Paul Stone of Colonial Metals Group Discusses Gold & the US Economy

Paul Stone Visits Rethinking the Dollar TV (RTDtv) to Discuss 2024 Economy

Steve P Walton
19 min readJun 11, 2024

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In an era where economic uncertainty seems to be the norm, the importance of financial autonomy, especially for retirees, has never been more critical.

As individuals transition into retirement, the need to secure and preserve their hard-earned savings becomes paramount. The recent interview with Paul Stone, founder and CEO of Colonial Metals Group, on Rethinking the Dollar (RTDtv) delves into this very issue, shedding light on how retirees can navigate these turbulent times.

Paul Stone, with nearly two decades of experience in the precious metals sector and a background that spans military service and entrepreneurship, brings a wealth of knowledge to the table.

As the CEO of Colonial Metals, Paul Stone has dedicated his career to educating and assisting individuals in safeguarding their financial futures.

His insights into the current macroeconomic environment, coupled with his expertise in precious metals, offer a compelling narrative on the steps Americans can take to ensure their financial independence.

We’ve included the full RTDtv interview here:

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In this article, we will explore the key takeaways from Paul Stone’s interview, including his analysis of the current economic climate, the role of precious metals in preserving wealth, and practical strategies for achieving financial autonomy.

Trigger warning: The above video is NOT for everyone.

Paul Stone is unapologetically conservative. His views are very critical of Bidenomics, ‘woke’ culture, and liberal economic policies.

He takes pride in running a company with traditional conservative values. If this bothers you, perhaps you will not find value in watching the full interview or learning what he has to say…

Still here?

Let’s dive into some of the actionable ideas Paul Stone discusses in the above video. But first — who’s Paul Stone?

Paul Stone’s Background and Perspective

Paul Stone’s journey to becoming the CEO of Colonial Metals Group is a story of diverse experiences and unwavering dedication to solving financial problems.

Paul Stone, CEO of Colonial Metals Group

Growing up in Northern Virginia, Paul was inspired by his father, a nuclear engineer who worked on designing nuclear power plants for the government. This early exposure to complex problem-solving instilled in Paul a passion for finding practical solutions to challenging issues.

Although Paul did not follow in his father’s footsteps by pursuing engineering, he embraced the role of a problem solver in the financial realm. He began his entrepreneurial journey at a young age, starting a landscaping business and later venturing into various fields including financial planning during the 1990s.

His diverse experiences, including serving in the military and traveling the world, provided him with a broad perspective on global economic issues.

Paul’s extensive reading and continuous learning have equipped him with a deep understanding of the US financial markets. He has always been driven by a desire to help individuals navigate the complexities of the economy, particularly when it comes to safeguarding their savings.

This passion led him to the precious metals sector, where he found a practical solution to the problems posed by excessive money printing and economic instability. Stone has been helping families buy and sell precious metals since 2006. In 2022, Stone left one of the largest gold IRA companies in the US to start Colonial Metals Group.

As the CEO of Colonial Metals, Paul Stone has made it his mission to educate and assist individuals in protecting their wealth through the strategic acquisition of precious metals.

His approach is rooted in a farmer’s simplicity, advocating for tangible metals that stand the test of time. Paul’s commitment to his customers is evident in his willingness to engage in one-on-one conversations, providing personalized recommendations and support.

In his interview with RTDtv, Paul emphasized the critical need for retirees to think proactively about their financial futures. He believes that the key to financial autonomy lies in understanding the inherent value of precious metals and their role in preserving wealth.

By drawing on historical precedents and modern economic trends, Paul offers a compelling case for why retirees should consider incorporating gold and silver into their retirement savings plan.

Through his work at Colonial Metals Group, Paul Stone continues to be a beacon of guidance for those seeking financial stability in uncertain times. His insights and expertise provide a valuable roadmap for retirees looking to secure their savings and achieve true financial independence.

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The Current Economic Climate (2024)

As we navigate through 2024, the global economy is characterized by volatility and uncertainty. The ongoing challenges of inflation, fluctuating markets, and geopolitical tensions have left many retirees questioning the stability of their financial futures.

In his interview, Paul Stone provides a candid analysis of the current economic landscape and its implications for those in or approaching retirement.

Paul describes the current macroeconomic situation as precarious, highlighting the significant erosion of the dollar’s value over time. He points out that while the dollar may appear strong when compared to other currencies, its actual buying power has dramatically decreased.

This decline in purchasing power is a crucial concern for retirees who rely on their savings to sustain their standard of living.

