E-commerce Success Requires Careful Planning

Sanford Cornish
3 min readJan 24, 2018


Running a successful digital marketing business requires strategies to meet the challenges of an ever-changing market. Online retail sales have become one of the most profitable aspects of many organizations and having an effective and consistent ecommerce presence is one of the major reasons why. In a recent study where more than eight thousand websites of popular retailers were analyzed, insights were gained as to what made them successful. This can help other online retailers develop the best marketing schemes to drive their online business profits.

The first point was to focus more on search engine optimization. Many companies neglect to consider how their direct and search traffic results directly affect the success of their online business. Tactics have to be implemented to ensure that online shoppers click on your link. Use search tactics that make it easy for shoppers to find your site like specific keywords that identify and characterize the product. Use analytic tools to determine where the traffic originates from. Keep the user in mind when implementing tactics to drive searches to your site. They often prefer original and creative content with headlines that get attention.

Digital marketing companies must plan to have s good mobile and desktop presence online to keep pace with online traffic. Shoppers still use their desktop computers to shop and find information about the products they are looking for. The ecommerce website should be a place to find all the latest information about your products and the style of your company. Mobile-first indexing is an important innovation made popular by Google and is another important tool for digital marketers. There is value to having both a desktop and mobile presence to maximize digital marketing success. Offering free shipping has been shown to be the best way to get the consumer’s attention.

Redesigning a more effective advertising campaign will always help to improve digital sales and web traffic to your site. HTML ads are a great way to get the attention of consumers with your brand message. A leaderboard ad is known to be the most effective ad size since it draws the most interest. Strategically placing emotional triggers in the ad will motivate your customers to but with not only their heads but their hearts. When they do they are likely to spend more and become return customers. Some of the best eye-catchers are free delivery options which always have good results. Using the word “guarantee” also has a positive effect on the consumer. Creating urgency is another emotional technique that brings business to your digital marketing business. “Shop now” is one of the most popular and effective phrases. Appealing to the consumer’s emotions is important when trying to build an ecommerce website.

Finally, product reviews are a key element in establishing a digital marketing presence over time. When consumers read that others who have enjoyed your products are satisfied, new business will be driven to your online website. Make sure the reviews are credible because search engines will check. Ask for consumer feedback. Link-building has become a useful tool for many online retailers and help to increase visibility of you store. Sending out samples can help to build your brand’s reputation. Using these techniques will ensure your digital marketing business will have success in the ecommerce field over the long term.

