Vampire: The Requiem

Karl Hodtwalker
3 min readMay 7, 2019

Yes, these ideas are based on the Vampire: The Requiem game setting by White Wolf. It’s not the most… popular of White Wolf’s two Vampire games, but it’s the one I prefer because it’s more coherent overall; Masquerade, last time I played it, had some very definite issues which I won’t rant about here. From what I’ve seen so far, the most recent reboot doesn’t really do much about said issues, and that’s not even getting into the various… scandals I’ve read about.

Seriously, don’t get me started. Just about the only thing I miss from Masquerade are the Tremere and Wolves of the Sea.


Kiss of the Little Death (2 dot Supernatural Merit)

Prerequisite: Vampire

Effects: Normally, living victims of a vampire’s bite must gain three or more successes on a Resolve + Composure roll to resist the Kiss (V:tR p. 165). Victims of the bite of a vampire with this (facetiously named) Merit increase the required number of successes by the biter’s Blood Potency. The feeling of ecstacy caused by the Kiss is also much stronger, and may require further Stamina and/or Composure rolls at the Storyteller’s option.

This Merit also causes the Kiss to work on other vampires, but in that situation, the victim rolls Resolve + Composure + Blood Potency to resist, and only needs a number of successes equal to the biter’s Blood Potency.

Millennial Mein (1 dot Supernatural Merit)

Prerequisite: Character born after 1980 and Embraced after 2010

Effects: The Millennial Mein Merit reverses the normal effects of Lost Visage (V:tR p. 75). The character’s image remains clear in reflections and visual media by default; spending a point of Willpower causes their image to become blurry for a scene. Recordings of the character while they are clear remain clear, while recordings made while they are blurred remain blurred, even after the end of the scene. Additionally, the “blur” as captured specifically by digital media tends to manifest as artifacting, pixelation, and other common glitches in electronic recording formats.

If a character with this Merit drops below Humanity 6, this Merit ceases to function and the character follows the Lost Visage rules as normal, until they raise their Humanity to 6 or higher.

Scio Humanitas (3 dot Supernatural Merit)

Prerequisite: Vampire

Effects: A character must make eye contact to use this Merit. The player rolls Wits + Empathy versus the subject’s Composure + Blood Potency. Success provides a vague idea of the Humanity of the subject; how the information is interpreted depends on the character. In general, this Merit provides approximate ranges rather than specific values, though some subjects might result in more detailed information at the Storyteller’s option. A failed roll provides no information at all, while a dramatic failure provides inaccurate information (i.e., if the target’s Humanity is 8, the character interprets them as having a “very low” Humanity rather than “very high”). Exceptional success has no additional benefit unless the Storyteller decides otherwise.

This Merit has no effect on subjects that do not have Humanity scores.