To illustrate this point, Paul likens retirees’ saved finances to an oxygen tank that provides the necessary support to maintain their independence from the workforce.

As the value of this financial reserve diminishes, retirees are forced into difficult decisions, such as returning to work or drastically cutting their living expenses. This scenario underscores the pressing need for a reliable store of value that can withstand economic turbulence.

One of the most striking aspects of Paul’s analysis is his critique of the government’s monetary policies. He argues that the excessive printing of money has not only devalued the dollar but has also created a false sense of security.

The artificial bolstering of the economy through fiat currencies has masked underlying weaknesses, leading to what Paul describes as a “video game” reality where the true state of financial health is obscured.

Paul also emphasizes the cyclical nature of economic rise and fall, suggesting that the current trajectory is unsustainable. The consistent devaluation of the dollar, coupled with mounting national debt, indicates that a significant economic shift is inevitable.

He warns that the signs of hyperinflation and severe financial disruptions are becoming increasingly evident, making it imperative for retirees to seek alternatives that can protect their wealth.

In this context, Paul advocates for the inclusion of precious metals in retirement savings. Gold and silver, with their intrinsic value and historical stability, offer a hedge against the devaluation of paper currencies.

By reallocating a portion of savings into these tangible assets, retirees can mitigate the risks associated with a volatile economy and ensure a more secure financial future.

As we delve deeper into the strategies and solutions proposed by Paul Stone, it becomes clear that understanding the current economic climate is the first step towards achieving financial autonomy.

By recognizing the limitations of fiat currencies and the potential of precious metals, retirees can make informed decisions that safeguard their wealth and provide peace of mind in uncertain times.

Paul Stone discusses the economy on RTDtv

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The Role of Precious Metals

In an economic landscape fraught with uncertainty, precious metals like gold and silver have emerged as vital components in preserving and protecting wealth.

Paul Stone, CEO of Colonial Metals Group, passionately advocates for the inclusion of these metals in savings portfolios, particularly for retirees seeking financial stability.

Historically, gold and silver have served as reliable stores of value. For thousands of years, these metals were either used as money or backed various currencies, providing a stable foundation for economic transactions.

It is only in the last few decades that fiat currencies — government-issued money not backed by physical commodities — have dominated global economies.

This shift has led to increased financial volatility and the erosion of purchasing power.

Paul Stone emphasizes the intrinsic value of gold and silver, which distinguishes them from fiat currencies. Unlike paper money, which can be printed in unlimited quantities, the supply of precious metals is finite.

This scarcity underpins their value and makes them an effective hedge against inflation and currency devaluation.

When central banks and governments increase the money supply, the value of fiat currencies tends to drop, but gold and silver often retain or even increase their value during such times.

The appeal of precious metals is further enhanced by their physical properties. They are durable, divisible, and portable, making them practical assets to hold.

For retirees, these characteristics translate into tangible security. Gold and silver can be stored in a depository, a safe at home, or even carried across borders if necessary, providing a level of financial autonomy that digital or paper assets cannot match.

Paul Stone points out that during periods of economic distress, such as hyperinflation or financial crises, gold and silver have historically outperformed other assets.

For instance, during the hyperinflationary period of the late 1970s and early 1980s, silver significantly outperformed gold, highlighting its potential as a valuable investment.

Similarly, during the recent financial downturns, precious metals have proven to be resilient, maintaining their value while other investments faltered.

Related: How to Diversify Your 401(k) with Physical Gold

One of the key reasons for this resilience is the universal recognition of gold and silver as stores of value. Central banks around the world continue to hold substantial reserves of these metals, underscoring their importance in the global financial system.

As Paul notes, the recent trend of central banks increasing their gold reserves reflects a growing concern about the stability of fiat currencies and a shift towards more reliable assets.

For retirees, the inclusion of precious metals in their long-term strategy offers a safeguard against the risks associated with an unstable economy.

By diversifying their portfolios to include gold and silver, they can protect their savings from the devaluation of paper currencies and the unpredictability of financial markets.

This strategic allocation not only preserves wealth but also provides peace of mind, knowing that their financial future is secured by assets with enduring value.

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Strategies for Financial Protection

With the current economic climate posing significant risks to retirees’ financial security, Paul Stone outlines practical strategies for incorporating precious metals into savings portfolios. These strategies are designed to potentially provide stability and protect against the devaluation of fiat currencies, ensuring that retirees can maintain their financial autonomy.

Understanding Investment Allocation

One of the fundamental steps in building a resilient portfolio is understanding the appropriate allocation of assets.

