On December 3rd, YOU WILL…


SAN Sound
7 min readNov 20, 2023


Dropping: Soundscape Avatars + SANWEAR combos
Total Supply:
Remaining Supply to Mint: 1,401
Link: sansound.io


Member’s List: December 3rd, 0.2 ETH
Allow List: December 4th-21st, 0.2 ETH
Public Mint: December 21st, 0.25 ETH (was 0.3 ETH)


The Soundscape™: Avatars and SANWEAR™

Everything we’ve built and continue to build are in service to The Soundscape™.

Currently in its basic form as a mobile app, The Soundscape™ is where our community will come together to share music, directly connect with and support independent creators, earn rewards/governance, and re-discover audio.

The point of The Soundscape™ is to serve as a layer that redistributes value from large audio corporations back to listeners and creators. By using various blockchain services, The Soundscape™ will allow direct payments to creators, fair and transparent governance, top-level cryptographic security and data privacy, and decentralized identities.

Your most important resources in The Soundscape™ are your Avatar and your SANWEAR™.

Soundscape Avatars

Avatars are fully customizable decentralized identities with several groundbreaking technical mechanics that make them more than just another NFT (read more in New Avatar Mechanisms).

Avatars, combined with SANWEAR™, are key to experiencing The Soundscape™. To unlock the full utility, earning potential, and interactive experience you must own an Avatar.


SANWEAR™, which comes with every Avatar, are headphones that use a brand new audio technology called “Hyper Reality Audio™” to deliver audio that rivals real life.

To unlock Soundscape features, like Audio Mining (active earning), and experience an entirely new dimension of audio, you must hold a SANWEAR™ NFT and redeem the physical unit.

SANWEAR™ has been tested by the community and is ready to ship in mid December.


What are Factions?

Within The Soundscape™, five factions emerge as magnets for distinct passions and lifestyles, each represented by its unique color.

CHI is a journey of fashion and style.
UMI takes the path of music and rhythm.
SORA enjoy exercise and fitness.
MECHA are the technicians and gamers.
NOMAD focus on balance and travel.


CHI, UMI, SORA, MECHA, NOMAD (left to right)

Each signature hue marks your allegiance, coloring your Avatar’s skin and serving as the foundational shade of your accompanying SANWEAR™.

Embrace your community, define your journey.

Mint to Enter The Soundscape.

The long-awaited Mint will begin on December 3rd, 2023 at 3:33 PM PST. Of the 3,333 total avatars, only 1,401 remain unclaimed — the rest were claimed in the ‘great sacrifice’.

Each Avatar will be accompanied by a SANWEAR™ of the same faction color.

Minting Flow

If you DO NOT have a Music Note:

  1. Link your wallet to the mint page.
  2. Choose the faction(s) you want to mint.
  3. Pay using ETH.

If you DO have a Music Note:

  1. Connect your wallet to the mint page.
  2. Choose the faction(s) you want to mint.
  3. If you have Music Notes matching the factions you’re minting, each note will reduce the amount of ETH you need to pay by the mint price.
  4. Pay any remaining ETH amount, if there are any mints not covered by a music note.

The Contest

Yes, The Contest! If you’ve noticed, while the total number of Avatars is 3,333, the number of members in any of the five factions has been left to the community to decide.

At the time minting ends, either by mint out or close, the members of the largest faction and the smallest faction will receive a very special accessory drop, as well as a small governance token allocation. Spoils to the victor, but never ignore the underdog.

Mint Referral System

Have friends and family who want SANWEAR but don’t participate in Web3?

If you are on the Member’s List, others can use your Ethereum wallet address as a referral code in the SAN store (www.sansound.shop), starting December 3.

When they use your wallet address as a referral code during checkout, they will receive the SANWEAR item, but the corresponding Avatar will be credited to your wallet.


A good way to rack up additional Avatars and Accessories!

If you are on the Member’s List and wish to participate, email devin@sansound.com to activate your referral code.

New Avatar Mechanisms (Technical)

Besides the level of detail and quality Cromagnus has put into creating this collection, Soundscape Avatars have a few unique mechanisms:

1) Avatar Accessories
While the base feature of your avatar (eyes, mouth, ears, nose, body shape and color) remain constant and unchangeable, accessories, such as shirts, hats, masks, etc, can be swapped with other accessories. The process of swapping is simple and gas-free.

2) Avatar Accessory Access
When swapping accessories on your avatar, you alter its metadata. This allows accessories, when paired with The Soundscape mobile app, to unlock new things, such as SANWEAR features, Hyper Reality Audio content, ███ ██████ ██████████ ██████████, etc. But this is just the start.

3) Avatar Identities (Voted Most Innovative)
Soundscape Avatars can do something no run of the mill NFT can do, that is act as a log in for decentralized web apps, Opensea, Lens Protocol, Aave, etc. This feature allows holders to truly build on-chain identities around their Avatars, separate from their wallet.

4) Avatar Storage
Avatars are not only log-in identities, but they can also own assets. Yes, your avatar has its own wallet that can hold any Ethereum-based asset, anything from ETH to an 0N1 Force. Even though the Avatar is held in a wallet, the Avatar itself can act as a wallet that is connecting to these dApps and perform intricate operations, like lending and borrowing, bidding, etc.

5) Avatar Power Level
Accessories that are actively on an Avatar will contribute to its power level, and thus its earning in The Soundscape. Earning “SP” (or SAN Points) is what pushes a user higher up the leaderboard, putting them in the running for exclusive rewards, prizes, tickets, new features, legendary accessories, limited edition SANWEAR, and more.

Without discussing some future mechanisms, these five features make Soundscape Avatars the most mature form of NFT to ever exist.

The Role of SAN Origin Companions

As the original NFT collection in the SAN ecosystem, Companions will be important for collecting exclusive drops of new avatar accessories. Companions have been upgraded to have storage as well where various accessories can be collected and then transferred to your avatar to wear and unlock any utility it might have.

These accessory hunts will begin during pre-reveal period and will continue and may become more complex over time.

Conclusion: Enter to The Soundscape™

Thank you for embarking on this exciting journey with us into The Soundscape™. To recap:

  • Our vision for The Soundscape™ goes beyond the ordinary. It’s about creating a world where music and sound are heard, felt and lived. By joining us, you’re not just buying an NFT; you’re claiming your digital identity in the most sophisticated audio landscape yet.
  • December 3rd Launch: Remember, the exclusive opportunity to mint your Soundscape Avatar and SANWEAR™ begins on December 3rd, 2023 at 3:33 PM PST.
  • Limited Availability: With only 1,401 avatars remaining, this is your chance to join The Soundscape and be a part of a pioneering community that is re-discovering audio.
  • Minting Options: Whether you have a Music Note or not, you have a straightforward path to participate and contribute to our evolving ecosystem.
  • Special Opportunities: Be apart of the smallest or largest faction for a chance to win a special Avatar Accessory. And don’t forget the referral system to expand our community and earn extra Avatars.

December 3rd is not just a date — it’s the beginning of your legacy in the world of sound. We are excited to see how each of you will shape the future of The Soundscape™.

For any questions or assistance, join us in Discord.


SAN Sound is launching a new product called SANWEAR™ — combined with our mobile app and digital identites, these hyper realistic headphones create an interactive audio experience.

Our mission is simple: seamlessly combine great audio with the benefits of blockchain to enhance how individuals engage with creators and experience their music

Read the Full Whitepaper Here.

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SAN Sound

We will reshape your music experience with the launch of our flagship product, SANWEAR. These 'Hyper Reality Audio’ headphones are your key to The Soundscape.