tale, I couldn’t help but question my own sanity. Was someone having fun creating these fictional tales, or was there a truth in these claims? My skepticism arose with an unshakeable curiosity to uncover the facts.

When I called my friend Andrea, to ask her about this craziness, her laughing response was a mix of amusement and disbelief.

“Is this a script for a tech thriller? It even beats your 2012 Bitcoin saga!”

Her laughter of disbelief damped my hopes of finding anything else, and just as I was about to dismiss the whole thing, a Discord notification appeared on my screen. A cryptic and intriguing anonymous message was showing.

“Hi, I’ve learned you’re searching for an ancient artifact powered by mysterious energies.
The answers you seek are mine to give, but first, you must prove your worth.”

Reading the message, I felt like I had slipped into a dream. The line between reality and fantasy was blurring. Was I on the brink of an incredible discovery, or was my mind playing tricks on me?

The messages that followed that conversation shed light on the truths I sought and exceeded my expectations. This wasn’t as easy as I’m describing, but I can’t disclose how they tested me due to confidentiality issues.

The source of the artifact’s power was as astounding as it was surreal — a crystal from an asteroid embodying the primordial elements of life. The unnamed group had masterfully crafted it, blending the ground crystal with resin into molds, symbolizing core software functions and Natural Language Processing tasks.

This artifact was no ordinary creation; it was a bridge to the heart of any software code. It could unravel code mysteries, ensure compliance with standards, and breathe life into the most cryptic codebases. And now, armed with this knowledge, I was on the cusp of recreating the artifact.

Filled with excitement, I invited the team at Crystal Docs to a meeting. I needed to share my findings and how I envisioned us embarking on a quest to forge a new artifact fueled by the same fantastical crystals that once empowered the unnamed group.

The revelation electrified the meeting. We were united by a singular vision: create a tool to banish the ghostly hauntings and elevate the software development experience through the power of the crystals and the newly uncovered artifact schematics.

Months of tireless work followed, fueled by technology and ancient wisdom. Our dedication never wavered, and finally, the moment has arrived: the first version of our artifact is ready.

Using it is as simple as it is transformative. Create an account, upload your code, and invite your team. Embark on a journey to a world free of spectral disturbances.

Join us in the crusade against these spectral disturbances. Embrace this new dawn of software development — register now and be part of the change.

Start fighting these Hauntings:

Sign up now here!