Paul emphasizes the importance of a balanced approach, where precious metals are integrated as a core component. The allocation strategy should be tailored to individual circumstances, considering factors such as existing assets, risk tolerance, and future financial needs.

It’s also very important to consult with a financial advisor before making decisions with your retirement savings.

Related: What is a CFP? (Certified Financial Planner)

For many retirees, a common approach is to allocate a portion of their savings — typically between 5% and 15% — to gold and silver. This diversification helps mitigate risks associated with the broader financial markets and provides a hedge against inflation.

The exact percentage will vary based on personal financial goals and market conditions, but the underlying principle remains the same: precious metals offer a safeguard against economic instability.

Choosing Between Gold and Silver

Deciding between gold and silver — or a combination of both — is another critical aspect of your strategy. Each metal has its unique advantages and historical performance trends.

Gold is often seen as a more stable investment, with its value less volatile compared to silver. It serves as a strong hedge against inflation and currency devaluation.

Silver, on the other hand, tends to outperform gold during periods of economic growth and industrial demand. Its lower price point relative to gold also makes it accessible for smaller purchases.

Historically, silver has shown greater price fluctuations, offering potential for higher returns during bullish market phases. Paul suggests that investors consider a mix of both metals to leverage their respective strengths and balance overall risk.

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Gold and Silver: A store of value for thousands of years

Physical vs. Paper Investments

Another crucial decision involves choosing between physical and paper investments in precious metals. Physical investments include bullion coins, bars, and other tangible forms of gold and silver that can be stored in a depository or a safe at home. These provide direct ownership and control, ensuring that the investment is insulated from financial system risks.

Paper investments, such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mining stocks, offer exposure to precious metals without the need to physically store them. While these can be more convenient and liquid, they also introduce counterparty risks and potential disconnects between the paper asset and the actual metal.

Paul advocates for a significant portion of purchases to be in physical metals, emphasizing their role in a diversified savings portfolio. He acknowledges the utility of paper investments for liquidity and diversification but stresses the importance of holding physical assets to ensure full control over one’s wealth.

Utilizing Self-Directed IRAs

For retirees, self-directed IRAs present an effective vehicle for incorporating precious metals into their retirement savings. Unlike traditional IRAs, self-directed IRAs allow for a broader range of investment options, including physical gold and silver.

Colonial Metals Group’ s CEO Paul Stone explains the process of setting up a self-directed IRA, which involves selecting a reputable custodian, transferring funds, and purchasing the desired precious metals.

This approach not only diversifies the retirement portfolio but also provides tax advantages. The metals held within the IRA are not subject to immediate taxation, allowing for potential growth in a tax-advantaged environment.

Additionally, as long as the metals remain within the IRA’s depository, they are not considered a withdrawal, preserving the tax benefits.

Personalized Precious Metals Portfolio

Colonial Metals Group emphasizes the importance of personalized plans. Each retiree’s financial situation is unique, and Paul Stone’s team takes a tailored approach to develop strategies that align with individual goals and circumstances.

This personalized planning includes assessing current goals, long-term objectives, and risk tolerance to create a customized portfolio that maximizes security and growth potential.

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The Government’s Role and Debt Issues

The discussion of financial autonomy for retirees cannot be complete without addressing the significant impact of government policies and the ever-growing national debt. Paul Stone offers a critical perspective on these issues, highlighting the detrimental effects of excessive debt creation and the limitations of governmental solutions.

The Debt Crisis

The United States faces a staggering national debt, which continues to grow at an alarming rate.

As of 2024, the national debt has surpassed $34 trillion, with additional unfunded liabilities such as Social Security and Medicare exacerbating the financial burden.

Paul Stone points out that this relentless debt creation undermines the value of the dollar and erodes the purchasing power of retirees’ savings.

Paul argues that referring to this as “debt” is somewhat misleading, as traditional debt implies an intention and plan to repay it. In contrast, the current fiscal situation resembles a continuous cycle of borrowing and printing money without a viable repayment strategy.

This unsustainable approach leads to inflation, where the real value of money decreases, making everyday goods and services more expensive for consumers.

Historical Context and Current Policies

The government’s approach to handling economic issues has often involved printing more money and increasing debt. Paul references historical moments such as President Nixon’s 1971 decision to sever the dollar’s link to gold, which allowed for unfettered money printing.

This detachment from a tangible asset base has facilitated the unchecked expansion of the money supply, contributing to the current economic instability.

Paul’s critique extends to recent policies that continue to rely on debt creation to fund government programs and initiatives. He asserts that these measures are not sustainable in the long run and fail to address the root causes of economic problems.

Instead, they temporarily mask the issues while further devaluing the currency and increasing the financial strain on future generations.

Paul Stone interview on Rethinking the Dollar TV (RTDtv)

The Consequences of Debt Creation

The implications of unchecked debt creation are profound and far-reaching. As the government continues to print money, the dollar’s value diminishes, leading to higher inflation and reduced purchasing power.

Retirees, who rely on their savings and fixed incomes, are particularly vulnerable to these effects. The erosion of their financial reserves forces them into difficult decisions, such as cutting back on essential expenses or, in extreme cases, returning to work.

Moreover, the potential for hyperinflation looms as a significant threat. Hyperinflation occurs when the value of a currency plummets, leading to skyrocketing prices for goods and services.

In such scenarios, the ability to preserve wealth becomes even more critical. Paul Stone underscores the urgency for retirees to seek alternatives that can protect their savings from the devastating impact of hyperinflation.

The Government’s Limited Solutions

Paul Stone is skeptical about the government’s ability to provide effective solutions to the debt crisis. He emphasizes that historically, governmental interventions have often led to temporary fixes rather than sustainable solutions.

The reliance on debt creation to address economic problems has not yielded long-term benefits, and Paul questions the efficacy of future government policies in reversing this trend.

In his view, true solutions must come from individuals taking proactive steps to protect their wealth. This includes diversifying investments into assets that are not subject to the same inflationary pressures as fiat currencies.

By diversifying with precious metals, retirees can create a financial buffer that is insulated from the devaluation caused by excessive money printing.

The Role of Digital Currencies

In recent years, the concept of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) has emerged as a potential government response to economic challenges.

While CBDCs promise greater control over monetary policy and financial transactions, Paul Stone highlights the risks associated with this digital shift. A digital currency system could lead to increased surveillance and reduced financial privacy, further complicating the landscape for retirees seeking financial autonomy.

Paul suggests that while digital currencies may have a role in the future financial system, they do not address the fundamental issues of debt and inflation. Instead, he advocates for a balanced approach that includes tangible assets like gold and silver, which offer a proven hedge against economic instability.

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Digital Currencies and the Future

As governments around the world grapple with mounting debt and economic instability, digital currencies have emerged as a potential solution. CBDCs and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have gained significant attention for their promise of greater control over monetary policy and enhanced financial inclusion.

However, Paul Stone offers a nuanced perspective on the role of digital currencies in the future financial landscape, highlighting both their potential benefits and inherent risks.

The Promise of Digital Currencies

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are digital forms of a country’s fiat currency, issued and regulated by the central bank. Proponents argue that CBDCs can streamline payment systems, reduce transaction costs, and improve the efficiency of monetary policy implementation.

By offering a secure and accessible digital payment method, CBDCs could potentially enhance financial inclusion, especially for those who lack access to traditional banking services.

Paul acknowledges that digital currencies can bring about certain efficiencies and benefits. The digital nature of CBDCs allows for instantaneous transactions, which can reduce delays and costs associated with traditional banking and payment systems.

Additionally, CBDCs can provide central banks with more precise tools to manage monetary policy and respond to economic changes in real-time.

The Risks and Limitations

Despite the potential advantages, Paul Stone raises significant concerns about the implications of a shift towards digital currencies.

One of the primary risks is the potential loss of financial privacy. CBDCs could enable unprecedented levels of government surveillance over individual financial transactions, raising concerns about data security and personal privacy. The ability to track and monitor every transaction in real-time poses a threat to financial autonomy.

Moreover, Paul highlights the issue of control. With CBDCs, central banks and governments would have direct control over the money supply and individual accounts.

This level of control could lead to negative interest rates, where money held in digital accounts could be devalued by the government to encourage spending. Such measures could undermine savings and reduce the effectiveness of traditional financial planning strategies for retirees.

Cryptocurrencies as Alternatives

In contrast to CBDCs, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum offer a decentralized alternative to government-issued digital currencies. These digital assets are not controlled by any central authority, making them attractive to those who value financial privacy and autonomy.

The limited supply of cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, also positions them as potential hedges against inflation and currency devaluation.

Paul Stone acknowledges the growing interest in cryptocurrencies but advises caution. While cryptocurrencies offer potential benefits, they are also characterized by high volatility and regulatory uncertainty.

The price fluctuations can pose significant risks, especially for retirees who require stable and predictable investments. Furthermore, the regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies is still evolving, with potential future restrictions that could impact their usability and value.

Balancing Digital and Tangible Assets

Paul advocates for a balanced approach to incorporating digital assets into an investment portfolio. While recognizing the potential of digital currencies, he emphasizes the importance of tangible assets like gold and silver.

Precious metals have a proven track record of preserving value and providing financial security in times of economic uncertainty. They are not subject to the same technological and regulatory risks as digital currencies, making them a reliable foundation for long-term financial planning.

By diversifying across both digital and tangible assets, retirees can achieve a more robust and resilient financial strategy. This balanced approach leverages the strengths of each asset class, providing protection against a wide range of economic scenarios.

Paul suggests that while digital currencies can be a part of the future financial landscape, they should complement rather than replace traditional assets like precious metals.

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Practical Steps to Get Started

As retirees seek to safeguard their financial futures amidst economic uncertainty, understanding the available options and practical steps for incorporating precious metals into their portfolios becomes crucial.

Paul Stone provides valuable insights into these options, emphasizing the role of self-directed IRAs and the benefits of physical versus ‘paper’ forms of precious metals.

Self-Directed IRAs

Self-directed Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) offer a flexible and powerful tool for Americans looking to diversify their portfolios with precious metals. Unlike traditional IRAs, which typically limit purchases to stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, self-directed IRAs allow for a broader range of assets, including physical gold and silver.

Setting Up a Self-Directed IRA

Setting up a self-directed IRA involves several key steps:

  1. Choosing a Custodian: The first step is to select a reputable custodian who specializes in self-directed IRAs. These custodians facilitate the purchase and storage of precious metals and ensure compliance with IRS regulations.
  2. Transferring Funds: Once a custodian is chosen, funds from an existing IRA or 401(k) can be transferred or rolled over into the self-directed IRA. This process is typically non-taxable and penalty-free.
  3. Selecting Precious Metals: With funds in place, the next step is to decide on the types and quantities of precious metals to invest in. Paul recommends focusing on newly minted, government-issued coins and bars, which are widely recognized and easily tradable.
  4. Storing the Metals: The purchased metals are then stored in an IRS-approved depository. This ensures the metals are secure and maintains the tax-advantaged status of the IRA. Retirees can choose depositories located in states like Delaware, Texas, and South Dakota, which are known for their robust security measures.

Related: How to Buy Gold and Silver (Tax-Free) with a Self-Directed IRA

Benefits of Self-Directed IRAs

Self-directed IRAs offer several benefits for retirees:

  • Diversification: Including precious metals in a retirement portfolio provides diversification, reducing exposure to the volatility of traditional financial markets.
  • Tax Advantages: Investments held within a self-directed IRA grow tax-deferred, allowing for potential growth without immediate tax implications.
  • Control: Investors have greater control over their asset allocation, enabling more personalized and strategic investment decisions.

Practical Steps for Buying Precious Metals

Paul Stone outlines practical steps for retirees to incorporate precious metals into their investment strategy:

  1. Assess Financial Goals: Determine the financial goals and risk tolerance. This will help decide the appropriate allocation to precious metals.
  2. Research and Education: Educate yourself about the different types of precious metals and investment options. Understand the market dynamics and historical performance.
  3. Consult with Experts: Seek advice from financial advisors as well as specialists in precious metals to develop a customized plan.
  4. Start Small: Begin with a modest allocation to precious metals and gradually increase exposure as confidence and understanding grow.
  5. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review the performance of the precious metals portfolio and adjust the allocation as needed to stay aligned with financial goals.


The importance of financial autonomy for retirees cannot be overstated, particularly in an era marked by economic uncertainty and volatility.

Through his insightful interview on Rethinking the Dollar (RTDtv), Paul Stone, CEO of Colonial Metals Group, has provided a compelling case for why precious metals should play a crucial role in preserving and protecting wealth.

Here’s the video again if you haven’t viewed Paul Stone’s interview at the top of this article:

Paul Stone’s extensive background and passion for problem-solving have led him to focus on the critical issue of financial security for retirees.

His analysis of the current economic climate underscores the precarious state of fiat currencies and the growing national debt, highlighting the need for tangible, reliable assets like gold and silver. By incorporating these precious metals into investment portfolios, retirees can hedge against inflation, currency devaluation, and economic instability.

To learn more about how you can diversify your savings with physical precious metals, request your free gold IRA guide from Paul Stone’s company, Colonial Precious Metals.

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Steve P Walton

Freelance writer/editor featured in Benzinga, ABC, NBC, Fox. Specializes in personal finance, entrepreneurship, and the US economy.