GROW: The Healthy Marketing Matrix

Scott A. Martin
4 min readMay 9, 2020


How entrepreneurs can scale rapidly, sustainably and exponentially


Businesses tend to focus on growth first. Makes sense right? We just want to grow, grow grow and do it fast. But the challenge is that the foundational work is not inplace for it to grow.

It’s what’s “under the hood” that makes the car go fast — your growth engine needs to be well designed, properly tested and a “well oiled machine” to really give you the acceleration you're looking for. Not more gas.

All cars like business can go from 0–10 mil an hour but the rate of acceleration is different between vehicles and once you get up into higher rpms the entire vehicle design impacts who keeps going and who is left behind.

Many of us entrepreneurs are trying to grow in a VW van but want to run it like a Porsche 911.

But speed is only one aspect of growth. Healthy growth is critical, for example you can grow a tumor quickly — not healthy but it can grow quickly.

How do you grow a healthy marketing matrix? Its starts with the foundational building phase of purpose, clarity and congruency. Then its begins momentum and interest with giving more value — and growing with systems that frictionlessly accelerate your desired growth. — its in what’s not visible.

“IF you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.” — T. Harv Eker

I read this insightful book by T. Harve Eker “Secrets of a Millionaire Mind” (pardon the wine spillage)

The Roots Create the fruits

“Imagine a tree. Let’s suppose this tree represents the tree of life. On this tree are fruits. In life, our fruits are called our results. So we look at the fruits (our results) and we don’t like them; there aren’t enough of them, they’re too small, or they don’t taste good.

So what do we tend to do? Most of us put even more attention and focus on the fruits, our results. But what is it that actually creates those particular fruits? It’s the seeds and then roots that create those fruits.

It’s what’s under the ground that creates what’s above the ground. Its’ whats invisible that creates what’s visible. So what does that mean? Its means that if you want to change the fritns , you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visilibe you must first change the invisible.

Before exponential growth can occur consider BUILDing the customer journey first. Then Give (see previous article) something first of value, then you can GROW.

It begins with execution.

You want to have the right kind of growth. Healthy growth that you can manage, scale and execute so that you can build client confidence in your products and services. People do not share or repurchase when the execution fails.

Systems and processes are essential to not just continuing growth it is critical in how the system itself can accelerate growth. Think frictionless. Have you ever tried to share something and it was not easy to do? What did you do in a hot second? You quit.

When you don’t deliver seamless shareability — you limit your own growth. You did everything right but here it can be a limitation. One overlooked seamless shareability component is design.

I call this growing beautifully. You need to design something that has both elegant design from a structural standpoint and with aesthetic intelligence.

Elegant Design + Seamless Shareability + Frictionless Execution = Beautiful Growth.

This is the Healthy Marketing Matrix.

It’s about compelling growth. How do you compel people to Refer, Reshare, Repeat purchase? When you create something of extreme value to the person. This value is the combination of Elegant design, seamless shareability and frictionless execution.

When we deliver on these 3 pillars of Beautiful Growth we get.. well beautiful growth.

Keep in mind. It has to be something of deep value that connects to them emotionally. Whatever they engaged with, paid for or consumed — it needs to be of more value than they expected.

It can be hard to do when your trying to connect to ALL our audiences — but if you focus your customer journey designed around multiple personas then the emotional engagement will be increased and the likelihood of them sharing and referring to like minded individuals — then you create growth to your ideal personas targeted by them.

There are many beautifully designed products and services that simply did not grow. It's about value and emotional connection.

Referral , reputation and repeat purchase.

Get more customers — thru customers referring them to you. The brand reputation that magnetize them to you and repeat purchase or upsell because you delivered beyond their expectations.

Growth is there for you. Build with a Healthy Marketing Matrix

Listen to my rant on RipCurrents.

Paddle In.

