Why did I want to eat snails?

From my bucket list: eat snails



When the year started, I made my bucket list, and eating a snail was one of the items on the list.

At the end of last year, I moved to Paris. And even though it was there, available to me every day, it took me four months to be ready for this challenge.

Every time it was served to the table, I looked at this, smell it, but I didn’t have the courage to even touch it.

I thought I will need to do it step by step. Get used to it.

But I was wrong. The best way to do it is just fucking do it.

Jump in the water and start to swim.

So one evening I went out and order snails.

It came to the table so fast. Smell good, but looked.. well, like snails.

I freeze. I was about to cry. I felt like my body is not going to handle this. But I knew it is not true. Everything is in the mind.

So I closed my eyes and shut it to my mouth.

It was ok.

The texture was a bit hard to handle, but the taste was ok. I meanly tasted the butter sauce.

After reading this you guys are probably wondering why would someone will go through this? It doesn’t sound like a party.

The thing is, I wanted to push myself to start eating food I’ve never tried before and also some food I’ve tried but didn’t like.

As human beings, we are changing and developing all the time. There is no difference when it comes to food.

Last two months, I was eating more fish than in my whole life. I never liked fish that much. Sometimes it’s because of the taste, sometimes it’s the texture.

I’ve decided to give it another try. Different types or different methods of cooking and it worked. I can eat fish. It didn’t turn into my favorite dish, but I can eat it from time to time and enjoy it.

The reason I was insisting on snails is that I had a phobia of snails.

Yes yes, you were reading right.

I couldn’t see it or touch it without shivering.

When I was in school, I had a fight with one of the kids, so he gathers a few snails in a box, climbed on a toilet next to my cell, and throw them all on me while I was peeing. It was a big trauma for me.

I was crying and I got really angry, I almost broke his nose.

The idea of eating the animal I was scared of was a big achievement for me.

Why do I share this story with you today?

We all have fears. Some will look at my fears and may think, this is stupid or this is a small thing to overcome.

But it isn’t. It was one of the hardest items on my bucket list and I am glad I did it.

No fear is ridiculous or too small. Fear is fear and no one has the right to judge your fears.

Overcoming fears will affect your life.

It is not easy.
It is not supposed to be easy.

But the feeling of overcoming your fears is incredible.

It will do wonders for your self-esteem and self-confidence and it will make you feel like you can ready to eat the world now (;

