
Possibility Mindset — Day 63

Sangam Napit
1 min readJan 20, 2018

Sometimes we focus so much on measurements that we forget about what’s being measured.

The act of measuring is less significant than creating something that’s worth measuring.

If what is being measured does not create value, is not helpful, or is not contributive, then should it be measured?

What’s more significant — that our old chipped fence gets painted with diligence, or that it gets painted faster than our neighbor’s fence?

True — what gets measured, gets managed. To maintain the status quo, to maintain business as usual, to maintain a certain level of comfort, we must manage, we must measure.

However, if we seek positive change, if we seek to become better, if we want to grow and to improve, measurements may not be the right catalyst to propel us to where we want to go.

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted — William Bruce Cameron

To possibilities!



Sangam Napit

Sharing daily thoughts on adopting an abundance mindset.