How to REALLY change the world

Sarah McIver
6 min readDec 5, 2018

There’s no shortage of charities out there — thousands of them! — most of which are working tirelessly to solve today’s biggest problems. Unfortunately, their efforts represent a mere drop in the ocean in terms of actually remedying these problems. Why is that? Perhaps they’re not addressing the root cause of these problems.

Free World One is a brave new hybrid for-profit philanthropic organisation that seeks to address the root cause of today’s biggest problems, with multiple projects aimed at various aspects of our current society.

Here’s a run-down of Free World One’s current projects, what they’re all about and how they will help REALLY change things.

The Free World Charter

The Free World Charter is a simple set of 10 guiding principles that describe a better world for all, available for anyone to sign in agreement.

How will it change the world?

We’re all very good at pointing out the flaws in our current system, but have you ever thought about what a better world would actually look like? How it would operate? What our priorities would be? This is where The Free World Charter comes in, putting the well-being of ourselves, our communities and the planet first.

The Charter has attracted over 57,000 signatures and serves as a good starting point and direction for people who are hungry for change, know we aren’t living to our fullest potential and want to help make a difference. Signatories receive a free copy of Into The Open Economy, an introductory book that discusses the potential of evolving beyond the market system to an open access economy built on community and better management of available resources.

LifeGames Books

LifeGames Books is a series of educational books designed to teach kids important life skills like empathy, respect, sharing, responsibility and compassion through fun activities.

Currently in the trial phase, LifeGames Books is seeking primary schools in the UK and Ireland to test a selection of activities ahead of the series launch in 2019.

How will it change the world?

As we all know, children are our future, they’re the change-makers of tomorrow, and in order to nurture and develop well-rounded, forward-thinking young adults, we have to start at grass roots level.

Our current method of education focuses almost exclusively on generating productive new members of the workforce, but it’s becoming increasingly apparent that many of today’s young adults are seriously lacking in areas such as awareness and respect of self and others, a broader world view, the importance and fragility of our world’s resources, the ability to take part in healthy and respectful debate, and knowledge of, and solutions to, the damage caused by our current socio-economic system, amongst others. LifeGames Books seek to fill this gap.


Freeworlder is a global online community where you can share goods and services with other members for free. The map-based platform allows members to see and respond to available and requested goods and services anywhere in the world.

How will it change the world?

The idea behind Freeworlder is to revitalise the basic human need and quality of community. We are not a solitary species. It’s in our nature to work together for each other, something we believe we’d be able to do much better if money were out of the equation.

By freely giving away our excesses and offering our services to each other, we shift our priorities to the health and well-being of each other and strengthen this sense of community by improving the quality of all our lives. Imagine if everyone did that…


HonorPay is a very simple site and concept that encourages the expression of gratitude by allowing members to award 1 ‘Honor’ per week to anyone they feel has had a positive impact on their lives.

How will it change the world?

Along similar lines to the idea behind Freeworlder, HonorPay aims to challenge our current value system and refocus our attention to what’s really important in life: each other.

Our current market system places a monetary value on our interactions with each other, eg. we get paid for working, and this recognises our efforts. But that monetary reward in exchange for chunks of our time represents and determines our survival and quality of life. So it has become less about appreciation and gratitude and more about gain and superiority.

HonorPay encourages us to leave money to one side and focus solely on the gratitude and appreciation of one person for another, enabling us to see and value each other beyond mere monetary measure.


Due to launch in 2019, Alt+Shift is an annual event that provides a platform for some of the most creative and innovative minds of our time to present their solutions to some of the world’s biggest problems.

How will it change the world?

Many people now feel that change is long overdue but lack direction or awareness of available opportunities to get involved. There are many worthy causes out there that just don’t get the voice they deserve due to falling outside the narrative of current mainstream media and politics. This presents a serious setback to the potential for our species to evolve and grow, something we hope Alt+Shift will address.

F-Day: The Movie

Currently in the planning stages, F-Day: The Movie is a film adaptation of the popular book F-Day: The Second Dawn of Man, a fictional drama thriller that follows the events of one man who awakens to the reality of a world run by money and vows to do something about it. The story follows the world’s subsequent transition to a money-free, trade-less existence that instead operates on the value of community and conscious management of available resources.

How will it change the world?

The story gives us a tantalising glimpse into what the transition to a better world might look like and serves as a great introduction to the possibilities this kind of future might hold for us. After the success and overwhelmingly positive reviews of the book, a film production appealed as the perfect method of raising awareness by delivering the concepts to a broader audience.

The script is already in development and has attracted the attention and interest of Hollywood directors.

Get involved

Free World One is offering anyone interested the opportunity to get involved by buying shares in the company at just €1 per share. Profits generated are pumped back into other similarly aligned projects and distributed to shareholders. It’s the perfect way to contribute to something really meaningful and benefit along the way.

The future is in our hands.

For more information, visit Free World One.

(originally posted on LinkedIn:

