Your anxiety and fears are due to the imbalanced root chakra

Saurav Adh
4 min readOct 31, 2022


This is why and how you align it.

Someone with a balanced root chakra rarely gets into survival mode because they are too busy being in their physical reality.

How do you know you are being sucked into survival mode?

1) You are being offended by the things you see online.

2) Your ego is defining things for you on the basis of others' opinions.

3) You need validation from others to make yourself feel right.

4) You get anxious or depressed because someone said something to you that doesn’t align with your belief system.

5) There is no joy and stress is overwhelming.

A lot of people just focus on the problem and rarely on the root cause of it. People know they are anxious and depressed they also know they should not be, but still, they can’t help it. To get rid of such mental stress people often chase instant gratification through social media, junk food, masturbation, alcohol, and drugs. This instant gratification keeps you in a vicious circle never letting you solve the problems from the root of their cause.

These issues are usually rooted much deeper and solving deeper issues is what actually allows you to get in sync with life. The root chakra is the first energy wheel and deals with such issues, balancing it is the first step towards spiritual awakening and solving such issues from the root.

Well, before feeding you with the information let me first clear out what chakra is and how it makes a profound effect.

Chakra simply is the 7 wheels of energy inside your body that regulates the energy system, they are actually located in the subtle body linked with the 7 endocrine glands in the physical body. These 7 chakras are energy centers and are known to regulate emotions.

Starting from the bottom up, the chakras are:

  1. Root Chakra
  2. Sacral Chakra
  3. Solar Plexus
  4. Heart Chakra
  5. Throat Chakra
  6. Third eye
  7. Crown Chakra

When these chakras are unbalanced they can negatively impact your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Deeply rooted issues that surface in the physical reality like depression, anxiety, trauma, fear, insecurities, anger, and many more are all because of the unbalanced chakras. Each chakra has its own effect, the root chakra is the first chakra that is located at the bottom of the spine and an unbalanced root chakra is a reason behind you living in constant survival mode or deep depression.

The root chakra is the first chakra to develop in our body and deals with survival and security and is concerned with basic survival that means to balance it, one must be in tune with the physical reality. On the path to spiritual awakening, the first chakra that opens up is the root chakra. The root chakra is the building block of kundalini energy a Sanskrit word that comes from the word coiled snake which applies to the life force that lies in the base of the spine.

If you are:

  1. Anxious and constantly worried about the future.
  2. Depressed because you had a terrible past.
  3. Get sucked into survival mode as listed above.
  4. Have fears and insecurities because of childhood.

Then chances are you have a blocked root chakra that’s causing you all these emotions.

I have had such emotions too, restless, always in need to do something, anxious, and constantly in action to get rid of the anxiety. A lot of fears and insecurities are directly rooted in the imbalanced root chakra.

I had already aligned my root chakra without my intention to do it.

How I found out my root chakra was balanced?

  1. I started experiencing less anxiety and started living more in the present.
  2. My insecurities disappeared and my confidence was boosted.
  3. I began to heal traumas that hurt me emotionally.
  4. Became in touch with physical reality.
  5. I was aware of my physical being.

With further research I found out this is what happens when your root chakra is aligned, you get more in a touch with the physical reality and live less inside the head.

You might be thinking you need to practice a lot of meditation to get there but it is not necessarily that. Before I felt any results of daily meditation I knew my root chakra was already aligned.

Balancing your root chakra totally changes your life and brings you in touch with your physical reality and solves a lot of your problems related to anxiety, depression, fears, and insecurities.

How to balance your root chakras?

1) Exercise

2) Walk in nature

3) Take care of yourself

4) Breathing exercises

5) Develop a morning routine

6) Connect with your physical body

7) Get out of your head and connect with physical reality

8) Stop taking things personally

These practices can help you align your root chakras. The imbalanced root chakra is causing you a lot more problems than you can think of, get them aligned and solve your issues from the root instead of just jumping toward instant gratification.

Aligning your root chakras will result in the disappearance of many mental issues like anxiety, depression, fears, and insecurities and you will be more in tune with your physical being, and you will be more connected to the physical reality.

Imagine how great it would be to live with less anxiety, fewer insecurities, less emotional traumas. Well, work on aligning your root chakra and see this really happening for yourself.

Here is my e-book: Raising your Vibration, which is a beginner’s guide to improving vibrational energy.

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Saurav Adh

I write to share a view through my experiences, knowledge, and observation helping you for personal growth. e-book: