Which is Best: The Android OS or the iPhone OS?

Saranya N
2 min readAug 1, 2017


Which is best between the two depends on your own personal preference. Apple fans will prefer the iPhone OS because it integrates perfectly with other Apple products such as the Apple Mac computers and laptops, the iPod and the iPad. Not only that but the unified email inbox is neat, and offers something that Android cell phones do not have — unless you find an app out there that offers this feature.

That’s something you cannot get with the iPhone operating system, because it is patented and not open source as Android is. Anything else that is email related, however, is also available on Android devices. Each offers great game options, although the open source nature of the Android OS will likely push it into the lead in this respect.

With regard to games, Android lags well behind iPhone- in fact it is next to impossible to find good games for the Android OS. Flash is another problem, though in this case with the iPhone OS. Apple has always been critical of Flash, and if you use Flash or want to access sites or apps that use it, then Apple will not allow you — Android will!

Continue Reading : Advantages and Disadvantages of Android & iOS

In conclusion, there is very little between the two, although the open source nature of Android offers the opportunity for a more diverse range of apps, if not more in actual number. With the iPhone OS you are restricted to apps and other software that Apple approves, while Android is open to anyone that wants to use the operating system to design an application.

