You are being programmed to forget the real essence of life: This is how.

Saurav Adh
6 min readOct 1, 2022


The world, the society, the things you hear, and many things that you define as normal are actually creating a trap, a trap that does not let you find the real essence of life. We all are conditioned by many things that actually are a trap to detach us from the very essence of this life.

Have you heard the phrase “we are living in the matrix”? this MATRIX is not actually a computer-simulated matrix but is the programmed subconscious mind that becomes the prison.

Imagine a fish born in an aquarium, if it never gets a chance to experience the ocean it will die thinking that the aquarium is all the world there ever could be. Now replace that fish with yourself and that aquarium with the knowledge and experience you gain. This is exactly what the world is actually doing by programming our subconscious minds with conditions. Multiple systems like education, society, civilization, parenting, and you yourself are the reason behind it.

When you are continuously being programmed there will be no escape, you won’t be able to know yourself, you won’t know what this life is about, and you won’t be able to experience this life at its fullest.

How are you being programmed?

The right way

From the day you were born you were being told what to do, at some extent we do need a guide but look at what we have been preached as normal. Go to school, get good grades, get a nice job, work all your life, and retire. Thinking this as the right way we get in the rat race doing the right thing.

Give it a thought, wouldn’t living life on your terms, doing what you love, and working to build your passion be much better than doing the right thing? We have been programmed to think that being normal is getting a job and working hard until retirement comes. We have been programmed to think that getting a degree is the right way. We have been programmed to think that thinking the right way is the normal thing to do.

Your way is the right way, find yourself, find your purpose, find your way.

Social Media

Social media platforms have played a major role in conditioning our brains. Social media has kept us hooked on it and we rarely experience the moment. Attention span has significantly reduced, brainwashing contents are continuously being consumed, and deeper and deeper we dive into the digital world. Gratitude culture has significantly been reduced by social media platforms.

There is a right and wrong way and time to use social media but 99% of the people go for the latter.

Look at yourself, how many times a day do you take out your phone to scroll on TikTok and Instagram, and what type of content do you consume? The contents you consume are continuously shaping you.

You don’t just become a type of person you spend your most time with, you also become a type of person in respect to the contents you watch.

Social media platforms are keeping you hooked, the contents are programming you with beliefs, character, personality, and thoughts and you become what you consume. Beware of this conditioning, this is separating you from the very moment which is the only real thing we have. It is separating you from experiencing life and only conditioning you to consume and compare.

You have the urge to look at a phone while you eat, while you shit, while you wait, if you always do that then when will you ever experience this moment? Not experiencing the moment is actually running away from life.

Knowledge and Beliefs

We have been conditioned to believe certain things, we have been provided with certain knowledge, and questioning beliefs has become abnormal. These beliefs and knowledge have also conditioned us.

What were you taught in school? Did they teach you to look for your passion, did they teach you to cultivate happiness, did they teach you to find your inner selves, did they teach you to take control of your emotions, did they teach you anything about money? No, nothing at all, all they taught you was how to pass exams and get a good job. Since they taught you that, you think that must be the thing to do.

The knowledge and beliefs that you were exposed to have programmed your brain to think that it must be it and this program is what drives your life values.

You hold the same beliefs taught by your ancestors and teachers, you don't question if that is true or not. You were told to believe that Jesus is God or Krishna is God or Allah is God, but have you ever questioned whether it is true, do you seek to find out certain answers? No, why? Because it is what you believe and it must be true.

Most of your reality is created by your knowledge and belifes, if you don’t seek answers, if you don’t expand your knowledge then you will always be what the system wants you to be and will never be what your innerself wants you to be.

Things that we think are tiny, matter a lot and these things are what program our reality. Our subconscious mind has been programmed in such a way that we now seek happiness in material things (which by the way is not the way to eternal happiness), we get hooked on digital worlds rather than in nature, and we study to work all our lives and then retire when we are old, we worry a lot, we get depressed and anxious, we seek validation and attention, we plant toxic love, we forget to enjoy life, we don’t look for our purpose and passion. In general, we F*cked up the entire essence of life because the world programs our brain in a certain way.

This conditioning here my friend is the matrix you may have heard people talking about.

How to reprogram your brain?


Become aware of yourself, and your true nature. Become aware of your actions and find out why you do what you do. Become aware of your surroundings, what you consume every day and what you are becoming. You are the awareness behind your thoughts, your emotions, your body, and everything.


The past and the future only exist in your mind the only thing that exists in the real is the ever-changing present moment. Learn to be present at the moment, stay in the present and observe the now. MEDITATION is the tool to cultivate mindfulness.


Build curiosity and start questioning everything you see and hear. Don’t believe everything you hear, don’t believe everything you think, try finding answers for yourself. Inquire yourself and find out who you are, what you want, and what your passion is. Build curiosity and start seeking answers.


Affirm yourself something powerful every day. If you have been programmed to believe that you are not good enough, affirm yourself that you are good enough. Affirmations play a powerful role in reprogramming your brain with everything you want, use it wisely.

The modern-day world has conditioned us differently than what nature actually intended us to do. We are nature in itself we must be connected to it, not to the VR set that drives us into the digital world, we are free souls we must live and create life as we want to not work on something that society thinks is the right way to go, we are divine beings we must be capable of cultivating happiness, peace, and blissfulness not get hooked on anti-depressants. We have a very short time on this planet we must live life to its fullest and create something valuable out of it not live like a slave to a job, culture, or belief.

The matrix is the condition that your brain is forced to believe, get out of the matrix by reprogramming your brain. It’s not easy as said but being aware of it is the first step and this article here is for your awareness that we all are in a matrix.

To learn about improving your consciousness and vibrational energy so that you can improve your awareness check out my e-book: Raising your Vibration



Saurav Adh

I write to share a view through my experiences, knowledge, and observation helping you for personal growth. e-book: