Pathfinder: El Macho

Because I Had To

Karl Hodtwalker
3 min readJun 14, 2019
He is very, very macho.

Recently, I’ve been playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker as my video game of choice. I’ve been a fan of D&D 3.5 and the d20 System since they came out because, let’s be honest, they let me futz around with character concepts way more than most systems, but aren’t hideously complicated (I’m looking at you, GURPS). I’ve also been a fan of the Baldur’s Gate series, and while Pillars of Eternity didn’t manage to capture my attention (I’ll get back to them eventually), Kingmaker’s been fun.

But this isn’t a review of the Kingmaker CRPG. This is an example of the sort of things I waste my free time on when provoked.

The backstory is that, as I found out in Kingmaker, Pathfinder allows character classes with Familiars to have a chicken. Yes, a chicken. For various reasons I won’t get into, I found the idea very funny, and mentioned it to a good friend of mine. Right about the third time I spontaneously started chuckling because I remembered that Pathfinder lets you have a chicken as a familiar, my friend brought up the character of El Macho from Despicable Me 2, who has a pet chicken named Pollito. El Macho is the handsome gentleman at the top of the page, while this is Pollito:

Such a sweet little chicken…

Despite having known me for twenty years, my friend made the mistake of wondering if it were possible for me to create El Macho in Pathfinder, complete with his pet chicken Pollito.

Challenge accepted.

Name: El Macho

Race: Human (+2 Strength)

Primary Class: Brawler (Steel Breaker)

The Steel Breaker archetype allows a Brawler to break things. Like brick walls or armored cars, for example. Just make sure his Strength is high enough.

Secondary Class: Rogue (Carnivalist)

The Carnivalist Rogue gets Bardic Performance types such as Dancing, the ability to Fascinate others, and a Familiar, which brings us to…

Name: Pollito

Race: Chicken

Class: Familiar (Mauler)

The Mauler style of Familiar is violent, savage, and bloodthirsty, but doesn’t actually talk to its master. All appropriate for dear little Pollito.

I’m sure there’s lots of other possible builds, but this one seemed to cover the majority of what the movie indicated was true for El Macho. Fighter or Barbarian, for example, but both would require more archetypes, which might conflict and make a true El Macho difficult to create. Another option would possibly be the Vigilante, assuming the class could also be used for a supervillain. Of course, none of this addresses the possibilities that become available if El Macho is also a Transmuter, but that’s beyond the scope of Despicable Me 2. This version works just fine.


