Google Cloud Platform And It’s Products For Beginners.(Overview)

3 min readMar 6, 2020


If you have NEVER heard of Cloud and it’s your first time venturing the cloud this article is going to give an overview of Google Cloud platform and the products they provide.

“With the cloud, individuals and small businesses can snap their fingers and instantly set up enterprise-class services.” ~ Roy Stephan, Founder and CEO of PierceMatrix

Let me start off by mentioning some of the top social media platforms that are using GCP:

  • Snapchat:What you probably don’t know is that this multimedia messaging app has more than 190 million daily users, that’s right DAILY. So Snapchat relies on GCP (Google Cloud Platform) for running all their operations in the cloud.
  • Twitter: With people tweeting more and more every day, the data produced is enormously large. So Twitter uses Google Cloud for storing and computing purpose.
  • Spotify: If you haven’t heard of Spotify I don’t know which rock you have been living. More than 75+ million subscribers and over 2 million playlists in over 60 countries, Spotify uses GCP’s flexible and scalable storage. This resulted in Spotify moving from on-premise to GCP in order to gain benefit from Google cloud’s database services such as Cloud Storage, Cloud Datastore, Cloud Bigtable.
  • Twentieth Century Fox: Data Scientists at 20th Century Fox and Google Cloud have developed machine learning software that can analyze movie trailers and predict how likely people are to see those movies in the theaters.
  • Paypal: Paypal has Partnered with Google Cloud to increase security, build a faster network and develop services for its customers.

Services Offered By Google Cloud Platform:

Computing Services:

Storage and Database Services:

Big Data Services:

Machine Learning Services:

Networking Services:

Identity and Security Services:

GCP Management Services:

Advantages of Google Cloud Platform:

  • One of the biggest benefits you can get from the Google Cloud Platform is better prices compared to other public cloud services providers.
  • Another key benefit of choosing Google Cloud is the presence of a huge private global network using fiber optic cables.
  • Google Cloud also makes way for live migrations of the virtual machines. Providers like AWS and Azure cannot offer this unique function.
  • Google Cloud can also guarantee better performances.

Get in contact with me on Linkedin for any queries.

Continue Reading:

If you want to know more about my journey check out:

How I Passed Google Cloud Engineering Exam.(My Journey)

If you want all the resources I used to pass Associate Cloud Engineer exam check out:

All The Resources Needed To Clear Associate Cloud Engineer Exam

If you want to know more about the exam itself check out:

Everything You Need To Know About Associate Cloud Engineer Exam.

