6.1) App screen 3 ‘Total Intake View’ for Calorie Counter

Sayali Anant Jawre
2 min readAug 19, 2017


Welcome back !!! Thanks for staying with us till so long for our Hasura Internship journey. In the last week we successfully completed the second screen of our app, ‘Add Intake’ screen. Now, it is time to complete the last screen of our app.

This screen is called as the ‘Total Intake View’ screen which helps the user to view his entire intake for a particular day.In the last screen we stated that the calorie count of a particular item will be passed on from that screen to the Total Intake View screen. The passing thing took us a long while to complete as it required constantly updating the screen as soon as a new value corresponding to the particular user ,particular date has been added. To add to the above stuff, even after fetching it we had to bifurcate it into 4 types , Breakfast , Lunch, Snacks and Dinner.

The look and feel of the ‘Total Intake View’ screen is as follows:

Initial view

This is the initial view of the Total Intake View screen for a particular user. In this screen there is an option of logout for the user. It also displays the current date which will help us to track the user’s calorie intake on a daily basis. Below it is the tab displaying the maximum calorie intake the user can have on a particular day to reach his/her goal as calculated on the ‘Personal Info’ screen. Below are all the edit text views which will fetch the sum of all the values for the user of the current day. After adding all the intake , the screen will display a message of the sum of calories the user had on that day.

Result message of the sum of calories.

Here, we come to the end of the Development phase of the Hasura internship and will now move on to the testing and debugging phase.

Link to the latest app is here : My Calorie Counter

Till then, Ciao!!

