How aware are you of yourself?

Saurav Adh
4 min readJul 6, 2022


Are you aware that you are awareness?

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

Being aware of the pain in the body after a small accident is also awareness, being aware of the whole existence is also awareness. Awareness comes on different levels and is kind of like a spiral staircase, the higher we go the more we see.

Are you aware of yourself right now? Yes definitely you are and that is because your sense perception is at work, your eyes are able to see this screen, your hands can feel the device, and you can hear yourself while reading. This awareness is because of the sense perception of the body and on this level every living being is aware. A chimpanzee jumping from one tree to another is aware of the location of branches and its hand, and a cat running for its life from a dog is aware of its threat and path. Every living being is aware at some level but the awareness is on the surface level only that is the bodily perception.

We human beings have an amazing ability to imagine which separates us from the rest of living beings. This ability provides a wide space for visualization and experiences. I believe we can explore different levels of awareness just because we humans can imagine. Imagination does not mean it’s fake, the image formed inside the head is as real as the object seen by the eyes.

If you have ever heard wise men and spiritual leaders talking they always say you are neither your body nor your mind.

So what are you?

You are awareness.

You are the awareness that knows this is your body and this is your mind. The more aware you are of yourself more this life becomes receptive to you.

How aware you are of yourself, your surrounding, and life makes a huge difference in the quality of life you live.

How to increase awareness?


Reflection is the very first step I took in order to increase my awareness. Reflecting on your behaviors, mistakes, and achievements helps you to learn things about yourself. Reflecting helps you understand why you do what you do.

Separate out time to sit and reflect on your past actions and try to understand your behavioral patterns.


Meditation is the act of being aware, aware of your breath, vision, sensations, or be it anything. Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in eternal awareness. Once you start meditating, you will understand that you are not your thoughts and feelings but rather the awareness behind them.

Meditate every day even if for a short time, and don’t skip.


I give a lot of credit to my curiosity for helping me increase my awareness. Curiosity pushed me to develop a reading habit and with this habit, I got to learn and understand so many things that would have never entered my brain if it was not for curiosity.

Learning and knowing different things will also help you increase awareness because as you learn the more you understand and experience, ultimately widening your perception.

Start feeding your curiosity.


The oldest piece of advice in the book ‘Be present at the moment’, is the most valuable piece of advice. Although the majority of us know this we rarely live in the present.

Learning to live in the present moment is the best thing I have learned in life. No worries about the future, no dwellings in the past just doing my best in the present.

Technically the past and the future just exist inside our minds constantly changing present moment is the only reality we live in. When the past and future are inside the mind why live inside it instead of living in the moment.

Being present in this very moment improves your awareness, improves your potential, reduces mental health problems, makes you joyful, and so on.

Forget everything else and live in present do what you gotta do in this very moment.

As you start applying these in your life you will slowly start becoming more aware. I am also working on increasing my awareness and these have helped me a lot to do so, hope it helps you too.


To learn more about improving your consciousness and vibrational energy check out my e-book: Raising your Vibration

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Saurav Adh

I write to share a view through my experiences, knowledge, and observation helping you for personal growth. e-book: