GONE: The Perfect Couple?

The Disappearance of Laci Peterson

Rachel Rivers
2 min readMay 8, 2023
a portrait of a happy couple with their faces scratched out
image licensed by Canva

Hey there, fellow murderinos! It’s your BFF Rachel Rivers, back with another twisted tale of murder and mayhem. Buckle up, because we’re going deep into the dark side of humanity. And you know what they say: the only thing scarier than real life is… well, nothing, really. Let’s get into it!

You can read part one here

Alright, let’s dive into the juicy details of the relationship between Scott and Laci Peterson.

On the surface, they were the quintessential perfect couple — good-looking, successful, and in love.

But behind closed doors, there may have been more going on than anyone realised.

Let’s start at the beginning, shall we?

Scott and Laci met in college and it was love at first sight, or so the story goes. Scott was charming and charismatic, and Laci was smitten. They married in 1997 and moved to Modesto, California, to start their life together.

They even had a golden retriever named McKenzie.

But as time went on, there were whispers of trouble in paradise.

Rumours swirled about Scott’s infidelity, and Laci was reportedly struggling with the pressure to start a family. Despite these alleged problems, the couple appeared to be putting on a united front.

That is until Laci disappeared on December 24, 2002, while eight months pregnant. Scott initially claimed to have been fishing in the San Francisco Bay when Laci went missing, but the truth slowly started to come out.

It was revealed that Scott had been having an affair with a massage therapist named Amber Frey, and that he had lied to her about being married.

But what about Laci?

Was there any evidence that their marriage was in trouble before her disappearance?

Some argue that Laci’s obsession with presenting the perfect image of a happy couple may have blinded her to the issues in their relationship. Others point to Scott’s financial troubles and potential motives for murder.

It’s impossible to know for sure what went on behind closed doors, but the allegations of infidelity and marital problems certainly add a layer of complexity to the case.

And when you add in Scott’s deceitful behaviour and multiple affairs, it’s clear that there was more going on than anyone realised.

Well, murderinos, that’s all for now. Thanks for joining me on this wild ride through the world of true crime. Remember, stay safe out there, and don’t forget to lock your doors tonight. Until next time, this is Rachel Rivers signing off. Stay curious, stay creepy, and stay tuned for more twisted tales.



Rachel Rivers

Your true crime BFF. Lover of cups of tea, podcasts, and serial killers (in a totally non-creepy way).