I meditated every day for one year and this is what happened!!!

Saurav Adh
5 min readOct 23, 2022


The above picture is taken just for the sake of the photo I am not meditating in real in this photo

Every one of us is familiar with meditation, I bet everyone has tried meditating at least once and has felt it is not easy as it sounds. Being in sync with thoughts and feelings and bringing the focus to one particular thing is not as easy as it sounds.

Getting started with meditation was not easy for me either. Sitting down in one place to focus on one particular thing was not my thing because all I wanted was productivity and sitting down doing nothing was not a productive thing for me, but I was wrong.

Slowly, when I began to realize the importance of meditation I came to learn that it is the most productive thing to do. Meditation for me started as a reflection, I reflected on things I learned, things I did, and why I did them, and this practice slowly turned into daily meditation practice.

I have shared my small spiritual experience and you can click here to read more about it.

It has been more than a year that I have adopted a habit to meditate every day, maybe I have missed some days but I am consistent with it. I shut off all my disturbances and sit down to meditate for 45 minutes to 1 hour every day, sometimes when I have time I even meditate 2 times a day. Meditating has made a profound difference in my life.

No, I haven’t had any mystical experiences, and no, I haven’t reached any deep meditative state that has taken me to higher dimensions(which most people just bluff about), in fact, I didn’t even see any results of meditation for more than 8 months. Reflection helped me find out things about myself and meditation helped me calm myself and that is why I meditated.

Understand that people who tell you they are seeing amazing results in just a few days or months of meditation are just bluffing, because first of all getting into a meditative state takes a lot of effort and it doesn't come that easily. I couldn’t meditate for months even when I tried my best, that is why I practiced reflection and slowly got into meditation and it’s now been more than a year since I have been doing it regularly.

I didn’t feel much of a difference for 8 months but as I progressed I now have felt certain differences that have played a major role in every aspect of my life. These improvements are just the beginning, I have felt slight improvements in multiple aspects and these are not exponential growth but just slight ones that have already begun to impact my life. To see great results requires years and years of practice but my one-year practice has also started bearing fruit and I would like to share some of my fruits with you.


Mindfulness is the act of being present in the moment. Most people nowadays rarely live in the present they think about their past and worry about their future. On top of that, technology devices and social media platforms these days have totally distracted people from living in the moment.

Meditation has taught me to live in the present moment and truly experience this moment. Being present in the moment and focused on the current circumstances has made me more mindful and this has changed the way I experience life.

Meditation has helped me become mindful I rarely dwell on my past and worry about my future these days, all I try to do is make this present moment my best moment and this, in turn, has also improved my focus.

Meditation cultivates mindfulness in turn improving focus and concentration.


By detachment, I don’t mean detachment from different things in life but detachment from the act of attachment.

Meditation has taught me that I am not my feelings, I am not my thought but I am rather an awareness behind them. This realization has helped me detach myself from all the materialistic things in life, that does not mean I don’t want money or material things but it means I don’t identify myself with them. I have understood that feelings come and go, thoughts come and go, and have learned to not get attached to them.

This detachment has made me more at peace because as long as I am not attached to any things around me I don’t identify myself with it and not identifying myself with numerous things around me means I have more time to appreciate them.

Detachment does not mean getting rid of it but not identifying oneself with it, this has brought in a lot of peace and calmness within me and I totally love this. The circumstances do not make much of an impact on me nowadays and I have learned to react to every circumstance with calmness.

Detachment is not about letting things go but about not identifying yourself with it and just appreciating the way it is.

Self Understanding

Another thing meditation has helped me with is understanding myself and where my actions and behavior come from. Getting to know who I am and what influences me is one of the powerful advantage meditation provided me with.

You are being programmed in every step of life and this programming won’t allow you to truly understand yourself, this is where meditation comes in.

I have understood some of my pattern behaviors and where it comes from and understanding this has helped me tackle them and break those pattern and build new ones. I have begun to understand where my emotions come from and understanding this has helped me take control of it. Taking control of my emotions feels like being in charge of my reaction to the circumstances and this has in turn brought me calmness.

Meditation helps you find yourself, discover your passions, and know your purpose because it helps you understand your inner self which is the first and foremost thing in the path of self-realization.

These are some things meditation has helped me with and these changes are minute, it’s not that I have mastered all these but I am beginning to feel the difference this practice has made in me.

Meditation helps you a lot in many aspects of life, and makes you more content, peaceful, happy, and calm on top of that it guides you to understanding yourself. Practice meditation and see the difference yourself, mind it, the changes won’t come in early as you think it takes time and patience to see beautiful changes coming. As I have begun to see these changes I am confident that these will improve over time with further practice.

Meditation gets you high on life.

Another thing is meditation is not something you do, it’s a state of being slowly as you begin to progress you can be meditative when you eat, walk, talk, or while doing anything. I don’t claim that I am at that stage but being mindful is the first step to getting there and mindfulness comes from practicing meditation.

Train your brain to get meditative, I guarantee this will totally change your life.

Here is my e-book: Raising your Vibration, which is a beginner’s guide to improving vibrational energy.

Thanks for reading. If you like my work, please buy me a Ko-fi as I am currently unable to earn from the medium. Your appreciation means a lot.



Saurav Adh

I write to share a view through my experiences, knowledge, and observation helping you for personal growth. e-book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSTQSSHP