
PartII, Possibility Mindset — Day 60

Sangam Napit
1 min readJan 17, 2018

How do we plan for opportunities?

Planning for opportunities is seldom fun; especially, if we embrace the wait-and-see approach.

Opportunities appear to come in two forms — those that are created by others and those we create for ourselves.

Opportunities that others create come around once in a while, they require patience, and it’s possible to experience them if we take action.

But, instead of waiting for more opportunities to come our way, what if we worked towards becoming better versions of ourselves?

What if we learned a new programming language? What if we picked up a free Probability and Statistics course from Stanford? What if adopted a new daily practice?

What sort of opportunites would cross our paths, and more importantly what sort of opportunities would we create, if we are on a path of continuous self improvement and positive change?

To possibilities!

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Sangam Napit

Sharing daily thoughts on adopting an abundance mindset.