3 min readSep 15, 2018


This is yet another update about the recent progress we’ve made at SaveNode. Frankly, developments are happening at breackneck speed that we’d need to publish daily updates just to keep you informed. Don’t believe me? Just check out some of our previous posts about the LightPayCoin partnership or our App Preview. Better yet, join our Discord server to get the latest and juiciest news as they’re happening.

Apollon platform

In the spirit of keeping masternode setups easy and fun for all skill levels, we’ve partnered with the Apollon Masternode Investment Platform too. Apollon shares our vision when it comes to making investments easy. Copy on their website says it all: “The Apollon platform envisions a future where anyone can easily purchase a masternode and participate in the blockchain rewards just as simply as buying stocks online.”

To get started, head on to Apollon’s website to learn more and download their very intuitive NodeBuilder.

Shared Masternode and Pool Services

Pooling works for everybody. Whether you’re pooling resources to mine a coin, run a masternode, stake a coin, etc. It allows people of different financial capabilities access to the rewarding practice of running masternodes for instance, without having to deal with the sometimes steep overhead costs of setting one up. To this end we’re on several of these pools which include but are not limited to:

  1. Master of Nodes
  2. Simple POS Pool
  3. Gentarium Shared MN Services
  4. Next Gen Miner
  5. Masternode Foundation
  6. Midas
  7. Mintnodes
  8. CryptoHashTank
  9. AltTank Mining Pool and more already underway.

It is worth noting that we have over 26 individual masternodes on Master of Nodes alone. Visit our Discord server to peruse these services and join the one most pleasing to you.

Portfolio Tracking On CoinMarketCap and Masternode Monitoring

Two keys walk into a bar and brag to the bartender, one says its as long as 5 keys while the other says crypto peeps cant get their fingers off it. Which two keyboard keys are these? I don’t know about you, but I can’t keep my fingers off F5, and for that reason we’ve listed Savenode on websites that allow you to refresh all you want as you watch your portfolio draw trigonometric charts! We’re now live on Coinmarketcap, Blockfolio, Coinlib and LiveCoinWatch with more listings to follow.

Also interesting is that Savenode is now listed on Nodecheck, is a service which monitors and sends you alerts about your masternodes. You can receive alerts about status changes and payments on Discord, Telegram or email. No longer will you have to open your wallet or ssh into your VPS just to check if your masternode is still running. Nodecheck takes care of all that. Neat right?

More Bounties

In our previous update post we mentioned a contest that will award winning participants with a sizeable reward. This is not a contest, but rather a “Thank You!” bounty to all members of our great community. There are 8000 SNO up for grabs, which at the time of this writing, translates to over $5000. The bounty is managed by Bjammerboy and participation takes place on their website, so visit to get started and join our Discord for any questions.




Crypto investing made easy with SaveNode — the masternode backed app that allows everyone easy access to multiple markets in crypto investing.